IMac :: How To Find Video Making Softwares
Nov 30, 2010
i've recorded a gameplay of myself playing "Combat Arms" on another windows pc i have, the videos open up fine in win7, but when i transfered them to Mac, in Premiere Pro, i got some codec error, i tried converting it, but it gives me green screens with sounds. Any ideas on how i can fix the green screen, with stripes.
Also, i really want a Sony Vegas Pro 9 on my iMac, are there any other video making softwares which is almost the same as Sony Vegas?
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro running OSHave been trying to create a bootable CD. Have found a number of ways on the net of doing this using Toast, BootCD, DiskCopy, etc. But every one requires the system folder from an original Mac OSXCD. 2 installation disks came with my MacBook, Install Disks 1&2. I can find a system folder, but it contains thousands of folders. I must be missing something.
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm trying to upload a Starcraft 2 tutorial video to youtube that was in .swf format, youtube doesn't like this though and it failed to upload.
Can anyone suggest a good .swf to (whatever format youtube likes) encoder or a different video recorder I can use to re-record the video in a friendlier format.
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm wondering whether to go PC and Sony Vegas Home Studio or iMac and use iMovie but I'm not sure if iMovie can do what I want: I want to make a music video for a track I made, in Sony Vegas I can add a audio file to a track below the main video track and see it's waveform, then edit the video clips to match certain points in the track. Can iMovie do this? I've done a bit of searching on the net but can't find a answer. All I've seen the green background that gets added to clip window. Also is a Quadcore i5 OK for video work?
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Feb 1, 2009
I have a TiVo HD (Series 3) that I'm attempting to move movies off to an external HDD as it is filling up and I'd like to keep my old programs. I have Roxio's Toast 8 Titanium and tried a couple times to use the "TiVo Transfer" program but keep running into problems.
The problem that I run into is that the program will only download part of file, not the complete file. I don't know if the problem is with the program or perhaps I have the network set up incorrectly? I have the TiVo connected via ethernet cord to my Airport Extreme and the external HD connected via USB also to the Airport Extreme. I've also tried connecting the TiVo & HDD directly to the MacBook (OSX 10.5.6) with the same results as well as downloading directly to the MacBook's HDD...same thing.
TiVo Transfer "sees" the TiVo fine along with all the video files it just has problems downloading the complete file. I've looked up previous posts relating to TiVo here but most are 3-4 years old and I'm hopeful someone has had some success with moving the movies off the TiVo with another app perhaps that works with a Series 3.
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Sep 29, 2009
i had vlc as my default player for video files when i first installed it but then when i updated it to version 1.02 its not the default for any file. i know there is a way to make it the default player for individual file types, but i would like it to be the default for ALL video files. i have looked in the preferences but couldnt find anything. How can i do it
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm looking for an app that can make a short flash film like you see on Youtube.
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May 31, 2009
Its been a little while since I moved into Mac and until now I've still been using basic windows-like programs. Now its time to use the power of Mac and the well promoted programs for media and making movies as I have an idea in my mind. Only I've never used before and I don't know which one is professional. I want a highly capable movie editor, to make a professional movie like on Discovery Channel they do. To be able to apply effects (fade in, out, etc).
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Sep 18, 2009
Last night my mac pro was freezed when I was using some softwares and I powered off the pc by holding down the power button.(force quit didn't work) after then my mac became super slow whatever during starting up and opening applications. I wanted to use the hardware detection by holding down the "D" key during start up but it does't work as well.
Actually what is going on on my mac, is it the hard drive problem?
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Jul 26, 2010
well I assume most of you know all or most of these apps, but I will be making more and more of these, so it's worth keeping an eye out, maybe I'll find some cool apps you don't know that are worth your time
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Jun 5, 2009
Does anyone uses wakoopa? It tracks our software usage and enable us to share it with our friends (and protect our privacy too, if we want to disable it).
Check out my page at
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Sep 21, 2009
I'm new to mac and was wondering how to uninstall GarageBand. In Windows I would go to "add or remove software", but I can't find the equivalent on a mac.
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Jul 25, 2010
how can i speed up a mac - which softwares to use?
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Apr 30, 2012
i want to know if i can setup a password for certain softwares ( atleast one ) ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 27, 2009
Are there any softwares that can display files from selected folders all at once (for ex. in a single folder view)?
And those files could be sorted regardless of which folders they are from.
Not sure if I've made my point clear....I tried to search by "file manger", but what came up weren't what I wanted.
Let me do some simpler illustration.
folder1 contains file A,C,D
folder2 contains file B,E,H
folder3 contains file F,G,I
suppose there exists a software, such that when I select folder1,2,3, all contained files will be displayed in the order of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I...however, the files themselves are still stored in their original folders. They are just viewed in this single window.
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Feb 8, 2010
I am currently enrolled in a Korean university where Macs are an absolute requirement. I have bought a Macbook Pro 13" for this purpose, as they wipe the hard drive and reinstall the OS along with some other course software. I was wondering what other software the school might install to monitor what happens on this computer, as I find it very suspicious that the hard drive has to be wiped. After the school finishes this process, this computer can directly log into the school server, as well as print to network printers. They have installed iWork 2009 and some other course related software. In addition to this, the default Snow Leopard OS has been replaced by the regular 10.5 Leopard OS. I have become rather suspicious of snooping software, as none of the visibly installed software/features seem to require the usage of the older operating system. The bottom line: What other monitoring software might the school have installed, and is it safe to UPGRADE to Snow Leopard?
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Jun 22, 2012
i have brought a powermac g5 recently and since i have had it i've been unable to open downloaded files or softwares
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Jun 25, 2012
I used to use Norton security softwares for my windows laptop and it works perfect. However, I am not sure if it is good or necessary to use those softwares in MBP. Moreover, since my MBP is retina one, it only has 256GB SSD. So I wonder if I need to buy it.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 8, 2007
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
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Feb 14, 2010
I have a 20 inch 2.66 aluminum iMac that came with a 320GB HDD. Lately the HD seems to grind for a long time when I launch any programs. The whole computer seems to just be waiting on the HD to catch up. I have 4GB of ram and it never uses all of it but I can hear the drive reading/writing while I wait for apps to load. Most notably safari, cs4, etc. but it does happen on many other programs. I thought that the issue was that it had been going on a year without a reformat, I waited until snow leopard came out and completely wiped the drive and installed 10.6 on it. However the slowness came back and I have since formatted again only to have the same problems. Has anyone else experienced these slow HD's? I have run Drive Genius on it and there is no bad blocks/SMART is verified.
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Mar 13, 2010
I'd like to buy the new iMac i7 soon, but i can wait if the next upgrade of imac it will be substantial - videocard,blueray - and not only a speed bump of the processor?
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Apr 11, 2012
My iMac 20" G5 (PPC, working with Tiger 10.4.11), bought in April 2006, has the following illness:
When I work locally, it functions fine. When I go into Internet, it starts purring and whining.
When I watch a video on YouTube, for example, the purring and whining increases and finally the screen blacks out. With a mouse click, the screen comes back but goes out again immediately.
After shutting down the system and giving it some rest, everything starts working again normally, but only until I go online.
I have tried to use Disk Utility, but the install disk that came with my Mac gets ejected.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a video and I'd like to know what the audio bitrate is..
The properties window only shows the total bitrate (audio + video)
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm about to buy an iMac, and need some help in the final part of my decision-making.
Many threads on this site have been very helpful for answering most of my questions, but now I just need some tailor-made advice for this last bit. Thanks in advance!
Questions about specs first...
I'd use the comp for:the regular stuff (internet, email, word docs, music)
quite a bit of graphics work in programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Painter
Bootcamp for a few graphics-intensive games (Cabal, Assassin's Creed, ...Maplestory? lol)
Bootcamp for graphics programs that aren't available for the mac os
So, on the following 2 specs, please tell me which option would be good, but not redundantly powerful.
Core2Duo/ i3/ i5/ i5 Quad/ i7 Quad
ATI Radeon... 4670 with 256MB/ 4850 with 512MB/ 5670 with 512MB/ 5750 with 1GB
I'm also trying to decide on size. 21.5" is actually a fine size for me, but the maximum specs for 21"s are 3.6GHz, i5, 5670 with 512MB. If this is enough ("comfortably enough"... I don't want "just enough") for my needs, then great. Otherwise I'll have to look at the 27"s for better specs-- unless you know how to beef up the 21" while keeping it cheaper than the 27"s.
Price isn't tooo much of an issue. I can afford up to a 27", 2.93GHz, i7 Quad, 5750 with 1GB. But if my maximum uses require significantly less than that, then I don't want to pay for power that's so far beyond necessary.
"Buy the best you can afford" is tempting, but in the end I'm a little too pragmatic and stingy for that.
Any advice/pointers/stories from experience would be welcome!
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Aug 9, 2009
My (new) iMac makes a strange noise when I boot. It looks like the hard disk to me. As long as it makes the noise, it doesn't boot. After the noise is gone (sometimes in a minute, sometimes five). I have attached a file recorded with my iPhone to illustrate what I mean. Is this normal or should I get back to Apple?
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Sep 13, 2009
This is the most random problem I had with my Mac. I usually keep it on sleep, and last night at 1:30Am it wakes up. The drive spins, but the screen is black. The sleep indicator light turns off, then the computer puts itself back to sleep. It also happened twice this morning. What's going on here?
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Oct 22, 2009
Just wondering if anyone with a new 21.5" iMac would be so kind enough to post the system temps from a app such as iStatpro. I'm interested to see how hot/cool they run.
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Apr 19, 2010
iMac, late 2006 Generation
XP info:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service pack 3
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
T7400 @ 2.16GHz
2.16GHz, 2.98 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
Leopard info:
Version 10.5.8, same hardware.
I've installed XP via Boot Camp. The internal drive in the mac is 230gb (total), and I allocated 60gb to XP. I formatted the partition to NTFS (not quick), and completed the rest of the setup. I then inserted the Leopard DVD and installed the boot camp drivers. Then I downloaded all available updates for XP, and the only other thing I've installed is Mozilla Firefox. I've also made changes to the system using an optimization guide (link below), and the performance seems to be the same before and after.
[URL] - I've only done as far as number 20.
The performance is very sluggish. It shows most while scrolling. It's not smooth and jitters a lot. On previous installations of XP on this computer, I've run audio software (Pro Tools/Cubase) and the performance is terrible. It can't handle even the simplest of tasks.
On the Mac OSX side of the machine, however, performance is fine. Everything runs smoothly.
As far as I know, the specs of the computer are pretty good. I can't understand why performance wouldn't be up to scratch
So, I'm just wondering if anybody has any ideas on what's going on? Is this normal, or am I missing something? It seems like Windows isn't using the full power of the hardware.
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Sep 27, 2009
Since about the 3rd day after I got my macbook pro the computer has been making cracking sounds when I open it. When it first started it just simply made one clicking sound when the hinge is halfway open. Now however, When it is open it makes cracking sounds that don't stop ( open 15 cracking sounds per open). Is this a serious issue that I need to address with my local (and very mean) genius or is this issue not going to continue to get progressively worse. If this does continue to get worse will the hinge crack open? what is this worst that could happen?
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Aug 28, 2010
Me and some friends were messing around on Photo Booth and we took a lengthy video (about 10 minutes) to put up on Youtube. We weren't done with the video and everything was still recording when I left for a minute.When I returned, Photo Booth was closed. My friend has never used a Mac before and he's not sure what he did. He says he was trying to quit out of another program and he might've accidentally quit Photo Booth. Either that, or he pressed the X, thinking it was the minimize button on Windows.Anyways, where is the part of the video that we actually recorded? Did the entire thing not get saved at all just because we might've quit out of the program near the end of our video?
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