Intel Mac :: Convert A VTF File So Can Use It In IMovie
Apr 21, 2012Some one sent my a BTS file. I need to convert it so I can upload it into I movie.
iMac, iOS 5.1
Some one sent my a BTS file. I need to convert it so I can upload it into I movie.
iMac, iOS 5.1
I want to know if there is way to take Video TS files and convert them straight into a .DV file so they can be edited in iMovie.
My situation is that I use a program like Mac the Ripper to extract a DVD into the Audio and Video TS folders. My step 2 is to use Handbrake to convert it to MPEG and then MPEG-Streamclip to convert it to .DV
The problem I am having is that while this process works, the final product video quality is slightly off. I know that the loss is either in Handbrake or the MPEG-Streamclip program. How can I go straight to DV, either through a program or straight from the DVD?
I need a free converter that will convert a WMV file into a file that iMovie will recognize. Also, an application that won't leave a watermark on the video.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have made a movie on imovie, and I am trying to burn it onto a DVD, but I need to convert it to a Video TS-File before roxio popcorn can burn it. Is there a program for a mac which can convert it for me.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import some videos from my recent trip to Costa Rica.When I try to play the videos I receive this message: The document “M2U00887.MPG” could not be opened.required codec isn't available.Is there any way to convert these/get them into iMovie? They are all MPEG format.I typically make videos from my trips - these CD's were burned for me by the surf school so I am not used to importing this way. I have tried some of the suggestions regarding VPI and was able to see the movies but not get them into iMovie.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Quick time MPEG not working
How do I convert a pdf file to a jpeg file on my iMac?
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do i take a couple of PDF files and convert them to one PDF file in Mac computer? have a couple of files that are separated, all in PDF format assignments i need to submit them all as one big PDF file how do i combine them
how can i convert a data file to mp3 so it can be played ?
GarageBand (Mac) '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I see how to convert 1 page from a pdf file to a jpeg using Preview. I have several pdf files with each consisting of @90 pages. Is there a way to convert all pages at once? I would like to set up a slide show with the pdf pages converted to jpeg photos. All comments are welcome.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to get IMovie to recognize that I changed the dates of movie clips that I had to import into IPhoto. Subsequently I deleted an event in IPhoto and the darn thing still appeared in IMovie so that option of just deleting and starting all over again seems not to work. (I did not go into trash and really delete it so IMovie might just follow the clips to Trash!) I happened to find that in the Iphoto Library is a file called IMovie Data (In Thumbnails file folder). If I delete that file, will it cause IMovie to regenerate the thumbnails and put all of my photos and clips in the data order I now have corrected in IPhoto?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), IPhoto and IMove are 9
I have several video files that end in .MTS and I'm trying to load them into iMovie. My Mac is not recognizing the files.
How do you do it. I didn't see any possible way to do it in iMovie or Quicktime Pro.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a read only CD that I would like to convert to a Read/Write CD so that I can edit it in iMovie.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)
So I've used TubeTV [URL] to download Youtube videos, and would like to edit in iMovie, but it doesn't support .fvl (I think is the file suffix).
Does anyone know of a free option for converting them to an appropriate format?
I have home movies which seem to all be in mpeg2 format. I would like to open them in imovie to edit and burn new dvds. At an Apple store I was told I needed QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback to read the mpeg2 format. Under the FAQs for MPEG-2 Playback, it says to export to mpeg4 (?) I need to use QuickTime Pro.
My question is, do I need both QuickTime Pro and MPEG-2 Playback? I don't want to plunk down $50 unnecessarily. How do these work together to get my mpeg2 files into imovie? Is there an easier route to do this?
What software do I need to purchase to convert MPG files for imovie?
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
i was wondering how i use toast to convert my mp4 file to a video_ts file?also I have ISO files and was wondering if/how to convert them to a video_ts file?
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
This was a file i had on my old PC computer.....It will not open on my Mac.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I got a mts file from my HD Cam, and mow I deadly need to convert it to mov formats so that I can so more on my mac. There are too much s/w and I simply have no idea which one should I choose. I tried HandBrake, but I don't like it.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedPulled an old hard disk from a windows box, and all the file names for my tunes are in order, but these are not the ID3 tags, so as soon as imported into iTunes, its just showing 'Track 1, track 2 etc' Is there an app i can run these files through, to convert the file name to ID3 tags before importing?
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View 11 Replies View RelatedMy college ballet teacher sent me a .pages file for my final paper... due tomorrow. I dont have mac, or have access to one so I was wondering if someone could convert it for me?
here's the link. please! it's not spam or a virius or whatever, all it is is a hand out for my ballet final at sierra college. i've emailed my teacher, but haven't heard back from her.
I'm using TextEdit and I need to send my resumé in .doc format.Is there any way I can convert it?
iMac 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1GB RAM
How can you convert a PTX file to PDF file on a MacBook - I do have WORD on the MacBook.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I have these .vgz audio files but I want to convert them to .mp3, how do I do it?
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