PowerPC :: IMac G5 ISight 20" Won't Start - Finding Solution
Aug 10, 2009
i have an imac here which won't start when i push the power button. nothing happens. there is no noise, no fan, no flashing on screen or something else. i already opend it and checked the 4 LEDs on the logicboard. nothing to see there too. the only thing i noticed is, when i connect the power supply i hear an short noise coming from the PSU, i think and one (i think the first) LED flashes one time. also tried to push the internal power button, without success. noticed NO exploded or damaged capacitors on PSU and Logicboard (but i think thas more a problem of older G5).
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Feb 7, 2009
Have been searching all over for My 20" iSight G5 iMac won't start.
Already tried:Removing power cord Using other power cord Inserting power cord while holding down power button Holding power button for 6 secs+ Plugging cord to wall outlet Begging and praying to the mighty white apple.
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Aug 18, 2009
A friend of mine has a G5 iMac that won't start. When you press the powerkey it tries to start, the power light glows, the screen goes grey and after a while the fans start whirring. Occasionally (twice in the past couple of days) it has started up, but it froze after a while. Other times the apple logo appears and the gear wheel starts turning but then it freezes.
I have tried booting from DVD, holding down the shift key and have taken the back off and pressed the wee button on the board.
Since my friend has the same model of iMac as me (they were bought at he same time and place) i tried the RAM that I took out of mine when I upgraded.
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May 16, 2010
I have an iMac G5 iSight. When the power button is pressed there is no sound and a white light flashes, but nothing else happens. I tried the power reset method and replaced the power supply, but the same thing happens. The white light just keeps flashing.
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Nov 4, 2009
I purchased the last generation iMac G5 when it came out a few years ago and I recently tried to sell it. I sent the item to the buyer and he said it would not start. The Apple logo or for that matter anything would not come up. He brought it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they said it was an issue that would most likely cost over $500 in repairs. I just got the computer back in the mail and all that happens when the power button is pressed is the white light on the front lower right hand corner comes on for a second, then the machine shuts down. You can also hear the machine begin to start for about two seconds, then it shuts down. Any ideas as to the problem and whether it is fixable without expensive repair costs?
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Dec 6, 2009
My mother's iMac G5 began this just two days ago. It turns on fine, but once is reaches the apple logo with the spinning wheel, the screen begins to exhibit what is shown in the pictures below. It first started when I opened an .AVI I received in an email from my uncle. When the file opened, the whole screen(within about 2 seconds) had discoloration and macro blocking spread from the center of the screen outward. After this I rebooted, tried again, and when I opened the file, it did the same thing. Now I can not even reach the log in screen. And after the screen has been in this state for a while, it may go blank and the fans run at full blast. I've opened the same file on a PowerMac G5 and a MacBook Pro with no problems.
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Jan 22, 2010
I've recently been having problems with my iMac G5 iSight after downloading iTunes 9. After a series of freeze-ups, i noticed a visual anomaly appear on my screen. Little hash-marks all over the display were present, and playing DVDs or iTunes visualizer would result in a checkerboard pattern. After doing some research, I found out this was a logic board problem, and it was not uncommon for iMac G5s. However, I kept using my computer for a few more months when it then started freezing two minutes after boot up. I figured it was time to open up the computer and take a look. But after spending the 3.5 hours opening the machine, removing all of the cables and screws, I couldn't find any visible damage on the board. No swollen capacitors like everyone was complaining about. The only strange thing I saw was some discoloration on a few circuits near the USB and Firewire outlets.
I've decided to replace the logic board myself for around $370, and I was wondering about a few things.
1. Would the new logic board come with a processor, or would I need to pry it off of my old one, and re-attach it?
2. Would I need to go through a lot of re-programing and software issues if I replaced my logic board, or would it just start running right off the bat after replacing it?
3. Is this operation worth it? Because I have come to like my iMac after 5 years of use, and I would like to know if fixing it would give me a decent amount of usage before I would simply need to replace it
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Aug 30, 2006
At work, we have a 17" G5 iMac from back before the iSight was put in. We're an Apple shop, so we have the new iMac actually on the floor for people to try out. The old G5 this thread is addressing is up on a shelf, but we want to turn it on as a display model. We plug a temporary mouse and keyboard into it, but the machine never gets past the white Apple screen with the "I'm thinking" animation. After a minute or two, the fan turns on full blast, but the white screen remains without any signs of moving on. What is our problem?
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Feb 25, 2010
I've got a 20" 2.1GHz iMac G5 iSight on my bench that doesn't power up.
I've tracked down the issue to a grenaded IC on the logic board.
The IC is an 8 pin SOIC chip, to the right of the power connector, just above the ALS connector. It is labeled UE300.
If you know what this guy is, can send me a good picture of one, or can provide me with the numbers from the IC, I can get this mac back to life.
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Feb 23, 2008
I'd love to be able to add a Blu-ray drive (internal) to my Mac Pro, now that the Format War is over. But I don't want to just buy some BD-ROM drive and pray that it will work in my machine.
Does anyone have any clues about when Apple will announce a BD-ROM drive, available as a purchase-time option or an optional later-on add-on from Apple, which Mac Pro users can buy and install?
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Jun 12, 2010
Is there a free solution to sync iCal to an android phone?
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Feb 19, 2010
As a side note, our three computers (Mac Pros) we use to access this info are spread about the same room. We also have our laptops and some older macs, so it would be nice to be able to occasionally access finished projects from these secondary computers.
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Dec 31, 2010
Anyone using Prey? [URL]
I tried it out, pretty impressed with it so far.
Registered my laptop as 'stolen' and it snapped my picture, tracerouted my network, located me on google maps, and I also made it sound an alarm. Pretty good for free
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Jan 19, 2009
Ok so I bougth a Time Capsule over a month ago and recently Ive started having problems qith my connection and signal strenght, whiche constantly goes up to the minimun messing up with my internet, and when I enter to the airport utility the connection improves temporaly.
Anyone with same problem, is there a solution?
I have a Mac Book Pro with latest mac os x 10.5.6 and time capsule firmware 7.3.2
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Jun 3, 2005
I don't know what to say, I thought I didn't have this problem, as it hadn't started but now that just about a year has passed since I bought my Powerbook it is starting to develop black dots.The aluminum on the palm rests is corroding, also called pitting. It is a reaction of the body chemicals with the aluminum and can get pretty bad.
I've attached a picture so people can see what I am talking about.
Although mine isn't as bad as the picture, it is getting there and Apple will do nothing about it since it is purely cosmetical. I guess I'm just pissed right now, I know I can use clear PDA screen protectors and the such and I do right now, but I cannot say which one are uglier the dots or the screen protector thingies. I'm thinking about taking them off again, I don't know. Fixing this, what I'd need to do when it becomes really bad, would cost about $200.
I don't know what to say, I guess it is just a computer but it still is bugging the hell outta me.
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Feb 12, 2007
Brother in laws imac g4 laptop does not start up. Is there a way to key command the computer to start up as a hard drive so we can save the data on his desk top?
He of course did not save the disks that came with his computer.
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Aug 13, 2006
The last time I tried to insert a disk it would not go in, something (not a disk) was stopping it once it had traveled about half way in.
I then noticed that when waking from sleep or turning on, the normal noise was very different, cut short, and sounded like it was struggling against something.
I believe the mechanism of the drive has somehow failed. Does anyone have any solutions?
It is a iBook G4 1.33GHz with 1.25GB ram installed if that helps.
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Dec 29, 2009
I sent an email to Steve Jobs about my yellow tint 21.5 iMac issues (three exchanges, all affected, resulting in a refund). I got a call from Dena at Executive Care within 24 hours.
She said they are aware of the problem and do not know how widespread it is. According to Dena, the issue is not resolved and that ordering a new iMac will not result in a fixed display.
She said the engineers are working on it now and they are not sure if it's hardware (most likely) or software related. Further Apple stores cannot do repairs because they haven't determined what the issue is.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a PowerPC Imac. I have OS 10.4.11 installed on it. Today I started it up and it was working fine, however it froze while trying to load Photoshop. I had to force shut down and when I tried to reboot, I got a flashing folder and question mark. I have tried running Disk Utility, but it gets stuck at the Gathering Disk Information stage. I have tried resetting the PRAM (I think that's what it's called). It won't let me start up in safe mode or single-use mode. When I try to specify a startup disk, my hard drive is not listed.
What do I do? Is there any way to salvage this? My biggest concern are my pictures of my family that I unfortunately have not backed up.
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Mar 29, 2008
Does anyone have / know where I can download a driver for isight for Mac OS X v.10.5.2 Every time I try and use it, it tells me that its in use by another program. I tried shutting down everything and it still does not seem to want to work.
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Aug 13, 2010
So, I had read a few posts from various sites about how a problematic iSight (one that didn't show up in system profiler) could be possibly caused by a loose cable. The guides reported finding a loose connection in the iSight cable behind the bezel. They reported opening up their MBs and successfully getting behind there for the fix.
I thought I'd be okay opening up my 15" MBP to see if my iSight dilemma could be cured in the same way. I used this guide:
to get to the cable. I did skip a number of steps immediately following the detachment of the bezel; going directly to the upper iSight area simply disconnecting and then reconnecting the cable. This seems OK because the guide is for replacing the entire cable itself; whereas I just wanted to check the top connection.
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Nov 29, 2007
I currently own a iMac G4 700 MHz and I was wondering if a iMac G4 1,25 GHz 20inch is a lot better than the 700 MHz ? Im not thinking of video editing or gaming, but basic use in Leopard.
If someone has any experience with a 1,25 GHz with Leopard, please tell me so I can compare.
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Feb 20, 2008
A friend of mine wants to buy a "vintage" iMac. He's an interior designer so going for the iconic look rather than specs and looking at the original G3 style or the "pod" style G4s.
Now this will be used primarliy for web browsing, email, iPhoto and iTunes (streaming his music collection to Apple TV - about 50GB of music). He'd like it to run OSX and preferably Leopard.
I'm guessing (from memory) that the original iMacs are out of the question but can anyone suggest a spec he might look for? Maybe somebody that's still using one of these machines could give an opinion? Also, what's the max spec (cpu, hard drive, RAM) that he could expect to pick up?
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Oct 8, 2008
iMac G3/finding reviews?
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an older G5. Running Ethernet cables across the hallway is not going to work. Is there a Wi-Fi card, chip, usb solution? Or can I share an internet connection with my MacPro in the same room?
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Sep 19, 2006
I have a Macbook and it comes with Photo Booth which is kinda cool. But I was wondering if there is any freeware software that lets you utilize your built-in iSight as a video recorder?
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Jun 19, 2008
A couple of nights ago I set my iMac G3 (Blueberry) to stop automatic login at start up and put it to sleep. I did this because I didn't want my kids on the web in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. When morning comes, the computer is off. I try to start it but it won't turn over. When I push the on button, the button flashes on for a split second and I hear the crackle of static as if the computer is starting, but nothing happens after that. I tried plugging and unplugging the computer, but nothing helps.
It's like a car that won't turn over.
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Oct 27, 2009
I am currently experiencing problems booting up my imac 17-inch, 1.6GHz (2004 model I think). When I hit the power button the machine starts but the screen rmains black and after about 3 mins of this, the fan goes into overdrive! The only way I can turn the computer on at the moment is to remove the casing and use the on switch located inside the the machine, although this is no guarantee it will work, sometimes it does but the majority of times it will be the same black screen as before. All I am waiting to hear is the part in the top corner (hard drive~?) to click into gear and then it's fine, and the machine seems to work perfectly. But this is not a solution and I fear it is only a matter of time before the machine just explodes altogether
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May 21, 2007
so what is the easiest way to record video using the in built iSight? do you get any control over the file format? yes i did search -
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May 15, 2009
I remember seeing some type of program or script that would take a picture with isight if an incorrect login password was entered. Does anyone know the name of the program or know where I can find the script?
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