ICloud :: Use Mail With A Non Me-account?
Apr 20, 2012Is it possible to use iCloud-Mail with a non me-account?
Is it possible to use iCloud-Mail with a non me-account?
Not quite ready to upgrade to lion but cant get mail in snow leopard to set up an account to download my icloud .me emails.Im on the latest version of snow.Is t me or mail? surely its just an IMAP account at the end of the day?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Not sure of this is the proper forum. I am having trouble with Mail in Lion. It was working fine until recently. My .me account is not uploading all the time in the Mail application. I don't have any problem obtaining my mail elsewhere (iphone, ipad, PC with Firefox). Just this mail account. It shows the alert triangle with the exclamation point.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have few questions with regards to the above. First here's the facts: I have existing .mac account, but never use it for Mail. Only for iTunes & everything else related to my Mac including this communityI've tried using MobileMe for a trial period and never subscribed to it after it was over. Therefore I also have a .me account under my (chosen) usernameI am currently using MacBook Pro running Lion 10.7.3 I do sync my Mac with iPhone (or vice versa) via iCloud for many apps except Mail Now, I'm trying to enable Mail & Notes from my iCloud setting on my Mac. But it's asking me to create an email address (username@me.com). I tried keying in my existing .me account but obviously that won't work. How do I do this using my existing .me account or better if I can use my .mac account. Personally I prefer my .mac account of course
Macbook Pro 13", Mac OS X (10.6.2)
how do I move my Mail Account to the iCloud?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have forgotten my iCloud password and can't remember how to set up an iCloud Mail account on my iMac under Snow Leopard.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 21.5" 500GB 4GB Ram & OS 10.6
I have migrated my Mobileme data to iCloud because my iMac supports Lion. However, my wife's iMac, running Snow Leopard cannot be upgraded (if that's the right word) to Lion so cannot migrate. She currently has a .mac email only ID through Mobileme which is functioning OK but my question is, will she still be able to use it when Apple switches off Mobileme?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot delete my ICloud account from Mail...It keeps returning.
I have two iCloud email accounts and hoping that when in iCloud I can see both accounts at the same time (like I can in Apple and Outlook Mail). Is this possible? A Real pain to have to constantly logout of one account and login to the other to check mail on my MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
how to change my mail account on my mac to I cloud? since i have changed to Icloud on my iphone it seems that I can't access the old mailserver anymore. What do I do? Â
iMac 20-inch 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5)
How do I configure my mail on my mac to receive my icloud e-mails? ever since mobile me wnet dark - I can't get e-mail on my computer. thanks to an iphone and I pad i am still connected but this is a major pain.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat parameters do I use to describe my iCloud email account setting in iPhoto 11? I have found that the settings automatically created by iCloud in Mail will not work in iPhoto.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Somehow, iCloud is receiving e-mail sent to another account, a non iCloud/non-mac.com, and bringing these e-mails into my mac.com inbox. Thus, all of the duplicate e-mails pile up in my Mac account making it difficult to find mail intended for the mac.com account.How is this happening? I've checked the settings in Preferences but nowhere do I see the accounts combined.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently moved to iCloud and yesterday my MobileMe account stopped working. I update my software to OSX Lion and how to psh my mail from my iCloud account back to my MobileMe account.?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My Mail client stopped connecting to iCloud all of a sudden this morning.It has been set up a while ago and always worked fine. Now it shows the broken connection icon, and when I click on it it asks for my iCloud password.I enter the correct password and click OK, and nothing happens. The broken connection icon remain and I do not receive new e-mail and cannot send emails.Â
I am certain this is the right password as I can log into iCloud webmail, and my iphone and ipad remained connected. Is there something wrong with the iCloud server, or is there something I can do?
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
A client already has an iCloud email address running on their iMac Mail app. They want to add a new POP3 account and go to Mail > Add Account... The only option is to choose an iCloud account. There is none of the normal options like Exchange, Google, Yahoo, AOL, or Other.Â
How to they choose "Other" so they can add a POP3 account?Â
I don't know why but a recently I've been asked to enter my icloud password related to my iCloud e-Mail address. stupidly, I've forgot what my password is. is there a chance to reset it somehow?Â
To explain the situation a bit better and what I've tried already, here a short discription of the situation:Â
- I do have a appleID that is called firstname.lastname@gmail.com the related password is appleID_Password1.
with this combination I also conduct my purchases in iTunes and the AppStore. But to rule this possibility already out: It doesn't let me access my iCloud eMail account in Apple Mail. Funny enough, though, when visiting iCloud.com this is the combination with which I log onto iCloud incl it's mail service within the web browser.Â
- the iCloud eMail address for whose password I am looking is called something like abcde@me.com. I have implemented it into my Apple Mail program running on Mac OS X Lion. Since setting up the account i've never ever been asked to enter my password. But now, out of a sudden, I was. And, of course, I couldn't remember it anymore. Hence, I don't receive any eMails sent to abcde@me.com anymore on my mac.Â
Can somebody tell me how to fix it, if it is not the password for my appleID??
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I switched to icloud a few weeks ago and 2 days later I was unable to receive my .mac emails in Mail.What do you I have to do to be able to download and view my emails in Mail now that I've made the switch?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My wifes icloud email account keeps using my name even after changing it to hers? how can we stop this
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Can change or delete mail me account on iPhone and iPad, but not on mac
The past couple of days, for no apparent reason, my iCloud mail account starts acting strangely. Everytime Mail tries to connect to a server called "p03-imap.mail.me.com" and pops up the message that my password is rejected for my user name. This started happening without me doing anything to my settings. Strangely enough, on my iPhone and my newly acquired iPad2 this issue does not appear. Has something changed on the me.com servers ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am losing random incoming emails in my .mac email address. I first discovered it last week when my wife was getting emails that I was copied on that I never got. Checked inbox, trash, junk, iCloud and never could find them. Then today, just by chance, I had to verify a link via that email address. When the verification is sent, I see it hit the inbox with the new email counter and then it immediately disappears. I have disabled all my Apple Mail rules and Smart Mailboxes. As I mentioned, I have checked everywhere I could think of that it might be going.
MacBookPro7,1 2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.7), 8 GB 1067 DDR3 SDRAM
MBP, OS X 10.4.11, Mail v2.1.3.
I have more than one email account set up on Mail and the strangest thing happens and I can't find out how to stop it.
Here is the problem:
- I have 2 accounts, 'Account A' is for my partner & 'Account B' is for me.
- Someone sends an email to 'Account A' (my partner) and CCs 'Account B' (me) into the same eMail.
- If I click reply from 'Account B' it sends the eMail from 'Account A' which is my partner, when it should be from me.
I have worked out that this is because 'Account A' was originally sent the eMail in The 'To' field as opposed to the 'CC' field in composing the reply eMail. I know that I can manually change the 'From' field every time when replying to an eMail but it becomes an nuisance. I forget to do it when quickly replying as I consider Mail to reply from the account that I'm reading the email from.
I have gone to the compose section in the preferences and there is an option for changing this when composing a new email but nothing when replying.
If I use the iCloud suggested settings as per: ENTERING iCLOUD MAIL SERVER SETTINGS IN SNOW LEOPARD
as per Roger Wilmut's suggestions -[URL]...will all my other incoming and outgoing mail accounts still work as usual?Â
iMac 7,1 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4Ghz
how to set/change from primary iCloud account to second account on Mac? i have two account in iCloud. the primary account doesn't syncronizing to my other device coz in my other devices such as iPad, iPhone are using second account. Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 3Gs, iPod Nano 5G, New iPad
I am considering having a roommate move in and letting them use my Mac. If I create them a guest account can I ensure that my e-mail and files will be secure by having this second account, or is there another way to accomplish this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan i set up an iCloud account and keep my own email account?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is mail.app, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail [Mail.app]. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
Does anyone know of an easy method to receive a return e-mail receipt using Apple Mail and a .Mac/.Me account. I know that in Windows you can use Outlook to receive/request a return receipt when the receiver opens the e-mail. I believe that even using Microsoft Office Entourage '08 would work as well but I really want to stay all Apple applications if at all possible
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an early 2011 MacBook Pro running OS Lion (10.7.3) and in the last two weeks I face the following problem with the Mail application and my Yahoo mail account: although the account appears in the side bar of the application and it will search for new messages when I launch the Mail app, it doesn't load any messages and I also realised that all Mailboxes of the named account are blank! The messages appear normally when I reach my account through the Yahoo page! I tried to remove and re-import the account in the Mail app, but it just worked for two days and now the Mailboxes are blank again! I have no problems with the other two mail accounts I reach through the same application (both POP accounts).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)