I've been reading dozens of different questions and answers on this forum in regards to this topic However, none of them are speaking directly to what I am trying to accomplish.I recently moved my iTunes library from my internal hard drive to an external hard drive. The transition was fine. (I did have this same problem described below in the beginning. However, it solved itself somehow when I sent it to locate the files.) It was a temporary fix. I needed to upgrade my internal hard drive but until I did that I wanted to be able to add more music or movies etc. I recently installed my new internal hard drive. I cloned my old internal hard drive and the transition was relatively smooth However, today when I moved my iTunes library from my external (temporary) hard drive to my new internal hard drive I came upon a problem.
Every time I double click on a song it says:
I then have to go into my files and find the song. (Which is no big deal for one song, but for over 3300 songs? Doesn't sound like a good time.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I got a really big music library that's been on for some years now. But about two weeks ago, suddenly, most of my songs are with that "!" that the original file canno't be found. They are songs that have been there for some time now, and I haven't changed anything location-wise. I realy can't stand the idea of selecting over ten thousands songs file-by-file.The only idea I've got was to actualy "reset" my iTunes lybrary... But I realy didn't wanted to loose my "play counter"?
I moved my iTunes Media folder to a second hard drive to free up space. I followed the Apple Support instruction for doing this. I have 200+ missing songs that I have to manually located. Â
Is there a way to do a group rather than one song at a time? I have over 2,000 songs, podcast, and movies. I am surprised just these fews can't be located by iTunes after I made the move.Â
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4 HD,3GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5770
move iTunes folders/library and all my music from the internal hard drive to an external one? I want to start using an external hard disk as my source of music for iTunes. I'm running tiger 10.4.11 still.
Information: mac pro 2.16 ghz 1gb memory Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have a new-to-me MacBook (running Lion) and I just downloaded all my music into iTunes. I had been sync'd with an old PC laptop previously. If I choose to sync my iPhone (4S) with iTunes on the MacBook, will it delete my apps and data (as the warning in iTunes leads me to believe)? I do use iCloud backup on the iPhone, and I've got all kinds of apps installed (and arranged to my liking). What's the best way to have my music sync with the MacBook without having to reinstall my apps?Â
Tried updating from iTunes 10.5 to 10.6, no luck. Restarted computer, no luck. The problem is not with the MP3s, I've checked and absolutely nothing will add to my iTunes library.
Originally this mac was my sisters, but she gave it to me once she got a new mac. I wanted to put my own music onto the iTunes library, but it will only keep hers for some reason. I tried signing in on iTunes but it only signs into the store, not the library.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Macbook
IÂ have just bought a MacBook air and am trying to copy the music files from my old windows pc onto the new pc. I have used drag+drop and by using the add to library instruction from the file drop down. I can see the folders and files in finder but they do not appear in inlayer under the music folder. This folder is empty but I have transferred purchased music from an ipod which is visible and playable. To confuse things further, all my applications have been moved over?
How do i safely import my itunes music liberary from my old windows computer to my new mac? Homesharing doesn't work for me. I do have my complete liberary on my old windows computer as well as on my Ipod.
1) Up until today (6/8/12) my purchases would show up in my library after downloading. After purchasing some songs today, I did not see them in the library, but I did find them under 'Purchases'. And the little iCloud icon seems to be 'working'. I have the most recent iTunes (10.6.1), scanned for viruses, and haven't been doing anything differently. I am using a 13" MacBook Pro (early 2011) with Lion v10.7.4 installed.
2) iTunes usually shows a song as 'Purchased' in the Store if you already downloaded it (I assume to prevent duplicate downloading). But a few minutes after purchasing some music, the Store still shows it as available for purchase.
The only thing I have done recently is clean out some cache files in my browser (using Intego). Could this be the culprit? If so, how do I remedy these issues?
It seems like every time I update my music library (i.e. add ratings and such), it resorts to the default the next day (i.e. ratings are lost and changes are restored). why iTunes won't let me make changes in my music library?
So I recently just got my MacBook Pro in mail yesterday. The first thing I wanted to do was to transfer my itunes music/library from my PC to my new Mac so that I kept all my playlists and count numbers and etc. I watch the video on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyy993m1nPo) of david kadavy showing how to do it but however he does it from one mac to another.
I have a PC and I did everything he did correctly. When I tried to import my library.xml file it said "not all files were able to be transferred because they may not exist". So can anybody help me transfer my library from my PC to my Mac? BTW both of my iTunes on my PC and Mac were up to date.
I wanted to know how do i back up my mp3's from itunes library, I currently have 12.83 GB worth of songs. Do I use a external hd or is a flash drive good enough? Just in case when the world ends in 2012 and all the computers fail ill still have my music with me
When I try to play some episodes that previously worked (I havent played them for a year or so) they fail to open in Quicktime X (with perian 1.2 installed)
When I open the files in VLC they play as an mp3 would and I can hear tracks from my library that I recognise...
PS: my music and video libraries are on different physical disks and the videos are not in iTunes.
The one i would use is an episode of Robot Chicken, but I have at least 100 episodes doing this thing, although not all of my collection.
Got my iTunes Library reading from an external USB drive. Nothing has changed in months. Though just recently, for 90% of my songs - iTunes can't locate them. I checked the directory where they've always been and they're still there. External drive is alive and kicking, connected to my Macbook. This sucks because I've got a gajillion playlists. And my iPhone and iPad will no longer sync these playlists. I'd really hate to manually have to re-do all of my playlists again.
Is there a way I can make a playlist of songs that are only in the playlist and cant be found in the music library? In other words an independent playlist with songs not from the library.
I'm busy trying to get our household off PCs and onto a unix based OS, and so I bought a Mac Mini. I have a 16Gb Windows Media Player library of CD rips, all paid for but no digital rights management (I'd prefer to keep it that way). What I'd like to do is have iTunes play this library, or find some other software that will.
I've changed the preferences to point the iTunes library location at the WMP library, but it doesn't list anything. If I use finder to navigate to the same location and double-click an MP3 file, it plays and the library then lists the tracks in the album.
I have an itunes music folder with songs and movies. I want to create a new library using those files. How do i add them without copying them to the new library? When i do the"add to library" it starts copying the flies causing an error because there's not enough disk space.
I just upgraded to Lion and now all of my music is gone in my iTunes library. How I can get it back. Is it now in the cloud since I have an iCloud account? I can see all of my music on my iPad. In addition, all of my music is on the hard drive in Music>iTunes>iTunes Music. Is there a way to create a new library and add the music from the path it just outlines?
I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and now want to put all of my music from my iphone4 to my itunes library on the computer, I cannot do this, so I have made my iphone a device so that I used to be able to "grab and drop" downloaded music into my device of the iphone, however recently upgrading my itunes I cannot do this anymore!
ITunes - 10.6.1 - Latest version on the Latest OS - 10.6.8 - Everything is upto date.I have the music library on this iMac - my primary computer.I have windows PC running exactly the same version of iTunes - 10.6.1.I enabled music sharing ( NOT HOME SHARING) - on my MAC and the shared library does not appear - I went through all the tips and tricks - Firewall is turnd off on my MAC/Both are connected to the same routrer within the same subnet.I could not figure out - So I turned on the music sharing from the Windows Itunes.. Immediately the shared library appeared on my mac - This is to narrow down the issue.However when I turn on the music sharing on the MAC, it does not appear on any devices, windows, ipad etc.Yes Itunes is open and running on my iMAC.This should not be this difficult.