Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 Ultimate Disk Keeps Ejecting Without Install Using BootCamp?
Jun 1, 2010
I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro 2.4 i5 that I am trying to install Windows 7 on using BootCamp. I have installed a partition using BootCamp of 45GB but once it prompts me to insert the Windows disk, I insert it but after a few seconds the machine ejects the disk without ever mounting or seemingly recognizing the disk.
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit from a disk.
Can anyone offer any insight or help me figure out what the problem is? I have already tried rebooting and that doesn't work.
Just updated to 3.2 and now my trackpad won't work like it used to. I used to be able to tap with one finger and drag the cursor with the other to select multiple items, now it won't let me do this anymore. Was the update intended for some other Win OS or what?
I recently purchased a 2010 Mac Pro 2.8 quad and installed vista 64 via boot camp. It just doesn't seem to recognize any wireless connection as if the airport card isn't even installed. I checked device manager and it shows that the network controller does not have any drivers installed. I have never had any issues connecting wireless with the 2010 mac mini or previous macs.
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
I play Age of Empires iii on Mac OS X and it plays online perfectly with very little if any lag.
I installed winows vista ultimate (32 bit) and play Age of the Empires iii in windows. However, the game lags, usually when there is artillery or ships. Whenever I start the game, it displays the message --- you have a 32 mb video card, the game requires 64 mb to play -- attempt to run or cancel (i do not get this message in mac os x).
I have a 2.16 core duo, 2 gb ram and an intel GMA 950 -- VRAM 64 MB shared system memory video card. I do not understand why I get this message in Windows. Is windows not detecting the video card properly?
I have a new Macbook Pro. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate and Microsoft Office Pro with Bootcamp. I run these with Parallels desktop. Since I am using Parallels, 7, and Office, do I need an antivirus? If yes, which is the best route to go?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Windows 7 Ultimate, Office 2010 Pro
I have a question about installing Windows 7 Ultimate on my MacBook is the same as when I installed Windows Vista, just use the same drivers from the Bootcamp disc or is it different all together? if so could someone explain what is different.
Can you install XP/Vista on the MBA using remote disk during the bootcamp installation process or do you have to have the external super drive attached?
I have a Windows Ultimate DVD. I want to make a back up of it and use this DVD when I need to install Windows on my machine. If I make a disk image of this DVD and then burn the image back to a DVD will it function or do I need another tools? ( like toast )
I have a late 2008 uMB and my friend has a late 2008 uMBP. Is it possible to use my restore disk to install the bootcamp drivers on his computer after he installs windows? Are the drivers all the same, or are they hardware specific like they are with the OSX install? Any help is appreciated,
I would like to install windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on my mac on a partition created with bootcamp to play many MMOs that are not compatible with mac. It 's safe or need a safety backup ?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am attempting a Boot Camp install of Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit on my mid-2010 13" Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.3. Everything goes fine until after the first restart and Windows is finalizing install. Everything locks up. I have tried 7 times with the same result using two separate Win 7 install discs that work fine on PCs so it's not the discs.
I've followed the Bootcamp procedure correctly, but when I load my Vista Ultimate disk all I get is a blank screen. I've left it for a while, but even after half an hour still nothing.
What could the problem be, any tips?
It is a MacBook and 32 bit Vista if that if of use.
I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on my late 2008 MacBook Pro and everything went smoothly until it came time for me to pop in my Snow Leopard disk and install the drivers. When I put the disk in I get a window called "Install Assistant" that has two options: "Remote Install Mac OS X" for MacBook Air computers and "DVD or CD Sharing" again for MacBook Air computers. This doesn't seem right. Shouldn't I get a window that lets me install the necessary drivers for Windows 7? I've also tried my 10.5 Leopard disk with the same result. I have also tried downloading the BootCamp 3.1 update, but when I attempt to install it I receive a message telling me that in order to install Boot Camp 3.1 I need to have BootCamp 3.0 or higher.
I'm going to install windows 7 so i can play games. Would it be faster and give better performance for my games if i install home premium rather than ultimate?
I searched the forums and came up with nada, so I thought I'd ask. Has anyone taken advantage of Microsoft Ultimate Steal to buy Office 2007 Ultimate? If so, it is the full version and not the upgrades correct? I just want to make sure before I invest. I have iWork, but need to be able to work w/Office in my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition.
So has anyone tried the new Bootcamp 3.0 drives off the Leopard disk with Windows yet? Do they support Windows 7 now? Any improvements to battery life, heat, etc?
I tryed to install windows xp on my mac and my disk was too scratched so the install failed. So i held down the power button on my mac until it turned off. Big mistake. Now whenever it boot up, it says press any button to boot from cd. I tryed installing rEFit, it installs but doesn'ty boot into the boot loader.
my parents iMac 20" Core Duo is having issues. After bootcamp restarts the system I get an error on start up, a folder with a question mark shows up aswell as that prohibition logo How can I install Windows 7 on that machine?
you cant use a windows xp sp1 disk to install windows xp onto your mac using bootcamp.What i wanted to know is if i partition my HD then format it to a recognizable format for windows installation disks, would i be able to install windows xp sp1 that way?or would the same principle apply as bootcamp and sp1 versions of xp are incapable of being installed on macs?
so i have a windows XP professional disk, SP2 and all. i am trying to install windows, i get as far as partitioning the disk, but once it says "please insert XP disk" i do that, and it will think for a few minutes, and make a loud noise [coming from the mac] then a message pops up and says 'please insert installation disk.' the disk is brand new, what am i doing wrong? should i be partitioning the windows side larger?
I want to clean install windows 7 after formatting disk. This doesn't sound like a great idea, but I need this for couple of engineering softwares to work. I don't want to spend my nights in computer cluster or at friends pc...
I have heard, I will encounter following issues: - battery will drain faster - graphics driver for x64-bit version - camera - iPhone backups and syncs (music, video, cal, contacts and apps) - I would need a external mouse for right click.
I can live with all of the above problems except graphics card drivers. Can anyone provide feedback or useful links they have refered to installing Windows 7?
Is it possible to install Windows 7 on an internal disk via Boot Camp and then remove this disk and use it as an external drive? I have two drives for my mini, one in use and one in an external case; unfortunately, neither have room for everything plus Windows. If the answer to this question is no, then I'll buy a bigger drive. I'd just like to avoid this if possible (I already have a ton of external drives and not enough ports to plug them into).
I just installed a copy of window 7 x64 ultimate on my uMBP 15", 2.66, 4GB ram, 9600 GT.
everything went well using the bootcamp that comes with my snow leopard dvd and also using the bootcamp driver on that dvd too.
anyway i have a few question regarding this.
-after i installed the windows, now everytime i perform disk utillity, verify disk permissions, it takes considerable longer time compared to when the machine is Mac OS only. previously , after i hit the "verify disk permissions button" it will says straight away like estimated time 28 minutes, then drop to 8 minutes and then to 1 and finaally done. now after i install window 7 on my mac using boot camp. when i hit the "verify disk permissions" it it says estimated time 1hour 40 minutes !!! of course it will finissh eventually in less than that , but still it considerably took longer compared to prior window 7 installattion, does anyone experience this as well ?
-the performance benchmark on win 7 ultimate x64 on my mbp is 5.6 score. is this normal ?
I have seen other posts and I'm concerned that I didn't have all the info that I need. I would like to install Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit on my IMac at home using VirtualBox. VirtualBox is like Parallels or VMware and is free. Where is the best place to get a Windows Server install disk and is there anything that I should look out for when installing it on my IMac?