Applications :: How To Find Video Encoder/Video Recorder?
Aug 17, 2010
I'm trying to upload a Starcraft 2 tutorial video to youtube that was in .swf format, youtube doesn't like this though and it failed to upload.
Can anyone suggest a good .swf to (whatever format youtube likes) encoder or a different video recorder I can use to re-record the video in a friendlier format.
I am looking for a good quality/fast free screen capture video recorder software for my iMac that I can record things on my screen.
I require a software that is resizable to your specific dimensions that you require recording of.
For example, if you only wanted to capture and record a section in Pages, you would be able to click and drag how much area you wish to record.
I have tried both "Capture Me" and "Copernicus", but I had issues with both. Copernicus seems to let me click and drag the surface area I wish (then nothing else besides a viewfinder preview window pops up), then when I hit record it might record a second or two and then shut off... or maybe that was on Capture Me, I cannot remember right now...
Does anyone have a good video screen capture software? I really liked the Hypercam on Windows, but that had a water mark that needed to be paid to remove...
I have a humax hd recorder hd5050 and would like to store a recorded video on my imac. I can connect the humax recorder with my router via a cable. My imac has a wireless connection. Do I need a special program on my imac?
I really want to be able to connect video recorder to imac and be able to edit footage and make more presentable then burn DVDs. What cables and or software do I need?
I am looking for advice on a screen recorder program that enables me to capture and store avi files. I have some videos on quicktime that I would like to record and view again.
I'm trying to decide which product to buy and I was hoping for some advice.
First and foremost I want a device so that I may transfer my VHS tapes to DVD.
Live TV recording is secondary but for the price, I'd like to find the device that suits me best so I can continue to use it after i've transferred all my VHS.
Here are my concerns:
1) I'm going to be moving from the US to Ireland in a couple of months (not sure for how long, could be years+) Obviously there's the whole NTSC vs. PAL, ATSC vs. DVB.
I know with EyeTV 250 it's either or, any ideas if buying some sort of converter is an option (prices, quality)? If I bought just a PAL one, would I still be able to convert VHS or would it be completely unusable in the US?
2) I'd like some sort of HD/Digital abilities. From what I can tell TVMax is analog only and Blackmagic may also be but I can't find more specs on that.
Does this mean they'll be useless once the US undergoes the conversion?
So as of now I'm leaning towards EyeTV 250 but the question are there any forseeable problems with using a PAL to NTSC converter or using a PAL EyeTV in the US just to convert VHS.
I noticed that whenever I open itunes store within the Itunes application I only get the App store, podcasts and itunes U. I cant find any music or video files in the store. I removed itunes and all associated files according to instructions in the following URL I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't solve the problem. I am using an Imac and OS 10.6.5. My Itunes version is 10.1.1.
i basically want to stream video from my isight while i am dj'ing live. i have the audio from the mixer being fed into the powermac via a usb sound card.
anyone have any ideas? or am i just going to have to be pissed because there is no good software out there like the shoutcast NSV for windows?
if im viewing a website and they have flash video i want to save, how will i do this. i cant right click and get info there specialized player wont allow this.
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
I listen to and watch a lot of podcasts. Quite often, after I am done listening to a Audio Podcast I will watch a video podcast. Some times it gets stuck and won't play the video but plays audio fine. Anyone else have this problem?
It must be some ad blocker or something, but I can't view videos. I can't seem to find what's causing it. I can go to YouTube and watch a video, but when someone posts a link, I am unable to make it play. I'll get a site with a black rectangle where the video is supposed to be. Happens on links from tweets too. Safari and Firefox both. I tried the Flash uninstall/reinstall/disc permission/restart routine twice.
Here's my problem: I'd very much like to download an embedded flash video from this page: (One has to click 'start' for the flash to load.)
But web developers have become wily it seems. No longer do the old methods appear to work. I've tried: Apps for downloading youtube videos, using the Activity window in Safari (only a small SWF file of about 21kb appears in the activity window), numerous Firefox plugins� To no avail.
There are apparently apps for Windows that can manage to download these tricky types of videos, is there anything or any method on the Mac? I've been ripping my hair out trying. I've searched the forum, but none of the suggested methods work.
Me and some friends were messing around on Photo Booth and we took a lengthy video (about 10 minutes) to put up on Youtube. We weren't done with the video and everything was still recording when I left for a minute.When I returned, Photo Booth was closed. My friend has never used a Mac before and he's not sure what he did. He says he was trying to quit out of another program and he might've accidentally quit Photo Booth. Either that, or he pressed the X, thinking it was the minimize button on Windows.Anyways, where is the part of the video that we actually recorded? Did the entire thing not get saved at all just because we might've quit out of the program near the end of our video?
i've recorded a gameplay of myself playing "Combat Arms" on another windows pc i have, the videos open up fine in win7, but when i transfered them to Mac, in Premiere Pro, i got some codec error, i tried converting it, but it gives me green screens with sounds. Any ideas on how i can fix the green screen, with stripes. Also, i really want a Sony Vegas Pro 9 on my iMac, are there any other video making softwares which is almost the same as Sony Vegas?
Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs 2GB RAM (2 x 1GB PC3200U DDR SDRAM) Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system) (1) Power Cord pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
I copied a deposition from a DVD I was sent. I want to edit the deposition into clips with imovie, but I can't seem to get it to open. I have tried changing the file type and things like that.
I ordered NFL game rewind so I can watch all of last years games. I was wondering if anyone knows how to save the videos I watch. The videos are in flash, but when I view activity monitor there is nothing being downloaded.
ive searched around a lot and only found topics talking about the AGP PM (which the x800xt sounds like its the best card) but iam looking for the best card for the Quad 2.5 DC DP.
Ive got an older NV silencer also hanging around from an old gpu fan swap, so thats available for the upgrade aswell.
Someone at work recorded a screen capture video. Within the frame, there's good material but a lot of garbage around the edges that I don't want (what Sally Hogshead would call "screen crapture"). The good stuff lasts the entire duration of the clip, is not perfectly centered, and does not move at all in its placement or change size throughout the clip.
If I crop or trim, I can eliminate the garbage, either making it transparent or black (there's no other clip beneath it to show through) easily enough. Is there a way to then export just the desired portion of the video frame (the non-cropped good stuff) as its own video at a smaller frame size?
I was wondering if there is a good batch encoding program for videos. I am planning on encoding all of my movies to the new Apple TV format in preparation for the launch of it.
I know handbrake can queue files, but you have to add them one-by-one.
Are there any applications where I can just select all of my videos and then select Apple TV format and just let it run for a week or so to encode them all?
I was watching Apple's event on quicktime , and the whole 1:30 hour show streamed with no pre-downloading on my slow internet connection(512kbs at best) while youtube videos of 5 and 10 min will take very long time to load, actually they won't stream ever, all the time they will need to be downloaded at first, this goes for html5 AND flash. what is this technology apple is using to stream video? Why can't other websites utilize it as it is much more convenient? can you benefit using it on your own personal website?