Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 X64 Ultimate On UMBP Performance ?
Dec 1, 2009
I just installed a copy of window 7 x64 ultimate on my uMBP 15", 2.66, 4GB ram, 9600 GT.
everything went well using the bootcamp that comes with my snow leopard dvd and also using the bootcamp driver on that dvd too.
anyway i have a few question regarding this.
-after i installed the windows, now everytime i perform disk utillity, verify disk permissions, it takes considerable longer time compared to when the machine is Mac OS only.
previously , after i hit the "verify disk permissions button" it will says straight away like estimated time 28 minutes, then drop to 8 minutes and then to 1 and finaally done.
now after i install window 7 on my mac using boot camp. when i hit the "verify disk permissions" it it says estimated time 1hour 40 minutes !!!
of course it will finissh eventually in less than that , but still it considerably took longer compared to prior window 7 installattion, does anyone experience this as well ?
-the performance benchmark on win 7 ultimate x64 on my mbp is 5.6 score.
is this normal ?
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Nov 29, 2009
I searched the forums and came up with nada, so I thought I'd ask. Has anyone taken advantage of Microsoft Ultimate Steal to buy Office 2007 Ultimate? If so, it is the full version and not the upgrades correct? I just want to make sure before I invest. I have iWork, but need to be able to work w/Office in my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro 2.4 i5 that I am trying to install Windows 7 on using BootCamp. I have installed a partition using BootCamp of 45GB but once it prompts me to insert the Windows disk, I insert it but after a few seconds the machine ejects the disk without ever mounting or seemingly recognizing the disk.
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit from a disk.
Can anyone offer any insight or help me figure out what the problem is? I have already tried rebooting and that doesn't work.
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May 5, 2009
i have been running Windows 7 beta on my uMBP since it was released.
I downloaded the 32bit one because i was afraid the drivers will not work.
I have a 2.53Ghz, 4gig ddr3 ram MBP.
Should i download 32bit or 64bit RC?
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Apr 24, 2009
I have a question about installing Windows 7 Ultimate on my MacBook is the same as when I installed Windows Vista, just use the same drivers from the Bootcamp disc or is it different all together? if so could someone explain what is different.
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Jul 6, 2010
just wondering if this is possible to install on my mac. specs of mac or in sig.
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Nov 19, 2010
Just updated to 3.2 and now my trackpad won't work like it used to. I used to be able to tap with one finger and drag the cursor with the other to select multiple items, now it won't let me do this anymore. Was the update intended for some other Win OS or what?
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Jun 24, 2010
I have a Magic Mouse, which worked perfectly on Snow Leopard and Vista Ultimate. Then, I updated to Windows 7 Ultimate and it appears that the system keeps trying to connect to the Magic Mouse. By the way, it still works on Snow Leopard, so the problem is isolated to Windows 7.
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Aug 28, 2010
I recently purchased a 2010 Mac Pro 2.8 quad and installed vista 64 via boot camp. It just doesn't seem to recognize any wireless connection as if the airport card isn't even installed. I checked device manager and it shows that the network controller does not have any drivers installed. I have never had any issues connecting wireless with the 2010 mac mini or previous macs.
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Sep 19, 2010
I have a Windows Ultimate DVD. I want to make a back up of it and use this DVD when I need to install Windows on my machine. If I make a disk image of this DVD and then burn the image back to a DVD will it function or do I need another tools? ( like toast )
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Jun 9, 2008
I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate using Bootcamp. It runs fine with just a couple of anomalies.
First is that the sound quality is quite poor...almost like AM radio...I've tried installing the latest Realtek drivers but it's made no difference. I've stuck it onto "Rock" preset and that has improved things slightly but I was wondering if there was a proper fix for this?
Also, even though Vista see's that I have dual processors and correctly reports them (and I get two CPU usage graphs under task manager) applications such as dBpoweramp don't see it and run in single processor mode? Aga
I'm running a 24" 2.8GHz iMac with 4GB Ram.
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Jun 7, 2009
Right now I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit in bootcamp and am ready for a change. What I would ideally like to do is to switch over to Win7 64bit (in order to utilize my 4gb of ram) without having to reinstall all of my windows applications and games. Right now I'm really looking for the easiest and most efficient way of doing this (assuming it's possible to transfer between a 32 and 64bit operating system).
What I had planned was to do things in this order:
1) Clone my bootcamp partition to my external hard drive using winclone.
2) Erase my bootcamp partition
3) Install Win7 to the bootcamp parition
4) Use the Windows Easy Transfer tool to migrate all of my vista files from the external hard drive over to Win7
5) Hopefully enjoy a much improved OS with all my programs fully functional
Please tell me if I have neglected something or if there are any potential problems along the way. If it maters I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro, 2.5ghz, 4gb ram, 8600m 512mb.
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Jun 30, 2009
I got this .iso folder of Windows Vista Ultimate and he needs me to burn it on to a dvd. I tried once before but it didnt work. This is what i did: Made a new burn folder. Opened the .iso Dragged everything into the burn folder. Burned. Didn't work. Does anyone have an idea on how to burn this .iso folder on to a Clean DVD?
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Jan 23, 2010
I have Windows Vista Ultimate installed on my MacBook. For some reason, everything keeps freezing and the mouse pointer remain unresponsive for a few seconds. This happens again and again while I am using Windows and it's very annoying. Sometimes I have to press to power button for 5 seconds to restart the computer otherwise it remains completely blocked.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have installed Windows 7 Ultimate on iEmulator V (Virtual Machine) and everything is fast and awesome but there is no sound! I think it's a driver issue as Ubuntu on iEmulator V works fine but I don't know how to get drivers! I have tried some realtek stuff but that hasn't worked!
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Feb 6, 2012
I am attempting a Boot Camp install of Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit on my mid-2010 13" Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.3. Everything goes fine until after the first restart and Windows is finalizing install. Everything locks up. I have tried 7 times with the same result using two separate Win 7 install discs that work fine on PCs so it's not the discs.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 14, 2012
I'm having trouble connecting via wireless router to the internet through windows 7 ultimate?
MacBook Pro, Windows 7, installed with boot camp
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Mar 29, 2009
According to everything I've read, this shouldn't have worked, but it seems that Win7's ability to boot from GPT volumes makes it possible. I just replace the optical drive in my 2.66 MBP with a 2nd Seagate 500g drive and wanted to see what the OSX soft raid could do.
Long story short:
1. Each of the pair of disks contained a member of the larger OSX raid volume, plus a smaller partition intended for Windows.
2. The win-intended partitions stayed independent and formatted as FAT32.
3. Booted off of Win7 media. In setup, selected 1 of the FAT32 partitions and reformatted it NTFS. Installer accepted the partition as valid and installation proceeded normally and completed with Win7 as a valid boot option. OSX still works, of course.
Windows installer wouldn't accept the drives as a raid volume and although Vista is supposed to support GPT for data volumes, it wouldn't accept it as a system vol. Don't bother with Bootcamp Setup Assistant. It simply says there's no valid disk and is of no help at all. This has to be done manually.
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Feb 22, 2009
I am a high school senior. Next year I will be going to college and majoring in Computer Science. I am going to purchase a laptop for school, and I'm sure that you can all relate to the fact that there is simply no way that I am going to drop a grand or two on a Dell or Sony; a Macbook or a Macbook Pro is definitely in my future (actually, I've wanted an Apple computer for about five years now).
However, due to the nature of university computer science work, it is inevitable that I will need to run both Windows and Linux to complete research, assignments, and projects. Because I will need to use these two operating systems on a daily basis along with OS X for personal use, I have decided that virtualization, not Boot Camp, is the right option for me. I think I will use VMWare Fusion, but let me know if you think Parallels is much better.
I am trying to decide whether I need/want a Macbook or a Macbook Pro. I have weighed many factors, such as price, portability, expandability, etc., but my question is this: for day-to-day virtualization of Windows and Linux, is a Macbook Pro necessary for acceptable performance, or would a Macbook do almost as well? If Windows XP or Vista or 7 on Parallels or VMWare on a Macbook will drive me nuts with lag, a jittery cursor, etc., then a Macbook Pro would be a justified purchase.
One of the main differentiations between the Macbook and the Macbook Pro is the graphics chipset; it is important to note for this discussion that I have little interest and requirement for working with video games or 3D graphics. I might have to run a few small OpenGL programs here and there for programming exercises, but this will be rare.
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Nov 19, 2010
Anyone installed Win7 64bit via boot camp. Like my iMac I only use Windows and would repartition the SSD to the largest NTFS partition possible. How will CS, AutoCad and Office run?
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Mar 9, 2009
I've followed the Bootcamp procedure correctly, but when I load my Vista Ultimate disk all I get is a blank screen. I've left it for a while, but even after half an hour still nothing.
What could the problem be, any tips?
It is a MacBook and 32 bit Vista if that if of use.
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Apr 10, 2009
I play Age of Empires iii on Mac OS X and it plays online perfectly with very little if any lag.
I installed winows vista ultimate (32 bit) and play Age of the Empires iii in windows. However, the game lags, usually when there is artillery or ships. Whenever I start the game, it displays the message --- you have a 32 mb video card, the game requires 64 mb to play -- attempt to run or cancel (i do not get this message in mac os x).
I have a 2.16 core duo, 2 gb ram and an intel GMA 950 -- VRAM 64 MB shared system memory video card. I do not understand why I get this message in Windows. Is windows not detecting the video card properly?
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Jul 4, 2010
I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on my late 2008 MacBook Pro and everything went smoothly until it came time for me to pop in my Snow Leopard disk and install the drivers. When I put the disk in I get a window called "Install Assistant" that has two options: "Remote Install Mac OS X" for MacBook Air computers and "DVD or CD Sharing" again for MacBook Air computers. This doesn't seem right. Shouldn't I get a window that lets me install the necessary drivers for Windows 7? I've also tried my 10.5 Leopard disk with the same result. I have also tried downloading the BootCamp 3.1 update, but when I attempt to install it I receive a message telling me that in order to install Boot Camp 3.1 I need to have BootCamp 3.0 or higher.
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Feb 9, 2012
i have mac pro i7 , 8GB RAM , 750 HDD , can i install windows 7 ultimate 64 as a parallels desktop?
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm going to install windows 7 so i can play games. Would it be faster and give better performance for my games if i install home premium rather than ultimate?
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm looking to buy a new macbook pro for school but I have some questions before I can buy one. For some of my school work I still have to use windows. I'll need windows for SPSS for windows and for MS Office, Access to be more specific.
I already own a 21.5 inch iMac on which I run Windows 7 Ultimate and I have installed MS Office in Windows 7. The problem is that I noticed some difference in using the keys on your keyboard while working in excel or access.
For example: on my windows laptop in excel, i have to hold control and then click on the fields i want to select. I noticed that on my iMac i needed to hold the right alt key on my mac keyboard and then i got to click the fields I want to select. So this is just a slight difference and it doesn't matter at all if I have to use some different keys for this type of actions. As long as I know how to do them offcourse. This may be silly for some of you but in order to get some good grades I really need to know this. Note that I only need to use Access not excel. But I just gave Excel as an example so you guys know where I'm coming from.
So my question is, does anyone have any experience with this? Are there other key changes I have to know? Or important notes on this subject?
I also have another question. As I already explained above I am running Windows 7 ultimate via Vmware Fusion and I have installed MS Office in this virtual machine. Can I just copy the virtual machine file from my iMac to my macbook pro? So I will have the same settings on my MBP?
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a 2010 13" MacBook Pro. I bought a FW800 enclosure for my 500GB Seagate 5400rpm HD. In OSX using Path Finder to test transfer speeds I get around 40MB/s. Pretty good. Not as fast as it should be given the drive and FW800's possible speeds, but acceptable. When I switch over to my boot camp partition with Vista Ultimate installed I get 4MB/s. I can't figure out why I'm getting such slower speeds with Vista. I did the tests using the exact same files. So what am I missing? How can I get the transfer speeds I should be getting in Vista?
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Jun 3, 2012
I have a new Macbook Pro. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate and Microsoft Office Pro with Bootcamp. I run these with Parallels desktop. Since I am using Parallels, 7, and Office, do I need an antivirus? If yes, which is the best route to go?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Windows 7 Ultimate, Office 2010 Pro
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Aug 1, 2009
I have a late 2008 uMB and my friend has a late 2008 uMBP. Is it possible to use my restore disk to install the bootcamp drivers on his computer after he installs windows? Are the drivers all the same, or are they hardware specific like they are with the OSX install? Any help is appreciated,
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Apr 8, 2006
Now that Apple has unleashed BootCamp, has anyone run 3D Studio Max on an Intel Mac with Windows? How's its performance?
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