IMac :: How To Use Ethernet On Wake
Mar 26, 2010
The 27 iMac sometimes wakes with ethernet hosed. If I go to network in system preferences and disable and enable again it works.
Sounds like a driver problem. Also sometimes back to my mac works and sometimes it does not.
Wish apple would hire more developers to fix osx instead of just writing iPhone os.
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Sep 1, 2009
It keeps saying you need a Time Capsule from '2008' to use this feature. I thought they were all from 2008+? So is this really saying it won't work with the first generation time capsule? The second generation being the one that added wideband support?
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Feb 12, 2012
I've upgraded to Lion and everything's fine apart from one problem: using my iPad to access home shared iTunes content on my mac no longer works when my mac is asleep. That's a change in behaviour from Snow Leopard; I used to be able to sleep my mac and then wake it over wifi using either my iPad or iPhone to access all of my home shared libraries. The mac screen used to light up for ten seconds and then go dark again, but it served me the files.
Lion seems to go into a deeper sleep which it can't be woken from. If I attempt to wake my mac from my iPad within about ten minutes of putting my mac to sleep then home sharing seems to work and lets me use the home share libraries, but if I leave it any longer than that then the mac seems to fall into a coma and can't be woken. The weird thing is that I still see a "shared library" folder on my iPad, but when I click on it nothing happens. I think my Time Capsule is listening for wifi access and issuing the magic packet to the mac, but the mac just ain't listening.
I'm using a Time Capsule in bridge mode from an ADSL modem and I've accepted a TC firmware update last week and I'm on lion 10.7.3. I've tried using Ethernet to connect the mac to the TC (and temporarily disabled the wifi connection) but that still doesn't work. Also, note I'm NOT suffering from the problem that 10.7.3 seems to be giving a few other people - my mac reconnects to my wifi just fine when I wake it up manually. For the record, This was an upgrade, so there's still a tick in "wake on network" in power settings and home sharing on iTunes is still configured the same as it was before.
iMac 27" i5-760, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have my set Mac Pro to sleep after 1 hour of "inactivity" and not wake for ethernet administration access.My question is: What is "inactivity"? It seems that my computer never sleeps fully. I have iStat Menus and Dropbox installed. Will the computer sleep no matter what if I don't touch the keyboard or mouse or unplug/plug stuff in/out? Or will certain apps keep it from sleeping? I am worried that something is preventing it from sleeping.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2008 8-core
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Jan 10, 2011
May sound stupid, but can you setup an iMac to wake up by simply saying something like "Hello Mac"?
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Sep 1, 2006
Having some trouble with my iMac (the version right before the intel iMacs came out. further info can be provided if needed). Running all the latest software updates etc. When I put the iMac to sleep, it goes off as normal. With the usual white light. However, when coming to wake the iMac it won't respond to the keyboard or mouse. I have to shut it down at the power button, and then turn it back on.
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May 23, 2006
Does anyone know if it's possible yet to wake an iMac from sleep via the internet? I'd like to use remote login via SSH to an iMac from an ibook, but it is quite useless unless I can wake the iMac from the internet.
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Jul 25, 2010
My iMac goes to sleep and doesn't want to wake up. I have to restart the ugly white thing to continue using it.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have an older iMac (MA589LL) that I recently upgraded to 4GB and Snow Leopard which is running beautifully. I do have an issue with it though, and it's been occurring for a while: Whenever the machine goes to sleep and I wake it up, the monitor turns on just fine but after about 5 seconds it goes back to sleep. I have to repeat this about 3 times and then it is fine. It's an annoying issue but not a deal breaker as I can just turn it off. I searched for sleep issues/turn off issues and have not found anything.
NOTE: Issue occurred before the upgrades. I've also tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM. I have also used different keyboards/mouses.
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Dec 4, 2009
For the past few months i've been having issues with my imac 2.66Ghz 24 inch. I'd say almost half the time when i put my imac to sleep it doesnt wake up no matter how many keys i press and it just stays stuck on a black screen. I know that when you put the computer to sleep you hear absolutely no noise however in this case i hear a slight fan noise despite it 'sleeping'. When this happens i always have to use the on/off button to do a reset. What seems to be the issue here??
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Dec 14, 2010
Every now and then, my 2010 27" iMac won't wake up from sleep by pressing a button on the keyboard or the Magic Trackpad. The computer won't even respond to a tap of the power button so I end up having to hold it down for a hard reset.
It seems like this only happens when the Mac sleeps with an application running (usually EyeTV 3). Is it an issue where the bluetooth keyboard and trackpad aren't communicating with the Mac properly?
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Sep 25, 2009
If you think Snow Leopard needs an update to fix all all these problems post something here. My biggest problem is that my imac won't wake up and I am forced to shut it down by holding the power button, it happens about once every two days and it is quite annoying. Also (I don't know if this happened before or not) the apple symbol in the menu bar changes every two seconds, not a big deal but just weird.
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Dec 15, 2009
I had my iMac 27" for two months, and I am very pleased with the machine - except for one thing. When I put it to sleep, the computer just go to sleep in a couple of hours and then return to no-sleep. It started just after I bought the computer. I always set my computer to sleep, and so I did even then - but the first thing I noticed was that the hard drive was started during the first night. Strangely, I thought and put it to sleep again. Then I fell asleep, but when I woke up next morning the computer was on.
Then I wrote on another forum and they told me to check out: Wake up in network access, which I did. And then it got better. Now the computer has been without problems for a month, but then a few days ago it came back. This box is still check, so it can not have anything to do with it this time. I've also tried turning off all programs, the keyboard and mouse when it has gone down to sleep, but it still restarted. What is wrong? Please run with Sleep and it is a program that will prevent the computer to wake from sleep, but not:
2009-12-14 00:12:00.870 Please Sleep [8574:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-14 01:12:38.522 Please Sleep [8574:207] Wake notification received from the system
2009-12-14 01:13:53.122 Please Sleep [8574:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 00:50:54.355 Please Sleep [6883:207] Application started
2009-12-15 00:50:54.357 Please Sleep [6883:207] Application is enabled
2009-12-15 00:51:57.358 Please Sleep [6883:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 04:05:05.591 Please Sleep [6883:207] Wake notification received from the system
2009-12-15 05:22:18.061 Please Sleep [6883:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 07:27:34.597 Please Sleep [6883:207] Wake notification received from the system
What can I do? Can I submit it to Applecare? Some peoples say you do not have to turn off a Mac, but I want to put it to sleep, but it starts up the next day. I've also restarted the SMC, but it gave no effect.
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Apr 11, 2010
After my 27" i7 wakes up from a long sleep (roughly over 1.5 hours), something very odd goes on with my color profile and/or screen. Approx. 5 second or so after waking, the screen color appears to wash out quite a bit. You certainly have to be quick to notice it, but something is definitely going on.
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Mar 24, 2012
This problem started after a power surge a few weeks ago. The surge protector fried, but seemed to save the computer in the process. Symptoms are:If the Mac goes to sleep, the fans eventually go in hyperspeed mode and it's impossible to wake.Boot time is over 6 minutes. 1.5 minutes on the gray Apple, then 5 minutes on blue screen.In verbose mode, I get some IOKitWaitQuiet error just before the blue screenI repaired permissions, checked the disk with Disk Utility, and zapped the PRAM. Here's the console report of a restart. The blue screen was between 8 and 8:05.
3/24/12 7:59:15 PM[39] Shutdown NOW!
3/24/12 7:59:15 PM[39] System shutdown time has arrived
3/24/12 7:59:15 PM[34] Stopping Adobe Version Cue
3/24/12 7:59:15 PM[34] Stopping Adobe Version Cue ...
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Apr 2, 2012
Ever since I bought and downloaded OS Lion, whenever I put my mac to sleep or it goes to sleep on its own it occasionally won't wake up from sleep. It has to be manually rebooted. Is anyone familiar with this problem. Apple must know about it by now. I'm not lugging my 27" iMac into the apple store to have them look at it unless it won't reboot. Hoping it doesn't come to that...anyone familiar with this or have ideas on how to fix it? I don't know if it's a 3rd party software issue or just the OS.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2014
I use sleep from Apple pulldown menu; after a while the computer wakes up, after a few minutes it shuts down. New iMac, 10.9.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 1, 2014
This just started yesterday (May 31st). I keep everything updated as it comes out and nothing new has been installed in the last couple of days.
When I need I wake up my iMac (now requiring a keystroke or mouse press instead of just moving the mouse), the screen comes up black, but the cursor is there and moves around fine.
It stays black for a while (15 seconds or longer, but it feels like forever) and then it finally comes up completely.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jan 30, 2008
My iMac is about 4 months old and about twice a month after sleeping overnight the computer will not wake up. After several attempts pressing keys on the keyboard and clicking on the mouse, I have to unplug the Mac and then press the start button on the back
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Dec 21, 2010
For the past few weeks it has been going to a black screen when trying to wake it up from sleep. Either I've put it through too much work lately editing all these photos and its really tired. So, often it wakes up normally and functions fine, well, not really. It is seemingly very slow. It requires a lot of time (more than before) to open up a program or it gives me the "spinning wheel of death" when trying to go to a different page on the internet or open up a folder on my desktop. Amongst other things that require it to think. So It's just a lot slower in general than before.
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm experiencing very annoying sleep/wakeup problems with Mid 2007 iMac. I think it started after 10.5.6 update.
1. iMac does not go to sleep according to the Energy saving settings, this was actually from the day one. It goes to screen saver, display sleep, but not complete sleep.
2. Since automatic sleeping does not work, I put it to sleep manually by pressing Power button. but in this case it sleeps so deep, that it does not wakeup. The only way to bring it back is to hold the Power button to complete OFF and then power back UP.
I tried, PRAM and permissions tricks, nothing seem to help.
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Sep 18, 2009
my imac is running snow leopard i usually will click the menu bar and select sleep. i know it is still on because the fan is still running. normally it will wake back up with push on the the keyboard, occasionally it will not wake up, so my next resort is to press the power button once sometimes this will work, if not i am forced to hold the power button and restart it, when it turns on a message appears and says "You shut down your computer because of a problem, would you like to send it to apple". any advice because this is becoming quite annoying
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Jan 5, 2010
i just bought the imac 21.5 inch with ati radeon 4670 and the base spec. after few hours of playing with this new toy. i realise that when you press the shutdown button, it will put the imac to sleep instead of showing the shutdown/restart option that i have on my macbook. Is there any way to make it work like a macbook power button. secondly, whenever my imac wake up after sleeping, the fan will run faster and automatically went to sleep again. this issue just keep repeating itself. i have no choice but to shutdown the imac and boot up again. Thirdly, i try the machine on WoW and i realise that the sound is rather choppy
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Oct 9, 2010
I bought an iMac and have been loving it but one thing I can't figure out how to fix is why it can't connect to the internet through my Ethernet cable. My PPC G4 connects just fine. I've googled and found nothing that helps. I tried deleting my system preferences but that didn't help. It just says there is no Ethernet cable connected even though it clearly is. I can't try with wifi because for some reason anything running OS X can't connected to my homes wifi. Not sure if this matters but it's a 27" iMac, 3.03 ghz intel with 1tb hard drive.
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Apr 6, 2012
Imac completely dead and not able to wake up after putting to sleep.This is a new error on top of many others.Very annoying one has to reset and restart to overcome something that is supposed to work o.k?
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Nov 15, 2007
I'm sure I've heard somewhere that it's possible to turn Macs on via ethernet, I've looked around on google and the forums here but haven't found a thing saying how to do it. Is it possible merely I imagined this?
I want to boot a G5 iMac, connected via ethernet through an AirPort Extreme, (802.11n 100Gb model).
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Feb 17, 2010
you can share your eithernet connection through the airport but can you do it the other way.Basically i have a mac in my room and also a PC, i want to be able to plug a cable from my PC to my iMac and then browse the internet using my iMacs airport connect to my wireless router downstairs.
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May 11, 2010
Got my iMac back in the end of February and it's been working flawlessly. About a month ago though, my connection started randomly dropping after periods of moderate internet-use. Say maybe, 20-30mins of browsing. It usually starts working fine after I shut the computer off for a while and try again. I thought maybe it was the ethernet cable, so I got another one, but with the same result. So it got me thinking, maybe it is my ISP. Called Verizon up and they said everything looked good on their end and that my IP was showing up fine. They reset my connection, but with no result. The gentleman on the phone suggested it maybe the computer.
I took my Dell laptop and tried surfing using the built-in Wifi for a while. 2 hours later...working fine. So I tried pluging the ethernet cable to the laptop, worked fine again. So now i'm thinking it HAS to be the computer. So switched the built-in Airport Wifi on the iMac on and tried it out. 2 1/2 hours later...everything works great. WHAT THE HELL!? I'm thinking, since it just suddenly happened, the problem must've been triggered by some sort of update I did(which I don't remember if I did). I searched the Apple Support forums and it turns out, several people have had the same/similar problem with their Macs with no solution.............
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Jun 19, 2014
When I need to go somewhere or just eat lunch, I put my iMac to sleep. After that, when I come back to wake it back up, it stays black.
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Jan 25, 2010
I like to install a ethernet Bond with two additional netgear ethernet cards. but i dont have a signal on the bond.
who knows more. the machine is a powermac g5
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