ITunes :: DVD's Copied Into Handbrake Do Not Have Artwork?
Jun 3, 2012Personal DVD's that I have copied into iTunes using Handbrake do not have artwork. How can I get the artwork?
View 3 RepliesPersonal DVD's that I have copied into iTunes using Handbrake do not have artwork. How can I get the artwork?
View 3 RepliesI'm constantly trying to update the artwork in iTunes with my own artwork, but I've noticed that with some songs, about a minute or two after I've updated the artwork, the old artwork pops back in its place.Â
iMac G5 20" 2.4 GHZ, Mac OS X (10.5)
I am thinking about getting an iPad, but have hundreds of CD's that I don't want to waste. Is there any way to transfer these on to my iPad without needing to go through iTunes on a PC?
Info:iPad 2
I'm using a MacBook running 10.6.2 with iTunes 9.2 and an iPhone 3G. I just did an erase and install of the OS on the MacBook and am working on restoring things from my Time Capsule backup. In order to get my iTunes back the way it was so I don't have to start all over, what do I need to copy over?
So far, I've copied the following:
~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync
Are there any other directories / files that need to be copied over? I'm trying to avoid having to set up my phone, playlists, genius info, etc all from scratch. Do I also need to copy the iTunes application itself from the backup or should I be able to use the fresh one installed from Software Update? They are both iTunes 9.2.
I copied itunes songs from windows computer on usb, loaded them into apple mac 10.7, they played ok, until i synced the iphone, when clicking on a song, it now says cant locate, you click locate and I can see the songs in the media, but cant copy them over.
How can I get the songs into the itunes library. I looked at preferences and it is ticked to copy songs to itunes,
I've recently moved my iTunes media files off the Mac and onto a network drive (after a lot of library tidying-up), and everything from that perspective is running smoothly. Both iPhone and iPad can receive selected music/podcasts/video etc.Â
But I have a problem with playlists on the iPhone. Even though the contents of a playlist are being copied over successfully to the iPhone, the playlist on the phone doesn't contain all of the entries. So if I have a playlist called 'Car' with 17 songs, the 17 songs are all copied over but the playlist only lists 8 songs.Â
After syncronisation, I can browse the contents of the iPhone in iTunes and look at the copied-over playlist, and it will list 17 songs. But if I look at the contents of the playlist on the iPhone it will still leave some entries out.Â
By the way, the iPad is behaving itself.Â
iPhone 4, iOS 5, 16Gb
I have a BluRay rip in an MPG format.. Whenever I load it into Handbrake, Handbrake crashes. Is there any other application I can use to convert it to MP4?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWell the title basically asks my question.
Is there an option I can set to where my computer will automatically delete the songs from the hard drive after it copies them to the iTunes folder? There is no sense in wasting space, and it seems trivial to have to delete them manually after they were copied automatically.
Also is there a setting to prevent iTunes from automatically adding and copying a song to it's library when a new song is played from any location on the hard drive?
has anyone tested out handbrake on their i7? I'm still waiting on my i7 but was curious just how fast a 2 hour DVD would take on handbrake for a mp4 appleTV format...
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy has iTunes seperated a album into indevidual songs, which I have copied over from my external hard drive into iTunes? How can you pull all the songs back together into one album again?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I'd understand that the iTunes store wouldn't have very low sales volume album art, but nothing for the Beatles? After loading over 100 CDs onto my disc, artwork was only found for about 40 of them.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSome of my cds don't have any artwork with them (choir recordings, friends' recitals, etc) so I just want to add my own pictures or artwork in itunes. The images are all under 200x200, all jpeg (though I've tried other formats as well), and when I go into the "get info" part and add it to the artwork pane, it shows up. But when I click "ok", it doesn't show up with the rest of the albums (as Cover Flow or as Grid). I've tried "clear downloaded artwork" and then adding it, but that doesn't help either.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't add artwork to anything in iTunes (Right click > Get Info > Artwork > Add), I can find the file and add it, the picture appears in the Get Info window but when I press ok nothing happens. I go back to it in Get Info and it's gone again. It used to work fine up until a few days ago. How to get it working again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you add artwork to a whole album? When I select an album in grid view and choose Get Info, the Get Info window does not show the artwork tab, like what shows when I select a single song. There is a tiny little Artwork window in the Info tab, but I want to add multiple artwork to this (dragged in from the Finder), front, back and inside album art. If I select a single song in that album and choose Get Info, then I see the artwork tab, but the artwork I drag in applies only to that song (the album art appears in the Now Playing pane only when that song is playing). How do you add artwork to a whole album?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am having difficulty getting podcast artwork that appears in the podcast directory on the iTunes store to appear in iTunes after I've subscribed.For example, if I choose NBC's "Meet the Press (audio)", the directory shows a cover image for the podcast.However, when I subscribe, no cover art appears on my iTunes or my iPod Nano (latest generation).When I click on the podcat image and then select "Get Album Artwork" (either by ctrl+click on the mouse, or the "Advanced" menu), nothing happens.What might be causing this to happen, and what do I do? I am using iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on an iMac running Mac OS 10.6.8.
When I Get Info on a track I get this menu but there's nothing for Change ID3 tags. Should there be or am I in the wrong place?
Info:MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I was using Panther I had no problem getting album covers (artwork) from Google but since upgrading to a new iMac and Snow Leopard iTunes won't accept artwork from any other source but the iTunes store. Is there a way around? Am I missing something? Not ALL artwork (albums / one hit wonders) are available through the iTunes store but I still would like their album-covers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you remove iTunes artwork? I have tried to drag it out or replace with a new cover but I still cant remove the original. I used one of those software apps that import all cover artwork and now some of U2 collection has a Prince album cover on! Worse still, 'Dont get me wrong' by The Pretenders has 30 Classic Country Hits!
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure out how to add album cover to .flac and .aiff files for a while. When I try to add it to .flac, it just shows "Album cover not modifiable" and when I try to add it to .aiff files, it does it, but then when I quit iTunes and restart it, it's gone again.
Is this a bug or it just not possible to add album cover to them?
Btw: Audiophile, would prefer .flac or .aiff over .mp3
Tried a few different methods of changing the artwork for an album, but it won't stick. Instead, it looks like it's scrambling the artwork. Tried two or three different .jpgs, but it just winds up looking like what's shown below: What's going on with that? 17k songs and this is the first time this has happened. Tried restarting iTunes.. no go. Don't wanna jack up the library (too much).
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy lastest purchases (Since Nov 11) for movies and TV in iTunes do not have any artwork. I have tried to "Get Album Artwork" but it hasn't worked.
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I successfully imported a few hundred classical CDs in the iTunes library of my brand new Mac Mini. In spite of having attempted everything mentioned in the help files, I was unable to get any artwork to match.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Is there a way to delete all the artwork from iTunes and start over again? I keep getting the wrong album artwork for many of my songs. Even if I delete it individually, it comes back. I was thinking, if I delete it all, turn off iCloud and syncing, download all new artwork, then reload iCloud, I might finally be able to have the correct artwork.Â
It seems one piece of artwork shows up on almost half my songs. It's really annoying. With 1000's of songs, it would take forever to do each individually (and even if I did, I think that one piece of artwork would show up when I synced with iCloud.Â
The last three movies I've purchased from itunes do not have artwork. When I browse my movie collection, the picture for the movie is the icon for a blank piece of film. Anyway, other than finding a picture on the internet to get the artwork to show up?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just imported 5 CDs and can't get Album Artwork (error -609). All 5 albums are sold on iTunes.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to use iTunes Artwork as my screensaver on my Mac, but no album artwork is shown, just a black screen. How do I fix this?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.0.1
Artwork is not showing up on iTunes and on my iphone. Why is this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm in the process of writing, recording, and producing an album, and I've run into a little snag in iTunes:Â I have one song finished and in iTunes so far, and it's under the name of my album. I put my name, the date, all other album information, but it won't let me change the album artwork. Under "get info" for both the album and the song, the "artwork" pane is grayed out and I can't change it. I have the artwork on my computer and just want to put it in there so I can see the cover next to the songs,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently made some edits to the genres of about 30 of my songs. Once it synced up, I checked back at the songs. The album artwork for the songs is now gone, I can't change it because the artwork tab in "Get Info" is now gone, and I can't play the songs.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo I got a bit surprised after I installed iTunes 10 that I can't adjust the artwork in list view bigger! Anyone else noticed this? In iTunes 9 you could just drag the bar besides the artwork and it would increase as much as you liked. Now if you click on Album by artist you can choose artwork small - medium - large, but it's not big enough!
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