Windows On Mac :: How To Partition Hard Drive For XP
Apr 24, 2009
I am installing XP on my mac laptop and am not sure how much space to partition. The laptop's total space is about 235GB with currently 50GB free.
I will only be using Windows for a few specific programs: Autodesk: Toxik, Mudbox, Motionbuilder and Cleaner XL. I probably won't be using the programs too extensively either, I mainly use Maya and I have the OSX version of that.
Based on that info I was hoping to get a rough estimate on how much space I should partition for XP, I don't want to go too low and not be able to install and use everything but at the same time I don't want to put too much space on the XP partition either and end up with wasted space.
I've been able to find ways to reallocate space on my hard drive but what if i want to take windows completely off and restore my hard drive to purely OS X? Is there a way to do that also?
I had windows in a bootcamp partition for a while, and today, i decided to erase the partition and make a new, bigger one. I erased it just fine, but I can't make another one, it just gives me this error: Verification failed: this disk could not be partitioned. Use disk utility to repair this disk. I went to disk utility and i clicked verify disk (repair disk was not highlighted) and it gave me another error: filesystem verify or repair failed. I also repaired disk permissions with no such luck.
I was thinking of picking up this hard drive Seagate? FreeAgentâ„¢ Desk External USB 2.0 Hard Drive, 1TB (1,000GB)- [URL] I was wondering if I could use it to back up both a windows and a mac partition
Is there a way I can access a laptop drive's contents from the harddrive via USB to USB (similar to Macs' Firewire-firewire) to recover the harddrive? An Asus laptop i'm using doesn't get into Vista and I tried Safe mode but it doesn't work..
I'm getting a new imac in a weeks time, and was wondering about bootcamp. When I wanted to dual-boot a PC and Linux, I had to partition the hard-drive and install the OSes before doing anything else. Do I need to do that for bootcamp and Windows 7? I only really need windows on bootcamp for a game that's coming out in 2011. Do I need to install it now or can I wait?
I have an i7 iMac and I installed Windows 7 on it and was wondering down the road when I move onto a new machine, how to I take that partition with me? For example, I use time machine to back up my Mac files so at any time I'll be ready to start anew, I can I do this for my windows partition? BTW, the partition is 500GB on a 2 TB drive.
I'm hoping there's a way to give the partition it's own hard drive when I get a computer that can handle multiple hard drives.
I previously had a Windows partition that I created with Boot Camp. I was running out of room and wanting to try out Windows 7, so I deleted it and tried to create a larger one. So far, i have not been able to create a new partition. The error I'm currently getting reads "Verification failed. This disk could not be partitioned. Use Disk Utility to repair this disk." When I do that, I usually get that it needs repairing, I repair it, and then it happens again. I've done the repairing using the Leopard DVD or booting from another hard drive that's bootable. Another error I was getting said there is currently data there that cannot be moved. That errors told me to back up, wipe my hard drive, and do a reinstall. I really don't want to have to do that, and I really don't NEED Windows, but I did recently want to play some games and dug up my old games for Windows.
I really need to free up space on the windows partition of my Mac so that I can install certain software I need in order to complete a project due really soon. What would be the best way to accomplish this (I'd rather not increase the partition w/ a third party app)? I was thinking the best is to eliminate unnecessary files that I am pretty certain were installed as part of the Vista install so that I can recover as much HDD space on the windows partition as possible, but don't know what I can eliminate safely? Can someone please offer some ideas and very basic steps of where to find any of the items you reference?
The picture above is evidence of my self-corrupting OS. Those 3 problems are the same every single time I boot my computer. I have done countless re-installs of OS X Lion, even bought a new hard drive and did a clean install. Because of the self-corruption, I cant resize or partition my drive for Windows, with Boot Camp giving me a generic "An error has occurred. Format your disk and re-install Mac OS X" (Partitioning failed so I never wiped).
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
so I got OS X Leopard. I had a copy of Windows Vista, and decided to try out the Boot Camp Assistant. Didn't have a problem partitioning the drives and installing Windows. However, I now find it entirely pointless to have Windows on my Mac being that I have a PC now. I tried doing it myself at first, and ended up erasing the Windows partition, and now I'm having troubles combining the drives into one. I saw something about running an uninstaller through the Boot Camp Assistant, but I think erasing the Windows partition ruined that for me. Whenever I try to use the BCA while the drive is mounted I get this error message: The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows. When I unmount the Windows partition, I get THIS error message: Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used. This startup disk is not supported.
Just a quick rundown of what I'm trying to do here:I have a 1 TB external USB SimpleDrive hard drive that is currently partitioned into three partitions, two formatted with FAT32 and one formatted with HFS+ for Time Machine. I learned how to enable Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard's NTFS read-write capability today and so I no longer need to keep my first two partitions as FAT32 (especially since I have files larger than 4 GB I would like to store on them). I have data on the first FAT32 partition that I would like to transfer to the second FAT32 partition once I have reformatted it as NTFS whereby I will then be able to reformat the first FAT32 partition to NTFS without losing my data.I have nothing important on the second FAT32 partition, but when I opened Disk Management in Administrative Tools in Windows 7, I found that the second FAT32 partition is currently set as the active partition of that volume. When I right-clicked and asked to Format that partition exclusively, I received the following
I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 on my hard drive using Bootcamp. I'd like to know if in the future I decide to remove windows, am I able to remove the partition and revert back to the full hard drive space or not?
I recently got rid of a partition I had made for bootcamp since I never use it, and would rather have the space back. I deleted the partition through disc utility, and then through the partition tab, tried to get back that space by dragging down the tab to restore the space originally set for the partition. When I go to apply this change, it notifies that my hard drive will be re-sized. I accept and then a few minutes later it comes back with the error "Partition failed with the error: Filesystem verify or repair failed" Does anybody know how I can restore this space successfully back into my main hard drive? I've attached some screenshots
I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?
If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up
I had my hard drive partitioned into 2, where one was mac the other windows xp. I received this macbook as a gift from my sister so i wanted to reformat everything into mac. I popped in the Mac OS x install cd and just installed it. Now there is two hard drives and I am not able to re-partition it where i can bring it back to one again...I was suppose to delete windows first before re-formating my macbook.
I'm trying to install Windows 7 and can't get the boot camp assistant to partition my drive. The drive in question is 500GB with over 200GB free space. I want a Windows partition of 35-40GB.On first attempt I kept getting the cannot move files error when trying to partition. I read up on the error online, and most people suggested issues with parallels or needing to use idefrag. I had parallels on my machine at one point, but am not sure if there are any problem folders still hiding somewhere. Any tips on that part?I ran idefrag overnight last night. When I booted the machine up this morning, I launched it again to verify that the disk was defraged. Boot camp still doesn't want to play.
perhaps I am doing something wrong? I wanted to install Windows XP on my iMac. I previously had partitioned my Mac drives. I backed everything on these drives to my external and blew the partitions away creating my one Mac drive again.
I then ran Bootcamp, created a partition and installed XP. Everything was fine. I then partitioned my main drive and got the warning message about Bootcamp maybe not working afterwards. So I finished partitioning my Mac drive as I wanted and now I don't have the option of booting into XP through Bootcamp. When I try it just shows the Mac drive as my only boot option. I see the XP Bootcamp drive in the System Preferences startup disk area, but I assume I did something to the partition once I partitioned my Mac drives
I'm going to buy an iMac with 1TB hard drive. I'm currently using a MacBook Pro with 320GB hard drive, and I haven't partitioned it yet. Is 1TB too big to be one partition? How do you guys partition your hard drive.
I'm trying to partition the internal hard drive on an Alu iMac so it also has a small FAT32 formatted portion, the only problem is, when I go to disk utility FAT32 is not an option under the drop down menu for formats. All it lets me do is Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) or something like that if I recall correctly.
I've got a USB hard drive. Every time I try to partition it with Disk Utility, I get an error message saying it "timed out". The hard drive used to be an OS X boot disk. The only partition it has at the moment is the blank 200MB EFI partition.
I've just bought a used iMac and for some reason it has 3 partitons but two have nothing on them. I've gone into Disk Utility and deleted those two but now the main Partition is still only showing as having 80GB of free space instead of the 200GB it should have. What can I do?
I realize this may be a stupid question but here goes... I have recently installed Windows XP with Boot Camp and now realize more than ever how much I hate XP and was wondering if it were possible to remove that partition all together from the hard drive, and I guess have it added back to my Mac OS side. I think i know the answer but just want to be sure.
It seems as if many people on here use dedicated boot drive with faster read times for applications. I was wondering if partitioning my boot drive would be beneficial in anyway. My boot drive in Bay 1 is a 1TB, it stores everything except my iTunes library, then in Bay 2 I have another 1TB drive that I use CCC weekly to mirror the data from drive 1. If I was to partition the boot drive to use store my applications, and system software and moved all my data (documents, pictures, videos) to the partitioned part of the drive would there be any benefit?
how to partition a hard drive, so I can boot a my Leopard image-file from a separate partition. who has enough patience & time to guide me through to complete this common task. I did the follow things so far to make a separate partition for my disk-image (Leopard Installer):
1. Launched Disk-Utility on Tiger 10.4.11 OS X. 2. Clicked on my hard-drive (149.1 GB). 3. Selected "Partition" in that menu (seen above the Volume Information). 4. Selected "2 Partitions" from the "Volume Scheme drop-down menu".
Recently I bought a Mac OS X Leopard, which comes with the Bootcamp. I have the XP operating disk, and Virtual Box, which is another program like Bootcamp. Instead of the bootcamp way of rebooting every time you switch between operating systems, Virtual Box allows both systems to run simultaneously. Instead of taking up space on my hard drive, I purchased a Seagate FreeAgent (Desk Edition) 1TB external drive.
I need to partition this drive in two, to allow the combined running of PC and Mac OS X using Virtual Box. The formats I will be using are FAT 32 and Mac OS Extended (Journaled). The latter is very easy, as I can simply do this on the Mac. However, the FAT 32... Since I am splitting the external hard drive in two, my XP PC cannot create a partition using FAT 32 which is greater than 32GB, and if I create the F32 partition using the Mac it won't be recognized by the PC operating system.
As soon as I bought my Mac I created a partition for Windows on Boot Camp. I later realized that I didn't need it, but then it was too late, 30GB of my Hard Drive was already partitioned. Is there a way to revert the process and re-claim my 30GB to use with the Macintosh system?
I have MBP 17", 2,53GHz, hdd is 250GB. I have a lot of music and pictures and quite lot movies. On the other side I have a lot mails. Is it better to make two partitions and keep them separate? What is your suggestion? If I decide to do that, do I need to remove everything from hard drive to make another partition? I never did it before on mac, but I remember that is necessary on windows.
When I try to make another partition on my harddrive (I've already made one housing windows XP), the bootcamp utility that my mac came with only gives me the option of removing the current partition. How do I make another one?
if I could partition my external hard drive so one half holds all my Mac OS X data such as Itunes music and the other half hold my Microsoft Windows files.