Hardware :: Time Capsule And Snow Leopard Wake On Ethernet

Sep 1, 2009

It keeps saying you need a Time Capsule from '2008' to use this feature. I thought they were all from 2008+? So is this really saying it won't work with the first generation time capsule? The second generation being the one that added wideband support?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safely Remove All Backups From Time Machine/Time Capsule?

Jun 17, 2012

I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.

iMac 27" i7, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Seem To Set Up Time Machine Using Time Capsule On It

Jun 3, 2012

I cannot seem to set up Time Machine using Time Capsule on my MacBook Pro.  Evidently when I initially set up AirPort Extreme, I failed to select it as the backup disc.

Info:AirPort Extreme 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Time Capsule Error After Snow Leopard

Aug 29, 2009

I was able to install Snow Leopard without any problems - but I can't do a Time Machine backup to my Time Capsule. The drive is not recognized and I get a "25299" error which refers to a problem with my keychain. I've gone into Keychain Utility and (several times) have deleted all the Time Capsule entries, but the problem keeps replicating itself. I was able to run backups earlier today and also reset the settings on the Time Capsule, so I'm sure it's not a problem with the drive.

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Hardware :: Install Snow Leopard On Time Capsule

May 29, 2010

I was thinking of the possibility of buying the Time Capsule from Apple and install on its hard drive Snow Leopard and then use it as the main drive of my imac 27 via wifi. Is this possible? If not, would it be possible if I bought an airport express? I would buy another external hard drive, install Snow Leopard on it and then connect it to the airport express. This way it would appear online, and on preferences I would select this drive to use as the main OS drive and then unmount the internal drive of the imac.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: First Time Machine Full Backup Over Ethernet Not Recognized Latter Over AirPort

Feb 5, 2012

I have a 3rd Party NAS (Iomega Home Media Network Cloud Edition 2TB) and MacBook with OSX 10.6.8. I did run a first TM full backup over Ethernet (around 240GB) because of the extremely slow transfer speed over WiFi via the AirPort. It went Ok (after several tries and reading here in the forum). Then, I disconnected my MacBook from the wired network, so futures frequently backs-up happen wirelessly, however, it seems that it did not recognize the first full back-up, asked for re-doing it again from scratch and erased my first full-backup-over-Ethernet.

I've seen that the MAC address is used as part of the sparse bundle file name; obviously, there will be a conflict here because Ethernet and AiPort do not have the same MAC address (of course !).I will run a brand new full first backup over Ethernet, but I'd like to know what do I have to do for getting it recognizable for futures backups over AirPort?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Time Capsule Restores Data In 64 Bit Snow Leopard?

Jan 24, 2009

So as I understand it, Snow Leopard is completely 64-bit meaning 32-bit apps will not run. How will Time warp/time capsule restore apps from 10.5 when you upgrade to a 10.6 machine?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Use My Single Time Capsule To Back Up Both Computers?

Mar 6, 2012

I have two computers...an iMac and a macbook. Can I use my single Time Capsule to back up both computers?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Through Ethernet?

Dec 7, 2010

Now I want your assistance in some problems that I have with my Time Capsule. This is my scenario:

TC --- (WAN port) --- SW --- INTERNET
+--- (AP) --- MBP 13"

One thins, I don't know why but when I post this thread the WIRELESS moves to the TC. The connection of the AP is directly to the SW, not to the Time Capsule.

SW.- (interface attached to the TC)
SW.- (interface attached to the access point)

The TC has the AirPort off. I can access the TC if I type the IP address when open the AirPort application, what I do is this: AirPort application -> File -> Configure other I type the ip address (The TC current IP address) and I'm able to see it. The problem is that if I try to open the Time Machine application I can't find it because the AirPort application stuck in RESCAN.

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OS X :: Cannot Find Time Capsule Over Ethernet

Dec 31, 2010

I just went through a long and complicated process that started when my apartment was burglarized and my laptop was taken, through getting a new laptop, replacing that harddrive and restoring from a backup of my old laptop. After all that, I hooked up my new laptop to the time capsule and restored everything via ethernet. I'm now using my TC as a network extender for the house, I can connect to it and see the files in there, but when I try to set up Time Machine to use it, it starts backing up my entire laptop all over again, which apparently would take 48+ hours over WiFi. I'm guessing that when I set it up earlier and made the backup, it was over Ethernet. Now, it can't find the time capsule over ethernet, and thinks that the time capsule via WiFi is a new source. Is there any way to select a time machine file to use and update? I'm using a 1st generation 1 TB Time Capsule with an uMBP 13", 10.6.5. All software is up to date.

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OS X :: Connecting Time Capsule Via Ethernet

Mar 5, 2008

Whenever I plug my Time Capsule into my Macbook with an ethernet cable it is not recognised. On the network setting it says that the ethernet is assigned an IP but whenever I try to start a backup session the device is not displayed? I can connect the Time Capsule wirelessly however due to the time it takes to do the initial backup I want to do it via ethernet.

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OS X :: Restore Time Capsule Backup On Clean Snow Leopard Reinstall

Oct 16, 2010

I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Capsule Backup Works On One, But Not All Computers?

May 13, 2012

We have a Macbook and an iMac, both on Snow Leopard. Set them up on TC for backup several months ago, and they worked for a while. Then it stopped working for no obvious reason, with the message: 

The network backup disk could not be accessed because there was a problem with the network username or password. Open Time Machine preferences to select the network backup disck and re-enter the correct username and password. 

Of course userame and password were correct, because, first of all, they had not been changed, and second, because I could put in the wrong pw and it immediately would reject it. As it is, it takes it, counts down for 120 seconds, and then gives the above message. 

Bought a new Macbook Pro, using Lion, and it works with the TC, seemingly proving that all settings on the TC are still good. Tried resetting TC. Tried the Cmd-Alt-p-r reboot, but neither worked.

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Time Capsule As Wireless Ethernet Hub?

Oct 5, 2010

I currently have a Sky provided D-Link modem router that provides my wireless internet (in my lounge, as this is where the phone line is), and the Time Capsule sits nicely out of the way in my kitchen, wirelessly backing up via Time Machine. My wife would like to sit in the kitchen and work on her laptop, but her company's IT policy means that she can only connect via Ethernet. Currently she has to connect to the D-Link in the lounge and sit on the floor. Is there a way of connecting her laptop to the ethernet ports on the back of the TC and then wirelessly connect to the internet?

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Hardware :: Add AEX As Ethernet Client To Time Capsule

Aug 8, 2009

I will soon get a time capsule. The only thing it does not have, which I need, is an audio jack so I can use airtunes. I have an old (circa 2004) airport express. I would like to set the airport express right next to the time capsule and add it as a client on the time capsule's ethernet network.

I prefer to connect it via ethernet, than to just add the AEX as a wireless client of the time capsule, for two reasons:
1) if connected via ethernet the AEX is less likely to drop off the network for random reasons.
2) the AEX is old and I don't want it to slow down the time capsule's wireless network (every other wireless client of the time capsule will be 802.11n).

So I basically want to shut off the AEX's wireless capability and just connect it via ethernet as a LAN client of the time capsule. Is this possible? Or is wireless the only way to add an AEX as a client to a network.

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule With No Ethernet Connection

Aug 11, 2009

So I am moving to a new apartment in a week, and the landlord allows us access to his wifi in the building free, but I will not have access to the modem. I currently have a Time Capsule set up as my wifi router and was wondering if, upon moving, there is a way to run the wifi signal through my Time Capsule and use that as my wifi connection?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Backing Up MBP To Time Capsule - Disk Utility Stop Verifying HD

Mar 9, 2012

I've been having trouble backing up my MacBook Pro to my Time Capsule (hasn't backed up in months) so I ran Disk Utility and it gave the following error: Disk Utility stopped verifying "Hard Disk". This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. So, if I do that, will I end up losing whatever is on my hard disk? And how do I start up the computer using the OS X disk? Just put it in and restart?

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IMac :: Ethernet Connection Speed To Time Capsule

Sep 12, 2010

at what speed data is transfered to TC if IMac (Quad Core I5) is connected to it via ethernet port?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Time Capsule 1tb With Ethernet Cable

Dec 23, 2010

I have a new 1 tb Time capsule that I connected with the macbook pro i7 with a ethernetcable in the ehternet outlet next to the usb on the time capsule.

However, I dont see the time capsule hard drive in the Macintosh HD devices.

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OS X :: Time Capsule Setup / Configuration For Ethernet And Wireless?

Jun 29, 2008

I've got a Time Capsule attached to an Ethernet network, which gets it's internet access from DSL. I can't seem to get the configuration I want. I'd like it to be part of the ethernet network, available to Macs on the network and I'd like it to act as a wireless access point for Macbooks and Macbook Pros. But when I go through the Airport Utility install, once I tell it it is to connect to the network, which already has internet set up through DSL, then it won't allow me to set up wireless. It's as if it wants to work one way or the other. And the instructions are confusing about which port in the back of the unit to insert the network cable. I did manage to get it set up and connected to the network, and to deliver wireless, but I ended up creating a "bridge" and doing things I did not quite understand.

I ended up creating a wireless network and I guess "bridging" that network with the ethernet. Maybe that's the right thing to do, I don't know. Maybe I'm just not understanding the terminology right. is "creating a wireless network" the same thing as merely creating a wireless access point for a wireless device to connect too? I guess I was thinking that they were two different things, maybe not. So, it's probably a simple thing, and I hope someone can just tell me in what way I am supposed to set up the Time Capsule. I know I got it working, but I can't even remember how after a zillion tries I even got it working right.

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Hardware :: AirPort Express Ethernet And Time Capsule

Jan 18, 2009

The Apple site is quite vague on this point but I thought I'd clarify before buying one. I have a Time Capsule as my main router, but I want to move it, but when I do it's out of range of one of my computers. Can I plug the Express in near the computer, and then Ethernet it up to the computer, or is that Ethernet port meant to go into the TC?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And Ethernet Printer Functionality

Mar 27, 2009

I have a first generation Time Capsule. I want to by a laser all-in-one printer and would like to be able to print wirelessly (wireless scanning would be nice too, but I'm not so bothered about that). I'm thinking of buying a Brother MFC-7840W and have a few questions:

1. This all-in-one is wireless (b/g), so if I set it up as a wireless printer using the printer's wireless feature, would it have the effect of slowing down my N speed connection for Time Capsule? I plan on leaving the printer on all the time so it's ready to print if I need it (I assume it will go into standby mode when not in use) - I don't mind it slowing the network speed just while I print, but wouldn't want it to slow my connection down permanently.

2. If option 1 slows things down, how about if I connect the printer via ethernet. Would that work easily for printing? Would I be able to scan too? In other words, is plugging in an ethernet printer on a TC the same in terms of functionality as a direct ethernet connection between my MacBook and the printer?

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Hardware :: Backup Data To Time Capsule Ethernet?

Dec 18, 2009

Can I backup data to a Time Capsule using Ethernet?

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OS X :: Doesn't Time Capsule Backup Iphoto Library After Clean Snow Leopard Install

Oct 28, 2009

i recently clean installed snow leopard after backing up my data via time capsule even after using the migrarion assistant my iphoto library is gone doesn't time capsule backup the iphoto library?

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Hardware :: Force Time Capsule To Use Ethernet Without Turning Airport Off?

Dec 18, 2010

I've searched and found a couple solutions to force a Time Capsule to use an ethernet connection for data transfer. Those are 1) turn my Mac's Airport off or 2) turn off the Time Capsule's wireless network.My question is: since those solutions, has anyone found a better alternative to force a Time Capsule to use ethernet that doesn't involve turning off the Mac's Airport or changing its settings each time?My need for this is: I have a first gen Time Capsule, and despite outliving the statistics for a long time, it's finally starting to fail. It's not actually dead yet, though ? the wireless still works, but it's much, much slower than it used to be. The hard drive is fine. I've since switched our primary wireless network over to the Airport Express I was using for Airplay, and I'm having the Time Capsule "join" its new network.

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Hardware :: Plug Time Capsule Directly To Mac Via Ethernet Cable

Apr 18, 2008

Disregarding the internet access/router/gateway part of the Time Capsule for a moment, what is supposed to happen when you plug a time capsule directly into a Mac via ethernet cable?

- Does a dialog box come up?
- Are you supposed to be able to see the disk in the Finder?
- Is Time Machine supposed to see it?

Mine does nothing when I plug it in using a known-good cable. Suspect bad ethernet port on Time Capsule itself (because it also doesn't realize the cable is plugged in to an upstream DSL modem, either) - wondering what the expected behavior of a properly working one is?

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Hardware :: Can Time Capsule Be Connected Via Ethernet To An External Drive

Feb 3, 2009

Just got the time capsule, going to use it for wireless time machine back ups of my laptop. I would also like to connect an external drive to the time capsule for movies and audio files that are too big for my laptop.

I notice if I connect my owc 7200 rpm external drive via the USB port to the time capsule, things are a bit sluggish when I access movie/audio files over the wireless...What if I purchased an external drive with an ethernet port? would it work if I plugged it into the time capsule? and if so would there be a speed increase?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - Main Router Or Ethernet Bridge?

Feb 27, 2009

I think this has been debated somewhere, but what's the best option? And what are the pros and cons of each setup? Actually I put my Netgear in "modem only" and setup the TC as the main router and configured PPPoE settings on it. Should I have chosen bridge mode instead?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Airport Express Ethernet Bridge?

May 20, 2009

Is it possible to use an Time Capsule to connect to an airport express with a router plugged into it?

I have a small network at home, and would like to have another computer (old PowerMac g4, no wireless card) and my xbox 360 in my basement. I don't want to run cables. Is it possible to connect a router to my airport express and use it to bridge the wired computers wirelessly to the time capsule upstairs? I know it's possible to use the airport express as an extension to the wireless as a WDS but I haven't found anything online about using it as a bridge.

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Hardware :: Bridging Time Capsule - Cannot Use Wired Ethernet Ports

Jun 1, 2009

I need some advice with my wireless set-up. I have:
Airport Extreme (master network)
Airport Express (slave)
Time Capsule (slave)

Right now I have my XBox 360 hooked up to my Express through a wired connection (works fine). I have a Mac Mini hooked up to my Time Capsule through a wired connection (doesn't work at all). When I look at the settings, it isn't even an option to bridge the TC, so as it stands in its slave capacity I cannot use any of the three wired ethernet ports. Is it possible in its current network configuration to get the TC to recognize the Mac Mini I have connected through a wired connection?

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