Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 64bit - Unibody MPB 15" - Media Key Invisible
Apr 24, 2009
Here's a new one for me. My 3 media keys don't work for any applications such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Open Pandora. Everything else works though?!? I reinstalled the keyboard driver and there has been no change. It's like those keys are disabled. Pressing fn will let them use their typical F function, so they work, it's just being blocked by the BootCamp manager or something.
Something else - they keys are invisible to the OS. I can't use a 3rd party hotkey manager to just reassign them.
Last night I installed Windows Vista to run a game on here, but I got several issues. I already installed the drivers from the Snow Leopard DVD, but the problems still persist.
The issues are:
1. Sound is very very low and uneven. I have the volume all the way maxed, but the loudest it can go is less than half than the potential volume in Snow Leopard.
2. Headphones don't work. I've tried like 3 pairs of headphones and none of them work. When I plug them in, the sound still comes from the left speaker (I can barely hear the right speaker) on the laptop and not on the headphones. Also, the headphone jack is emitting a red light out of it.
3. The lights on the keyboard won't shut off. I used the F5 key to turn off the keyboard backlighting, and while it goes very dim they won't shut off.
I already tried the suggestions on this thread but none of those fixes work. I need help! Especially with the sound! Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running a MacBook Pro 13" from June 2009, 2.26GHz Intel, 4GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce 9400M. I instlled a 64bit version of Windows Vista (OEM).
I'm new to using Windows on a Mac but need to do it now for some video rendering applications that have transcoding, filtering, effects (like VirtualDub) that are only available on a PC.
I have a 17"MBP (3 months old), 2.8Ghz Duo, 4Gb RAM. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, was excited about 64-bit though I'm not an expert, I just heard it would be faster.
I didn't realize SL doesn't boot 64-bit anyhow, that you need to hold "6" & "4" at startup to get it to boot in 64bit mode. This surprised me because I figure many people assumed SL was 64bit! Just getting it to boot properly was a hassle. The 6 & 4 trick didn't work for me.
I had to edit the preference file which wouldn't save at first either because of permissions (I had to drag it to my desktop, edit it, save it, then drag it back to the folder and enter in my administrator password).
Only then did I realize my brand new eSATA Express Card didn't work in 64-bit mode. Upsetting because I just bought the hot new Sonnet Tempo card for $200 that claims to work with Snow Leopard. So until it works I'll be running 32bit mode on my Mac.
But if I want to run Windows 7, does this mean I can only run the 32bit version?
I'd appreciate it if anyone could offer me some advice on whether to go with the 32bit or 64bit version of Vista on a 4-core 'Nehalem' Mac Pro. I've read that some drivers will fail to work under this version of the operating system - is this the case for the hardware in the Mac Pro (particularly the HD 4870)?
I have the 17" MBP Unibody so I want to start gaming again, and I have thought about Xp, Vista, and 7 and I have decided on windows 7 because its free and allows for DirectX10.
1. Now I am trying to conserve hard drive space but should i get the 16GB 32bit or the 20GB 64bit version of windows 7 and how much space should i allocate for the partition?
2. Games i will be playing: Counter Strike: Source Call of Duty: WaW Maybe Battlefield 2
3. I plan on getting some newer games since I don't have my crappy computer anymore. Any suggestions??
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
I have an 8-core 3.2GHz 2008 Mac Pro with 16GB RAM. I've just ordered the EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 graphics card and am hoping to turn my beloved mac into a bit of a sexy PC gaming beast for some evening fun. Already purchased Batman Arkham Asylum, Gears of War and an Xbox 360 controller to get me started
I'll cut to the chase. Microsoft are offering a free upgrade to Windows 7 if you buy Vista at the moment so that's not the issue. The issue is 32bit or 64bit for a gaming box - which is the best version to get for performance and compatibility with gaming on windows?
I'm looking to purchase either the 32bit or 64bit version of Vista (with the free upgrade to the corresponding Windows 7 version).
Which is the best to get? 32bit or 64bit? I've been reading that some games don't work well with 64bit Windows. Lots of conflicting articles and comments.
32bit or 64bit Windows... what's the best for a bootcamp gaming rig?
i was just wondering if this is even possible... i started reading this thread but it was way too confusing for me so if you could explain it to a computer illiterate it would really help me out.
Im having trouble with VMware.. If I set the wireless network connection to NAT, the internet works, but my xbox 360 wont show up in the media streaming options in windows media player. However, if I change the network settings to bridged, I lose my internet connection (well.. sometimes it works.. 80% of the time it doesnt..) Connecting to bridged is the only way I can connect to my 360, and only some of the time where the internet will work. Is there a way to fix the problem with bridged or NAT so they both work together?
Does anyone know or have the same problem where pressing the F7, F8, F9 keys (which are previous, stop/pause, and forward) doesn't work in iTunes unless iTunes is the "active" window? I know that in OS X that if i pressed those buttons, it would do it even if I was in another application, but in the Windows 7 version it won't do it if another application is "active." Also, the same applies to the Apple Remote.
I occasionally get the BSOD sometimes on the Windows XP side of things in Boot Camp. I always use a mouse on the Windows side, as the trackpad is very glitchy and buggy. Sometimes, when I use the mouse for a prolonged period of time, I accidently touch the trackpad forgetting all of the sudden that i had the mouse (or i use it to scroll down) and the whole thing blue screens on me. It has happened 8 times already, each time blue screening after touching the mouse. I don't know why, but I find out that the mouse drivers are the one that is messing up my Windows XP SP3.
I have today received a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium, and am looking forward to installing it on my MacBook (early unibody version with Core 2 Duo processor, recently upgraded to Snow Leopard - version MacBook 5,1 - with 2.4GHz Processor and 4GB RAM).
The question is simple, but I am utterly confused when searching for the answer...!
Should I install the 32bit or the 64bit version of windows? (both the disks are in the box). I would like a smooth installation, and realise that 32bit should work no problem. However if all the drivers are available for 64bit windows, and it works then I see no reason not to install that version. I am confused because there is reference on the Apple website of this version of the MacBook not being supported for 64bit despite having a 64bit processor (??) Also the vast majority of the information on the Apple website seems to refer to Vista 64bit. I imagine that this will be quite confusing for many users, as it has been for me!
I will only install windows once, and would obviously like to install the potentially faster OS if it will be straightforward, and everything will work as it should (have read about problems with the iSight/backlit keyboard etc. - but these may now be fixed).
As you know, Boot Camp 3.0 allows the window partition to see Mac files and folders without additional software.
I am trying to set up Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center to use on my Xbox 360.
When I tell Windows Media Player to load files from a Mac folder, I can navigate to that folder no problem, but after going through the steps, it fails to load ANY media.
Anybody with a Unibody Macbook Pro able to confirm if any of the new Nvidia graphics drivers allow for the integrated 9400M graphics to be used on Windows instead of the dedicated 9600GT? Running the 9400M would give better battery life than the 9600GT if this is possible.
Ive been loving this Macbook Pro 2.66ghz so I decided to get back into gaming. I installed my Windows 7 beta(Build 7000) and then installed Crysis. Now, when windows 7 got done installing it did "windows" updates and installed a Nvidia driver update. My question is this, are their any other drivers that I need for graphics or gaming? Also, what general settings are used for crysis on this model? And last is their any way I can get sound working correctly? It wont work for some reason and I have lost my button controls.
I have the "collectors edition" macbook unibody....2.4ghz 4gb ram, 250gb hdd. On apples website it states that x64 is compatible with the new 13" pro but not mine...i didn't think there was any difference really besides firewire and a sd car it possible to install x64 vista via bootcamp or not??? I need to have vista on my laptop for "Examsof" for lawschool and parallels is not allowed.
I was told to run Vista 64bit for games, but I was wondering about this� Since many applications don�t even have a 64bit version out and I don�t think games are 64bit, will they all run under vista 64bit? I have a feeling this might be a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure before I go out and buy Vista 64.
Also do you think windows 7 is better for games? Will it even run games that have not been written for it? Or would I just be better sticking with vista 64 until everyone has caught up and made their apps compatible with the new windows 7? I mean will antivirus programs, ripping apps, etc work under windows 7 without a hitch, or should I wait and just use vista64 for now?
Since I have upgraded to Yosemite, I've been experiencing problems with the windows. Sometimes, they become transparent or even entirely invisible, I can see the borders when I pass over them with the mouse on mission control and I can perform actions as if they were fully functional, I just can't see them. How can I solve this? It happens with every window open at the moment, but it doesn't affect the ones that I open after.
The image shows how the window become sometimes, other times it's completely invisible.
I recently reformated my PC and put XP Professional 64bit on it, did all the updates that I possibly could. Installed/downloaded all my games, updates, patches. Customized windows with everything that I like. Installed my AVG 8.0 Pro antivirus, Just everything that I want with a PC.
is there a way to totaly save my entire windows install? Like if I were to upgrade from a 500gig to a 1 TB hard drive? I know some PC repair shops use a program to do this. I think it has the word "Ghost" in it? Is there another way also? I have an external 500 HD that I would save w/e I need to save on it to make it work.
I have a 15'' unibody mbp with the 9600M, and the nvidia notebook driver installer always fails to recognize my graphics card and quits. Is there a way around this? I have tried modifying some INF files but it doesn't work.
I have 16gb of Ram installed on my iMac and Windows 7 installed amd it is only using 2.23gb of it, and it is very annoying. I need to know if I can install 64 bit edition Windows 7 on it before I go out and spend the money on it.
I recently switched to a macbook and I love it! I spend a lot of my time listening to music, but I frankly think, that itunes is a quite horrible piece of software. Is it possible to run Windows Media Player 11 in OSX? I find it far superior to itunes in every way, especially the interface. So is there some way to run WMP instead for playing my music?
I've installed Windows 7 64 Bit. I tried installing Boot Camp from the Leopard DVD and it gets to the part where its trying to run the service KeyAgent but it fails. This is the message I get.
"Service 'KeyAgent' (KeyAgent) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
I've tried running it in compatibility mode for Vista and made sure to have it set as run as Administrator. I also download BootCamp 2.1 for Windows Vista 64 but it wont even start. I also did the Compatibility mode and administrator for it.