ICloud :: Unable To Send Email From Address With IOS 5?
Jul 1, 2012
Am trying to get my MacBook on iCloud. I use a .mac account and the instructions say to do something from the " home screen "... Which is here? How do I find it?
Since upgrading to os x v 10.7.3 and moving from mobileme to iCloud as instructed, I am unable to send emails from an Imac connected to an older imac operating on osx 10.4 via wi-fi. Emails form this older box are succesful.
On my newer imac with osxv10.7.3, The email stays in outbox and sent folders with the spinner spinning next to the sent folder. It displays mail activity and outgoing messages...but does not change its staus. I am unable still here 1 hour later waiting for it to go.I have tried instructions from website Connection doctor - all green lights
am unable to send receive email into my me.com account on my macbook, I clear the messages from trash and deleted messages and they keep returning and filling my icloud storage limit.
When trying to send an email on my mother's .mac account the following error appears. (Her account is biosophy@mac.com). - The message can't be sent because the server doesn't recognize "'biosophy@mac.com"-. I'm wondering if this is because there is an apostrophe after the first quotation mark. If so, how did it get there and how could it be removed?
I have two email addresses set up with Mail. But I want one of them to be the default email address when I compose a new message. I often forget to change the email address and end up sending with an email address I didn't want to use.
Mail 2.0 has this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in Mail 3.0?
First time trying to create a group in Address Book and send the members an e-mail. Looks like the group is set up properly in Address Book, but I can't e-mail to the group.When I enter the group name in "To:" in a new e-mail in Mail, the name disappears when I hit Enter or move hte cursor to the right. I have to click in the field to the right just to get the group name to stay in the field.
When I send the message I get this back: "This message couldnt be sent because the following internal error occurred: This message couldnt be sent because you havent specified any recipients." I can manually address the email to the individual group members, but why isn't Mail adding the group members as recipients when I enter the group name?
Maybe I'm a dumbass and missed something obvious, but in Leopard Mail, in the New Message window, there's a drop-down menu where you can choose which email to send the message from. But in Snow Leopard, the drop-down menu's not there, and I can't figure out how to choose which email address I want the message to be sent from. The only way I could do it is to click a message sent to that email address, then click New Message, the message will then send from that email address.
What a disaster this service is. I'm going to drop it. I've wasted countless hours with iCloud problem. And the annoying music you have to listen to when on hold! I guess that's to make you hang up
I have just upgraded to Lion/iCloud. I am trying to send a photo with an email. Photostream is on. But I am being told that 'The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination'.
I have recieved e-mail with "undisclosed recipients" in the from box, I tried putting that in and putting all recipients in BCC but it would not send, I-cloud came back telling me recipient did not exist.
My new employer uses Gmail as there email serves. It is a Japanese company and when I log into Gmail, even using the translator, most of the controls and text is still in Japanese.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), email - Safari related
When I attempt to send email with attachment I get an error message that says "cannot send message using the server ICloud (Icloud)" sending the message content to the server failed.
Starting this morning I have been unable to send any emails using my Apple Mail. Incoming emails are OK, and everything else on the computer (iMac - less than a year old). This is the first time this has occurred and I cannot seem to correct it. I have checked the settings as provided by TalkTalk/Tiscali.
When I switch to icloud will my email address still be @mac.com or will it change to [URL] And does this mean that I need to give everyone my NEW email address?
I can receive email, but when I try to send one I get an error. When I run the connection doctor, the CONNECTION STATUS is "mail was able to connect to the Internet". In the lower box, it says Cablevision "connection and login to server succeeded".
Underneath the Cablevision message, it says mail.optonline.net. It then shows that it's continuously trying to connect to the server.