IMac :: How To Turn Off The Screen And Use Other Monitor
Jan 17, 2009
i have a imac g5 and it is hooked up to an external monitor. the reason why i want to turn off the imac screen is because the lcd is cracked. i just want to use the other monitor as the main one.
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Oct 26, 2009
I am seriously considering the possibility of using the 27in iMac as an external monitor with my MBP when I am home and need the extra monitor space. That would also allow my family to use the iMac when I am away at work or out of town. Since my MBP has a Mini DisplayPort, it should be as easy as connecting the MDP from the laptop to the MDP on the back of the iMac and then connecting the USB for audio? However if the iMac is turned on, how can I use the monitor without the actual computer running at the same time?
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Feb 28, 2009
i've looked far and wide for a way to turn the monitor off on my new imac 24", nvidia 8800, running xp and still havent found anything. does anyone know of a way to turn it off? i've tried to set the "turn monitor off" setting to 1 min under power management and it gets ignored. also, i've even written an app to try and turn the screen off based on this: [URL:...] and it is also completely ignored.
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Jul 10, 2009
iMac G5 17" iSight
My monitor has turned off and will not come back on. Clicking noises and a slow operating speed occurred a few days ago. I have tried this SMU Reset Process below:
from [URL]
1. Turn off the computer by choosing Shut Down from the Apple menu, or by holding the power button until the computer turns off.
2. Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord.
3. Wait 10 seconds.
4. Plug in the power cord while simultaneously pressing and holding the power button on the back of the computer.
5. Let go of the power button.
6. Press the power button once more to start up your iMac.
Upon completing step 6, the computer turns on only to feature the fans spinning at maximum speed and still no monitor display.
Is this a Logic Board issue? The iMac was purchased for $1700 in 2006. Would repair costs be so high that just buying a new iMac would be the better way to go?
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Mar 9, 2010
**Intel Imac 24 in. 2.4GHZ Core 2 Duo (NOT bad)
I know the "Using imac as external monitor" topic has been adressed in previous posts and it apparently can't be done. But this is slightly different.
I have this Imac G5 24" that is currently out of order. (won't detect hard drives when powered on 90% of the time and when it does i am experiencing ridiculous lag and random shutdowns...not to mention crazy overheating)
I sent it to tech support and after changing the hard drive, power supply etc.. and still not seeing any improvement i just stopped sinking money in repairs and got a new imac.
So now i just have this useless imac laying around and i figured i might as well try and recycle it into a secondary monitor.. I don't mind hacking it open since i have nothing to lose. I was just wondering if it could be done and if so would it be very complicated? I would rather pay a few hundred dollars in wires and IT than buy a cheap external monitor since its already a decent quality monitor and it matches the new imac
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Dec 21, 2009
I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out.
I have my iMac connected to my TV and am using Plex to watch stuff on the TV.
What I'd like to do is turn my imac screen off without turning off the second monitor output (i.e. tv) as the imac screen is a bit bright/distracting (even on lowest brightness) when watching in the dark.
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Mar 18, 2007
Is it possible to make the imac g5 lcd screen into a normal lcd screen that connects to a normal computer through something like VGA?
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Aug 29, 2010
I know how to dim the screen, and I'm using Shades to help with that, but I would like it turned completely off.
For example, if I'm burning a DVD overnight, I want the screen to be completely shut off, instead of lighting up the room like it's the middle of the day.
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Jun 12, 2006
I like to keep Folding@Home running on my Intel iMac 24/7, but at night I would like to turn the screen off but keep the CPU going.. is there a way?
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Jun 19, 2012
Working away, online with excel also open. Screen went to brown and froze........anyone know what causes this?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 24, 2010
I am very untechnical so much of what I have read on this matter is above my head, but in simple language, if I buy a new MAc Book Pro is there any way that I can use the 21" screen on my 2005 iMAc OS X as a monitor? I asked someone at Apple Store and was told that though later models were fully compatible, for one that old I would need special software, but he couldn't say what. An earlier thread posted last year that I didn't fully understand suggests that I don't need software.
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Aug 31, 2014
How do I turn off Ichat on my IMac 21.5 inch screen? Whenever I turn on the computer, the ichat screen just pops open all of a sudden?
iMac, Mac OS X 19.9 Mavericks
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Sep 6, 2007
After having inserted a dvd borrowed from the library which my Imac had a really tough time reading, I turned off my Imac as usual. Since then when I turn my mac on the fan starts roaring and i don't get beyond the first white screen with the sort of clocked wheel just going round and round. I don't have a clue to what to do.
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Oct 2, 2008
We have an iMac G5 running 10.4.11 which developed some nasty colour banding down the screen and have now plugged in an external display. How can you turn off the iMac display so it only outputs through the external monitor?
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May 8, 2010
I'm not entirely sure how long my iMac has been doing this, maybe two weeks? When I try to wake it from sleep, the screen does not turn on. At all. At first I thought this was because my mouse and keyboard might not be functioning correctly, naturally the only remedy was to turn the computer off with the power button and to restart it (which took an abnormally long time). Today I remote connected with Back to my Mac screen sharing and it did not turn on either. I know it was awake because when I pressed the brightness buttons on the keyboard, it responded on my MBA's view of the screen. Normally, Back to my Mac does turn the screen back on. Anyone else have the same problem? It doesn't seem to matter WHEN it goes to sleep either. I've tried resetting the PRAM already and no dice.
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Sep 17, 2010
On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen , then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?
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Jan 25, 2007
My parents recently bought an iMac. Yesterday my mom was playing a game when the computer froze. Neither force quit or holding the power button was doing anything so in her frustration she unplugged the system. Today, after plugging in the system again, it won't turn on.
I press the power button on the side of the wireless keyboard and the green light on the keyboard turns on for about 3 sec and then starts flashing. No fans start up and the screen does nothing.
iMac and Macbook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Jun 2, 2014
This situation began when I put my Imac on sleep. After, the screen turned on in black whit the cursor but I couldn't do anything.
Then to rebooted the machine, the apple logo and sound began fine but the screen turned off, so moving the mouse the screen turned on in black with cursor.
I'd tried many ways, resetting the PRAM, SMC, repairing the disk and permission, analyzing hardware, repairing fsck files.
Suddenly, when I entered in Verbose mode, mi imac brought into user choose screen and worked fine, but when I shut down and tried to start my mac in the next day, it didn´t work again.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jul 10, 2009
I'm looking for a external monitor that is compairable in brightness as my iMac's screen. The brand needs to be Samsung, and the look of the Samsung moniter I would prefer to look like the examples below. Why? Because I want it to match my TV. I'm also looking for a small monitor because the space I have is pretty small and I dont want to have to move my iMac and look at it at a angle. I currently have a Samsung SyncMaster 906BW with a 1440 x 900 60hz resolution and its VERY dull compared to my iMac and its at 100% brightness and 85% contrast. Here are some of the screens I'm looking at so far, would they be close to as bright as my iMac's screen?
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Aug 15, 2008
On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen, then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?
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Jun 6, 2012
when I turn on iMac I got white screen with grey coloured flashing folder sign,a question mark on it, that's it.
iMac, 2006 model
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Jun 10, 2010
24" iMac running 10.6.3 and having some issues all of the sudden with my secondary monitor. It detects the display and the monitor comes out of standby, but only shows a black screen. Tried it with another monitor to see if that was the issue but it's not. Seems as if the iMac is sending bad video signal out... Couldn't find anything similar on a quick google search so I thought I'd try here to see if anyone had any similar problems.
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Jun 28, 2010
I've searched online and in threads here on the "can I use an iMac as a monitor" question, and found mostly negative answers. One exception seems to be the 27" model connected via mini-Display Port.However, I'd been hoping to connect an older (G4/DVI) Mini to a new (21.5") iMac, to use the iMac as a monitor.The only semi-hack solution I've seen is to use Screen Recycler or similar software. I have two questions, though:-Can Screen Recycler be used to mirror a desktop, not just extend it? (all info I've seen talks only about extending/2nd monitor, not mirroring).
-How's the performance?
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May 12, 2012
I've tried turning it ff and on via the power button several times, but it always goes back to the white screen.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Sep 24, 2006
I just got an IMac G3 running OS X and OS 9.2.2. I am having monitor problems with it, the monitor has a slight red color on the right side and if there is a light colored box on the screen I get almost a run effect going to the right. This happens in OS X Tiger with all the updates, OS 9.2.2. I also have all the firmware updates, an external monitor looks great.
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a Mac Pro 8 core that is almost 2 years old. Still running Leopard and 10.6 I believe.
This morning all worked great, and after a lunch break the 30" Apple monitor won't turn on. The power lights on the monitor. We substituted an older 22" we have and that won't work as well.
We tried both video inputs on the back on the computer and still nothing.
When we turn on the computer we hear the Apple signature sound and even though there is no visual on the monitor, this computer has a QuicKey keystroke to shut down the computer and this works.
Is this a graphics card failure?
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Oct 28, 2007
Is there a simple app, key combo, or a way I can use AppleScript, to turn off my monitor manually (resume on mouse move)? I need something like this for the automatic input switcher on my monitor to work.
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Sep 11, 2009
Earlier this summer, my iMac suffered a crashed Logic Board. Thankfully AppleCare took care of the $900 it would have cost to replace it.
Earlier today I put my MacBook Pro to sleep by closing the lid. About 2 hours later I went to open the lid and the monitor never turned on. The white light is on in the front. I restarted it and the light remained on and the monitor did not turn on. I unplugged all devices and restarted and still no luck. The Number Lock key lights up and the sound works fine - but no display.
Could this be another failed Logic Board or a failed chip set from here:[URL]
Are there some other types of methods I should try (PRAM Reset, etc.) If I have to bring it in, thankfully AppleCare covers this Mac for another year. What horrible luck - college just started.
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Jun 3, 2014
2012 Mac mini with a Thunderbolt display, recently updated to 10.9.3. Normally, it's set to never sleep, but to have the display turn off after 15 minutes with no screen saver. Since the 10.9.3 update, it won't turn off at all. I've tried changing the settings back and forth with no results. I've also gone into Library->Preferences->SystemConfiguration and deleted the PowerManagement.plist file.
I can turn the power off with control-shift-eject, but I'd rather it happen automatically. Is there something else new that came along with 10.9.3 that is preventing monitor shutdown?
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Dec 2, 2007
my computer doesn't turn off its monitor any more. i check the energy saver preferences, and its the same that i've had them before. the screen doesn't even dim anymore.
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