I occasionally get the BSOD sometimes on the Windows XP side of things in Boot Camp. I always use a mouse on the Windows side, as the trackpad is very glitchy and buggy. Sometimes, when I use the mouse for a prolonged period of time, I accidently touch the trackpad forgetting all of the sudden that i had the mouse (or i use it to scroll down) and the whole thing blue screens on me. It has happened 8 times already, each time blue screening after touching the mouse. I don't know why, but I find out that the mouse drivers are the one that is messing up my Windows XP SP3.
I have today received a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium, and am looking forward to installing it on my MacBook (early unibody version with Core 2 Duo processor, recently upgraded to Snow Leopard - version MacBook 5,1 - with 2.4GHz Processor and 4GB RAM).
The question is simple, but I am utterly confused when searching for the answer...!
Should I install the 32bit or the 64bit version of windows? (both the disks are in the box). I would like a smooth installation, and realise that 32bit should work no problem. However if all the drivers are available for 64bit windows, and it works then I see no reason not to install that version. I am confused because there is reference on the Apple website of this version of the MacBook not being supported for 64bit despite having a 64bit processor (??) Also the vast majority of the information on the Apple website seems to refer to Vista 64bit. I imagine that this will be quite confusing for many users, as it has been for me!
I will only install windows once, and would obviously like to install the potentially faster OS if it will be straightforward, and everything will work as it should (have read about problems with the iSight/backlit keyboard etc. - but these may now be fixed).
Anybody with a Unibody Macbook Pro able to confirm if any of the new Nvidia graphics drivers allow for the integrated 9400M graphics to be used on Windows instead of the dedicated 9600GT? Running the 9400M would give better battery life than the 9600GT if this is possible.
Ive been loving this Macbook Pro 2.66ghz so I decided to get back into gaming. I installed my Windows 7 beta(Build 7000) and then installed Crysis. Now, when windows 7 got done installing it did "windows" updates and installed a Nvidia driver update. My question is this, are their any other drivers that I need for graphics or gaming? Also, what general settings are used for crysis on this model? And last is their any way I can get sound working correctly? It wont work for some reason and I have lost my button controls.
I have the "collectors edition" macbook unibody....2.4ghz 4gb ram, 250gb hdd. On apples website it states that x64 is compatible with the new 13" pro but not mine...i didn't think there was any difference really besides firewire and a sd car reader....is it possible to install x64 vista via bootcamp or not??? I need to have vista on my laptop for "Examsof" for lawschool and parallels is not allowed.
I just installed Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 onto my Alu' iMac via Boot Camp, its all fine except I have no sound, do I need to download a driver or something?
Here's a new one for me. My 3 media keys don't work for any applications such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Open Pandora. Everything else works though?!? I reinstalled the keyboard driver and there has been no change. It's like those keys are disabled. Pressing fn will let them use their typical F function, so they work, it's just being blocked by the BootCamp manager or something.
Something else - they keys are invisible to the OS. I can't use a 3rd party hotkey manager to just reassign them.
After the download is completed, I try to open it and a window pops up and says, "You can't open the application MSN Messenger because PowerPC applications are no longer supported"
I am unable to download the windows migration assistant to my pc in order to gain from the apple mac book pro experience. Apparently my computer needs to have windows xp or some or system to download the windows migration assistant. I have Win 2007?
I just had to switch to a new (late '08 unibody) MacBook Pro. I was able to transfer my Mac files from my 2007 MBP, but the Boot Camp partition didn't get copied by default. I tried moving it with WinClone but when I boot to Windows the machine enables the backlight, spins up the CD, but never does anything else.
I tried to completely remove and recreate the Boot Camp partition but 3 different WinXP CDs (SP2 and SP3) do exactly the same thing. My original WinXP CD is from SP1 so I've tried grabbing a few slipstreamed disc images off the net. They all behave the same.
Apologies if there are other specific threads like this, I did do an MRoogle search but couldn't find one.I've just got a new 15" 2.66ghz i7 MacBook Pro, and have Windows 7 64 bit ready to install. My question is, once I have it installed, with all the Snow Leopard drivers and 3.1 update, should I continue to download drivers from the manufacturers's websites, or just stick to the ones that Apple hands out in their updates?I suppose I'm specifically asking about the NVIDIA drivers. Should I install the most recent drivers for the 330m, or again just stick to the Apple ones?
i got a Macbook Pro Unibody with express card slot and i was wondering if its possible to get an express card device like an express card solid state drive, express card SDHC, or express card ESata and install bootcamp on the expresscard device. I want to be able to boot up Windows xp or something and play games.
I have researched it and so far all i have been finding is people saying its possible and some people saying its too slow.
I have the 32-bit Windows Beta installed on VMWare on my MacBook, and I want to install it in bootcamp on my iMac. Can I use the same iso and just burn it on to a DVD and use the samie product key from Microsoft or do I need to download another copy- will Microsoft let me download another 32-bit copy.
I just increased my Windows partition and was going back through my regular Windows updates when I just came across nVidia's updated graphics drivers. Located here, nVidia previously did not offer drivers for notebooks, forcing one to download unsupported drivers from laptop2video.Apple has not updated their own bootcamp drivers for at least a year, and only recently did nVidia offer drivers for notebooks. I personally had used the previous drivers for a couple weeks, and had no problems what so ever, and even gained several FPS on the games I play in bootcamp. I did not install them first, I did it over the original bootcamp drivers (after making a restore point, of course) as others have.
I currently have the Win 7 Beta installed on a dedicated internal hard drive (in my Mac Pro). I originally installed it using Bootcamp, then later bought VMware Fusion 2.0 so I could hot swap between OS X and Win 7. Fusion detected my original Bootcamp installation; I didn't do any reinstallation of the Beta.
I upgraded to Snow Leopard last week.
I'd like to install the Release Candidate. I realize it requires a clean install (I don't want to mess with using the terminal workaround I've heard about for installing over the Beta). What's the best way to do this? Should I simply run the Snow Leopard version of Bootcamp and have it do a new install? Do I have to wipe and reformat the Win drive, or will Bootcamp take me through that automatically.
During last six months Paragon (www.paragon-software.com) has been working on our first software for Mac OS X - Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X. This product allows Mac users to use Microsoft NTFS file system as Mac OS X native. Now the product is almost ready and we want to offer you its Public Beta version. It's the first time when we do public beta testing. There is one big reason for that: we do want to make Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X a useful tool for every Mac user. That's why we need your opinion about it.
What we expect from you: 1. Bug reports (though we hope that there won't be many). If you find a bug, describe in details the way it can be reproduced. We need every detail, every step. Write your OS version and CPU architecture. 2. Usability issues. We want to make the product as easy to use as possible. Write us what is to be improved or changed. Make your suggestions detailed and reasonable. This will help us to understand them and implement in a right way. 3. New feature suggestions. In fact we don't have much time before the release date to implement new features. Though if a suggested feature is easy to implement or requested by many people, then we will do it.
To download the public beta version, please fill out a short web form and download it - http://ntfs-mac.com/ Meantime you can look at our short Product Description. There is not much text http://ftp.paragon.eu.com/Mac/Produc...ta_Testing.pdf We will read your feedback in this thread very carefully. We also excuse in advance about lack of replies. We won't be able to reply all your posts, but we will do "summary" replies once or twice a day in this thread. We appreciate this forum community very much. That's why we selected this forum for our Public beta testing. In exchange to your help we will be glad to provide the most active beta testers with free versions of this software. The rest will have 30% discount.
This will outline a simple and easy method to install the windows 7 build 7000 to a boot camp partition, using only vmware fusion 2. This is novel because it can be accomplished without a superdrive and without burning a dvd.
1. Use boot camp assistant to make a windows partition. 2. Mount the windows .iso file in fusion and set the bios (F2 during virtual machine boot) to boot from the virtual dvd-drive. 3. Run the windows install 4. When windows wants to restart the first time, shutdown the virtual machine. 5. Reboot the mac and boot the windows partition, boot camp style.
Before leopard was released I installed windows on my mbp using the BootCamp Assistant. I have since reformatted the computer and while the windows partition remains, bootcamp assistant is gone. A few questions:
1. Is there any way I can make the windows partition larger? I want to install a few new games on it 2. If not, how can I delete the windows partition straight up? 3. Once the windows partition is deleted, how can I reinstall windows without upgrading to leopard? Is there any where I can get boot camp assitant still? I still have a burned CD with the Windows Drivers along with my copy of XP w/ SP2.
I'm using the Snow Leopard Develpoer Preview, and the latest installer Image I have is 10A380, however everytime I installed the Win 7 (X64) and wanna install the Bootcamp 3.0, it just crashes after installing NV graphic driver and told me restart the computer and continue, but when I followed instruction and reinstall the Bootcamp, it just crashed again...
Is there anyway I can download bootcamp drivers for windows 7, I got this macbook pro 2nd hand without a snow leopard CD but came with snow leopard on it, please help me I can install w7 fine but cant install any drivers or get stuff to work...
just trying to get back into Windows 7 after installing it via Boot Camp. Only thing is that holding down the option key during restart does nothing, and although the partition in which Windows 7 is installed under shows up in finder, I am unable to view it in system preferences so that I can boot from it. Any advice?
hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!
I installed Windows Vista, and Vista boots up fine. However, I hold down the command keys when starting my computer up again, and it won't let me select Mac OS X. It just starts Vista.
On "My Computer" in Vista I see "Bootcamp (C" and "Macintosh HD (E in my Hard Disks Drives. Also, whenever I start up Vista it tells me something about a wrongly formatted drive. My files are still all in the Mactintosh HD drive, but I don't know how to start up Mac OS X.