IMac :: 27" IMac Freezing In Windows 7 After A While?

Nov 15, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 on my 27" i5 iMac, and it was working fine until just now. It froze completely (I could move the mouse around) for a minute, and then it unfroze.

I kept using it, and then it froze again, but this time I had to restart by holding down the power button. It just happened again, and I had to restart again.

The only thing I have running is Chrome, and this is a fresh install. What's going on?

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My 24 In IMac Keeps Freezing And Is Hot

Feb 28, 2012

I am getting very frustrated. I just upgraded my hard drive to a seagate 1tb hard drive and since I've done that I upgraded to lion and now my computer freezes all the time. I don't have the start up disk since I upgraded online. What can I do?

iMac, iOS 5.0.1

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IMac :: Safari 4.1.2 Keeps Freezing?

Nov 14, 2010

I am having issues with Safari freezing on my mac. I am running Safari 4.1.2 and running operating system 10.4.11. I am not sure if this is correct but i managed to sample the page by going on the Activity monitor.

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IMac :: Trying To Determine Causes Of Freezing?

Apr 23, 2009

Anyone have a freezy iMac with less than 8GB of ram installed? I made a brief attempt to search the forums for an answer to this, but was unsuccessful.

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IMac :: Started Freezing Randomly ?

Dec 8, 2010

I purchased a 24" iMac in fall of '07 and up until have had no problems at all. Let me describe the problems I'm having now and maybe someone can tell me what to do to remedy them.

A couple weeks ago it started freezing randomly. The mouse will switch to the beach ball and just spins endlessly. I can move it around but can't really do anything other than that. I have to do a hard reset to get it back to normal. Sometimes a couple programs are open, and sometimes none. It seems like it happens often when I quick switch from one user to another. It will switch, work for awhile, then freeze.

Now, no big deal, annoying, but whatever. But, the other day after doing a hard reset it revolted into a white screen with a flashing folder with a question mark. I did some research and found that I needed to repair the startup disc using the snow leopard disc. I did that and it allowed me to boot it back up normaly but didn't really solve the freeze up issue.

So, that just happened again, so I'll have to boot it up with the disc again and repair the startup disc when I get a chance. It's really beyond frustrating now.

I have repaired all permissions, updated all firmware, made sure the drive isn't full, pretty much everything short of backing up and wiping the drive and reinstalling the OS. Is that what I need ro do now? I mean, I know I need to, but is there something I can do to remedy until I can get around to doing that?

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 233 Ghz Freezing When Trying To Install OS

Jul 21, 2006

I have an old iMac Rev A (or B?) and it is constantly freezing. It freezes in OS 8, 9, and 10.3.. but most frustrating is that it also freezes while trying to install an OS. So right now it does not have an OS installed because of that. It will not boot up to my OS 9.1 disc.. but it will boot up to it's original 8.5 disc and a 10.3 disc.. However it always freezes near the beginning of the install process (often before it even writes to the HDD). I tried taking out the old RAM and leaving it with just the one (new) 256MB chip and that didn't work.

It was freezing before with only the old RAM so. I guess it's not the RAM. I have an identical iMac that doesn't choke on anything (never freezes) and it only has 96MB of RAM. I don't know what else I can do. I'm trying to use XPostFacto to put 10.4 on this thing (it's possible, I want to try it out at least) but it won't get through the first OS install and if it does, it won't get through the second (10.4). Even more frustrating is that I don't have any diagnostic software such as the Apple Hardware Test because the original iMac didn't come with any.

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Applications :: IMac Freezing With ITunes?

Oct 18, 2008

Is anyone else having the problem with iTunes 8 where your iMac freezes completely (only the mouse will move but you can't click anything)? I started having this problem after upgrading to 10.5.5 and iTunes 8.0.1.

Apple support discussion related to this: [URL]

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IMac :: Freezing To Blank Screen?

Jul 3, 2010

I need your opinions; since the 10.6.3 update my iMac has begun to freeze to a blank screen. I think this may be a sign of a dying logic board, however I question this as I don't have the freezing problem with 10.6.2. Picture of blank screen attached.

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IMac PPC :: G5 Not Freezing - No Boot Up And Goes To Sleep

Mar 22, 2012

I recently restarted my iMac G5 as I had not restarted it in a few days and now when I attempt to turn the computer back on it never makes it past the gray "OS X" screen, where I guess it loads the operating system? The system never freezes and I can move the cursor but it will not boot past and eventually goes to sleep. It is the 17" iMac G5 PPC.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac 2011 Keep Freezing

Apr 15, 2012

My Imac 2011 is freezing more and more often and I can't identify any pattern or software that causes it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does IMac Keep Freezing

May 8, 2012

For some reason my iMac has started to freeze everytime it goes into screen saver mode...  I have to turn the computer off to reset everthing.  This error message then popps up: 

Interval Since Last Panic Report:  8270 sec
Panics Since Last Report:          2
Anonymous UUID:                    300F47A0-F640-4693-97D3-CA4652D19A36  
Tue May  8 10:02:26 2012


iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac Freezing Up Randomly

Jun 2, 2014

Why my iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) has suddenly began randomly freezing up?All working great since I got it but recently I am having a consistent problem with it ceasing up. As a result I took action and restored it to factory defaults over the weekend thinking this would resolve the problem but unforuantely after 2 days without issue the problem has re-surfaced. 

EtreCheck version: 1.9.11 (43) - report generated 2 June 2014 20:53:38
BST Hardware Information:          iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011)          
iMac - model: iMac12,2          1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 4 cores          12 GB RAM 
Video Information:          AMD Radeon HD 6770M - VRAM: 512 MB 

[Code] .....

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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IMac :: Windows Aero Not Working In Boot Camp-2009 IMac GT120

Mar 28, 2009

I think it worked at one point, but sometime around the point when I set up Fusion with the partition, Windows Aero turned off and is no longer an option in the display settings. I installed this driver with the modded INF to see if it would do anything, but Aero is still not an option. I also have issues playing some games in Fusion, while they work fine in Boot Camp.

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IMac :: IMac 27" - Windows 7 64bit - Screensaver Not Activating

Mar 20, 2010

I purchased a lovely 27" iMac yesterday. I have installed Windows 7 64bit on it and apart from a few quirks everything is running very well.

One thing that is bothering me is the Windows7 screensavers and power-management... they never activate. The power-saving features of Windows 7 don't seem to work at all. I did an install using the new "late 2009" drivers on a USB thumb drive during installation of Windows 7 so I think I've done everything properly.Is there something else I need to do in order to access Win7's power management features ?

Also, I've noticed that the Mac drivers for the ATI 4850 onboard graphics do not offer me the full range of resolutions (there are only a few options at the moment, the full native res, 1280x720, 1920x1080 and 800x600). How do I get access to the full range of resolutions ? Can I install ATI Radeon drivers and use those instead of the Apple supplied drivers ?

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IMac :: Getting Kernel Panics - Freezing / Locking

Jul 14, 2009

Our 1st gen 24" iMac was giving us Kernel Panics under Tiger 10.4.11 recently it all started two months ago. We took it into the Apple store for a Cleaning and fresh install of Leopard.
When we received it back it locked/froze up immediately, forcing a hard restart. When I called the store they said one of my sticks of ram was not techinically bad but still suspect. This is what I did after that call.

1. Checked the ram physically (the Apple store had placed my 512mb Apple ram stick in slot 0) which I thought very strange.
2. I corrected the ram, meaning I put the 2gb (suspect) stick in slot 0 and the 512 Apple ram in slot 1. Things were better it would take 10-15 minutes of use before locking up not 1-2 minutes.
3. I placed a new stick of Crucial (2gb from OWC) in place of the supect stick. that has had ZERO affect, our mac still freezes.
4. I pulled out the 512mb Apple (Micron) ram and replaced it with a 1gb Micron stick from OWC and that gives us roughly 20-40 minutes of time befroe freezing.

The software is up to date, I've max'd out the ram (new ram per Apple's request) and all we have running is iTunes in the background to stream to AppleTV and a few tabs of Safari open when this locks up. Right before it freezes we notice lines arcoss the application windows almost as though there a distorted pixels. When we took it in (running Tiger) the Apple Tech did check the drive and boot from their network and said our HD was not the issue, but it wasn't up long enough to cause kernel panic.

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OS X :: Using IMac - ATI Graphics Glitches, Freezing, DVD-Rom Unusable USB

Aug 12, 2009

I have some serious problems with my iMac that I've been experiencing for a long time now, but they're really getting on my nerves now!

I have a 2006 20" iMac (the last revision of the white ones before the aluminum redesign), 2.16 GHz, 2 GB ram, 250 gig hard, 128MB ATI X1600 Mobility.

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IMac :: Random Freezing Upon Fullscreen Flash / Fix It?

Jun 25, 2010

I've had my i7 iMac for months now, and it's acted perfectly with no hassles or quirks at all-- until the past couple weeks after I installed 4gb of kingston ram.

The problem occurs whenever I enter fullscreen mode with flash programs-- rather it be fullscreening a youtube video or a livestream. It's more of a 2-3 second freeze, rather than a full-scale freeze. After the freeze, the computer acts normal again, but iStat menus shows one of the lynnfield's processing cores to have a sudden spike in usage for that small period of time (a spike that reaches to the top of that specific core's capacity)

It's not an everytime type of deal, and I only get it maybe once every other day, but it seems to be happening after installing the additional ram. System Profiler has the ram as running fine, and repairing disk permissions doesn't do any help either. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the SMC or PRAM either.

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Software :: Freaky Graphics And Freezing On IMac G4?

Sep 28, 2008

We're running an IMac G4, 700 Mhz, 768 Mb Ram with OSX 10.3.9. We have been having a problem with freezing/crashes for a long time, accompanied by distorted graphics and have been unable to get to the bottom of it. A screenshot of what happens is linked below. The pattern is that we will start working on something, then the graphics will become distorted in a small area. Then sometimes we'll get away with working for a bit longer, or sometimes it goes wrong right away. The graphics distortion spreads, and either the computer freezes and has to be restarted or we get the grey error box saying to restart. We've tried: adding more ram - it still crashes even with simple apps. using macaroni to schedule maintenance tasks unplugging hardware to see if there's a conflict. Have also tried clearing the PRAM on reboot, which seems to increase the chance of it working for a while.

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Software :: IMac Freezing During Video Games?

May 25, 2009

I recently (3 days of writing this) was playing World of Warcraft and my Mac completely froze. The only way to escape this is by turning the computer on and off. Ever since, any time I open a video game application, within a few seconds my Mac will completely freeze. On occasion my screen will freeze but my mouse will work, albeit in reverse (left is right, up is down, etc.) and will move incredibly fast. No other applications are affected in such a manner and since this is only occuring during graphics intense video games, I suspect my graphics card is causing this.

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Software :: IMAC Not Starting Up After Installing/freezing?

Aug 19, 2009

I have an older imac and after installing a mac update I was required to reboot after install.

It froze at the beginning of start up at the apple logo. The spinning icon is the only indication on the screen as if it was working on loading. There is noise from the imac as if it is starting up but nothing happens.

I have let it run hoping it would eventually start. But nothing.

IMAC DV400 is the model number.

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Software :: IMac Freezing When Running Few Programs?

Aug 27, 2009

I have a iMac(it is an older one but I forget when I bought it) it has OS X 10.4.11, and 1 GB ram. I have 30 GB of free HD space.

Normally, I run Aol Desktop, Firefox, iTunes and sometimes Microsoft Word. But recently while browsing the internet the Mac will stop working. The music will continue to play and the mouse will still move but everything else stops working. The only way I have been able to fix it is to hold the power button for a couple of seconds.

Also, while trying to zero out my free space the available HD space on my computer went to 0 and the Disk Utility said it would take something like 1 million hours to finish so I skipped that step and when it finished my memory was restored.

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2009 IMac Showing RGB Pixels Then Freezing

Jun 10, 2012

So I have a 2009 iMac.Earlier this year, I upgraded to Lion. A little while after this upgrade I started running in to an issue that is now making my computer unusable. When working on graphic or labor intensive activities I am receiving Red Green and Blue pixels around my screen (see picture below) Shortly after this happens, my screen freezes and becomes unresponsive with these pixels still up OR it will completely glitch out, blinking and causing the whole screen to go crazy. Things I have tried so far, rebooting my system from scratch, replacing video card (not cheap )

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late 2009

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgraded From 10.5.8 To 10.6.3 - Now IMac Is Freezing?

Jun 14, 2012

I recently upgraded from 10.5.8 to 10.6.3 and now my computer is freezing up like crazy. I have all the qualifications to run SL ... but for whatever reason it is having MAJOR issues. how I can find out why my iMac is now freezing up? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Upgraded from 10.5.8

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac Freezing After Every 2-4 Days (randomly)

Jun 29, 2014

I recently bought a 2014 iMac (21.5) inch 16GB machine. I'm going batty with it randomly freezing (beach ball) once every 2-4 days for no apparent reason. I've even looked at console logs and can't figure out. I've resetted SMC/PV(whatever), even reinstalled Mavericks (using a clean bootable drive). We use the iMac for two main purposes: Plex Media streaming (once a day really) and we use Juniper VPN to connect to our corporate network (which explains why you see juniper there) 

Etrecheck output:
EtreCheck version: 1.9.12 (48)
Report generated June 29, 2014 at 8:45:25 AM EDT


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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Keeps Freezing / Needing A Restart

Dec 4, 2014

My 2011 21.5 inch iMac keeps freezing.  Strangely, the trackpad works but nothing on the screen reacts to moving the cursor around or clicking anywhere. requiring a restart (using the power button on the back).   

When I then restart, I get an immediate error message saying "A graphics problem has been detected" and enables me to report the problem, which I do. 

However, this happens several times a day and only since an upgrade to Yosemite and I have tried a software update. 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: Freezing After Opening Mail

Jun 19, 2014

Last night I was checking my emails on my iMac. It said that I got a junk email frim gmail. I clicked on it so I can delete, and it showed the email like a preview. My computer froze and it said "Loading" and the spinning wheel on the mouse was spinning for a little bit. Then when I would close out, it would like be really slow and it would freeze a lot. I shut down my computer. I turned it back on. It was running nice. Then I opened Mail because I need to send an email with an attachment that I have stored on my computer. I have iTunes and I was iMessage a friend and it's starting to freeze and the spinning circle is spinning a lot. I do have Time Machine set up. The last backup was before I previewed that email. Should I restore from backup, or take it to the Apple Store?   I do have Apple Warrany and I have Apple Care on it.

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IMac :: Windows 7 Won't Complete Install On 27" IMac?

Oct 24, 2009

I just spent the past 5 hours trying to install Windows 7 via BootCamp on my new 27" iMac.

It would get past the initial installation and then after the final reboot just before it runs off the hard drive and asks you for a serial number, the screen would go black and I couldn't do anything.

So I found this solution here:


Except the instructions on that site are for an iMac with an NVIDIA Graphics Card. The 27" iMac has an ATI card. So at step 6 I deleted the file named: ATIKMDAG.SYS from the same directory.

Then clicked restart and was able to finish through the install process.

Summary: (from a response below)

The way the iMac 27" DisplayPort works in the system, when installing windows it will output to BOTH the iMac screen and DisplayPort.

When Windows 7 install is reaching a certain point it is making a choice as to which display it believes it the primary display. ]

If you have a display plugged into your iMac's display port or have that ability you will see your install is working just fine, the problem is just that windows believes the active displayport on the back of the iMac is the primary display and moves all video to the port..

that is why you see a black screen. Rebooting and doing the driver deletion steps does work as it will allow windows to run on a generic driver unable to make that choice.

Note: you will need an additional monitor and a Mini-Display Port adapter to plug the monitor into the iMac to use the above method.

The BootCamp driver that loads only give a max resolution of 1980 X 1440 so everything looks stretched. Installing the ATI drivers from ATI did no good. (See the update below to fix this)

Also be aware that only the keyboard will be active during the install so you will need a usb mouse unless your really good at navigating Windows with only a keyboard.


After installing Windows 7 if you run windows update there is an update available for the ATI card. Once installed and restarted the resolution is now fixed.

When you go into the resolution settings in Windows 7 the display now shows up as a color LCD and the max available resolution is 2560 x 1440.

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IMac :: Screen Freezing When Fullscreen Video And When Running?

Jan 4, 2011

I purchased a new 27 inch 2.8 imac 2 months ago I'm having problems with the computer/screen going black (sometimes grey with vertical lines) and freezing.

This happens frequently when I'm playing World of Warcraft but has recently started to happen when I'm watching youtube videos in full screen. (Do you think its the graphics card?) I originally ran WOW in bootcamp but I had this problem in Windows as well. The only thing I can do when this happens is force the computer off. This happened so often that something got damaged and I had to reinstall OSX. Since this incident I have not reinstalled Windows via bootcamp.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 (Non-iSight) Won't Start / System Freezing

Aug 18, 2009

A friend of mine has a G5 iMac that won't start. When you press the powerkey it tries to start, the power light glows, the screen goes grey and after a while the fans start whirring. Occasionally (twice in the past couple of days) it has started up, but it froze after a while. Other times the apple logo appears and the gear wheel starts turning but then it freezes.

I have tried booting from DVD, holding down the shift key and have taken the back off and pressed the wee button on the board.

Since my friend has the same model of iMac as me (they were bought at he same time and place) i tried the RAM that I took out of mine when I upgraded.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Keeps Freezing When Try To Move A Folder Or File?

May 19, 2012

My Finder on my iMac keeps freezing when I try to move a folder or file, or when I try to empty the trash can. I have tried to Force Quit Finder, but when I do it does not start back up and I have to manually turn the computer off with the power button.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhoto 11

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