IMac :: Refurbished I7 With Speck Of Dust In Corner
Aug 28, 2010
My 27" has one speck of dust in the corner. I spoke with local Apple repair shop and they'll take care of it "provided no indications of tampering are detected". Other possible dings not detected, so I got away relatively light. I wouldn't worry about it normally, but it'll have to be mentioned at sale time three years down the road, and the price will take a hit if I leave it there.
I've had a 24" iMac (alu) for about a year. Now I bought a Mac Pro (Love it!). Therefore i wanted to sell the iMac, but:
All the time I've had it, dust has been building up inside the screen. I thought it was inside the glass cover, but I carefully removed that and cleaned it and the surface of the LCD element. That didn't do it...
From what I can see, the dust is inside the LCD element. Building up on the white lit surface behind the LCD crystals. (See the attached image).
I'm another one of these people wishing to buy an iMac but wondering about the details. From the comments here, it seems clear to me I shouldn't wait. But should I buy new or refurbished? I wouldn't mind getting the discount, but am worried the refurbished unit might have more problems than a new model. If the hardware of the machines built in the last few months have been tweaked to fix the screen issues, and a refurbished unit built on architecture predating these tweaks, then might it be better to go with a brand-new model?
I'm really enjoying my new 27" i7 iMac. It has a quiet Western Digital hard drive, a uniform-enough screen and no strange noises (unless it's really hot and I put my ear right up to the back vent.)
The second day I owned it, I noticed a speck of dust trapped between the LCD and backlight and now I'm being neurotic about it. If it was there on the first day, I didn't notice it. I don't want to exchange it since it's such a minor thing to exchange an otherwise incredible machine for, and there's no guarantee that replacement wouldn't have other, worse defects.
I tried tapping on the screen with my knuckle around the affected area. No movement. I then had the idea of using compressed air, carefully directing the red tube into the vent and through one of the round holes into the case and giving it a few quick puffs. Of course, I wanted to see if anyone here had done this first. I don't want to stir up more dust in there either.
Well I received my refurbished 27" i5 about two weeks ago. Since taking it out of the box it has consistently rebooted itself and sometimes even shuts down where I can't power it back up unless I remove the cord from the machine and reinsert it. I tried everything to troubleshoot, zapped PRAM, Reset SMC Controller, logged times after removing USB components, ran multiple quick and full hardware tests. Finally I gave one last attempt and wiped my drive clean and reinstalled snow leopard...Not a single one of these measures worked.
So today I finally called applecare for the first time ever. THey were extremely helpful, didn't try to walk me through troubleshooting steps since they understood that I already tried them all. They instead stated that since Im at around 28 days since ordering (may 14) that I can have it repaired or they can claim the one I got as DOA and ship me a brand new one. Once I receive the new one I ship the old one back. They also bumped up my delivery to overnight since I have been putting up with the reboots and trying to troubleshoot myself.
Seems that the more I read about refurb imacs the more I notice dust on the inside of the screen
I have two specs of dust trapped on mine, they haven't annoyed me yet but I'm considering getting suction cups and cleaning it. Would this be the best approach or sending it in?
I haven't done it and I'm slightly scared to do it
I keep finding that there is dust under my iMac screen. When I remove the glass planel to clean it and put it back, there is inevitably ALWAYS some dust that gets in between the second I wipe the screen and second I put it on. I've spent hours over the past few weeks doing this and it's driving me mad. All I want is a screen with no dust. I heard I can use canned air. If so, how exactly would I go about doing this? Spraying the canned air inside?
As OCD as I am with brand new stuff. I check my electronics all the time to make sure their in perfect order, and noticed dust etched under my 27" imac that I can't get off. So obviously it's inside where I can't get access to cleaning it off. What do the workers making these computers forget to wipe the screens off before they put them on? Now it's not notiecable unless you look with a flashlight in the dark, but still annoys me. Does applecare even fix a issue like this?
Just purchased a refurb iMac 2.93ghz, noticed dust under the screen, well I think its dust as I can still see it when the mac is turned off, would a dead pixel be visible when turned off? Is there anyway I can remove it without taking the glass out, maybe compressed air?
Just purchased a 27 IMac and was wondering if anyone makes a slide on type cover dust cover. Would rather use something else than a towel when its off.
there is a small speck of something on the inside of my iMac screen. at first i thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, but closer observation reveals that it's a little particle on the inside of the screen. i've tried tapping the glass lightly to try to dislodge the speck but so far no luck.
is this something that i can fix myself? i've recently had the lcd replaced in my computer, could it have gotten in there when they did that? should i take it back and ask them to clean the inside of the glass? i assume it would be a quick process, will it be covered under warranty?
A few months ago, i noticed what looked like a streak across the screen, but it wasnt on the outside, it was on the under side of the glass. Now, the streak is very visible esp in natural lighting. Its not noticable at night, because the screen light shines through it making it invisible.
It looks like dust? But im not 100% sure, but it has a directional pattern which leads me to believe its being causes by the inner fans of the system, and that there are some gaps where the air flow is constant. Also, the streak is in the upper left hand corner mostly (no where on the bottom poritions). Im assuming that the place holder at the top-backside of the iMac, for the exhaust fans to expell the heat from within, is what is causing this air flow.
I just bought a second refurb imac 27 and today when i received it and i started transfering the information from time machine i saw 3 little black dots on the middle of the screen, now i thought dust behind the screen? but i also consider maybe dead pixels? a scratch?Here are the pictures i took from the imac.How do i know for sure if these are dead or stuck pixels? i called apple care but it will take one week or more if i send it to check, so i wonder if there is something i can do to verify if these 3 dots are really dead pixels? or if it is dust behind the screen?
I'm ordering a new iMac tomorrow. I'm a little worried about the inability to open the iMac up and clean any of the fan blades. I know the fan on my tower, the fan on my graphics card, even my ceiling fan gets dusts around here (2 dogs, SoCal dust etc). They require periodic cleaning or the gunk level gets....well....pretty gunky! Is there a filter of some kind that's easy to get to to keep the inside of my iMac nice and clean (read: cool)?
I've always had my computer in the corner of my desk. I don't know why, but I just prefer it there. However, with my new super-huge 27" screen, the iMac doesn't really seem to fit in the corner pocket like my old 17". I'm thinking about becoming a "center of the desk" person as a result, but I'm reluctant to do so. Where do most people place their new iMac on their desk and why?
The top left of my iMac Alu gets really, really hot. Much more then the rest of the body, alot of the time it hurts to touch the top left corner. So what's causing all this heat?
Using 24 inch iMac (purchased a year and half ago). There seemed to be moisture forming in the lower right hand corner of the iMac screen (about 6 inches wide and 2 inches tall at worst). i have read that this seems to be a common problem. Had the iMac for about a year and half and never saw this issue though. Based on forum research, the recommendation was to turn on the AC to reduce humidity. Moisture definitely disappeared after 30 minutes, however I'm concerned it will happen again. I suppose I will bring it into Apple concered (although i would rather avoid dealing with it). Has anyone else experienced this?
i bought the 2009 refurbed 27"er and returned it 3 times due to yellow screen problem. for the 4th replacement they decided to send me the new model.
i have the 3rd and 4th replacements sitting here side by side.the 3rd replacement, which has a yellow corner is light years better than the new one. the new screen doesn't have yellow's a perfectly consistent yellowish brown tone. the older one has a yellow corner, but is much more illuminated and very balanced white. the max brightness of the new one is only 3/4s of the max of the old one.i tried configuring it to no avail.
are all the new models like this?it's quite a bit snappier, but the screen is worse than the last 3 that had yellow patches? it almost seems like it was a return and it shipped from cali rather than asia?
when I open pages, numbers, etc. that when they open they open big? In other words whenever I open a file it always opens small and they I have to drag the lower corner to make it cover the scree,.
Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
I've got an imac with a dead monitor and when i plug in an external monitor to get a display it only shows me the far corner of the desktop and I cannot access the dock or anything else to change settings. I need to change the monitor setting to MIRROR MODE which I believe is located in System Preferences but I cannot see anything with the current limited display.
there is a small chip behind the glass of my 27" imac. It's about the size of a small crumb or the eye of a small needle. It's hard to see, but it's definitely there. Today is my last day to get the imac replaced or repaired. I have a feeling if I bring it in that they will see there's no reason to swap out the entire imac, and if there is I would have to wait awhile because it's a custom high end one so they don't have the specsI'm worried if they swap the glass that it's just some 19 year old kid that does it and he won't be careful with the screen and will get dust, finger prints, etc. on the glass making it worse.
I just noticed this why my computer was booting up today because its only visible against a white background, but there is some grey textures in the lower right hand corner of my display that resemble the strands of a carpet, in that they are fine lines that do not go straight up, but curve. The other thing it kind of looks like is frost. Anyways, anyone know what this is and if I can do anything about it?
What I'd like to know is what the consensus is on using a MBP portably, not just as a desktop replacement; without a Speck case or is it best to buy one of these cases? Is there any known problems with these cases?
I got the new 15" model of the mac book pro and its my first mac... i was reading on amazon that the speck soft touch and hard case does not fit the new models? is that true?
I've seen several threads about the Speck cases not fitting properly, forcing people to have unsecured connections with the new Magsafe, and some filing the cases down to fit the computer properly (see this thread Just wanted to let everyone know that I emailed Speck and asked when they would have properly fitting cases available for sale, and they wrote back saying in 4-5 weeks they will be available.
I just got a Speck MacBook 13 Satin Case and I have no, idea how to put it on. I saw no instructions to put it on, except for stupid pictures to try and get it on. They where not the best, every time I put the piece for the monitor on and it does not stay on, when I put the monitor up, thats when it comes off. Does anyone know how to put it on?