IMac :: Is USB 3.0 Really Important - Finding Difference With 3.0
Jul 28, 2010
I plan on purchasing an iMac in the next couple days and was wondering is USB 3.0 really important? Will there be some type of way us current 2.0 users get 3.0?
Now that Snow Leopard is out and unavailable for older Macs without Intel processors, how much of an issue is this likely to become in the future? I have a Imac G5 1.8 and and just wondering if Mac is leaving us behind?
Is there that much a difference between 2.2 and 2.5? Also keep in mind that I'm a Graphic Designer. This is the first laptop purchase I'm making. I already know that 4GB of ram is a must.
I'm looking at second hand 2009 quad mac pros. I'm not sure if 2.66 has a massive disadvantage over the 2.93. The thing is, I'm buying this for quite a long run (I work with audio/ Logic pro). I'm thinking that the 2.93 will be more future proof? Does anyone have any experience with the two?
I am seriously considering a Mac Pro but I am stuck if I want a single or dual processor. Ill barely do video editing, Ill run fusion, photo stuff, etc...
I'm going to eventually buy a reburb white Macbook and I am contemplating between the 2.1GHz and the 2.4. As far as the ram and hdd are concerned, I plan on putting a bigger drive in and upping the ram to 4gb, so the only difference left is the .3Ghz.
The money saved by going with a 2.1 would just about cover the 4gb and a good 320GB HDD.
My plans for this laptop are: surfing, some work in Windows (thus the ram), itunes, iweb, iphoto... no gaming planned, I'm just not a gamer.
I understand that some of the early core 2 duo's are different than the current core 2 duo's being used in the current 13" MBP's. I understand that some are T8000 series or T9000 series (I think??).
My question really is what is the difference between the earleir C2D's used and the current ones. Some of the earlier ones seem to have more L2 cache, do the newer ones run on a lower voltage? Have a different chip? Are quicker/slower?
I was just curious what the main differences were between the applications Deeper and Onyx? Onyx seems to be the same thing, with a few more features. Is there something that Deeper can do, that Onyx can't?
Also one more random question.. does Transparent Dock work on OS X 10.4.9, and does it allow you to change the color like Cleardock?
2 USB, 1 Express Slot, Wireless Hub Power Brick Removable Battery Instant-On OS
MacBook Air:
Runs OS X
I really can't think of much more than that for the Air. I love OS X and thats why I haven't bought either. Mind you this is ignoring that Apple may release an update soon for the MBA cause if they do then I have my answer. But if they don't I don't know which I want! I love aluminum, but I am not a fan of the rounded corners apple put on the MBA.
I just have a quick question. I'm ordering a Macbook Pro this weekend and saw that one had a little beefier 512 MB of RAM instead of 256 dedicated for the graphics card.
I really hope Starcraft 2 isn't too graphic intensive and that the 256 would be enough to handle it. That's really the only game I plan on buying to play on here.
I listened to a few U2 songs encoded with AAC and Apple Lossless. Listening through the standard ipod ear buds, I honestly could not tell the difference.
Has anyone been able to notice a discernible improvement with Lossless? If so, what type of music/speakers were you using?
Apple states that the new 2009 RAID card "Requires Mac Pro (early 2009) and Mac OS X v10.5.6 or later." Why? Is there any reason it won't work in an older Mac Pro (2007)? Aside from the increase in cache size (256MB-->512MB) what is the difference?
i have a 1.5 Mbps AT&T DSL connection, and multiple speed tests show a download speed of 1.2 Mbps (and 200 Kbps upload). when i download files, such as software updates from Apple, various podcasts, and even Silverlight from Microshaft, the speed is always between 140 - 160 Kbps. i contacted AT&T, and the rep said it was because of buffering by the servers i was receiving the files from.
I was considering picking up this stand for my uMBP:
One thing that concerned me was having higher CPU temps with the lid closed.
I read a thread a few days ago that said there is no CPU temp change between lid closed and lid opened. And after doing some of my own testing I now believe that information is FALSE.
I use smcFanControl to control fan speed and monitor CPU temp.
Before using smcFantControl to boost my fan speed to constantly run at 3,400RPM, my CPU temp was 10-20 degrees (celsius) higher, on average.
I am doing a presentation for a class thingy in technology about new media and i'm trying to express how when macintosh youtubers started uploading video blogs when they switched to intel/intel made iMacs and about this media blah blah blah. In the pic attached is that a iMac G5 or intel. I see spot light on the top right so it's either running tiger or leopard. I thought I saw a apple remote magnetic thingy on the side. Did the iMac g5 have one?
A while ago we got more ram, and I was looking at it in about this mac and I noticed a difference to the ram that came with the Mac. Is there anything wrong with that?
I just upgraded my iMac i7 to 8GB Ram and ran geekbench again but there was no difference to the prior 4GB setup.. even in 64bit it doesn't make a difference.
In the UK and looking to buy a refurb 09 27" iMac. Pondering 2 models at the moment, the 2.66 i5 @ 1259 and the 2.8 i7 @ 1399. One thing I'm wondering is if the 140 price bump to the i7 is worth it? What are the diffferences between the 2 processors speed wise? I'm mail going to be using this for streaming HD video and similar multimedia tasks.
I have G5 which takes 15 hours to write a DVD home movie.
I am planning to buy a new imac.
My choice is 27" 2.93 i7 8 ram or 21" 3.60 i5 8 ram Does anyone know if there would be a SIGNIFICANT difference in processing a DVD between these two. It has been suggested i7 could do it in 3 hours.
I recently had the 2.8Ghz 24inch imac with 2Gb memore and 320Gb hard drive with the ati graphics but had a display problem so returned it but my current pc is so slow i need a new computer now so i'm looking at the 24inch 2.66Ghz model but what sped difference will i see in sped from 2.8-2.66 and will the nvidia graphics be better, worse or the same as the recent ATI graphics and is the memore a bigger improvement with now 4Gb ddr3