OS X :: How Can I Erased Everything From My System And Clean Reinstall Them Again?
Sep 8, 2009
I know that a lot of people were asking about wether they should upgrade or install SL. So, when I put in the disk, it said to shutdown and restart so that it could install the OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if it was normal that I didn't have any choices as to if I wanted to make just an upgrade or a complete installation of SL. I thought I was going to lose my stuff on my HD, but everything is still there like if nothing happened. The thing is... I kind of wanted to have everything erased and do a clean install.
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Apr 20, 2012
i have a macbook pro which i bought in late 2011. I was wondering how i should do a comeplete wipe of all my memory and reinstall lion. I have tried the recovery process but it just reintalls the os and leaves the rest of the data behind.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Dec 24, 2010
I have never had this problem before: I deleted Bootcamp partition. Repaired my hard disk and then erased my hard drive. Now I am trying to reinstall Snow Leopard and after the install starts it says: 35 minutes remaining" for about 5 minutes. Then it goes to a screen that says: "Install Failed: Mac OSX could not be installed on your computer. The Installer could not copy the necessary support files. Click Restart to restart your computer and try installing again." I tried restarting and installing and I get the exact same situation. I am not sure what is going on here. This MBP is less than 6 months old and this is the 1st time I have tried a reinstall on this particular machine.
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Aug 30, 2010
So I thought I was a know it all and thought I could remove my Windows partition without reading the instructions. Typically one would do the following:
1. In Mac OS X, quit all open applications and log out any other users on your computer.
2. Open Boot Camp Assistant, in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.
3. Select "Restore the startup disk to a single volume" and then click Continue.
However, I messed it up. Instead of going through Bootcamp assistant, I went through Disk Utility and "erased" the Bootcamp volume. Now I am not sure where I at? I erased it, but you can still see the Bootcamp volume listed. And now when O try to use Bootcamp assistant to remove the partition I get the following:
The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS extended (journaled) volume or already partitioned by boot camp assistant for installing windows. I want to reinstall a Windows, but want to start fresh.
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May 2, 2012
I would like to do a clean reinstall of Mac OS X Lion, that is format the hard drive and then do a clean reinstall. I don't want to use Recovery HD, I really want to wipe out the HD and then install Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 18, 2012
For various reasons I would like to do a clean reinstall of Lion on my MBP. I do have the Apple Lion thumb drive for installation. I also have Parallels/Windows installed on this computer. My question: is there any way I can do a clean reinstall of Lion without disturbing the Windows/Parallel part?Â
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Jan 23, 2009
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
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Aug 5, 2009
I recently performed an "erase and install" on my MacBook. Do I need to reinstall firmware updates like the trackpad update and such?
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Jul 26, 2010
Due to certain problems with Logic Pro 8 I've got to do a clean re-install of Snow Leopard. But there is a problem: bootcamp partition. It was created with Snow Leopard to install Windows 7. Can I possibly do a clean install of Snow Leopard without losing Windows OS? Formatting only the Mac partition will do the trick? I ask you people because I've found various information on the web, although most threads concerned migration mac system as well
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Jun 8, 2012
My MBP 13" (summer 2009) has been getting slower and slower for a while. Finally yesterday it was just hanging on the spinning rainbow and completely unresponsive. I had to hold down the power button to restart, but even then it was frozen, no matter how many times I restarted. I had everything pretty much backed up, so I deleted my HD and did a clean reinstall of Lion.
Even that had hiccups: at first I was getting the error message that the HD couldn't be deleted because the disk couldn't be unmounted. Finally when booting from a Lion DVD I was able to delete and clean reinstall. All seemed well last night but today I am still noticing some problems. There is a few seconds delay when opening any new folder in Finder, opening a program from the Dock, or clicking on a menu item.
Sometimes the cursor gets frozen on an arrow or other special cursor, after mousing over a link or seemingly for no reason at all. When typing, I'm getting sporadic delays: three times while typing this message, the computer froze up for about 5 seconds, and then the text finally appeared. I'm also seeing similar delays in scrolling.
Sometimes scrolling works, sometimes I need to wait a few seconds for a webpage to become responsive. This is alarming to me considering that there is almost nothing installed on the computer except Lion and a few light programs (Evernote, OpenOffice). I haven't put anything back on the computer from the backup since the clean reinstall.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 26, 2009
I loved the speed improvements Snow Leopard gave to my computer, but I knew that I would have to do a clean install sooner or later. Now, Safari and Firefox are crashing frequently (multiple times a day!) and everything is slowing down again. I'm hoping a reinstall of the operating system will fix that. However, I used up all 5 installs on my Family Pack. Can I reinstall Snow Leopard with that disc, even though all 5 installs have been used? Do I need to buy another copy? Can the Genius Bar do the clean reinstall for me while my computer is there for other repairs?
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Oct 16, 2010
I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?
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Jun 24, 2012
Completed a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac, which initially reacted poorly to an upgrade (my first attempt to move to Lion). How do I reinstall iPhoto, Garageband, Aperture, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Logic Express? These were all preinstalled with original purchase. How would I find the serial numbers that will inevitably be asked for? The App store wants to charge for these items, and other non-Apple software I've purchased for the App store won't download again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
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Oct 16, 2010
i am downloading a lot of stuff (movies and music) from rapidshare and other file-hosting sites. Do i need a virus scanner or smthing like clean my mac ?? is it ok from downloading and not getting anything from them (trojans..etc)
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Dec 26, 2010
I want to reinstall OSX for the first time because I mainly want to have a clean system, to get rid of all the files that have not been deleted when I remove some applications. Basically I want all apps removed when reinstalled complete. I've read OSX reinstall its different then windows, but I want to make sure I can do this clean reinstall. I want to know if the other documents and files will remain on my hdd as I don't have an external disc to back up. Also the system/the internet does not run as fast as those in apple store, this may be because of little snitch, hard drive space, or others.
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Nov 22, 2009
I am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?
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Feb 7, 2010
Like in PC, we need periodically use some app to clean the system, cache, or some other temp files in C:/ disc. Do we need to similar stuff in macbook 2?
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Jun 16, 2010
what's the best stuff for cleaning my iMac display?I know generally there's certain things you can't use
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a 20GB system partition on my imac and with the applications etc there is only 5.2GB left... Do you think this is enough or should I reinstall my imac to get a larger partition ?
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Dec 30, 2008
I'm about to reinstall iLife from the .dmg on the system disks. Does anyone know if this will delete my current photos and music etc?
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May 12, 2012
my system preferences froze on me a couple weeks ago while i was trying to change my screen saver. i've forced quit the program and computer, but when i boot back up, and reopen system preferences it opens up where it froze in the backgrounds settings. yesterday i shot down to see my buddy at future shop and he tried a few things and nothing changed. he called apple and they said this issue has come up a few times now. they recomended to delete a few uneeded files in the program or reinstalling the operating system. we deleted the files and nothing happened. so he told me how to reinstall the OS. i said goodbye because he left for cuba today. now i have time to do the reinstall and dont remember how he said to do this.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 8, 2012
I installed Lion on my MacBook Pro. As I was trying to install windows 7 there was a power breakdown. Now I am unable to get into my mac. Everytime I start I get into Window start routine. How do I go about reinstalling My Snow Leopard fro DVD?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 24, 2009
I wanted to know what program you all prefer for cleaning out your mac.
I have a new macbook, and it is not as fast as the first week I got it.
Does anyone have any good apps to solve a manner as this one?
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Mar 29, 2012
Best apple solution for clean up of MacBook system?
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Jun 20, 2012
My Macbook Pro working slow, is there any siti or software like "clean my pc" which is supported by apple to install to clean my Mac??
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm still running a 2007 Macbook Core 2 Duo, 2.2GHz. A few upgrades here and there - mainly 500GB HDD and 4GB of RAM. Running the latest software of everything - and it does the job. Up until video conferencing - Skype, iChat - doesn't matter, about ten minutes into a chat the video quality will severely deteriorate until it freezes entirely. I remember when I orginally got this computer this was never an issue - something that only built up over time.I've formatted this computer and started fresh about 3 months ago - the issue still persisted even after a fresh install.I think the issue is dust in the computer. Dust builds up, computer gets hotter faster and as a result, slows down.During a video chat the CPU temperature spiked to 90c and stayed around that area until the chat ended. The other temperatures were not nearly as high, with the Wireless module around 75c, and CPU cores spiking to 85.
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Feb 4, 2009
is there a way to save the user settings prior to doing a clean install of OS X ? i am not worried about backing up files or additional software that has been installed, just the user's system preferences that you manually set up throughout the use of your machine. and if this is possible, how do you go about reinstating the user preferences after the install is completed ?
i'm trying to decide if it's worth it for me to do the install as i have plenty of storage space left, but it would be nice to take care of this now rather than later. i've read through the install steps on the forum and did not see anything in regards to this issue.
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Sep 13, 2009
So I upgraded to Snow Leopard about a week ago, and my Macbook pro seems a little slower and it beachballs now and again. I am wondering if I should do a clean install of Leopard and use that for a while, until SL is updated a few times, or maybe clean install and then put SL onto that. Which do you think is best? My other questions are as follows:
I was doing TimeMachine backups when I was using Leopard, and these have carried on when I was using SL. If I clean install, will I be able to choose just to copy my files over from the TM backup? Is there a way to do a clean install of SL, or do I need to do the Leopard install and then upgrade to SL again.
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Mar 9, 2009
I have just upgraded from a 60GB HD running OS X 10.4.11? to a 250GB drive.
Before changing HDs, I backed up the old HD onto an external FireWire drive using Retrospect Express 6.1.
I made a clean install of 10.5.6 onto the new HD, installed Retrospect Express.
I then restored my entire old HD to a *folder* on my new HD. There is room for it on the external FireWire disk also if that is better.
I expected wrongly to be able to use Migration Assistant to integrate my applications, e-mails, calendar, bookmarks, etc. into 10.5.6 but it did not allow me to select a folder to migrate from (I think it is looking preferably for another Mac attached via FireWire or at least an external disk, but I'm not sure what it's limits are).
I am also now concerned about Migration Assistant losing data (such as filed e-mails) as I have consulted with a tech friend who says it is problematic and I should restore by hand!Can you tell me the most efficient and reliable way to get out of my predicament? I'm crazy busy business-wise and I don't have time to lose wallowing & finding my own way, I can afford the time to do things right though :-) which is why I'm asking.
Obviously I am shut down now, I do not want to start doing "real work" on my computer until all my applications and files are in their proper places.
Applications (Quark, Adobe, Apple), all my Mail accounts, iCal, Fonts, Firefox + extensions & bookmarks are my mission-critical tools.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have lots of old files left over from installed programs etc. What like a general clean to make things seem fresh again!
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