ITunes :: Authorizing New IMac Without Losing Downloads / Music Library?
Jun 10, 2012
I want to deauthorise my old dead computers so I can authorise my new mac but I have already 5 computers authorised. If I de-authorise all my computers what happens to my iTunes library including all movies and tunes downloaded? How can I save my downloads and music library or are they automatically saved on my hard drive.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Feb 23, 2012
I am aware that when you purchase a new Mac you have to deauthorise your old mac and authorise your new one to play your iTunes library. When you can't do this Apple allow you to do this up to a maximum of 5 times. My question is that I suffered a catastrophic hard drive failure on my last two macs and therefore could not deauthorise those macs. I have now reached the maximum five times you can authorise your mac but find this unfair as at least two of those had to be used as a result of hardware failure. If my current mac fails I think I lose my library altogether as although it's backed up I can't authorise the music on any new macs. Am I right about this and is there any way I could get apple to take the hardware failures into consideration? I've paid for all of my content so why can't I continue to use it?
Imac G4, Mac OS X (10.4.2)
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May 9, 2012
ITunes - 10.6.1 - Latest version on the Latest OS - 10.6.8 - Everything is upto date.I have the music library on this iMac - my primary computer.I have windows PC running exactly the same version of iTunes - 10.6.1.I enabled music sharing ( NOT HOME SHARING) - on my MAC and the shared library does not appear - I went through all the tips and tricks - Firewall is turnd off on my MAC/Both are connected to the same routrer within the same subnet.I could not figure out - So I turned on the music sharing from the Windows Itunes.. Immediately the shared library appeared on my mac - This is to narrow down the issue.However when I turn on the music sharing on the MAC, it does not appear on any devices, windows, ipad etc.Yes Itunes is open and running on my iMAC.This should not be this difficult.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 14, 2012
Have a large iTunes library on my iPhone. I want to migrate all of it to our new iMac (Intel using 10.7). I have two accounts on the iMac, mine and my wife's, which have been set up to share the music (iTunes) library. When I sync my iPhone into my account on the iMac in order to sync the music library it gives me a message that if I sync the music all the items on the iPhone will be replaced with the music library on the computer. However, there is no music library on the iMac as yet. How do I get the iPhone music on the iMac so my wife and I can share the library?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.
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Oct 4, 2009
Machine - 15 inch MBPro 2007 running 3gb of ram Ran 170 GB Itunes library from a LaCie rugged HD (250GB) for a long time but recent purchase of a Apple TV meant upgrade of disk to WD Passport 500 GB.All files copied across and working fine.Until the last 24 hours.
All songs podcasts etc show the little exclamation mark next to them ... and "cannot be found" except manually.I have - verified and repaired the Passport - all ok Reset and redirected the itunes library in preferences.i am now on the painful step of deleting all tunes .. keeping files and readding them to the library which takes about 2 hours.
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May 6, 2012
I have imported a number of Caf del Mar CD's to iTunes, and iTunes keeps scattering the tunes into several different folders in iTunes Media. It also has trouble finding album information, unless it has been downloaded from iTunes Store. Previous versions of iTunes I have tried didn't have this problem.I've tried to tidy the files manually in iTunes Media, but that usually results in duplicates, so I stopped messing with it. I actually wouldn't mind iTunes blowing up my albums into a nightmare file structure of hyper categorization in iTunes Media (Album, Album Artist, Artist, etc.) if only it recognised its own mess when I transfer the library from one iTunes library into another.
An example: I downloaded Cafe del Mar - Essential Elements featuring 13 tunes, two of these can be found in the files Cafe del Mar/Cafe del Mar Essential Elements, iTunes also created the folder Cafe del Mar/Cafe del_Mar Essential Elements containing 0 tunes!?! and the rest of the tunes are found under Rue de Soleil in the root folder, indicating ONE of the artists as the criteria for creating a folder of tunes!?!
I am trying with every fiber NOT to hate this program, and would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how I can move an iTunes Media library of aprox 54 gb from my desktop via an external harddisk onto my laptop. I have tried 4 times, and everytime the result varies. Sometime I transfer 3000 files, other times 4000. Which files follow and don't is random. I lose files tranferring to the external harddisk and lose even more files from the external disk to the new library on my Lap. Do I have to transfer song for song or can this genius program actually transfer a larger amount of files without losing half the files and duplicating the rest?
Is there a limit of size or amount of files?
Info:iTunes, Windows7
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Apr 5, 2012
I cannot sync my old ipod into my new computer without losing the music from my ipod. I want my music from my ipod to be transferred onto my new computer.
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Dec 5, 2008
I have been trying to download my mini-discs to my MacBookPro.
I have had little success with Garage Band as I cannot really get the hang of such a complex program.
I have had some success using "Audacity". I do manage to get the minidiscs onto the computer. But that is where the problems start.
I obviously want the music in iTunes, but cannot manage to do this. I can get the downloads into any progam except iTunes which just refuses to accept them. I can store them in Music but this is not very satisfactory as it is longwinded to retrieve them and they cannot be downloaded to CDs. The files are in aiff format Which takes up over a gigabyte of space for a 1 hour minidisc. These can be converted to mpeg in iTunes but not in any other program.
I have previously been able to download aiff format music but now find I cannot get them into iTunes.
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May 28, 2009
Does the login keychain have anything to do with the iTunes authorization required to play iTMS purchased music? If so, how do I reset the keychain without losing it?
The problem is that every so often the login keychain pops up asking me to enter a password. I've changed it and the keychain did not so they are out of sync. The only solution I've found was to delete the keychain. In 10.4.11 there doesn't appear to be any other way to sync the login password with the keychain password. Furthermore as I do not remember my old dotmac password nor my iTunes Music Store password, and as I no longer have access to either the Music Store nor dotmac, I worry that reseting the Keychain would lose access to all the music I've purchased throughout the years, and that's a lot of money spent for me to lose it.
The problems these brilliant people created are just so stupid I shutter to think what else they're messing up. I realize it's my fault for having to reset the password (even though it's a system bug in Mac OS X), but how do I resolve this problem?
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Aug 13, 2009
I've reached my 5 computer limit of authorization. Problem is, I've only used two computers as I have been reinstalled Windows a few times this past year. Is there any way to get around this, or will it mean I won't be able to sync my phone correctly anymore?
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Sep 29, 2010
We had a old macbook and it recently died so we went out and bought a new macbook pro. I have an iphone and I want to put some music on my phone. I set it up for to manually put music and vidoes onto the phone. It says my phone is hooked to another itunes account and for me to do this it would have to erase everything on my phone right now. I really don't want to do this. Is there a way around this?
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Feb 15, 2011
move iTunes folders/library and all my music from the internal hard drive to an external one? I want to start using an external hard disk as my source of music for iTunes. I'm running tiger 10.4.11 still.
mac pro 2.16 ghz 1gb memory
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a new-to-me MacBook (running Lion) and I just downloaded all my music into iTunes. I had been sync'd with an old PC laptop previously. If I choose to sync my iPhone (4S) with iTunes on the MacBook, will it delete my apps and data (as the warning in iTunes leads me to believe)? I do use iCloud backup on the iPhone, and I've got all kinds of apps installed (and arranged to my liking). What's the best way to have my music sync with the MacBook without having to reinstall my apps?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4S
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Jul 6, 2012
I am having trouble authorising my Mac Air to my Itunes account. I found a discussion explaining how to go go into 'Terminal', then adding a command. I have followed all those appropriate steps and when I try to enter my 'Password' when asked, my keyboard doesn't work. No key press can be activated at all when trying to enter my password in 'Terminal. And I am in the 'Administrator' user.
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 20, 2012
Tried updating from iTunes 10.5 to 10.6, no luck. Restarted computer, no luck. The problem is not with the MP3s, I've checked and absolutely nothing will add to my iTunes library.
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Aug 22, 2014
Originally this mac was my sisters, but she gave it to me once she got a new mac. I wanted to put my own music onto the iTunes library, but it will only keep hers for some reason. I tried signing in on iTunes but it only signs into the store, not the library.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Macbook
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May 22, 2010
My search skills are seriously lacking here, as I cant find a guide to do what I want.I currently have a windows 7 pc and an iphone 3g plus ipod touch which sync via the windows 7 pc.I have a 27" imac arriving on tuesday and want to transfer the itunes library from the windows machine to the new imac.What is the easiest way to achieve this?
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Mar 18, 2012
I reinstaled iTunes since it kept crashing. How do I reunite my music from my external hard drive to iTunes?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook, iMac, iPhone, iPod, iPhone
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Apr 15, 2012
IÂ have just bought a MacBook air and am trying to copy the music files from my old windows pc onto the new pc. I have used drag+drop and by using the add to library instruction from the file drop down. I can see the folders and files in finder but they do not appear in inlayer under the music folder. This folder is empty but I have transferred purchased music from an ipod which is visible and playable. To confuse things further, all my applications have been moved over?
MacBook Air
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Apr 20, 2012
When Im in Itunes i have my ipod connected , but i want to see the music like i see in the library. In a grid!!Â
It only gives me the option to see the music in columns.
iPod classic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
How do i safely import my itunes music liberary from my old windows computer to my new mac? Homesharing doesn't work for me. I do have my complete liberary on my old windows computer as well as on my Ipod.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Jun 8, 2012
1) Up until today (6/8/12) my purchases would show up in my library after downloading. After purchasing some songs today, I did not see them in the library, but I did find them under 'Purchases'. And the little iCloud icon seems to be 'working'. I have the most recent iTunes (10.6.1), scanned for viruses, and haven't been doing anything differently. I am using a 13" MacBook Pro (early 2011) with Lion v10.7.4 installed.
2) iTunes usually shows a song as 'Purchased' in the Store if you already downloaded it (I assume to prevent duplicate downloading). But a few minutes after purchasing some music, the Store still shows it as available for purchase.
The only thing I have done recently is clean out some cache files in my browser (using Intego). Could this be the culprit? If so, how do I remedy these issues?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 10, 2012
I want to add the musice that on my ipod to my itunes library on my imac. but with out syncing my ipod and loosing whats on there.!
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 5, 2012
I've been reading dozens of different questions and answers on this forum in regards to this topic However, none of them are speaking directly to what I am trying to accomplish.I recently moved my iTunes library from my internal hard drive to an external hard drive. The transition was fine. (I did have this same problem described below in the beginning. However, it solved itself somehow when I sent it to locate the files.) It was a temporary fix. I needed to upgrade my internal hard drive but until I did that I wanted to be able to add more music or movies etc. I recently installed my new internal hard drive. I cloned my old internal hard drive and the transition was relatively smooth However, today when I moved my iTunes library from my external (temporary) hard drive to my new internal hard drive I came upon a problem.
Every time I double click on a song it says:
I then have to go into my files and find the song. (Which is no big deal for one song, but for over 3300 songs? Doesn't sound like a good time.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 3, 2014
It seems like every time I update my music library (i.e. add ratings and such), it resorts to the default the next day (i.e. ratings are lost and changes are restored). why iTunes won't let me make changes in my music library?
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Nov 5, 2010
So my uncle passed and among family heirlooms that I picked up he also left me his iMac. For the longest time all we had needed was a cheap laptop to keep our iTunes on for our iPhones and for internet access. With the addition of this desktop, I'd like to make it just as functional as my PC for my needs. The mp3 files on my uncles iMac were stored on a external drive so I just deleted his library. Here's my issue. I want to make the iTunes on my iMac just like the iTunes on my PC. Is there a way to upload all of my music from my iPhone to the current iTunes or do I have to put all of my music on a disk and transfer it that way?
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Apr 17, 2010
I am just learning about Itunes. Is it possible to arrange the music library into folders to make it easier to find songs to put on playlists.
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Jan 11, 2011
So I recently just got my MacBook Pro in mail yesterday. The first thing I wanted to do was to transfer my itunes music/library from my PC to my new Mac so that I kept all my playlists and count numbers and etc. I watch the video on youtube ( of david kadavy showing how to do it but however he does it from one mac to another.
I have a PC and I did everything he did correctly. When I tried to import my library.xml file it said "not all files were able to be transferred because they may not exist". So can anybody help me transfer my library from my PC to my Mac? BTW both of my iTunes on my PC and Mac were up to date.
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