It only took me a year to figure it out, but I've confirmed that the problems I've been having for the past year with the screen freezing (thought the computer was freezing) are owed to a bad graphics card. The card I have in my 2.16GHz 24" iMac (purchased Sep '06), NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT, is indeed ready to die. I found some articles that said the graphics card is easily upgradable in my iMac. If true, which replacement card should I buy? And is this something I can install myself, simply by removing the cover, pulling out the old card and installing the new?
I purchased my Mac a few weeks ago, wanting to both upgrade my computer.......and play Diablo 3. I do always want the best out of my systems and the person who sold me the mac told me it would be fairly easy to upgrade the card...well he was wrong. He also told me a few days later not to worry about upgrading since the system is already great.
I went to a local Mac store and asked about the upgrade and found out it would be close to or above a grand for the part from Apple and the labor.
Are there any other ways to find this part online cheaper and just hopefully pay for the labor?
I just really dont want to pay a grand just to upgrade my damn video card, and I know within the new year Apple will release a much better fast computer and I'll be mad. I really wish it wasn't such a hard upgrade.
So basically, I bought a Mac Pro in mid 2007 with the following specs:
Two 2.66GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon 1GB (2 x 512MB) NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB SDRAM
Anyways, I have just started using it again and would like to use it to play WoW (probably via BootCamp) but the current graphics card is really insufficient.
So what I'm basically looking for is a graphics card that would run in a mid-07 Mac Pro with the 2x2.66GHZ Dual-Core Intel Xeon's (ram is not an issue, I can upgrade this as well) - that will allow me to play WoW on even good settings.
If I am going to install a new video card in my Mac Pro, I imagine the process will be simple on the Mac OS side, but what about windows in bootcamp? Will it recognise the new card on first boot? or do I have to go through dos or something? Apart from updating the drivers is there any other configuring that needs to be done?
I have a PowerPC G4 Mac and I would like to upgrade my graphics card. I am currently using a ATI Rage 128 Pro which is PCI based and has VGA and DVI output.
I've been reading about others attempting and succeeding upgrading their late 2009 model graphics card. I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade the iMac Mid 2010, ATI Radeon HD5670 (512MB)? While the current card is not bad itself, it still lags in certain aspects (i.e. gaming).
So my mom's G5 (single 1.8) graphics card just pooped out on us.
Lot's of multi-colored lines show up on the screen at the same time and it never boots into OS X. Ran the CD Apple hardware test and the only error i got back was the video memory. So we're thinking about getting a new video card.
It has the factory card still in it and I can't really decide what kind of card needs to be purchased. I've been hunting around the internet and have found numerous conclusions that all seem to differ.
It's basically an AGP 8x slot. We don't need anything fancy just a replacement. There's an auction on ebay right now for the current card (nVidia GeForce FX 5200) but the auction has two in it and we only need one.
but anyway, if anyone could lead me in the right direction i'd really love to get my mom's mac up and running again.
I have this Late 2006 Macbook, that still runs great and everything, but the only problem iv been running into, is video. So when i watch a video in QuickTime Player, or QuickView, or even YouTube, the video just randomly starts to flip out. So, is it possible to upgrade the Graphics Card?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Snow Leopard, Original MacBook.
i want to upgrade my mac book pro purchased 4 months ago to a retina display... could i upgrade if i change my graphics card as well and how much will it cost altogether
My 13-inch Macbook (Late 2008) currently uses the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB graphics card, but I want to upgrade it, so that I can play games at a higher quality. Is this possible? If so, what graphics cards are compatible with my Macbook (Late 2008)?
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 GB RAM
with this talk of new imacs and mac mini's I thought it would be fun to speculate on what gfx card they may choose to include in the high end model. After a little searching around on what mobile cards are around my bet is on the Geforce GTS 160m. They seem to be going almost exclusively with Nvidia with the exception of the 4850.
I recently read somewhere that I can actually change the graphics card on my mac. If so where can I buy the ATI Radeon 4850 graphics card? and how much will that set me back?And could I get this upgrade done by my local nextbyte retail store?If it is possible to have nextbyte upgrade my card would they send it off to apple? I really just need this card so I can play aoe3 on all settings high and be able to handle games like cod4, quake and all those graphic hungry games.
is it possible to add another monitor to a Imac with the 256MB graphics card on it? The system will have 4gb Ram.Is this graphic card strong enough or is it better to get the 512MB one?can I easily run lets say... dvd encore, premiero pro type of software?
My 3 yr old IMac G5 (no isight) seems to be real sluggish in graphics dept. I never used to have problems watching hulu videos, now they stutter. When I play warcraft, the game struggles to keep up if I'm in an area where there is lots of players. Would a new graphics card help? Is it replaceable on my IMac model?
I want to use a windows Driving Simulator on my iMac, probably using Bootcamp. The system requirements are
Graphics - Any 64MB 3D graphics card or above*
*NVidia GeForce FX or higher / ATI Radeon 9500 or higher. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Other integrated graphics chipsets are not supported.
I have an 20 month old iMac with a ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT. Will that do? I have absolutely no idea about this stuff!
im about to buy a Imac 2.66ghz C2D and i just have a few questions, The paticular imac im buying has a Ati radeon 2600 HD, and ive been hearing on the internet that it doesnt support features within snow leopard, what kind of features will i be missing out on? Will it hinder the speeds of the computer or will i have any paticular issues when installing snow leopard because of having this graphics card..
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
noting the diff which is speed, type of ram, graphics card and harddisk. My more impt factor is the graphics card. Is the new Nvidia 9400m better than the old ATI card?Not sure which to get... how to balance with the new machine with the price....My assesment is that... the diff is about $100 or even equal if i upgrade the old model to 4gb ram. So, is the ~$100 diff justifiable to get the old one cos its $100 cheaper but get a better graphics card? Or pay $100 more to get the new model with a bit slower CPU, lousier graphics card but double the hard disk and DDR3 ram compared to DDR2.
Im going to throw out a scenario and see if anyone sees flaw in my logic.I first will mention that I will stick with console gaming and wont play games on the imac, although I thought in 07 there was a youtube video of someone playing crysis on a 2600GT imac (im not sure what the real graphics card was or if thats even a real one). I will be editing photos using aperture or some other photo editor, running Vuze nonstop, 12 tab browsing, and also probably watching a movie. My G5 ALS imac did that with about 3 tab browsing pretty easy. Also it wasnt editing photos. ANYWAYS. Amazon has the i5 for 1972.98 and applecare for 135.99 for a total of 2108.97
I have a 21.5 inch base model imac. It appears to have moderate yellowing on the bottom 1/3 of the screen so thinking about returning it today when I go to the Apple Store for my broken iphone. I was thinking about jumping to the 21.5 with the 1TB drive and dedicated graphics card if I do exchange. Is it worth the jump?