Dual Drives On IMac / How To Set Up During Migration
Apr 26, 2012
I've just taken receipt of a brand new iMac with 2 drives, the SSD and the Standard HD. My understanding was that the os would split applications to one and user docs to another. But following a migration in using migration assistant everything is stored on the SSD.Will the os begin to relocate things intelligently - as the press releases had me believe? Or should I redo the installation and set up a new user and copy and paste all the docs I need one by one to the right destination?
just got a new MacBook a few days ago and have run into a frustrating problem. After powering her up, I downloaded all of the latest updates, upgraded to iLife 09 (it came in the box), and then I used Migration Assistant to transfer everything over from my iMac. This took approximately 4-5 hours to complete. When everything was done, I had two accounts: the one I created when the MacBook was turned on, and a second one that was a clone of the iMac that I had just migrated over. I had only wanted one account on my MacBook, but now there was two. I also didn't like the fact that the original account had iLife 09, but the cloned account had iLife 08.
An hour or two of searching on MacRumors and Apple's website did not turn up a definitive answer, so I deleted the original account and started renaming the cloned account in an attempt to give it a different name. I started having concerns that everything was going to line up properly (root names, etc) so I threw in the towel and am now in the middle of wiping the MacBook clean and reloading Leopard. (I'm also bummed that all of the time I've put into this is down the tubes)
My old mini reached the capacity of its hard drive 500gb. So I bought a new mini with dual hard drives a 256ssd and 750gb std drive. When I tried to migrate my info and settings I received the message "disk full". I realized that there was no choice for selecting which hard drive stores what info. I wanted my operating system and settings on the SSD and the iPhoto and iTunes libraries stored on the larger HD. I tried using target disk mode which allowed me to see both hard drives and I transferred my settings except for these large iTunes and iPhoto libraries to my new mini.
However when I opened iTunes it was blank, no music movies or playlists. I realize iTunes match will bring these back, but my fear is that when I sync my iPhone iPad or touch it will force me to erase these devices and I will have to re do everything, move my app icons around, re input all my app settings etc. what can I do to transfer all my iTunes settings to my new dual drive Mac? What is the proper way to do this? will I have to start new each time I get a new Mac because of the dual drive situation?
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Dual hard drives
I have a Macbook Pro Retina which cam with Mountain Lion installed, and I want to upgrade to Mavericks. However, I have a need to run some apps in Mountain Lion, as official support for those apps will not go past 10.8.5 (Avid's Pro Tools 10) and I need to be able to open archived projects.
I also wish to clean install both operating systems fresh, and do a stripped ML partition, with bare bones essentials, on the smallest partion possible. Mavericks will be the main system, and ML won't host user data, only the legacy apps. I am fine with erasing my 500GB SSD.
My current process is to install ML from the recovery partition, and use disk utility to partition before I do, then install Mavericks from a bootable USB (already made).
So my questions are these:
For ML:
1. What size partition is the minimum necessary to install ML, plus the apps and run without hitch? The legacy apps will take maybe 4GB.I want this as small as possible.
2. When I do a fresh install of ML, what apps can safely be deleted without affecting the system?
For Mavericks:
When migrating my old user account to Mavericks, I don't wish to migrate the apps, just the user settings and the data. I will make an entire backup of the user directory on a separate drive before I start this process, as well as a Time Machine backup. I then plan to migrate the account settings and data, but manually reinstall the extra apps. The reason for this is I have a lot of third party apps, and some are trials I decided to uninstall, and they all leave junk behind.
3. If I import the user account settings and data only, what cruft or orphaned files should I be aware of?
4. Are there options to cherry pick the settings that are migrated?
5. If I manually copy, for example, the mail folder, iCal or messages folder in my user library, and place it into the appropriate user folder in the new account in a worst case scenario, will there be any drama I should be aware of?
Lastly, a question of Apple ID's/iCloud:
6. Before doing this process, should I deauthorise my iTunes account, or will that be fine when migrated anyway?
7. What will happen with my iPhone when I sync to a fresh install on mavericks, will it attempt to wipe my iPhone, or is that part of the user data that is migrated?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Ok dont know if i made a good choice because i just got to0 anxious and jumped on it. plus i had money burning holes in my pockets after selling off a lot of old gear. Heres the deal yo. maybe a long thread, sorry.
Before i get into the dual drive thing.
I am a photographer, i work on multi layer large psd files that get in the gig range sometime. I have an HD camcorder as well and want to start doing some video work. I doubt ill get into it much, but I WOULD LIKE TO AT LEAST VIEW AVCHD FILES OR AT LEAST CONVERT A 2 MINUTE VIDEO FASTER THAN 20 MINUTES. (i really dont know much about video, but i record 30fps.)
Anyways. I currently have the first macbook pro 17" 2.16ghz maxed ram 2gb ati radeon x1600 with 256ram and 100gb 7200 hd. Mac osx 10.4. I use it with external display to do all my editing. i keep all files on external 7200 firewire 800 drives.
So I decided to go with a refurbed macbook pro 13" 2.53ghz unibody with 4gb ram (8gb future upgrade), and the 9400m nvidia graphics and 5400 250gb hd.
And here is a list for my reasoning. (i already bought it)
-I am worried about running into snow leopard problems with my CS3 suite so this model runs 10.5 leopard. I hear theres really no problems with cs3 on it.
-i dont want to spend 800 bucks on the cs3 upgrade, for now. plus i cant afford that too.
-i had a budget of about $1200 max for the computer. other money going towards photo equipment upgrades.
-i got it from apple directly. i was looking at ebay forever and i could have gotten a better deal on a better computer, but i just worried about that, even though i have sold and bought lots of stuff from there.
-im getting kinda tired of lugging around a huge 17" laptop. (my backpack with camera gear ends up being over 80 pounds. haha, i know it wont do much, but still) I do like more desk room when im at my desk. it gets crowded with the macbook, display, external keyboard and pen tablet and speakers and printers.
-i am probably going to sell my 17" on ebay after i receive my new 13" and set it up. i could get up to $600 for it, it seems. its only going to bring me less money if i wait longer to sell it. (kinda sad that over 3 grand is only worth 600 bucks now)
So did i make a good choice? i mean it doesn't seem i could have done much better unless i went for a desktop or took a risk on ebay.
Ok now to the dual drive thing.
i dont like the idea of the 5400 hard drive in the new 13". so i want to upgrade it to a 7200. i came across those seagate momentus hybrid ssd drives 500gb at 7200. I will most likely get one of those.
then i came across the whole thing of changing out the optical drive with a second hardrive. then i was like why not put another one of those hybrid ssd momentus in there.
i remember working on the computers in college that had dual 500gb drives, and one was completely dedicated to scratch. maybe overkill, but that machine killed. of course it was a mac pro though or maybe it was a g5, but still.
when i got my 17" macbook pro, i used the optical drive for 3 days non stop importing cds into my first itunes library. then. i never used the optical drive again, ever. however if i order the dual drive thing from mec they give you a free external enclosure for the optidrive you remove.
what i am wondering is can the macbook pro 13" handle 2x 7200 drives. as in power and heat? I know people say they handle dual drives. but just wanting to make sure.
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
I ask this question as a new Apple user with a pretty rocky start. I'm on my second defective iMac (yellow tint, stuck pixel, smell, etc). Because of 2 defective iMacs in a row and another replacement in the near future, I now need to learn about how to transfer settings/data from one Apple to another most efficiently--if at all. I previously understood it would be best to simply not use Migration Assistant on a new iMac, even though as a new Apple user I really have little data history to transfer over. So with my next replacement, and hopefully the last, I would start from scratch with new application installs, OS settings, documents, etc. The logic as explained to me is that migrating would transfer over files I would not want on the new iMac. However, when I spoke to Applecare over the phone tonight, I was told that while I could Migrate, I should instead Restore all my settings/data from a Time Machine backup from this defective iMac to the new one. As I understand it from how he explained it: with Migration you will simply transfer your old data/settings on top of what exists on the new iMac, but with a Restore the new iMac will wipe out whatever is on it (is there anything to wipe out on a new iMac?) and then transfer your old data/settings. Is my understanding of those 2 terms, Migration and Restore, correct? And is Restoring the preferable thing to do in that it doesn't (or shouldn't?) bring over any unnecessary files into the new iMac and saves a great deal of time or should I still start completely from scratch?
My Imac G5 stopped working. Bad power supply or logic board. I took out the hard drive put it in an enclosure and ordered a new Mac Mini.
When the mini arrived I used the migration assistant to move everything over. Here are some issues:
1) Microsoft Office is there but the applications will not start up. I get a pop up that says that "this application will not work on this type of mac".
The Icons are also greyed out with a stripe through them.
2) I Work '08. Same as above.
I did check to see if there were any trial versions of this software on the mini and there is not.
I've also tried to look into the Old Hard Drive and see if any files were not moved over.
When I access the old drive it will not let me get into certain folders because it says I do not have permission. They have little red yeild signs beside them.
I have a new imac and had parallels windows 7 preinstalled. If I use Migration Assistant with time machine to move all my stuff from old macbook to new imac, will the preintalled parallels be erased.
I got my new iMac last night and proceeded to migrate my MacBook to the iMac through the ethernet cable. Everything thing went smooth and as planned until i opened iTunes.
I open it and my music is not in there. I can click on the store and it operates properly, but when i go back to music, part of the image of the store is in the iTunes window.
ALSO, when i plugged in my iPad it didn't recognize it. it did nothing, actually.
iPhoto opened normally and appeared to be okay, until i started to click on the thumbnails, and it opened up a black screen.
this is happening for almost every photo in iPhoto except for two that happen to be recent ones and located on the desktop.
seems to me that iphoto is having trouble locating the original files, but i have no idea how to tell it where they are.
i should say that all the files (photos, music, movies, apps, iphone and ipda backups) are on the iMac. it seems like everything is there, but these two programs can't seem to locate the files.
I just got a new 21.5 inch imac a few days ago and I used migration assistant to move everything from my macbook. It displays .avi files that are really 350 mb as 366 mb. Why is this happening ? and even when I download new ones that are 350 mb they show up as 366 mb. Before I used the migration assistant I used this plug in for quicktime called Perian on it when it was brand new, but I think its erased now cuz I transferred all my data.
have used migration assistant to transfer music and photo files from my mbp to imac - used network not firewire - all seamed to work - said it was complete - now cannot seam to find the files on the imac - was i a bit too hopeful that they would just pop in to iphoto and itunes? could someone let me know where they will be?
Eagerly awaiting my ship date for a new iMac (having been burned by two models with screen problems at the end of last year... another story). But I face three choices when it arrives to replace my trusty MB.
1. Use Migration Assistant to bring over apps, files, my library or everything. 2. Restore from my most recent Time Machine backup. 3. Manually re-install my apps and simply move across my files and folders.
Does anyone know whether there's any benefit to the "cleaner" option 3? Is there any difference between 1 and 2? I feel instinctively that my prinstine Snow Leopard-powered iMac would be better off for the minimalist option, but if there are no concrete advantages, I'll let Time Machine take the strain.
Set up my 21.5" iMac last night, set up a new user "Rory" - then downloaded Migration Assistant on my PC to transfer files, music, pics, docs and my iMac has created "Rory1" since I've discovered I should've transfered docs across BEFORE I set up an initial user!
The only thing I'd set up on my original "Rory" mac account was downloading Flash Player and installing my email to 'Mail' - so I've hardly done a lot of configs.
Can I just delete the original "Rory" profile and use the "Rory1" profile that the Mac set up? ( I realise the Mac has done this because my old Windows PC user name was obviously called "Rory" as well).
Or, is it easier to try and get the files (transfered from the PC under 'Rory1') to the original Mac profile of "Rory".
It's only 12 hours since I first went to set the my Mac up so as I said, I'm hardly in that much of a pickle yet - am I?!
I just got my iMac today and started the migration process, and I'm wondering how you do this safely. I decided that I would rather do this process overnight so I can start using my Mac right now.
I got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?
Having bought a MacBookAir running 10.9.4 I wanted to migrate files etc from my imac running 10.6.8. Since then safari will not connect and the screen remains blank. The timer spins for a bit and then stops. Unable to connect to any website. Internet connections are fine. Mail works
I'm transferring files from my MacBook Pro to the new iMac. I decide to use the Migration Assistant and proceed to connect both machines using the USB port. All looked nice in the beginning and the bar tab status started to fulfill indicate the advance and hours to finish. Since yesterday in both screens indicate "3 hours and 53 minutes remaining" and don't go forward. Looks like the process freeze.
I still have my serious video ram problem set my other post. The apple store wanted $650 to replace my motherboard and the cheapest i found one online was $950, all for a machine that SL will not even support. I am limping along waiting for my i7 iMac to show (Whenever that is)
Here is my question. I am not sure if my data on tis machine is corrupted by my video ram problem so not sure I want to do the firewire transfer, that is if my machine will even last till my new one shows.
I have 2 back-ups a time machine and a super duper backup of 99% of my stuff. If I use my time machine back-up wont it wipe SL OS 10.6 off the new machine? When you do a TM back-up from disk utility from the OS10.5 leopard start-up disc, it says that it will completely wipe your HD clean.
BTW do any of you experts know if my video artifact problem is corrupting my files or just my video, while I am typing this everything looks good unless I look at my menu-bar or dock which is pretty distorted....
New iMac is stuck on grey apple screen after startup. It is a 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5 running OS 10.9.4. The problem occurred after a migration from my older 2009 iMac which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.6. When the restart occurred from Migration Assistant, the new computer will not boot up to the login screen. Disk utility did not solve problem.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Using Migration Assistant, I'm trying to transfer back-up files (whole system) from my Western Digital, External HDD to a new-to-me iMac which I've just purchased used. The External HDD has all my files (hopefully!) from my recently stolen iMac. As you can imagine, the circumstances are a bit unexpected and unsettling.
I've followed Apple's instructions for using MA with an external drive, but get hung up like others before me when it comes time for my new (used) computer to locate the disc from which to transfer the files. I've read the replies to others who have posted with similar difficulties using Snow Leopard, but resolving the issue seems to be just out of reach.
Original computer is now unavailable (stolen); it last ran on Snow Leopard, 10.6.3 to 6.8.New computer is used, and also runs on 10.6.8.Both computers are iMac 2009, tho slightly different versions, if that has any bearing on things.I created a temporary account on my new-to-me computer to make the data transfer, so that there wouldn't be an accounts conflict, as others have suggested.Western Digital External HDD, "My Book, Studio Edition," 1TB. I'm using the FireWire 800 port on the iMac. If I need to erase the hard drive on my "new" computer, I'll need a little instruction and hand-holding on that one.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I transferred about 400 gigs of data from my MacBook Pro to my new iMac using Migration Assistant, but can't find any of my data on Finder. I'm thinking that the data got transferred but not cataloged. Finder shows about 400 gigs of my hard drive being used, but the files it shows don't come anywhere close to 400 gigs. How can I find out what is really on the hard drive and how can I access my MacBook files I transferred?
Got my iMac today, working great, but need help on how to hook up a TV to my system. Because my iMac is hooked up to the ACD 24" display, so the extra mini dvi port is occupied by the ACD, so then how do I hook up my 37" LCD TV to the iMac, so I essentially have three monitors hooked up to my iMac.
The ACD plugs into the iMac no problems of course, but my TV will be a different story, it's has two HDMI ports, S video and the 3 rca inputs.
Is there a splitter or something I can buy so I can add the TV to the set up. I've seen photo's here on this forum with 3 even 4 monitors hooked up, but I have no idea how to do it, searched here for a while as well.
Does anyone know exactly what adapters I need to buy to get the TV hooked into my dual monitor system?
I'd be interested in hearing what people are doing about backup with their huge iMac drives. Time Machine needs a drive somewhat bigger than their iMac HD, but not many of us want to shell out $500+ for 4T backup drive. I've been thinking of partitioning the iMac and backing up only one, smaller volume via Time Machine. Anyone else doing that?