Windows On Mac :: XP And Express Card On Macbook Pro Unibody?
Aug 10, 2009
i got a Macbook Pro Unibody with express card slot and i was wondering if its possible to get an express card device like an express card solid state drive, express card SDHC, or express card ESata and install bootcamp on the expresscard device. I want to be able to boot up Windows xp or something and play games.
I have researched it and so far all i have been finding is people saying its possible and some people saying its too slow.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have an eSATA drive that was formatted on Windows using Bootcamp. It is connected via an Express Card. I want to now format it for OSX. But when I boot to OSX I don't even see the drive. Is there something I have to do to enable the Express Card?
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Feb 4, 2008
Two questions, wondering if anyone knows the answer:1.Looking for maximum bandwidth of ExpressCard/34 slot in MacBook Pro(Since eSATA raid is supported with ExpressCard, the bandwidth should be there. Looks like it has at least 70MB read/write?)2. Are there ExpressCard/34 SSD disks that runs faster than internal SATA drives? (Mtron seems to make only 2.5" and 3.5")
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Oct 20, 2008
Just realized that all the firewire ports on my 8-Core Mac Pro share the same bus. I need to capture video from a HDV camera to a firewire hard drives and I get hickups and slow downs that cause dropped frames. Can anybody share any links to what FW card to get to and where I can buy it from? Anything that does not cost to much? Please only post links of cards you have used or read good reviews using it on a Mac Pro. Also what slot would I put the card in? I want to make sure the slot is not also sharing a bus with something else.
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Sep 16, 2009
Just bought a new MBP Unibody and I'm loving it so far. My friend has the one with the single graphics card and he's claiming 6-7 hours of battery life on a single charge with the screen lit a little under half. I set mine the same way and I don't get as much battery life. I have the one with the dual video cards. Is that going to cause the battery to drain faster and if so, can I disable the second video card when I'm not doing intense graphics processing?
First time poster, long time reader.
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Jun 10, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro 4,1 (early 2008, pre-unibody model) which has an ExpressCard slot.recommend a USB 3 to ExpressCard adapter for it, ideally one that I can source in the UK? I have looked at several via internet searches though one of the key issues seems to be having a driver that works with 10.6.8. The aim is to connect a Sony XQD card reader to the MacBook Pro via USB 3/ExpressCard to take advantage of the USB 3 speed. Sony's own XQD ExpressCard adapter does not work with OS 10.6.8 (I've emailed Sony requesting 10.6.8 driver support.)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MBP4,1 2.5 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB
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Jan 23, 2009
When i go to the link and select either the 32bit or 64bit version it takes me to this web page. displays a banner that says windows.
Am I missing something for the download to be successful?
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Mar 31, 2009
I have the new 15 in MBP and bought a e-sata express card from OWC which is the Apiotek Extreme Dual e-sata [URL]. At first it could not be seen so I went to there site and downloaded the driver for it and got several grey screens of death kernel panics. I know the Sonnet Tempo SATA Pro ExpressCard/34 is supposed to work on the new unibody but after all that I bought to get this system up to the speed I need, was trying to avoid another 280 dollars and want another 4gb Ram chip more. [URL]. I am only running one external drive like this for PS scratch, OS backup and a working drive that is partitioned in 3 sections. Wondering if there is another express card that is working in the new 15 in 2.93 without any issues.
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Jun 27, 2010
i miss the expresscard a lot on the 15", but i need as much portable CPU power as possible so upgraded to i7.? i was using expresscard slot for CF reader for my DSL now i never use the SD slotany adapter from CF -> SD port ?or USB port -> SD slot adapter?
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Jul 30, 2010
Recently I've been looking for a way to capture uncompressed HDMI output from a PS3 via my 15" MBP. There are many solutions available, including the Dazzle, the HD PVR and other similar capturing devices, but most of these are limited to standard definition or a high price tag. In doing some research today, I came across a possible solution that I remain skeptical of. It's incredibly cheap and seems to only be missing a software solution.
A company called MOTU develops professional-grade video capturing solutions that are in that special category of price range that require special inquiries. Needless to say, far out of range of a practical solution for a hobbyist. They also sell a product called "HD Express", which is advertised as an HDMI input for an ExpressCard slot that only works with their breakout boxes. That last part doesn't really seem logical if it truly is an HDMI input.
So with a cheap HDMI splitter and an ExpressCard adapter for those of us who opted for the SD card slot on our MBPs, $75 could get you an HDMI input. I guess my question is whether or not this MOTU product is really limited to use with their products or if it would function as a standalone input solution. I know very little of electronics in general, which is why I bought a Mac in the first place.
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Apr 11, 2009
I occasionally get the BSOD sometimes on the Windows XP side of things in Boot Camp. I always use a mouse on the Windows side, as the trackpad is very glitchy and buggy. Sometimes, when I use the mouse for a prolonged period of time, I accidently touch the trackpad forgetting all of the sudden that i had the mouse (or i use it to scroll down) and the whole thing blue screens on me. It has happened 8 times already, each time blue screening after touching the mouse. I don't know why, but I find out that the mouse drivers are the one that is messing up my Windows XP SP3.
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Oct 21, 2009
I have today received a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium, and am looking forward to installing it on my MacBook (early unibody version with Core 2 Duo processor, recently upgraded to Snow Leopard - version MacBook 5,1 - with 2.4GHz Processor and 4GB RAM).
The question is simple, but I am utterly confused when searching for the answer...!
Should I install the 32bit or the 64bit version of windows? (both the disks are in the box). I would like a smooth installation, and realise that 32bit should work no problem. However if all the drivers are available for 64bit windows, and it works then I see no reason not to install that version. I am confused because there is reference on the Apple website of this version of the MacBook not being supported for 64bit despite having a 64bit processor (??) Also the vast majority of the information on the Apple website seems to refer to Vista 64bit. I imagine that this will be quite confusing for many users, as it has been for me!
I will only install windows once, and would obviously like to install the potentially faster OS if it will be straightforward, and everything will work as it should (have read about problems with the iSight/backlit keyboard etc. - but these may now be fixed).
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a macbook pro 17, I couldn't really wait for what might or might not come out next year, as there was an urgent need for it. I am interested in getting some mobile internet, and was wondering, would you seasoned pro's go for a usb dongle or express card slot option?
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Mar 13, 2010
I have the flash mount Sonnet 2 in 1 Card Reader ATM but would like to add some USB ports but the card has to be flash mount.
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May 14, 2012
url...I'd like to use it instead of external USB SD Card reader,but the Express Card Reader is not correctly recognized by my MacBook 17" early 2011. If i insert an SD card in the slot ,the SD does not appear as mounted disk on the desktop. Nothing. I tryied three different SD Cards. Only Express card adapter is recognized by Mac,there is a small icon in the bar.
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Apr 28, 2010
I would like to have two firewire devices connected to my MBP but would prefer not to share bandwidth. If I purchased a firewire express card would that provide me with a 2nd dedicated firewire bus. It seems based the express 34 bus architecture that this would work however.
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Feb 17, 2009
Anybody with a Unibody Macbook Pro able to confirm if any of the new Nvidia graphics drivers allow for the integrated 9400M graphics to be used on Windows instead of the dedicated 9600GT? Running the 9400M would give better battery life than the 9600GT if this is possible.
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Apr 18, 2009
Ive been loving this Macbook Pro 2.66ghz so I decided to get back into gaming. I installed my Windows 7 beta(Build 7000) and then installed Crysis. Now, when windows 7 got done installing it did "windows" updates and installed a Nvidia driver update. My question is this, are their any other drivers that I need for graphics or gaming? Also, what general settings are used for crysis on this model? And last is their any way I can get sound working correctly? It wont work for some reason and I have lost my button controls.
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Sep 25, 2009
I have the "collectors edition" macbook unibody....2.4ghz 4gb ram, 250gb hdd. On apples website it states that x64 is compatible with the new 13" pro but not mine...i didn't think there was any difference really besides firewire and a sd car it possible to install x64 vista via bootcamp or not??? I need to have vista on my laptop for "Examsof" for lawschool and parallels is not allowed.
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Mar 15, 2009
I just had to switch to a new (late '08 unibody) MacBook Pro. I was able to transfer my Mac files from my 2007 MBP, but the Boot Camp partition didn't get copied by default. I tried moving it with WinClone but when I boot to Windows the machine enables the backlight, spins up the CD, but never does anything else.
I tried to completely remove and recreate the Boot Camp partition but 3 different WinXP CDs (SP2 and SP3) do exactly the same thing. My original WinXP CD is from SP1 so I've tried grabbing a few slipstreamed disc images off the net. They all behave the same.
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Jan 22, 2010
the 9400m can be a dedicated physx and the 9600m can be primary during gaming in windows 7 64, NOE: I did post a subject in the windows section
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Feb 3, 2008
more USB 2.0 ports for my Mac Pro (early 2008). Which one should I get? at's the difference between PCI and PCI Express? I had added a USB PCI card in my G4
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Apr 16, 2010
I was wondering if there are people out there buying or bought the 17" Macbook Pro for the ExpressCard/34? If so, what ExpressCard are you using and have you used it in the new MBP yet? I would like to know its performance with eSATA, firewire, and SSD expresscards
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Apr 24, 2009
Here's a new one for me. My 3 media keys don't work for any applications such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Open Pandora. Everything else works though?!? I reinstalled the keyboard driver and there has been no change. It's like those keys are disabled. Pressing fn will let them use their typical F function, so they work, it's just being blocked by the BootCamp manager or something.
Something else - they keys are invisible to the OS. I can't use a 3rd party hotkey manager to just reassign them.
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Oct 26, 2009
Anyone has any insight on either SD card slot to Express Adapters? Or if there are any Firewire to Express card adapters??
I'm considering buying a new 15" Macbook Pro and unfortunately, they don't come with Express card slots, only SD slots.
Is there any firewire to express card reader / adapters....OR SD card slot to Express Card slot adapters available?
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Jul 26, 2009
I bought an Express card from here: [URL] I connected an eSATA drive to it. I don't see the drive in Finder and I suspect I need to format it first. But I don't see an equivalent to the Windows Disk Manager. How do I format the new external drive?
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a 16GB Express Card/34 storage unit. For some reason, when the storage unit is in, and I close my laptop, it goes to sleep, wakes up, goes to sleep, wakes up, and so on. Is there a way or some setting to just allow my MBP to just sleep with this Express Card inserted? It's really a pain to eject it when I'm using the data on the card and just need to close my laptop for a little while.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have a question for you about the ExpressCard slot of the new MacBook Pros.. I'm going to buy (maybe today) my first Mac and I'd like to buy the 17", since I need a portable desktop replacement... one of the reasons why I'd like to buy the 17" (apart from the very nice screen resolution) is that it has an ExpressCard slot which enables you (I hope) to expand the capabilities of your MBP in the future... My question is if the ExpressCard is version 1 or 2, because I'd like to buy in the future an ExpressCard with USB 3 ports and only the ExpressCard 2 can support the specifications of USB 3 (5 Gbps), is it right? Do you think there will be USB 3 ExpressCards for the MBPs?
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Oct 21, 2006
I just got a 17" Powerbook G4 1.5 Ghz. My friend that sold it to me said that her wireless always had a really weak signal but in recent time, unless she was in the same room as the router it was really hard to get a decent connection. She said she took it to an Apple store but her Apple care was expired and they said they'd have to send it out for 5-7 days. Today I just tried it out at home, where I normally (as well as everyone else in the house) have full signal from our router, this computer gets a bar or two max.
I was adding in some more RAM to it so I figured I'd take it the rest of the way apart. So, in doing so carefully because I could not find a diagram at all that matched this computer, I found that there is not a Airport Extreme card in the computer at all. Is that right? Is the wireless built in now? (or maybe for that year). Is this a common problem that the signal fades?
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Aug 6, 2009
I am thinking about purchasing one of the early releases of the MBP 15", before they replaced the expresscard slot with the SD Card slot. As a filmmaker, the expresscard slot allows on-site ingestion of Sony's and Panasonic's SxS and P2 cards - a nice utility. I also don't use point-and-shoots, so the SD card has zero utility for me.I just wanted to make sure that, before I buy the previous revision, there is nothing I will be missing by purchasing the older edition. I remember that they widened the color gamut on the MBPs by 30% with the update, but this is really insignificant as their color accuracy isn't thaaaat great anyway.
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