I have a question about Mail. Whenever I try to forward an email, it forwards the text, but not the graphics! I am using Mail, Version 4.2 (1077). I've gone through the preferences, and cannot find a fix for this.
I have been using MassReplaceIt to put named anchors on a couple of my web pages. I was using iWeb'08. I got a new MacBookPro (love it) which has iWeb'09 installed. '09 has converted the text on the two pages (only those two) that had the named anchors to graphics. Now my anchors won't work. Is there any way around this? What's happening is MassReplaceIt reads text, but my text has been turned into a graphic - I think.
just a short question: Can anybody tell me a program/way to export my PAGES document to a PDF with all the used fonts and graphics embedded? I want that it looks exactely the same on e.g. a Windows computer on which the used fonts aren't installed. Unfortunately, even the Word exporting fuction of Pages doesn't seem very reliable - or do I do something wrong? I sometimes even lose bold/italic format etc. Very strange ... Anyway, I need a way to send somebody this text either as a Word or PDF file which won't make problems and look the same.
Just got a refurbished 27" Imac I5 with the Radeon 4850 yesterday.This happened twice yesterday, so today, when I powered on I had my blackberry ready to record.As you can see theres a large green band (yesterday it was accompanied with a red one) that spans the vertical aspect of the screen. The bars disappear after 30-1min.I've tried searching and haven't found anyone with a similar problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGK3LYb23mc
currently i have a blackbook and imac core duo, 17 ". My macbook beats the imac in everything except graphics. Before i got my imac i seriously considered a g5 dual 2.0, but the money wasnt there. I see an apple refurb dual 2.0 for 1599, and im sure i cud get one a lot cheaper used here or on another board. How much of a performance increase will i see IN APERTURE going to the PM, if any? i would need a good increase to justify it, and eve then im not sure my parents would be ok with me spending a few hundred bucks to upgrade
I recently read somewhere that I can actually change the graphics card on my mac. If so where can I buy the ATI Radeon 4850 graphics card? and how much will that set me back?And could I get this upgrade done by my local nextbyte retail store?If it is possible to have nextbyte upgrade my card would they send it off to apple? I really just need this card so I can play aoe3 on all settings high and be able to handle games like cod4, quake and all those graphic hungry games.
Apple has been kind enough to replace my few week old iMac i7 with a new, refreshed model.I've heard that the graphics in the new iMac are discrete and separate from the motherboard.Does this mean the graphics card will be replaceable, albeit in a rather clumsy way?
I'm thinking of getting myself a Mac. I have not decided on much more than this. Well, a few things have been sorted. I'm either going for a MB 13" as a nice little e-mail and surfing companion or I'm getting the next iMac. If I would go for the latter then it would have to serve as a gaming platform as well and preferably for a couple of years.
Since gaming will be a good part of the duties performed by the dear little thing I must ask what we could expect in terms of graphics cards?
I'm aware that Apple often use last generation GC in their computers so a GeForce GT 120M is probably out of the question.
I recently had the 2.8Ghz 24inch imac with 2Gb memore and 320Gb hard drive with the ati graphics but had a display problem so returned it but my current pc is so slow i need a new computer now so i'm looking at the 24inch 2.66Ghz model but what sped difference will i see in sped from 2.8-2.66 and will the nvidia graphics be better, worse or the same as the recent ATI graphics and is the memore a bigger improvement with now 4Gb ddr3
with this talk of new imacs and mac mini's I thought it would be fun to speculate on what gfx card they may choose to include in the high end model. After a little searching around on what mobile cards are around my bet is on the Geforce GTS 160m. They seem to be going almost exclusively with Nvidia with the exception of the 4850.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how/if it is possible to upgrade my iMac 24" with an integrated nVidia Geforce 9400 to the dedicated GT 130 with 512megs. The nVidia website ([URL]) claims that the 24" model offers two potential upgrades (with one being the 120 and the other the 130), but doesn't specify exactly how this works. Does anyone know how to install this card? and what it would involve? I've heard the iMac is all but unupgradeable, but then I saw that claim on the nVidia website.
24" 3.06 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS Late 2008 I think?
BTW, the reason I am asking is because I am interested in this new Steam software that Valve is putting out and I want to know how well my Mac will do with the games.
Okay, everything's been working fine (except for that annoying high-pitched noise) but recently AirPort or whatever all that is has been really, really annoying.
All throughout today and yesterday I've never had a good connection, I'm right next to my router (it's not a problem with the router) and when I'm connected via Ethernet it's fine but I can't always be connected like that.
I'll try loading a website then the whole connection drops, multiple times. And when it's fixed, it happens again. and again. It's really quite annoying.
Also, I know NVIDIA GeForce 9400m is a GPU and all, but is there any way to upgrade the graphics? 9400m is absolutely terrible. Horrible. I can't believe they even put them in there to begin with. My brother's $500 dollar laptop can almost do better.
I started a thread a long time ago on using the iMac as a video editing machine, and the general consensus was that the only thing holding back the iMac from being an absolutely fantastic editing station was the graphics.
Now here's a question for the pros: now that the graphics have been updated for the 27inch (from Radeon HD 4850 to 5750) are some of these problems solved?
I'm planning on doing a lot of work in Avid, Final Cut, and Pro Tools, and I want to get to know After Effects well.
Will 8GB of Ram be enough for me?
Most of my editing will be off of footage from my 5D Mark ii.
Am having a problem with the screen getting "messed up" is the best way that I can describe it. Happens with all different apps running but nearly always shows up when trying to edit a photo in iPhoto. When I make an adjustment there (like sharpening) the photo will turn all red and the system will lock up. This does not always happen, but just most of the time. In other apps, it can result in just messing up that page or the entire screen. I can replace the Graphics card myself if that is what the problem is but is there any way to test it before laying out the $250?
I'd like to start by saying excuse the stupid questions, I'm still very new with using macs. I'm a long time PC user, but I've recently made plans to replace my PC with an iMac. Specifically a 21.5" with an Intel i3 processor. This mac comes with 4gb ram, and a Radeon 5650 HD graphics card.
Now I'm a fairly big gamer, and I like my hardware to be as high-end and up-to-date as possible. If I were to plan on upgrading the graphics card, ram, and processor, could this be easily done at home?
I'm asking because of the unusual structure of the iMac. i.e. the lack of tower, and all the hardware being merged with the screen. I'm assuming it would be a lot easier on a mac pro because it actually has a tower that I can easily open/customize.
Lastly, granted that the above is possible, are the generic graphics cards, processor, and ram chips compatible with iMacs? Or would I need to buy a special iMac compatible version from an Apple specialist shop?
I just got an i7 27" iMac, and while its wonderfully in every way imaginable, I have an issue with my graphics card or drivers or something.
Two examples proving an issue:
I run world of warcraft and look in the video settings and I can't set anything to max at all, also a red bar assuming my graphics card is way out of its depth or something.
Also tried to run Left 4 Dead 2 from steam and in the menu I get some images come up as pink checkered squares and it always freezes when loading a match.
is it possible to add another monitor to a Imac with the 256MB graphics card on it? The system will have 4gb Ram.Is this graphic card strong enough or is it better to get the 512MB one?can I easily run lets say... dvd encore, premiero pro type of software?
My 3 yr old IMac G5 (no isight) seems to be real sluggish in graphics dept. I never used to have problems watching hulu videos, now they stutter. When I play warcraft, the game struggles to keep up if I'm in an area where there is lots of players. Would a new graphics card help? Is it replaceable on my IMac model?
I want to use a windows Driving Simulator on my iMac, probably using Bootcamp. The system requirements are
Graphics - Any 64MB 3D graphics card or above*
*NVidia GeForce FX or higher / ATI Radeon 9500 or higher. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Other integrated graphics chipsets are not supported.
I have an 20 month old iMac with a ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT. Will that do? I have absolutely no idea about this stuff!
It only took me a year to figure it out, but I've confirmed that the problems I've been having for the past year with the screen freezing (thought the computer was freezing) are owed to a bad graphics card. The card I have in my 2.16GHz 24" iMac (purchased Sep '06), NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT, is indeed ready to die. I found some articles that said the graphics card is easily upgradable in my iMac. If true, which replacement card should I buy? And is this something I can install myself, simply by removing the cover, pulling out the old card and installing the new?
If there's no refresh this coming week, we're pretty much going to be forced into settling for one of the 27" iMacs (we're on our third) and hooking up a second (probably 24") monitor to do color sensitive work.
Does anyone out there have a dual-monitor setup running with the 27"? I was wondering if you notice any sort of graphics performance hit with the second monitor attached.