IMac :: Refurbished Versus New 27"
Jun 24, 2010
I'm another one of these people wishing to buy an iMac but wondering about the details. From the comments here, it seems clear to me I shouldn't wait. But should I buy new or refurbished? I wouldn't mind getting the discount, but am worried the refurbished unit might have more problems than a new model. If the hardware of the machines built in the last few months have been tweaked to fix the screen issues, and a refurbished unit built on architecture predating these tweaks, then might it be better to go with a brand-new model?
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Oct 25, 2007
So I have a 1.8ghz dual G5 with 3gb of ram for work. I mainly work in Adobe CS and do a far amount of Photoshop work. At any given time I may have all of Adobe CS plus Office and a few other apps running -- and a gazillion fonts. Went to the store and saw the new 24" iMac. How would a new iMac compare to my late '04 1.8DP G5? On that same note, how would a new MacBook Pro compare to the above?
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Aug 28, 2010
My 27" has one speck of dust in the corner. I spoke with local Apple repair shop and they'll take care of it "provided no indications of tampering are detected". Other possible dings not detected, so I got away relatively light. I wouldn't worry about it normally, but it'll have to be mentioned at sale time three years down the road, and the price will take a hit if I leave it there.
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Aug 17, 2009
Two short questions on which I really need an answer. This academic year, I'll be writing a lot of papers, but most specifically, I am forced to use SPSS (statistical software package for social sciences).
Will I really need the 2.93 over the 2.66 and notice the improvement?
Same goes for the gfx. I like full-hd 1080, I'll be in InDesign, and use Logic Pro. Will I need "slash" notice the 4850 over the gt130?
Also, are the "hang-ups" with the 4850 truly fixed and does it indeed run a lot hotter (inc. really that more noise) than the gt130?
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Jun 12, 2010
Well I received my refurbished 27" i5 about two weeks ago. Since taking it out of the box it has consistently rebooted itself and sometimes even shuts down where I can't power it back up unless I remove the cord from the machine and reinsert it. I tried everything to troubleshoot, zapped PRAM, Reset SMC Controller, logged times after removing USB components, ran multiple quick and full hardware tests. Finally I gave one last attempt and wiped my drive clean and reinstalled snow leopard...Not a single one of these measures worked.
So today I finally called applecare for the first time ever. THey were extremely helpful, didn't try to walk me through troubleshooting steps since they understood that I already tried them all. They instead stated that since Im at around 28 days since ordering (may 14) that I can have it repaired or they can claim the one I got as DOA and ship me a brand new one. Once I receive the new one I ship the old one back. They also bumped up my delivery to overnight since I have been putting up with the reboots and trying to troubleshoot myself.
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Jul 29, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
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Oct 24, 2010
I just found this environmental report for the 27" iMac's on Apple's web site, which lists the amount of power they use when off/asleep/idle.
There doesn't seem to be a similar document for the Late 2006 iMac's. I'm just wondering if anybody knows the power consumption stats for the older iMac's (the 20" model in particular) - I'm interested to now how the newer models compare as I'll be buying one soon.
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm looking for a new monitor to go with my MBP, and I'm stuck trying to choose between the ones listed above.
The 2407WFP is a couple of years old now I guess, but it's the rev A04 version, which supposedly fixed the (few) problems with what was otherwise meant to be a great screen. It's an sPVA screen.
I've heard good reviews of the G2410, with its LED backlighting. It's still a TN panel and I hear so much bad stuff about them.
The 2209WA is an eIPS panel which I like the sound of, but it's smaller and lower resolution.
The F2380 is a cPVA panel, the image quality looks better but I've heard bad things about blacks on this panel.
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Feb 8, 2009
I can't choose between a low end iMac or a High end Macbook, I go between two houses
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Jan 3, 2010
I know USB 3.0 is coming out and would like to know if it will be faster than Firewire 800?
It 's confirmed some of computer providers will be releasing their products with USB 3.0 ports on this month, January. like Lenovo Thinkpad W510
I'm thinking of returning my iMac for the refund and wait til new iMac comes with USB 3.0 ports (if it is a lot faster than firewire 800) and of course wait til Apple has eliminated all current problems for this iMac.
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Jan 5, 2011
I'm pretty satisfied with the Marware cover, although it can be a little frustrating when typing quickly..I'm wondering if I should go back, return the Marware cover and pick up the iSkin.
So, for those of you that have any of these in comparing..which do you think is the best?
And yes, I did search and am aware threads like this exist..but I couldn't find any comparing all three, only iSkin vs. Moshi.
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Apr 30, 2008
I'm trying to decide which product to buy and I was hoping for some advice.
First and foremost I want a device so that I may transfer my VHS tapes to DVD.
Live TV recording is secondary but for the price, I'd like to find the device that suits me best so I can continue to use it after i've transferred all my VHS.
Here are my concerns:
1) I'm going to be moving from the US to Ireland in a couple of months (not sure for how long, could be years+) Obviously there's the whole NTSC vs. PAL, ATSC vs. DVB.
I know with EyeTV 250 it's either or, any ideas if buying some sort of converter is an option (prices, quality)? If I bought just a PAL one, would I still be able to convert VHS or would it be completely unusable in the US?
2) I'd like some sort of HD/Digital abilities. From what I can tell TVMax is analog only and Blackmagic may also be but I can't find more specs on that.
Does this mean they'll be useless once the US undergoes the conversion?
So as of now I'm leaning towards EyeTV 250 but the question are there any forseeable problems with using a PAL to NTSC converter or using a PAL EyeTV in the US just to convert VHS.
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Jan 21, 2010
I am about to buy my first mac and am going with the new 27 inch iMac but I can't decide on the i5 or i7. Is the i7 worth the extra $200? As far as I know they both have the same components except for the processor. Also, from my research online, speeds don't look to be all that much faster with the i7.
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Oct 27, 2010
I don't know which iMac to buy, the "high end" 21,5" or the basic one. I really don't need more hdd space, so for me 1Tb is unnecessary, I also don't need the 3,2 Ghz processor.
So my question is, how much difference will I notice in games ? Is the 5670 much better? Is there any FPS comparison anywhere ?
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Feb 28, 2008
I'd like to upgrade my 2.8ghz iMac from the standard 2gbs to 4gbs. I can get crucial ram for �65.79 and corsair for �55.90. I've heard that corsair has a very good reputation for desktop ram but don't know if this transfers over to laptop ram. Is there any reason why I would go for the crucial memory? Also, does anyone else know of any other brands I should look out for in the UK?
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Mar 4, 2009
I saw the graphic on Apples website obviously but the 3DMark06 from another website had the GT130 only like 8% better?? Why the difference in the stats from Apple and the 3Dmark06? Does the 256 vs 512 graphics memory really matter much? I play mainly WoW and iRacing, but may move to newer MMRPGs, and don't want to spend the extra $300 if it's worthless.
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May 2, 2009
I have searched for this but I mostly see people asking about the new GT 120/130 vs 4850....
But I was curious how thw new Nvidea 9400 stacks up to the older "real" video card 2600.
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May 11, 2009
Just wondering what type of network connection you use (if you have a choice). Do you run wireless or wired?
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Jun 11, 2009
I was curious of peoples opinions on the below comparison. The price difference is $150 more for iMac 2. I see that bringing the RAM equal would be $25-30 on Crucial, and for both to bring it up to the 4GB supported is like $50-60. so not a big difference, and I'd probably do that regardless of which one was purchased.
So really, the main dividing factors are the 1) processor speed bump, 2) 250 vs 320 GB drive and 3) the graphics card. Also, is there a difference between "fronside bus" and "system bus" that greatly impacts performance? Do you think these differences are worth $150 price increase?
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Jul 13, 2009
Is there much difference from a stock iMac with Nvidia GT 130 vs ATI HD 4850 for gaming? It would be nice to be able just to buy a stock machines rather than a custom with the ATI for $50.
My real concern is overall gaming proformance and heat produced by the two cards. Current iMac has the ATI 2600 HD Pro, which I think is pretty slow compared.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am very new to the entire Apple/Mac world (except for an iPhone) and it's time to get a new desktop, and I will be switching from the PC world. That being said, I have followed the various posts related to some of the technical issues there have been with the new generation of iMac's. I will be doing some limited game play, as well as limited photo editing, and some movie editing/making (expecting a baby boy in late May).
I am seriously looking at a couple of new 24" iMacs from an online vendor and there is a $100 difference in the 2.93 with the 640G hd and the GT120 and the 3.06 with 1TB and GT130. Would either of these be a good choice, or is there likely to be an upgrade to the processors in the near future to the current line of iMacs, possibly resulting in a price drop? Again I am new to the Apple way of doing things, so I'm not looking for a difinitive answer to the upgrade question, just an opinion based on your experiences.
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Jun 24, 2010
What is the difference between Defragmentation and Optimization of a Hard Drive?
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Oct 25, 2009
I am planning on purchasing a new display for use (currently) with my imac. I am completely torn between these two models, and cannot make a decision. Any thoughts? I like the Dell because it is LED backlit, thus good blacks and little to no backlight bleed. But I like the Samsung because of the (supposedly better panel and (supposedly) better color reproduction. I like the simplistic look of both of them (though they could look a little better ) so I'm not sure which one to buy.
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Nov 23, 2009
For anyone who's spent time with the 27" iMac - how do you find the screen's pixel density?
I'm tempted to hand over my 2006 2.66GHz Mac Pro to my daughter and get myself a 27" Core i7 iMac for myself.
I'm 40 years old, and while my eyes are decent, I certainly find an ultra-high dot pitch uncomfortable to use for any length of time. For example, the 1920x1200 resolution on the 17" MacBook Pros is simply too small.
I am currently using a 30" 2560x1600 display and I find that acceptable, but not sure I'd want to go much tighter. I also have an HP laptop from work that has a 17" screen at 1680x1050 which I also find acceptable.
Anyone have any comments they'd like to share? I'll spend some time at the Apple store with a 27" display model for sure but often it takes more than a few minutes of play to determine if the screen will be alright.
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Oct 10, 2010
I have a 20 inch imac that I bought about 2 years ago. The processor is a 2.4 GHz intel core 2 duo. and the memory is 1 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I am wanting to try and sell this and buy new 13" macbook pro, the 2.4GHz model with 4 GB Ram. I want to get this now because I do alot of video editing for action sports using Final Cut Pro, now getting into Adobe Premiere, but I am driving alot and would like to have a MBP to bring with me now. I want to know though, how much of a performance difference would I see using this for Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere?
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Oct 16, 2010
I know this might seem like a stupid question, but it really has me wondering. What is the difference between the i5 processor on the MacBook Pro and the iMac? Are they exactly the same except for the clock speed of .13? If I were to upgrade my MacBook Pro with a 7200RPM HD, would it be the exact same computer?
The reason why I ask is because I read online that the i5 on the iMac has 4 cores and the i5 on the MacBook Pro only has 2 and that got me confused, why would two different processors be called the same?
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Mar 3, 2009
I'm going to be ordering my new iMac within the next couple days but need a little advice first.
Obviously, the 4850 is more powerful, but if these two cards had the exact same specs, would ATI or nVidia be the better choice?
Which company is Apple leaning towards, which company produces better Mac drivers, how will OpenCL play into this, etc.
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Mar 12, 2009
I am trying to find similar comparisons. The refurb with 8800 is only 1599... which even to me looks like a great deal. Yet I am trying to find the two comparisons that work.
Searching is yielding lots of trash so I am probably too stupid to use that feature
I figure on popping in 4gb of RAM and being done with it, since I am only spending 1600 I look at it this way, if a real upgrade comes out in August I won't be out much if anything.
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Mar 14, 2010
I have been through 4 attempts (and returns) with the new 27" i5 Imac and returned them for multiple reasons:
1) iMac #1 had the 1tb Seagate drive, loud and grumbly
2) iMac #2 also had the loud 1tb Seagate drive, plus yellow tinge plus gray line at bottom of screen
3) iMac #3 (upgraded to 2tb drive, but yellow tinge (worse) and gray line at bottom of screen
4) iMac #4 had bad yellow tinge (most of screen) and gray line at bottom of screen
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Jul 29, 2010
I'm not a gamer at all, but I will be attaching a second 1920x1080 monitor to a new iMac. Does it matter for general purposes if I have 512 vs 1Gb of RAM in the video card? Will, I dunno, Expose suck on two HD monitors if I only have 512?
I do some infrequent video editing, and I have one specialized program (not video-related) that supposedly gets a boost out of extra video RAM (though no one has provided benchmarks on different setups.)
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