Applications :: Free ID3 Editors On Mac - Not Itunes
Apr 21, 2009
I recently-ish converted to the Mac from Windows, and with it my MP3 collection migrated too. Unfortunately I cannot find a decent free MP3 ID3 (metadata tag) editor to replace MP3 Book Helper [URL] on Windows. Itunes is rather cumbersome as information needs to be entered in manually and individually. Does anybody know any good ID3 editors for the Mac?
As I was trying to set up my brand new 13-inch MBP with my favorites application, I realized that Smultron will no longer be in development. There fore i looking for a replacement, that is a free text editor. I have downloaded TextWrangler and I was wondering if you knew other good software. Basically i am doing web design and at work I often need raw text without any rich edition. I also like the tab navigation. Smultron was good because it only did what I needed.
I have been looking around the forums but came up empty handed. I was wondering what good free photoshop(like) programs there are. All I literally want to be able to do is get two separate photos and put them side by side and export them as one photo. Basically I want to make a wallpaper. I've heard about GIMP but is that what I want? Is there a more basic photo editor?
but how do I buy DRM-free music on iTunes? Do I have to upgrade my current library to DRM-free before I can buy a DRM-free song? Is there a way of telling if a song is DRM-free, such as a icon in the corner? Because for the life of me, I can't seem to find any DRM-free songs, and I have iTunes 802...
So now that all iTunes tracks are supposed to be DRM free. Does iTunes machine authorization still matter? I can't even see where I can authorize/unauthorize the machines anymore when I log into my account-though iTunes does report 3 machines authorized.
I have recently added about 10,000 songs from my friend to my itunes library, I already have about 4,000 of them, so I have about 4000 duplicate songs and I would like to know about a good, free itunes duplicate remover.
I am trying to edit a project for class in Final cut pro and like and idiot thought I was going to use my itunes library (relax, I know if I showed it in public, I would be screwed for using copy written music), but I wanted to know if iTunes is ever going to get rid of that format, considering it seems like other services have done away with it as a marketing edge.
I'm just downloading Toy Story 1 & 2 from iTunes, because my girlfriend hasn't seen it and I wanted to show her before we see Toy Story 3 this summer.
Anyway, I want to take it over to hers to play, but she doesn't have a TV with any kind of input that could run from my MacBook. In other words, I can only take it round if it's on DVD.
Is there a free way to burn this movie onto a DVD?
Paypal limited my account yesterday so do not use various IP addresses when you're paying using Paypal.
I'm thinking of opening a new account using a new email address. Therefore I have to open a new iTunes account too.
What I'm worried about are the sixty free apps I'm using on iPad. Will I be able to update free apps using the new account or I have to redownload all of them?
I started a thread a long time ago on using the iMac as a video editing machine, and the general consensus was that the only thing holding back the iMac from being an absolutely fantastic editing station was the graphics.
Now here's a question for the pros: now that the graphics have been updated for the 27inch (from Radeon HD 4850 to 5750) are some of these problems solved?
I'm planning on doing a lot of work in Avid, Final Cut, and Pro Tools, and I want to get to know After Effects well.
Will 8GB of Ram be enough for me?
Most of my editing will be off of footage from my 5D Mark ii.
I have an iMac with the Radeon 2600 graphics (I think it's about a year old). I'm looking for a video editing package (or at minimum playback package) that uses video processing to decode the AVCHD files (.mts in my case). I've demo'd a couple packages which I was told did not use GPU support and of course they brought my machine to a standstill and the video clips as well. I realize I can translate them to MP4 or something instead but I then have to manage the original clips vs the outputs. I'd at least like to have something that catalogs the files and keeps meta-data so they're organized since my Canon camcorder seems to reuse file names. realize Adobe's package has native editing but even on that one, I'm not sure it uses the GPU. I believe the 2600 has AVCHD support. I think it says AVC H.264 which I think is what I'd need assuming there existed such a package.
I am trying to download a free song from Klove radio station. It says click on the link on their websit, I do but when it takes me to ITunes it asks for a code?
I can see that I have "purchased" the Songs of Innocence album, but I cannot find a way to actually play the album. The email and iTunes Store page mentions that it can be found in my Purchased music and in my Music Playlists but it is not in either.
I was sick for a couple of months and came back on here, and now my regional settings seem to no longer give me free Spanish music. Does anyone know why that is? Most of the stuff I buy comes from the musicians I'm introduced to through the free music.
I'm running a Mac Pro with iTunes 10.6 and attempting to sync my iPad 2 (iOS 5.1). The capacity bar says I have 2.7 GB of free space. When I sync, I get this error message:
"The iPad “Kevin P Murphy’s iPad” cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the items in the iTunes library (additional 46.03 GB required)."
I've run through all my tabs. I'm only syncing Music, Movies, and TV Shows. I have the sync "Entire Music Library" checkbox enabled, and the "Automatically Include all" for Movies and TV Shows. I also have the "Sync only checked songs and videos" checkbox enabled on the Summary tab, so under the Music, Movies, and TV Shows portions of my library, only those items checked should sync. They are all checked correctly. I do not have everything checked in any of those categories.
So why does iTunes think my iPad needs another 46 GB of space when I clearly am under that amount? By the way, this problem start when I tried to add 1.41 GB of music to an earlier successful sync of all the movies and TV shows. That 1.41 GB has apparently triggered a need for 45 GB more when it doesn't exist.
i purchased a app and it surposed to be free but it took $7:83 out of my account and it surposed to be free i purchased the desktop aquarium free .so if you can let me know mhy that money came out
I am looking for a free RSS feed creator so i can make an RSS feed. I already got FeedForAll, but it is a 30 day trial and i don't want to pay 30 bucks for the full program.
Does anybody know where i can download a completely free .XML creator?
I have all my movies backed up on my time capsule and want to free up space on my computer. How do I delete movies and still be able to stream the movies from the time capsule to apple tv.
I have a couple of DVDs that are pretty scratched but still play relatively fine, is there any software out there that I can use to create a copy of them? I only need to do it with just these two so free software would be preferred.
Recently bought a movie off of itunes and would like to burn it to a cd, for those who have done this, what is the best (free) software to help me with this challenge.
I have look high and low and have not been able to find free dvr software for mac. I have an hd homerun and really hate being on my windows 7 side to record tv