IMac (Intel) :: How To Access Backup

Aug 30, 2014

I have just done a full manual backup of my iPhone to my iMac (mid 2011 model). How do I access this backup on my iMac?

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Access Photos From Time Machine Backup Drive

Sep 6, 2014

I have an iMac desktop with OS X version 10.9.4 Mavericks operating system.  Processor 2.06 core 2 duo Memory 4GB 1067 MHx startup disk hard drive. 

Problem is I deleted some photos from my hard drive to free up space, thinking I could access them from my backup drive if I needed to.  However, when I try to get the photos through my TimeMchine backup drive, it won't let me, saying it's not the original library. How do I access my old backed up photos?

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IMac (Intel) :: On OS X 10.7.5 Cannot Access IPhoto

Sep 9, 2014

Photos are able to be viewed only on Front Row

There are multiple users + admin all logged in

When I do updates for all with admin and password am told don't have permission,


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IMac (Intel) :: How To Access Browsing History

Jul 1, 2014

How do I access my browsing history?

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IMac (Intel) :: Unable To Access A Certain Link By One Account

Jun 5, 2014

I use safari on my imac. I was able to access a shared link (to access a briefcase) via a university website. It requires me to enter ID and password to access the briefcase. It also requires me to enter my ID and password whenever I click a new file in the briefcase. The shared link was okay until I let Safari remember my password. Now when I click the shared link, it says "Error 404! No such item". I am not able to access that shared link.  

I tried to log on my imac with another user/account, and found out that the shared link is still working. I also tried to use my macbook and the link is working as well. So i guess that it must be something wrong when I let Safari remember my password the first time when I accessed that link. I have done Safari Reset and cleared all history, cookies, passwords, etc... but I am still not able to access that link under my own account.  

iMac, iOS 7.1.1

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IMac (Intel) :: Installer Quit Suddenly And Now Cannot Access Anything?

Sep 11, 2014

After receiving a 'critical upgrade' the Installer quit suddenly and when I tried to reopen nothing happened. I rebooted and switch off power but when I start in I cannot open anything. I just get the whirligig symbol

I Cannot even access the computers details to give to Apple support.


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IMac (Intel) :: How To Enable Apps To Use Universal Access

Aug 26, 2014

I've tried to go under system preferences> security & privacy> accessibility > then check the app I want to give access too, but it won't register that I have it checked

iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), Mac OS X (10.4.9)

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IMac (Intel) :: Cannot Access Safari 8.0.2 On Yosemite After Update

Dec 12, 2014

Appstore automatically updated Safari to 8.0.2 this morning, but now I can't access the program. When I start Safari it takes a while to get going, a window opens for a moment with a spinning wheel and then the program crashes. I'm using a mid 2007 20" IMac (2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4GB of memoryrunning Yosemite. 

The system error report which gets sent to Apple makes no sense to me, as I don't have any technical knowledge, but scrolling through the report I found this section which refers to something crashing,.

Thread 31 Crashed:: FTL Worklist Worker Thread

0   libllvmForJSC.dylib  0x0000000114f2cd50 DYLD-STUB$$std::__1::basic_string<char,
std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >::__init(char const*, unsigned long) + 0
1   dyld  0x00007fff6342cceb ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 265
2   dyld  0x00007fff6342ce78 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 40


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IMac (Intel) :: Unable To Access IPhoto - Getting Error Message

Sep 9, 2014

After pressing the iPhoto icon, the software seems to be turning on but later an error message appears and I am unable to access iPhoto.  I tried moving the .plist for iPhoto to Trash but this did not work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Backup Documents To Cloud

Jun 22, 2014

How do I backup my documents to the cloud?

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IMac (Intel) :: Burning Movies To DVD For Backup

Aug 30, 2014

I am trying to burn movies from iPhoto to a dvd for backup.  I have attempted to do the export to another file method, then burn to DVD, but whenever I try the export, I get a list of 20  video files that were not exported.  This is the only method I have been able to find that is supposed to work for getting movies out of iphoto and onto a disc. 

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IMac (Intel) :: Back Up Files On Trash And No Access To Time Machine?

Jun 20, 2014

When I mounted the external hard disk I see the trash full with the files and I have no access to time machine.  

How can I repair that.

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IMac (Intel) :: No Space On Backup Hard Drive?

Dec 11, 2014

I am unable to move files from a 250 GB backup hard drive to a 1.0 TB b/c I keep getting the warning that isn’t enough space. Get Info says that 999.72 GB on it are in use. But the 1.0 TB was almost empty. If I add up the space of each of the 3 or 4 items on it, I get less than 20GB. What’s taking up the other 979 GB?For background, I now have iMac backed up with LaCie 2Big NAS system. The 250 GB is primarily to hold iPhoto Library and backup copies of original photos. the 250 GB is full. So I am trying to switch over from 250 to the 1.0 TB for photos. Moved a few smaller files over, but then could move no more. Thought of running disk utility to erase the 1.0 TB, but now I can’t move the few files on it back to 250 GB, but of error message that it too is full.I did run Repair Disk on 1.0TB before started trying to move files.

iMac (20-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), MBA (10.9.5) iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Backup Hard Drive To Update OS X From 10.6.8 To 10.10.1

Dec 9, 2014

How do I back up my iMac hard drive in order to update the OS from 10.6.8 to 10.10.1?

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Backup Files In Recovery Mode

Aug 20, 2014

i went into recovery mode and tried to repair my hard drive and it says it can't be repaired and I have to restore my computer. is there anyway i can backup my files from recovery mode onto a new disk?


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IMac Intel :: Unable To Turn On System / Changed Access Settings Of Some Files

Apr 3, 2009

My girlfriend changed the user's name and the problems started (iMac wouldn't remeber system settings and denied access to some files and catalogs). When I wanted to fix the problem I probably made a mistake and changed the access settings of some files (finally even hard disk's settings). After this action my iMac doesn't start (the screen is white with the apple logo and nothing happens). Is there anybody who knows what to do now?

Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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IMac Intel :: Wipe Disk And Verify Backup On Lacie Drive?

May 18, 2009

I have to send my iMac 27 back to apple for replacement (flickering screen issue) and I would like to erase my personal information. How do I do that on a Mac? I have a Lacie Drive connected via Firewire 800 and have been using Time Machine for backups. I also want to make sure that I have a complete backup as well. I am new to Mac OS X

iMac 27 & MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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IMac (Intel) :: Time Machine / External HD And Copying Backup To Desktop

Jun 5, 2014

I've recently starting having problems with my external HD that I use for my Time Machine backups. I'm not able to repair the drive using Disk Elements, so I want to copy some of my backups stored therein onto my Mac HD before I try reformatting the external HD. However, I get the error message "The volume has the wrong case sensitivity for a backup" when I try dragging the backup folders onto my desktop. Is there any way to salvage the backups before I try reformatting?  

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), External HD: WD Elements 2TB

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IMac (Intel) :: Amount Being Backed Up By Time Machine Keeps Growing During Full Backup?

Dec 6, 2014

After some problems with Time Machine backup, I removed a bunch of stuff from my internal hard drive, reformatted my external HD used for backups, and started a new full backup.  Time Machine has been running for about 24 hours and gives me a status of Backing up: xx GB of yy GB.  Both xx and yy keep growing (apace) so that I don't believe xx will ever equal yy.   

To cryptic?  Here are real numbers.  My internal disk being backed up contains 469.39 GB.  Backup status now says Backing up: 685.78GB of 754.42 GB.  Both numbers just keep growing. I'm happy to let Time Machine overnight (again) but, really, this can't be normal.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Time Machine Error Message - Unable To Complete Backup Folder

Aug 29, 2014

iMAC with OSX10.9.4 ; 8GB ram ; two partitions external disk formatted MAC jurnaled ; connected via Fire Wire or USB2 .

During Backup the sistem get stack and display into the "details window"  Time machine was unable to complete the backup because unable to complete the backup folder.

This problem happens with USB and Fire Wire. The file backups.backupdb is excluded from virus scanning.

Also happens time to time that (without doing things) both the partitions of the external disk disappaire from the desk-top and a message "the disk must be ejected properly" is displayed.

This two problems are independent une to the other. I have change the backup disk but both the problems persist.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB ram ; external backup HD

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OS X :: Migrating To New Mac - Able To Access Backup Files

Apr 17, 2010

I'll get a new MBP next week and I'm planning to have a fresh clean start by manually moving the folders and apps I use. My question is: Will I be able to access the backup files I currently have on time machine from my new mac? if so how does the authentication work? Should I do anything to make this easier?

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Access Mac OS X Drive During Backup

Jun 11, 2012

It has served me well over the past couple of years, however recently it suffered a fatal accident and I am wishing to backup my data before purchasing a new Macbook Pro. In addition to using Mac OS X, I also dual-booted my Macbook Pro with Windows 7, thus I have two partitions: BOOTCAMP (usually marked as drive letter F:) and Macintosh (usually marked as drive letter E:). I am no longer under warranty for my Macbook Pro, so I took matters into my own hands and removed the hard drive from the laptop. I hooked the harddrive up to a SATA-to-USB converter in order to retrieve my files from the harddrive using a separate laptop and save them to a secondary storage drive.

Upon powering up my SATA-to-USB converter (using a separate laptop running Windows 7), I have found that the harddrive from my Macbook Pro only shows the BOOTCAMP partition and not the original Macintosh partition (a partition containing several important files I wish I retrieve). I was able to successfully backup all my data from the BOOTCAMP partition, but I cannot access the Macintosh partition (I only need to copy several files from the partition onto my secondary storage device).

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: When Try To Backup Something Or Transfer Large Quantities Of Data - The Backup Just Stops For No Reason?

Mar 24, 2012

When i try to backup data or transfer large amounts of data, like 40gb or more, between drives, the process just stops without warning or explanation. It dowsn't matter when backup i use, Time Machine or WD Smartware.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: New External CD/DVD Burner - Way To Access Backup Files

Jul 17, 2010

My iMac (Model 4,1 operating 10.6.4) drive has made some funny noises recently when inserting disks. I want to back up Pages documents to DVD's so that I can take them to a print shop if needed later. I have an Iomega back up hard drive but I really want an external burner. I used to have a Tower years ago and loved the front loading slot (great for burning Word, Excel, Pages and PDF files to DVD's}. While I have the Iomga back up drive, that will not help if my computer sighs it's last breath & I need to access some of the back up files.

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OS X :: Unable To Access Time Machine Backup In Tiger

Nov 20, 2008

I have 10.4.11 installed and have some time machine backups from a leopard system on one of my externals. When I try to navigate to one of the backups and get into any of the user folders like documents, pictures, etc it says I don't have permission to access them? Yet I check the permissions and they are read/write.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Access Oldest Backup From Time Machine

Mar 12, 2012

In my Time Machine preferences, it says my oldest backup is Feb. 3, 2012.  However, when I enter the Time Machine interface, I can only go back to March 7, 2012. 

When I look inside the hard drive from my finder, it also only has folders that date back to March 7.

I know that the other data is in there somewhere though, because the drive space is used up more than just a couple days worth of backups. accessing my old backups past March 7?

Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 30" Apple Cinema Display, 12GB ram

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Access ~/library On Time Machine Backup?

Apr 10, 2012

I recently re-installed OSX Lion and made sure i'd backed everything up before I did a clean install and did not want to transfer my old archive across. I need to access my user library on Time Machine so that I can restore my Transmit favourites and Little Snapper image database.  I've tried following the process here:[URL] but I get "The folder can't be found" (see screenshot) and now i'm at a complete as to what to do. 

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OS X :: Time Machine Fails To Backup - No Access To A Specific File?

Dec 31, 2008

The following error message appears when I attempt backup using TM;

"You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file ".0019e33d49f6" in folder "Time Machine Backups".To view or change access privileges, select the item in Finder and choose File > Get Info."

Spotlight can't locate this file, I've ran disk utility to verify and repair the internal drive, verified the external, no problems on both counts. I even tried allowing read & write privileges temporarily to everyone on both drives, but no luck.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Access Backup Files That Are Restricted To Certain Profiles?

Mar 12, 2012

I recently switched hard drives because of a problem with the old (native) one. I retrieved certain files from the backup of the old HDD then proceeded to backup the new HDD. Now I can't access my files from the old backups because "I don't have the permission to see it's contents".

How do I go about this? How do I "authorize" myself?

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: "Unable To Complete Backup. An Error Occurred While Creating The Backup Folder"

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to back up my new iMac to an older time capsule. But it just won't do it. The error reads: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder".

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