IMac :: Stop Downloading Files/copying To Clipboard And Saving Files To Desktop?

Nov 29, 2009

Why does my mac stop downloading files, copying to clipboard, saving files to desktop, etc?

iMac g5 1.9 ghz 17" running 10.5.8. Had a hard drive crash and bought a new one. Loaded new OS leapord. Everything works fine at first, but after the computer has been on for a while, it will stop downlading files, disk verify doesn't work. I can't copy and paste stuff. It seems as if the hard drive is full, but I have only used 32GB of 300GB.

When I restart, it works again, then slowly not. Is it an overheating issue? How do I know if my fan is running? Is it a bad hard drive I put in it? Bought it new with three year waranty.

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OS X :: How To Get Image Files To Stop Auto Saving In QT

Jan 29, 2010

How do I get image files to stop auto-saving in Quicktime format?

When I save an image file, it saves in QuickTime format. I don't have PhotoShop. I have preview, or digital camera software. The QuickTime thing is creating problems for me and I don't know how to change it. It seems to keep reverting.

I use Virtual Response, an email software program (terrible, but that's another story) used by PR people. It will only let me upload a logo as jpg, tif, gif. I received one that's .eps... I found online freeware that will convert .eps to .jpg, but it always saves the .jpg as QuickTime format, which the email software refuses to upload.

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Safari :: How To Stop Automatic Downloading Of Files

Jun 28, 2012

We recently got macs at work which I am accustom to working on at home, however, my workflow has kind of changed at work in regards to the way I do things now. One thing that irritates me is that Safari seems to automatically download files instead of displaying them all in another tab or something. I don't want to have to have 20-100 downloaded files in my download folder!

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OS X :: Saving Files To Desktop Recommended?

May 29, 2010

I have 2 gigs of stuff on my desktop. Its not going to slowdown my mac will it? I keep my mac on all the time so start-up time is no concern if thats even a concern cause i remember back in my pc days reading you should keep your desktop clean for fast load up. I also found some script that hides all the stuff on my desktop so it looks empty and i access my desktop files through Finder if that makes any dif.

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OS X :: Firefox Saving Temporary Files To Desktop

Nov 2, 2007

I have changed my download directory to Downloads, but Firefox is still saving temporary files for helper apps (e.g. PDFs) on the Desktop! Does anyone know a work around for this? My nice clean desktop is filling up with junk!

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MacBook Pro :: Desktop And Dock Completely Gone, Files Not Saving

May 16, 2012

A few days ago, I tried to open iTunes, and I got an error message that iTunes could not open because of error 13024. I tried to open skype, and I had an error message that it couldn't open as well.  

Confused, I decided to restart the computer. When I got to the login screen, I entered my password and hit enter. The login wondow closed, but the login screen (the purple space picture) remained. I waited and waited, but it still remained. The cursor wasn't showing that the mac was working on it.  

Frustrated after trying and retrying to restart the computer and login with no success, I started pushing random buttons dejectedly on the keyboard. When I hit the play/pause button, and iTunes started opening. The same errror message came up, but with it came the top iTunes bar, complete with the little apple symbol in the top right hand corner.  

With that, I was able to open firefox, pages, and other recent items. But I can't open finder, and the dock is still gone.  

Other issues that have come with this: history items don't save on firefox, copy & paste doesn't work for any programs, i can't sage changes I've made to existing pages documents.  

I should note that my startup disk is full. I was in the miiddle of finding files I didn't need to delete when this all happened. I've tried deleting files through the "open..." function in pages, with no luck. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the issue.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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IMac :: Copying Files From DVD Cause Restart

Sep 23, 2009

I'm having a problem with my Mid 2007 iMac. Some files copying from a DVD (Logic Express 9 Demo Content), cause my iMac to restart. I know the files are fine as I can copy from another mac. I've had this problem twice before since I've had my mac (Oct 2007), but it was in reverse (trying to burn to a DVD). Everything else works fine copying to and from the drive. I want to ring Applecare, but I can imagine that they will say don't worry about it, since its only them files, and everything else can copy fine.

I've tried all the basic stuff:
-checking a new account
-and the smc

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Software :: Files Disappearing After Copying / Newly Copied Files Missing From New Location

Dec 25, 2010

This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.

I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.

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Software :: Files Disappearing While Copying / Newly Copied Files Missing From New Location

Jul 2, 2009

On several separate occasions, one of our users has had trouble with files "disappearing."

This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.

I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.

Could anyone help explain why this is happening or how to prevent it?

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IMac (Intel) :: Error Copying Images - Files Are In Use?

Aug 31, 2014

I was transferring images from my Transend 32 GB memory card when halfway through something happened and only half the images copied properly. The other half are greyed out, I cannot view the thumbnail and when I try to do anything with it it says "one or more of the items in "IMG_9203.CR2" can't be changed because they are in use. The memory card is empty now and I can't figure out how to get back my images!

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MacBook Pro :: Stop It From Saving Onto The Desktop An Icon Of Every Downloaded Document?

Jun 21, 2012

How can I stop the MBPro from saving onto the desktop an icon of every downloaded document? 

MacBook Pro

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Finder Not Responding After Copying Loads Of Huge Files Onto IMac

Jun 23, 2014

I accidentally copied a whole folder of huge photos onto my desktop and now finder is not responding. I've tried force quitting it and relaunching it but it keeps crashing and not responding again.  

im on a iMac running OS x 10.8.5

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MacBook :: Rapidshare Keeps Downloading Windows Files / Files Having Parallels Symbol?

Jan 31, 2010

On Rapidshare, I've download a lot of files such as .rar files on my mac and everything has worked fine. Up until today, I downloaded a few and they are windows files because they have the parallels symbol (Yes I have parallels) but my parallels isn't running. So i went back and tried to download old files that I had previously been opened with Mac OSX and they too are opening as parallel files. I dont understand why all the files want me to download the windows version. The only thing that I changed was i finally upgraded my MacPar Deluxe because there was a new version but that's the only thing. So can someone please help me fix this problem. I dont want to download windows files while on my mac.

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OS X :: Unable To Download Files / Browsers Stopped Downloading Files

Jul 21, 2010

So a while ago i installed iGetter and jDownloader to handle some of my downloading needs. These have both been uninstalled a while ago and i seem to have the problem that if i navigate to a file in my browser it will not download, it just sits there and does nothing.This is really anoyying as i can't download any files anymore

I presume one of these applications has disabled this behaviour in os x so that it can hijack it and use the app to download files. Does anybody know how to revert this so that browsers can handle downloads properly?

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Software :: Error Occurred While Saving In Clipboard

May 25, 2008

I am using os x 10.4.11, I never had problem before but a couple days ago an error message start appearing every time I copy something to clipboard which is "An error occurred while saving." though I was not trying to save anything.

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OS X :: Downloading Files From FTP Server / Finder Not Download Files

Jan 31, 2009

I've been having trouble downloading files from an ftp server (URL) on Finder and while it does fully download eventually, it takes a while and if I click the x to stop it, the download won't stop. Is this a known problem with Finder, is it a glitch, or is it my internet connection.

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OS X :: Unable To Download .zip Files / Downloading Files From Internet

Oct 10, 2009

Ok so i just got a mac and this is the first time im ever using one, I love it btw, but i cant download .zip files from various things every time I try and download a .zip file this message comes up

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Software :: Built In Screen Capture Saving Images To Clipboard?

Apr 24, 2008

I'm running 10.5.2 on a MB Pro. Previously, when I used the built-in screen capture utility (Command+Shift+3 (or 4)) the capture would be saved in .png format into my "Desktop" directory. Now, when I do captures the data is not saved to a file, but instead is copied to my clipboard. Why and how can I correct this?

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IMac :: Documents / Files On Desktop Disappear And Reappear Constantly?

Jan 27, 2009

All the documents, files and icons displayed on my desktop keep disappearing and then reappearing whenever I do anything - though especially when I save or update something, create a new folder or rename a document/file. Sometimes they don't reappear at all and I am forced to restart the system.

I use a Mac Mini Power PC G4 (1.2) with OS X 10.4.11 and I have an external hard drive which I use to save most of my files and documents onto.

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IMac (Intel) :: Screenshots Not Appearing On Desktop But Going To All Files In Finder

Jun 6, 2014

My screen shots are no longer appearing on my desktop as preferred but instead are going to ' all files' in Finder.

I must have changed a setting but can't figure out what I did to cause it. 

iMac, iOS 6.1.4

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IMac (Intel) :: Lost All Files And Folders On The Desktop And Also In Time Machine

Dec 4, 2014

All files and folders on the desktop disappeared, I checked time machine and even there are no longer present, even going back months.

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Error When Copying Files?

Sep 5, 2010

I get the above error when I try to copy my music folder (not the iTunes folder) to another hard drive. Both drives are formated Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Its about 130gb of data.

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OS X :: Copying Files From One External HHD To Another?

Sep 17, 2010

... copy files from an external HDD ( journaled case-sensitive) to a different HDD (journaled)?

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OS X :: Copying Files From One Mac To Another Over A Network?

Jul 25, 2008

It would seem intuitive to drag and drop files from one Mac to another via Share Screen under VNC but it doesn't work. Am I being dumb here?

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OS X :: Copying Files From Windows To Mac?

May 6, 2009

I am in the process of buying a new MacBook Pro. It will be my first Mac, though I use one everyday at work (typing from a new iMac now).

My question is, when I get the MacBook, how can I copy all my files from my current Windows-based external HDD, onto the MacBook?

I am mostly concerned in saving my pictures and songs if it makes a difference.

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OS X :: See How Fast Files Are Copying?

Jul 7, 2009

I just got a MacBook and I'm wondering how to see transfer speeds when copying files. In vista you simply clicked more information and it showed it.

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OS X :: Copying Files Without Redundancy?

Jun 4, 2010

When backing up files to an external drive, I end up overwriting the older versions of files that were previously backed up. Is there a way to copy files from one place to another, but just have files that have been changed to update?

Kind of like how Time Machine or Drop Box works. It just senses changed files and overwrites those, but doesn't recopy unchanged files.

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Software :: Copying Files From X86 To Ppc?

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to move some files from an x86 machine to a ppc machine. Both are running Mac OS X 10.4 The files have some extended attributes set for them.

Hence, I used the tar utlity to create an archive and then moved the archive.

However, the file data is moved correctly but all the extended attributes are lost Why is this?

I learnt that all extended attributes are stored in the resource fork.

Both the machines have the HFS+ filesystem.

Hence, even the resource forks must get copied right?

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IMac :: Getting Error 36 On 24" When Transfer Large Files From Desktop To External Drives

Nov 20, 2010

I have a 24" iMac and it was running fine the other week and now I get this annoying error=36 whenever I try to transfer large files from desktop to my external drives. It goes about 1/4 way with the transfers then stops with the error=36 message. I've tried to reset the pram but it won't let me. It just keeps on restarting to the same gray screen with the single short beep tone over and over until I let go of the option, command, P & R buttons and restarts normally but does not reset the pram.

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OS X :: Saving Files In GarageBand?

Mar 7, 2009

I am having a frustrating time with one aspect of garageband I can't seem to resolve. Here is the situation - if I record a multitrack live performance and save the entire 60 minute+ file it is 3.12GB in size.

If I then edit the file down into 7 minute, and 5 minute sections from the master file - they are still saving as 3.12GB files. It is as if I can't get rid of all of the contents of the master file when I edit down shorter i.e. smaller sections.

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