I've been working on a wordpress site and the folder is under applications, however when I went to open it today, I can't find the folder? There is one under my user name, but it is empty, is that were it should be? (never paid attention to where I accessed it from) There is one in "Macintosh" under "Devices", but I'm sure the one I was using was somewhere else since I can no longer log onto my wordpress. Where SHOULD the folder be? and can I copy the one from "Macintosh" to that location?
I just installed the Java update this morning and when I opened up my Macintosh HD later on in the afternoon I only had 5 folders when there used to be 6. When I went through time machine to figure out what the missing folder is it ended up being the Developer folder. I never use that folder, but I would still like to have all my folders intact.
Does anyone know if the Java update caused the Developer folder to go missing? If that folder is missing who knows what other app's or folders I have missing. I was able to restore of course from time machine, but I'm just curious on why it went missing in the first place. Does anyone have any clues/ideas?
I opened iWeb 3 just now, to find that Apple has removed the option to publish to a folder.So luckily I have MobileMe account and can publish to there and copy the files from iDisk to other web host, but others may not be so lucky.
I just noticed that my Library folder is missing from my home folder. I have the one on my hard drive but not in the home folder. I did a search for it and cannot find it. I went into Time Machine and found it way back in November of 2011....it did not show up after that. It was about that time when I installed Lion...maybe in that process I lost it from my home folder. If I can't find the missing one....and I can't.....should I restore the old one in Time Machine? I started to do that but then I got the question about do I want to have it REPLACE the old one (I don't know where the old one is to replace), do I want to save BOTH files, or do I just want to leave the old one. I would leave the old one if I knew where it was but I don't. What should I do.....should I check 'replace the old one?" Then the library folder will be one from 2011. Does that matter? I don't want to do the wrong thing.Â
When I click on finder, my home folder is not there. I know the library is hidden by default, but I can't find anything on how to bring back my home folder permanently. Â
I just downloaded an audio plugin and it said that I need to drag it into ~/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/HAL to install it, but there isn't a HAL folder there. How do I make it appear?
I was reviewing Apple Support's Mac 101, Files and Folders Lesson and I noted that compared to some of their screenshot application items (Finder/MacIntosh HD/Applications), I have an empty space where, I assume, application folders where. I have a blank spot (Sorted by Name) after the Address Book (which I think was the AppleScript folder), a blank sport after the DVD Player (which I think was Expose), and a couple others. Where did my application icons go! I still have the Expose feature if I use the mouse, but I'm curious as to why they no longer appear in the folder. Can I, without much trouble, reload all applications from my Snow Leopard upgrade disk? If so, how? My iMac is an early 2009, 24" w/ 2.66Ghz processor.
I have a 13" MacBook Air and a 27" iMac that I just did the combo update to 10.7.3. Since I have updated, I am missing the mobile documents folder. If I upload a pages document to icloud.com on my iMac and then go to icloud.com on my MacBook Air, it show's the file, however, it's the default pages icon, and it doesn't give me the opportunity to download it. Â
Because of this, I thought I'd look in the "Mobile Documents" folder and see if I can access it from there. However not that folder is missing. I have tried many different ways to get it to show up but I've been unable to. Â
I'm curious if Apple realized some people were using this folder as a "Dropbox" and disabled or further hid the folder so people can't sync files back and forth. More importantly, why doesn't icloud.com work for me as it used to?Â
Anyone know of any tricks to get the Mobile Documents folder to show up in 10.7.3?
My NEWS bookmark folder and its content of over 30 sites has disappeared on my iMac, my iPhone and my iPad. To retrieve every link one by one would take a long, long time. I have both iCloud and Time Machine backups. Can someone please tell me how I can retrieve the folder from a backup?
My entire iTunes music folder is missing. An "!" appears next to every song I try to play in iTunes. My playlist is still in iTunes but I can't locate any of the music. I tried searching for a song on all my hard drives but couldn't find it. The inside of my iTunes folder looks like this
I recently cancelled my iTunes match subscription. When I did, i lost approximately 2,000 songs from my library, however i found them in the iTunes folder. For some reason iTunes no longer sees the songs. How can i get the lost songs back into iTunes? I don't know exactly which songs were lost and my total library is over 13,000 songs.Â
I opened up fcpx and out of nowhere one of the projects I was working on is missing and there is an explanation point next to the event name. But when I go into the actual library folder inside finder I can see the project name in there. I also see inside fcpx at the bottom is a "no data (1)" portion where the media or projects go.
I really need your help with this one. I was changing all of my folder icons and for some strange reason the Downloads icon will not change and now wont even appear. Please see attached screenshot.I have done the following to try and fix this problem:
1. Used LiteIcon and Candybar but both weren't able to fix the problem.
2. I went to /system/Library/coresevices/coretypes.bundle/contents/resources and the correct downloads icon does appear. It just wont appear in the Finder Window.
3. I have rebooted, logged in and even did a system cache clear and still nothing.
4. Tried to change it manually with the Command I and copy and paste with changing permissions. Nothing worked.
I did a reboot and suddenly realized that half of my icons on the Desktop are missing. I had a look into the folder and they were missing there, too. I looked into Trash, nothing. Being completely puzzled I rebooted again, with the result that now the Desktop is completely empty! It shows only the HD icons. None of my files are in the Trash. Nothing in the Desktop folder in Finder. ls -al doesn't show anything, only an empty file '.localized'. No other folder in my home directory seems affected. And no, I did not play with 'rm *'. I didn't install any fancy software recently (except Byki Express, not sure if that's important). I'm on a new unibody MBP 15", Leopard. Any ideas what I could do? And how to recover the files? I thought I should add that I also also searched the HD, just in case I accidentally moved the files.
I use IMAP email so that all folders are based on a server, rather than on my computer (learnt the hard way when my computer crashed and I lost everything). Today when I went to save an email in a folder on entourage, entourage crashed and when I reloaded the app the folder had gone. I tried again with another email and another folder and the same thing happened. When I log on to my email account using the providers webmail service I can see that the folder is still there, it just won't show up in entourage.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
OS 10.7.2 drop down arrows missing by folder files. Used to be there. did I mess up a setting somewhere? Still new to this OS so I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking.
Since getting my iPhone 3GS just a few months ago, I have never been able to connect to iTunes. I was getting a strange error code, but when I tried again today, I got this message instead, "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. Could not allocate a resource." I have had this phone for months now, but have never connected it to iTunes, and would REALLY like to so I can back things up. I have tried plugging into EVERY USB on the back of my iMac. The same thing happens in each one. I've also tried unlugging ALL other peripherals, and still nothing. Oh, and FYI, the phone connects just fine to iPhoto.
Read this in Console: "Could not create /var/db/lockdown//SystemConfiguration.plist: No such file or directory." Tried to reset the lockdown folder as described in step #6 of this article: [URL], but it says "The folder can't be found." So, I can't continue on with the steps. Now what?Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I am usually able to troubleshoot on my own, but I am stuck and need some help. I don't even know how it happened, but the Applications folder is stuck on my desktop.If I try to move it it begins making a copy and the folder remains on desktop. If delete it, it actually deletes the contents of the folder.
I had to restore my PowerbookPro from a back up, and my personal folder is missing favorits bar in finder. I can find my docs via the all my file option, but in previous mac OS personal folder option was easier.
My user fonts suddenly don't show up in font book. I've tried all the standard fixes.- restarted in SAFE mode. - cleared the font cache- verified the disc- repaired permissions- reinstalled both font book and the user font folder from an older version in Time Machine- Verified all the fonts.
I haven't tried tossing them in another user account yet because I find the idea of having to reset up the entire user account alarming. Is there anything else I can try? These fonts all worked just days ago. Â
If I click on the fonts in the user folder they come up 'installed' and reappear. But as soon as I close and reopen fontbook they disappear again. Here's the general console readout (the short version, there is a lot more of the same.)   5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe; resyncing Font Book and XType 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe has no family name 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Jagged%20dreams.ttf#postscript-name=JaggedDr eams; resyncing Font Book and XType
I'm not sure how it happened, but I am seeing a shortcut for my Applications folder INSIDE my main ("normal") Applications folder. Should I delete it? What causes this to happen?
not quite so dire if you clicked this wondering ??? And why is this bing posted on Server forum? Well it happens to be on a server and I am trying to iron out what happens when you completely trash the system and start over. This problem occured in a subdirectory on one folder. It (the triangles ->) are there for all the other folders. However, there is one folder I had on a backup (backup, meaning still being a previous version of Lion) that at one point that any group of folders I place into it. there is no browsing triangle that lets you go down furthur. Yes you can open the folder and go further in, so its not prefs that I am aware of. Â
At this level...Triangles Here Still? Triangles still here. (Must say in Cookie Monster voice if you've watched the "Cookies done yet" bit you might giggle or at least be mildly annoyed.)
If you browse from this part of the hierarchy you get the expected behavior...Triangles Here Still? Triangles still here. however if you open the folder here is what you get...Triangles Here Still? (uh oh).
Anyway, sorry for the "less professional" candor of this post, but I have kids and a wife, and they think I am boring at times, and I love them - and while I am struggling with this, I am thinking of them, and obviously not with them. Ok Universe, this is where I need you the most: I'm counting on you do to something or say something to make it all better. Ok...Go
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
How can I permanently remove the Photoshop Updater folder from the Documents folder, and then re-locate it to a more appropriate folder, like the Library folder?