Intel Mac :: No Output Preference Set To Mute - Sound Control In Toolbar Gone
Apr 30, 2012
My sound output preference is set to mute and is highlighted in light gray so that the preference can't be changed. Also, simultaneously, the sound control in the toolbar is gone and is replaced with an eject symbol that responds "SuperDrive F12" when clicked on.
I have a macbook pro and the audio on it the other day was perfect. Now i cant get it to work. It wont let me un mute it and under system preferences it says that no output devices are available.Â
I have an iMac at home. I have two airport express devices with hifi systems connected. I use iTunes to play music, podcasts,radio, .. on the different hifi systems dependent on where I am in the appartment.When using the remote control on the iMac it seems to me that it isn't possible to select the wireless devices for sound output.
for some reason i turned my apple imac (intel) on today and the sound wont turn up or down or mute with keys and no sound when i plug the headphones in is there something ive done to cause this
Have read all the threads I can find and tried all the fixes, with no joy. Last posts were end of last year, '11. Anyone got any more info since then?
I can feed sounds into my iMac with line input but no sound comes out vis internal speakers. I can record the input sound using Amadeus and play through gives me sound output. When not using Amadeus although input is set to line in and output to internal speakers no sound comes out. There appears to be some internal disconnection between input and output.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC
Just today I have installed an application which was to do with sound switching , called "soundflower" once iv installed and run it there was an option "create multiple sound switch" did chose and start to creating a multiple, as soon as it started my sound card panel display as "no sound card founded" and my sound icon on the top bar turned to light gray.
Double click on that and when it opens you will see your hard drive (usually Macintosh HD) on the left. Highlight your hard drive and click on Verify Disk on the far right. If that is OK click on Repair Permissions on the left. If Verify Disk is not OK try to Repair. If Repair is successful then Repair Permissions if it is not successful let me know. But problem still remains.
How do you get sound output from BOTH a USB speaker and the headphone jack at the same time? I am trying to drive a headphone speaker driven wireless speaker on my deck while still have audio on my imac.
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!Â
I was in Audio MIDI Setup and I clicked one of the checkboxes to add a device to something or something like that and all the devices vanished from the list and sound stopped working. After closing Audio MIDI Setup I am unable to open it again, even after restarting and getting all the updates. Skype now freezes and doesn't load. Sound preferences also have trouble and freeze up if I try to load them. I would really like to have sound from my computer again!
Speakers work but cannot get any sound output. Running windows 7 on Intel iMac. Speakers sound on booting and graphics in Control panel and on toolbar indicate sound is being recieved but nothing comes out of speakers or headphones.
Whenever my MacBook's sound is on mute and the computer wants to play a sound, the speaker has this little click noise.
For example, I mute the sound and go to trash a file. It trashes normally, but at the beginning, the speakers click (almost like they want to play that empty trash noise, but cannot because it is mute).
I was using it for a long time StartupSoundPrefPane11b3 with no problems, but this week I had to erase my hd and restore the disk from time machine. Since then I can't use anymore your program, I checked the boxes "Turn on startup volume control" and "Mute" and turn on the lock. After turn off and on again I get the startup sound. I went to system preferences, and "Startup Sound" program but the "Mute" checkbox is not active anymore. I'm running on a Mid 2007 iMac with 10.7.3 Lion software.
I have been having this issue forever and want to do something about it now. Whenever the sound is mute on my notebook, and there should be sound playing (Ex.: Startup Chime), instead I get a LOUD pop noise. I understand the whole thing with the sound chip powering down to save battery life, but that requires the speakers to be un-muted. In my case, they are mute, and never get un-muted. What do you guys think. Logic Board/Speaker System Replacement?
Information: Aluminum Unibody 2.4GHz MacBook (10.5.8) Mac OS X (10.5.8) 2nd Gen. iPod touch (8 GB) with 3.0
I watched a video and it was very loud so I went to System Preferences and turned the sound down.But now I can't mute by clicking the F9 button as I normally can. I can mute by going to System Preferences but I don't want to do this.Before I changed the volume in System Preferences, the keyboard keys worked fine for volume adjustment. I could make it quieter, louder or mute.I have tried with checking and not checking the option to display volume on the screen (in System Preferences).
Info:MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
I'm currently using a macbook pro 17" 10.5.8 / Unlike windows os, it alerts you in many occasion, for example: low battery, usb device inserted, etc. and you can change the alert sound for everyting in the control panel, sound, option.
so basically, how do I do the same thing on mac? do i need to install additional software? if yes.. any suggestion?
I woke up this morning and tried to watch a linked video on a webpage. I saw the video, but there was no sound (this had not been a problem the evening before). I am using USB soundsticks, so I checked to make sure that they were plugged in, and they were. I opened iTunes and sound came through the Soundsticks; I switched to the internal speaker and it worked there as well. When I tried the same with another embedded video, however, I only got sound from the internal speaker.
Has anyone had a similar problem or does anyone know how to fix this?
My 1 yr old mac book pro is having problems with the sound after an update to the lion software last night. The sound preference is not showing any out or in device. But, the startup chime works
One day I come home, turn on my mac, try to play music and theres no sound ! looked into the sound preferences and internal speakers are no longer one of the options. I tried all the solutions mentioned ; take off all external sources, tried plugging in and out the headphones 50 times, restarted OS, installed the latest software and still nothing. Did anyone face this problem and try eeeverything and nothing works
My computer seems to be on mute and cannot turn it off. Its gray and does not give me the option neither in the task bar or in system preferences to turn it off. Already tried command PR and nothing.
I recently bought an ACD which I hook up to my MacBook. I watch videos and movies on it late at night so instead of playing it through the speakers I prefer to play it through headphones so I don't keep everyone up.
This works great with iTunes. I plug them into my MacBook and off I go. For VLC, however, it STILL plays the audio through the speakers even though my headphones are plugged in.
How do I change it so the audio plays through the headphones when plugged in using VLC instead of the speakers. (Jeez, you'd think this would be basic functionality. >_>)