IMac :: What Do The New Graphics Mean For Video Editors

Jul 27, 2010

I started a thread a long time ago on using the iMac as a video editing machine, and the general consensus was that the only thing holding back the iMac from being an absolutely fantastic editing station was the graphics.

Now here's a question for the pros: now that the graphics have been updated for the 27inch (from Radeon HD 4850 to 5750) are some of these problems solved?

I'm planning on doing a lot of work in Avid, Final Cut, and Pro Tools, and I want to get to know After Effects well.

Will 8GB of Ram be enough for me?

Most of my editing will be off of footage from my 5D Mark ii.

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Software :: GPU Powered AVCHD Video Editors / Players?

Sep 18, 2009

I have an iMac with the Radeon 2600 graphics (I think it's about a year old). I'm looking for a video editing package (or at minimum playback package) that uses video processing to decode the AVCHD files (.mts in my case). I've demo'd a couple packages which I was told did not use GPU support and of course they brought my machine to a standstill and the video clips as well. I realize I can translate them to MP4 or something instead but I then have to manage the original clips vs the outputs. I'd at least like to have something that catalogs the files and keeps meta-data so they're organized since my Canon camcorder seems to reuse file names. realize Adobe's package has native editing but even on that one, I'm not sure it uses the GPU. I believe the 2600 has AVCHD support. I think it says AVC H.264 which I think is what I'd need assuming there existed such a package.

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IMac :: Better Video, Graphics Card And Memory Options?

Mar 3, 2009

If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.

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IMac :: Strange Graphics - Video Card Dying?

Jun 11, 2010

Recently my 20" iMac has been showing some strange graphic problems when starting up, it doesn't happen all the time. Its hard to explain, what it looks like so I was able to capture a video of it on my iPhone, it happens near the end of the boot cycle; Here's a link to the video; [URL:...] I've tried clearing the PRAM etc and no luck. The iMac will be two years old this August, I don't have AppleCare. Do you think the video card is dying?

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IMac :: 24" Safer Bet - Unacceptable For Video And Graphics Stuff?

Feb 23, 2010

I've gone through two brand new 21.5" iMacs now, both with bad yellow tinge, unacceptable for the video and graphics stuff I need to do with it (and of course, for any new premium-priced computer...but Apple is still willing to sell them and hope we don't notice?). I finally got a refund, and while I don't want to defect to PCs (it would be a pain considering I work off of a MBP, too) - I was wondering if the 24" iMacs are a safer bet. Mac Connection is selling an awfully attractive one. After unboxing two lemons, I'm a little gun-shy.

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Applications :: Free ID3 Editors On Mac - Not Itunes

Apr 21, 2009

I recently-ish converted to the Mac from Windows, and with it my MP3 collection migrated too. Unfortunately I cannot find a decent free MP3 ID3 (metadata tag) editor to replace MP3 Book Helper [URL] on Windows. Itunes is rather cumbersome as information needs to be entered in manually and individually. Does anybody know any good ID3 editors for the Mac?

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Applications :: Free Text Editors - Smultron Alternatives

Oct 5, 2009

As I was trying to set up my brand new 13-inch MBP with my favorites application, I realized that Smultron will no longer be in development. There fore i looking for a replacement, that is a free text editor. I have downloaded TextWrangler and I was wondering if you knew other good software. Basically i am doing web design and at work I often need raw text without any rich edition. I also like the tab navigation. Smultron was good because it only did what I needed.

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Applications :: Suggestions For (very) Basic Free Photo Editors?

Feb 16, 2010

I have been looking around the forums but came up empty handed. I was wondering what good free photoshop(like) programs there are. All I literally want to be able to do is get two separate photos and put them side by side and export them as one photo. Basically I want to make a wallpaper. I've heard about GIMP but is that what I want? Is there a more basic photo editor?

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Mac Pro :: Best Graphics Card For HD Video Editing?

Sep 21, 2009

As you can see in the title. What is the Best Graphics Card for HD Video Editing?

Obviously it should be compatible with the mac.

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Mac :: MacBook Video Card And Graphics?

Oct 4, 2009

I'm not exactly hardware savvy, so please bear with me.I've been looking into some cool video games for my MacBook (white, couple of years old, Leopard), and it appears I need a new video card/graphics/whatever. I think it's GeForce or something.I've heard in the past that the video card/graphics could not be upgraded in the Macs. Not sure if this is true or if it has changed.Is there any possible way on Earth that I could send the MacBook into a shop and get the video card/graphics updated? It doesn't have to be Apple; a genuine third party would do.

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Mac Pro :: Finding Graphics Cards For Mac Pro And Video Editing?

May 2, 2008

I am about to purchase a Mac Pro, and I saw the rumor about the new ATI Radeon 3870 coming for the Mac Pro in late May.

I had a few questions about it and Mac Pro graphics cards in general. First, will this card be available as an optional upgrade when configuring a Mac Pro from the Apple Store? Is that usually how it goes?

Secondly, I'm a video editor planning to use this Mac Pro primarily for Final Cut Studio and After Effects. It seems to have been indicated that ATI cards are better for this sort of work, versus the 8800GT they off right now.

Do these programs gain significant benefit from using ATI or is it more unsubstantial?

The other question I have is whether or not these cards would be recommended for use with the Avid product line (namely Avid Xpress Pro or Media Composer). It seems that Avid only will certify NVidia graphics cards, as it has with the 8800GT. I also am aware that Avid is not compatible with Leopard just yet, but will be in the near future.

So does anyone know if Avid performs well (or at all) with the ATI cards? Would the overall performance increase of ATI over NVidia be enough to take a chance with compatability issues?

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Mac Pro :: How To Update Graphics Card To Do Video Editing

Mar 4, 2009

I got my early 2008 2.8 Octo mainly for photoshop and photo editing. I added 8gb ram and a couple of 1TB hd's.

Now I want to do some video editing in Final Cut Pro in the near future. Is my stock 2600 card good enough or should I get a better card?

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Hardware :: Video Cards In MacBook Pro - Integrated Graphics?

Feb 14, 2010

I may have sold a PC user on buying a mac and she's interested in the MBP. I noticed that some models of the MPB have a "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB" while others have the "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M." Are either of these integrated graphics? And what is the advantage of the models with "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB?" That sounds to me like it has two video boards. Why would Apple do this? And is there a big difference in video processing power between the models with one video board and two?

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Video Performance And Graphics On System

Apr 29, 2010

I have a 2009 2.53GHz MacBook Pro which I bought a couple months ago. It's been working great, but lately, I've been noticing a lot of strange issues with video playback/general graphics and UI. These includes:- Laggy video performance, frame skipping, generally 2x slow video -- on both iTunes and web video. It's not as smooth as it used to be, though admittedly not totally unbarable - VLC shows a black screen, doesn't show the video - Randomly pixelated icons in the dock (it's almost like the Mac picks a new one everyday to pixelate), dock animation not 100% smooth, although fairly good (not sure if it used to be this way)

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Mac Pro :: 8 Core - Too Much For Heavy Hi-res Graphics - Light Audio Video?

Jul 2, 2010

Is the 8 core overkill for heavy hi-res graphic design, but low use audio and video editing?

I have no experience with the current Mac Pro's. I have a 1,1 original, but I understand that the Nehalem processor is far superior to the Woodcrest from the original.

Question is, with 3300 as the base of an 8 core, does a 2d designer really need that extra processor?

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IMac :: Imac 27" I5 Graphics Show Green Bars

Sep 1, 2010

Just got a refurbished 27" Imac I5 with the Radeon 4850 yesterday.This happened twice yesterday, so today, when I powered on I had my blackberry ready to record.As you can see theres a large green band (yesterday it was accompanied with a red one) that spans the vertical aspect of the screen. The bars disappear after 30-1min.I've tried searching and haven't found anyone with a similar problem.

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PowerPC :: PM G5 From IMac Core Duo - Macbook Beats Imac In Everything Except Graphics?

Sep 30, 2006

currently i have a blackbook and imac core duo, 17 ". My macbook beats the imac in everything except graphics. Before i got my imac i seriously considered a g5 dual 2.0, but the money wasnt there. I see an apple refurb dual 2.0 for 1599, and im sure i cud get one a lot cheaper used here or on another board. How much of a performance increase will i see IN APERTURE going to the PM, if any? i would need a good increase to justify it, and eve then im not sure my parents would be ok with me spending a few hundred bucks to upgrade

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IMac :: 24 Inch IMac Graphics Card To Ati Radeon

Sep 16, 2009

I recently read somewhere that I can actually change the graphics card on my mac. If so where can I buy the ATI Radeon 4850 graphics card? and how much will that set me back?And could I get this upgrade done by my local nextbyte retail store?If it is possible to have nextbyte upgrade my card would they send it off to apple?
I really just need this card so I can play aoe3 on all settings high and be able to handle games like cod4, quake and all those graphic hungry games.

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IMac :: New IMac Discrete Graphics?

Jul 29, 2010

Apple has been kind enough to replace my few week old iMac i7 with a new, refreshed model.I've heard that the graphics in the new iMac are discrete and separate from the motherboard.Does this mean the graphics card will be replaceable, albeit in a rather clumsy way?

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IMac :: Looking For Graphics Cards

Feb 26, 2009

I'm thinking of getting myself a Mac. I have not decided on much more than this. Well, a few things have been sorted. I'm either going for a MB 13" as a nice little e-mail and surfing companion or I'm getting the next iMac. If I would go for the latter then it would have to serve as a gaming platform as well and preferably for a couple of years.

Since gaming will be a good part of the duties performed by the dear little thing I must ask what we could expect in terms of graphics cards?

I'm aware that Apple often use last generation GC in their computers so a GeForce GT 120M is probably out of the question.

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IMac :: Which Graphics Card Is Better

Jun 5, 2009

will a ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256MB in an imac or a 9600 gt m 512 in the umbp be better?

strictly the graphics cards, on gaming performance.

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IMac :: Can Update 27 3.06 Graphics And Memory

Sep 29, 2010

iam looking to update the graphics and memory for imac from late 2009. where i can find all this

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IMac :: Difference Between Speed Of Hdd And Graphics?

Apr 9, 2009

I recently had the 2.8Ghz 24inch imac with 2Gb memore and 320Gb hard drive with the ati graphics but had a display problem so returned it but my current pc is so slow i need a new computer now so i'm looking at the 24inch 2.66Ghz model but what sped difference will i see in sped from 2.8-2.66 and will the nvidia graphics be better, worse or the same as the recent ATI graphics and is the memore a bigger improvement with now 4Gb ddr3

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IMac :: Using Graphics Card In Next Model?

Oct 7, 2009

with this talk of new imacs and mac mini's I thought it would be fun to speculate on what gfx card they may choose to include in the high end model. After a little searching around on what mobile cards are around my bet is on the Geforce GTS 160m. They seem to be going almost exclusively with Nvidia with the exception of the 4850.

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IMac :: Cannot Forward Graphics But Text Only

Mar 15, 2010

I have a question about Mail. Whenever I try to forward an email, it forwards the text, but not the graphics! I am using Mail, Version 4.2 (1077). I've gone through the preferences, and cannot find a fix for this.

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IMac :: 24" Graphics Upgrading?

May 4, 2010

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how/if it is possible to upgrade my iMac 24" with an integrated nVidia Geforce 9400 to the dedicated GT 130 with 512megs. The nVidia website ([URL]) claims that the 24" model offers two potential upgrades (with one being the 120 and the other the 130), but doesn't specify exactly how this works. Does anyone know how to install this card? and what it would involve? I've heard the iMac is all but unupgradeable, but then I saw that claim on the nVidia website.

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IMac :: Does My 24" Have Discrete Graphics?

May 10, 2010

How can I tell?

24" 3.06
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS
Late 2008 I think?

BTW, the reason I am asking is because I am interested in this new Steam software that Valve is putting out and I want to know how well my Mac will do with the games.

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IMac :: Using 21.5" Airport Graphics?

Jul 12, 2010

Okay, everything's been working fine (except for that annoying high-pitched noise) but recently AirPort or whatever all that is has been really, really annoying.

All throughout today and yesterday I've never had a good connection, I'm right next to my router (it's not a problem with the router) and when I'm connected via Ethernet it's fine but I can't always be connected like that.

I'll try loading a website then the whole connection drops, multiple times. And when it's fixed, it happens again. and again. It's really quite annoying.

Also, I know NVIDIA GeForce 9400m is a GPU and all, but is there any way to upgrade the graphics? 9400m is absolutely terrible. Horrible. I can't believe they even put them in there to begin with. My brother's $500 dollar laptop can almost do better.

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IMac :: Bad Graphics Board - Screen Messed Up?

Sep 10, 2010

Am having a problem with the screen getting "messed up" is the best way that I can describe it. Happens with all different apps running but nearly always shows up when trying to edit a photo in iPhoto. When I make an adjustment there (like sharpening) the photo will turn all red and the system will lock up. This does not always happen, but just most of the time. In other apps, it can result in just messing up that page or the entire screen. I can replace the Graphics card myself if that is what the problem is but is there any way to test it before laying out the $250?

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IMac :: Upgrading Graphics Cards,ram,and Processor?

Sep 12, 2010

I'd like to start by saying excuse the stupid questions, I'm still very new with using macs. I'm a long time PC user, but I've recently made plans to replace my PC with an iMac. Specifically a 21.5" with an Intel i3 processor. This mac comes with 4gb ram, and a Radeon 5650 HD graphics card.

Now I'm a fairly big gamer, and I like my hardware to be as high-end and up-to-date as possible. If I were to plan on upgrading the graphics card, ram, and processor, could this be easily done at home?

I'm asking because of the unusual structure of the iMac. i.e. the lack of tower, and all the hardware being merged with the screen. I'm assuming it would be a lot easier on a mac pro because it actually has a tower that I can easily open/customize.

Lastly, granted that the above is possible, are the generic graphics cards, processor, and ram chips compatible with iMacs? Or would I need to buy a special iMac compatible version from an Apple specialist shop?

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