Software :: GPU Powered AVCHD Video Editors / Players?
Sep 18, 2009
I have an iMac with the Radeon 2600 graphics (I think it's about a year old). I'm looking for a video editing package (or at minimum playback package) that uses video processing to decode the AVCHD files (.mts in my case). I've demo'd a couple packages which I was told did not use GPU support and of course they brought my machine to a standstill and the video clips as well. I realize I can translate them to MP4 or something instead but I then have to manage the original clips vs the outputs. I'd at least like to have something that catalogs the files and keeps meta-data so they're organized since my Canon camcorder seems to reuse file names. realize Adobe's package has native editing but even on that one, I'm not sure it uses the GPU. I believe the 2600 has AVCHD support. I think it says AVC H.264 which I think is what I'd need assuming there existed such a package.
I recently purchased a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7, & I am reading about it's video formats. It shoots AVCHD lite movies and motion jpg movies. I would like to be able to burn these raw movie files unedited to blank DVDs, so my family can view them right away, in the excitement of filming, they are eager to see the results. They do not like to wait for me to do the complex & tedious process of video editing with titles etc, to play. Being able to just burn the raw files for immediate viewing relives me of the burden of complex video editing, of which I do not enjoy very much, & makes family happy, to get the video out of the camera to the DVD player & TV. We have a Philips DVD player that says it can play Divx movies, & an analog tube TV.
So is there a quick painless way that I can get the raw files out of the camera and onto DVD for viewing on a TV. Or is the raw material only viewable on the camera & computer?If the only way to get this material to DVD is by complex video editing, I could be stuck editing literally hours of footage that my family likes to film, they have the film bug, & like to film everything.
I started a thread a long time ago on using the iMac as a video editing machine, and the general consensus was that the only thing holding back the iMac from being an absolutely fantastic editing station was the graphics.
Now here's a question for the pros: now that the graphics have been updated for the 27inch (from Radeon HD 4850 to 5750) are some of these problems solved?
I'm planning on doing a lot of work in Avid, Final Cut, and Pro Tools, and I want to get to know After Effects well.
Will 8GB of Ram be enough for me?
Most of my editing will be off of footage from my 5D Mark ii.
i'm running VLC on both mac and on windows on my macbook. My VLC on mac skips around once every minute and a half. its barely noticeable but i notice it and it bothers the hell out of me. Mplayer does the same thing.
I'm debating whether to go with the Imac of the Mac pro to do some amateur photo and video editing with my new Canon HF 11 HD camcorder. I have NEVER worked with video before and I'm a little nervous pulling the trigger after visiting several Apple stores. I've heard some nightmares about editing high definition video in the AVCHD format. I guess I'm asking this is editing with AVCHD possible with an IMAC? Are the new 24inch IMACs going to be power enough? Would you recommend a powerful Mac Pro instead? Do you see any issues with the AVCHD format?
Can I edit HD 1080i/p video in AVCHD on MacMini - i5 2,3 GHz, 500 GB, 2GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 in iMovie? Will it be stable and useable? I need it for home use only so do not mind about waiting to render/ compile DVD etc. I might need to upgrade RAM to 4 or 8GB, but is the CPU & GPU good enough?
Is the CPU in the 13" MBP fast enough to do a reasonable job of editing HD video (AVCHD) and RAW images? I want to burn the edited video to Blu-Ray. The RAW images will be manipulated using Lightroom. It will be connected to a 24" external display so the screen size on the laptop itself is no issue. I'm concerned about cpu and gpu power.
I just loaded VLC (32/64 bits Intel Mac ,2.0.1) on my 13.3" Core i7 Air with 256GB SSD and it does not play my 1080p60 video smooth like on my PC using VLC on Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Is there another free player for AVCHD MTS2 1080p60 video that might work better in Lion ? I also tried MPlayerX and the 1080p60 video looks smooth but audio is out of sync. I hope Mountain Lion comes with Quicktime that supports AVCHD MTS2 1080p60 video files from my two year old Panasonic TM700 camcorder.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Core i7 , 256GB
I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx. I haven't had any problem until today. For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import.Â
I recently-ish converted to the Mac from Windows, and with it my MP3 collection migrated too. Unfortunately I cannot find a decent free MP3 ID3 (metadata tag) editor to replace MP3 Book Helper [URL] on Windows. Itunes is rather cumbersome as information needs to be entered in manually and individually. Does anybody know any good ID3 editors for the Mac?
As I was trying to set up my brand new 13-inch MBP with my favorites application, I realized that Smultron will no longer be in development. There fore i looking for a replacement, that is a free text editor. I have downloaded TextWrangler and I was wondering if you knew other good software. Basically i am doing web design and at work I often need raw text without any rich edition. I also like the tab navigation. Smultron was good because it only did what I needed.
I have been looking around the forums but came up empty handed. I was wondering what good free photoshop(like) programs there are. All I literally want to be able to do is get two separate photos and put them side by side and export them as one photo. Basically I want to make a wallpaper. I've heard about GIMP but is that what I want? Is there a more basic photo editor?
I'm trying to make a wedding invitation using the iMovie and iDVD software on my mac. I have tried numerous things to make it work right but I'm having little luck.
Basically I have tried all of the following. I have exported from iMovie in both standard and high quality to quicktime and even using the standard iMovie format I've used those files to make DVD's in iDVD. I originally burned the DVD's as NTSC, widescreen with low quality without knowing and later found and changed the region settings to PAL, standard and professional quality.
So far everything I've done still has the same out come. The DVD won't play on some DVD players; The DVD will work & play fine on LCD and Plasma T.V's but wont work on the older tube T.V's. (chops off the top and bottom of the project/ DVD) The DVD's are dicksmith (Aus brand) DVD-R; Will changing the brand and or type of DVD help? Am I missing anything?
P.S. The DVD's I've burned so far all work on the computers I've tested it on.
My girlfriend just bought her macbook so I will test PES 2009 on it, and see how it goes =) Has anyone tried it yet? I am waiting to buy myself a macbook pro in early 2009 =)
Are there specific Blu-ray players that you need to get or is it just fine to buy a cheap Blu-ray player and hook it up to the iMac using bootcamp to watch Blu-ray movies? (Sorta run-on sentence You certainly don't wanna miss not watching Blu-ray movies on a 27" iMac!
Trying to hear song samples from a CD listed on Amazon, but my iMac tells me I do not have a media player yet. Should I download Windows Media Player for 9 OS-X ?? What is the preferred player? I don't want to litter-up my new machine with the wrong stuff.
The DVD's I am making in DVD Studio pro aren't playable on PC's or DVD players, is there any reason for this? As far as I can tell I'm not doing anything differently this time as I do usually, and this is the first time
I have had my MacBook Pro for less than a year and usually very happy with it. However, in the last week the speakers have been playing up. When I'm watching a show or movie, at unexplained times, the audio will fade out so it sounds really quiet and sort of far away. This has been happening on different players, such as VLC and Quicktime. It also happens with different files, and at random times. It seems that playing a song or two on iTunes fixes it. The laptop has definitely NOT been around any liquid or anything that could have damaged the speakers.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
What application can I use to convert .avi files to .mp4 format?I do believe .mp4 will play on DVD players? If not can someone please tell me which will?
I know, I know... iTunes is the end all, be all for mac users as far as music players go. But I don't like to use iTunes all the time... there are times when I download a bunch of music and just don't have time to organize it and make sure it's tagged correctly, so I don't wanna add it to my iTunes library just yet...
so I am wondering, is there any other good music players out there that you might know of? I don't need it to go ahead and organize my music, I just need it to be able to open individual tracks or music off a folder and play it. A player with an appealing UI and shuffle mode would be ideal. I tried Vox btw, but it's kinda ugly though.
This is going to be a series of threads/polls with the main objective of finding out what applications the members of MacRumors use. These threads/polls are not meant for discussion on whether or not one application is better than another or to ask any questions about these particular applications. It's only purpose is to discuss what application you use (or don't use) as it pertains to the topic. The goal is to collect these series of threads in the end and compile a list of all the polls so that members can view what the members of MacRumors use most often. The applications listed in the poll are by no means definitive and/or complete. If you use another application, vote Other and post the name so others can look into it. Even if you don't use any of the applications listed, you can simply click None. I've tried to list as many applications as I could find for the particular topic. Some are paid, some are free. Some cover all versions of OS X, others only a few versions.
This particular thread focuses on Audio Players for OS X. While iTunes is probably used by many due to the iPod and iPhone, it certainly isn't the only application out there to listen to music. So what audio player do you use for your music?
New here and new to making websites. I am making a site to showcase my music, and iWeb was very simple to use. The problem is the only way I can put music on the site is if i drag the mp3 file to the page. After putting 15-20 songs on the page, it takes a very long time to load the page because of all the files. I would much rather host the songs on another site such as and place the music player on the page. it would make the page load very quickly, as well as let the visitors hear the music.
i dont want to shrink the files because the quality is much worse. i need to find a way to put many streaming music players on the page. is there a way to do this? i've looked around the forums and found nothing, and iweb didn't have anything in the help files.
I have spent a lot of time over the last two years trying to get my itunes library organized as well as getting good digitized versions from my vinyl records as well as CDs. I was pleased with my results and then I added the songs to itunes. I could not believe how inconsistent the sound quality was. Invariably the volume is always lower. [Do not post a reply such as: Check the volume controls in itunes proper as well as in itunes preferences (i.e., Sound Check, Sound Enhancer) & the Volume Adjustment in the Information pane under Options for particular songs.] I tried all of those means of adjusting volume. They do NOT work.Â
There is something more insidious at work in itunes which prevent good sound reproduction. I will give an example. I have played Frankie Valle and the Four Season's song "C'Mon Marianne" on the OS X system sound (i.e. clicking the play button to the song file when selected on the desktop or wherever it resides) as well as in Amadeus Pro. The song sounds great. When I play it when it's in the itunes' library the first part of the song is too lound and then when Frankie Valle starts singing his voice is at a significantly reduced volume.Â
I have edited the foregoing song in Amadeus Pro to a very high volume (i.e., Effects>Amplify), reloaded it into itunes and it still does not inprove the volume of Frankie's voice in the song, even though the rest of the song is somewhat louder. I have played with the Equalizer in itunes to no effect. It just does not work.Â
Now, I would glading move away from itunes and use another media player. However, I have other Apple devices through which I listen to music. And the only way I know of to listen,e.g., on the iphone is through itunes.Â
The other related problem with itune, or should I say iCloud, is icloud match. The icloud Match has taken great sounding music and given me back music of an inferior quality, even though it is a Matched AAC format.Â
I am trying to watch some episodes of Leverage on TNT's website, however when I brought up the screen a download popped up for something called Flip4Mac, is this some sort of media player? How do I watch these videos off of TNT's site?
I just purchased Final Cut Express 4.0 and hooked my new Canon Vixia HG20 up to the computer, only to have it NOT log and transfer the clips! I am so frustrated! I have tried the easy set-up and tried all of the Apple Codec settings. I read somewhere that you need to upgrade to 4.0.1, but I can't seem to find anywhere to do this and it is not coming up in my Software Update menu. When I did my homework to try and find an editing program that would be compatible with my camera, FCE 4 kept coming up and no one was seeming to have any trouble, so I am guessing it is some kind of setting that I am overlooking. Can anyone shed some light on this annoying little problem?