Windows On Mac :: Running A New Second Monitor Under Windows?

Feb 23, 2009

running a second monitor under Windows Vista 64 Pro on my Mac Pro (Bootcamp)? I'm talking about a standard 'PC' flat screen monitor. Would I have to install the monitor under Mac OS first then under Windows?To be honest I only want it as a second monitor for when I use Flight Sim under Vista. I have never used multiple screen before on any system.

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OS X :: How Do I Output Via External Monitor When Running Windows Bootcamp?

Apr 18, 2009

Trying to output via Displayport using my white macbook but for some reason Windows can't detect my monitor or the DVI output.. anyone able to successfully output from bootmcamp?

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Get The Wireless Mighty Mouse To Work In Windows 7 Running Via Bootcamp?

Sep 12, 2009

Is there any way to get the wireless mighty mouse to work in windows 7 running via bootcamp tried to pair it but no luck.

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Boot Camp, Volume With Windows

Sep 23, 2009

i run boot camp and work on Microsoft to work with auto cad, and the volume keys and the pause and mute for some strange reason stopped working.

ive gone to control panel boot camp and turned on and off the option to use the f1 keys and still nothing. i have uninstalled the driver for the keyboard and still nothing.

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Windows On Mac :: Keyboard For Running Windows On IMac?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm a 25-year PC user looking to switch to iMac that also runs Windows 7 virtually. Wondering if there are recommended keyboards that map seamlessly to both Mac to PC programs as I will run these side by side. I'm looking for one with backlit keys, a gaming keyboard would be ok though I am not a gamer.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Windows Games Off Of Mac Formatted HD?

Jun 28, 2010

I just got a new external hard drive that I have been using for storage. I formatted it for Mac OS X (extended...not journaled). I realized a few days ago that I can run the movies from the HD in windows xp even though the drive is formatted for mac. Would I be able to install windows games onto the drive and run them in windows w/o having to format the drive for windows?

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Intel Mac :: Running A Windows App Without Installing Windows?

Jun 21, 2012

how can I install a windows based application on my mac and run the program without installing windows? I have tried a program called crossover which is supose to be an emulator but it doesn't seem to work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Mac Air Running Windows 7 - No Ctrl Alt Del?

Dec 29, 2010

Just installed windows 7 on my MacBook air (older one) The only way I can now sign in is through the the on screen keyboard - On XP you could simulate ctrl alt del with fn control option command and delete. Anyone know the key combination on windows 7?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Windows On Mac For Gaming

May 9, 2009

I'm new to the forums. I'm using a 17" Macbook Pro, and recently I've thought about running Windows via Bootcamp to play Fallout 3. I have Fallout on X-Box, but I really want to download some mods, plus it would be awesome to play it on the go. So I guess my question is where would I start, and is it worth it.

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Windows On Mac :: Using External Monitor With XP?

Dec 10, 2009

I recently installed XP onto my MacBook via Bootcamp, all went well, except, when I try to use my external monitor (acer X223HQ) as the primary display it simply won't let me within windows. I use my Mac with the lid closed and just my monitor with a keyboard and mouse, and want to be able to do the same with Windows too when I need to use it. I've tried fiddling around with the NVidia setup program in XP that came as part of Bootcamp, set it up how I want, but it still doesn't like it.

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OS X :: Running Mac Over Windows?

Nov 19, 2008

1.Can any suggest me for running leopard on windows using vmware player. what i think is I will make n image of leopard and vm ware player shud be able to run it but i have not tried yet if anyone has some ideas then please help me.

2.Or have any one used mac emulators for running mac over windows.

3.Lastly, if the abvoe works then can we do a proper development using Xcode IDE.

Note: This all iam doing is just for learning Cocoa and objective c by developing on Xcode until i get my Mac machine.

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Disable Laptop Monitor?

Dec 14, 2010

I am running bootcamp with xp on my older non unibody macbook pro. I have it hooked up with a dell monitor, but I want to see things only on the dell monitor and not the macbook one. This works fine booted into OSX, but I can't find a way to do it in windows. Is there a way to disable my laptop monitor?

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Windows On Mac :: Extending Monitor Does Not Seem To Work

Jul 21, 2009

Recently I wiped OS X out and installed XP alone. I used the Leopard disc to install the necessary drivers and everything seems to work well except for my second monitor.

I have an HP w1907 connected to my MBP through DVI, and I followed my usual process of:

Right Click on Desktop > Properties > Settings > Click on second monitor > Click "Extend Desktop to this device" ...and nothing seems to happen. I've tried changing the resolution, unplugging the monitor and trying again, but I can't get any result.

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Windows On Mac :: Switch Default Monitor In XP?

Jun 8, 2010

I have an 15" i5 MBP and I run XP on it for some games. I like to run most things on an second monitor but when I play games full screen it defaults to the display on the MBP. How do I mirror my displays or make my second monitor my main display?

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OS X :: Running Windows 7 On MacBook Pro?

Oct 9, 2009

I am switching from a dell pc running XP home media sp3,to a Macbook Pro.I have not ordered it yet, but I am planning to get the 15" 2.66, 4 G Ram, and upgrading to the 500GB/7200 rpm. I will mostly use the Mac side of things but I do plan to install either VMWare 3 or Parallels and then run Windows 7 there. I have pre-purchased the Windows 7 Professional upgrade software from MS. So, when I receive my mac, and install the virtual machine,do I then just do a clean install of the Windows 7 upgrade software and simply insert the registration key of my old XP operating system when prompted? Or do I need to go to the trouble of installing the MS XP operating first and then deleting it's partition during the clean install process? Are there any other things to watch out for in this process?

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Windows On Mac :: Vmare Running Really Hot

Jun 11, 2009

I'm using my Vista 64 bootcamp partition under Fusion (v2) as well and anytime I run Vista from Fusion my laptop temperatures soar to around 84-85 C and stay around those values even after Vista has finished loading up etc... (the lowest I've seen it drop to is 77). I'm using the power saving 9400 graphics card and I gave 1GB of Ram to Fusion and 1 virutal processor. Under normal usage of OS X (with the 9400 graphics card) my temps stay between 45-55 C. So are these normal temperatures that I'm experiencing with Fusion? What can I do to make these lower?

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Windows On Mac :: Macbook Pro Gets Really Hot When Running 7

Mar 26, 2010

I know macbookpros typically get hot running OS X, but it seems to get really hot really fast while running windows (bootcamp). Not sure if its something that should be fixed on my notebook or if everyone else has the same thing.

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Windows On Mac :: Should Parallels 5 Be Running In 64-bit?

May 8, 2010

It appears to be running in 32-bit. Does it just support 64-bit guest OS's, or should it be running in 64-bit itself?

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Windows On Mac :: Connecting Secondary Monitor To Laptop?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a 30" Dell 3007WFP-HC monitor which I would like to connect to my laptops... I bought a HDMI to DVI cable to connect them.

When using my first laptop: Acer Aspire 6920G with 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, it works just fine.
But when trying my second one: Alienware with 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium (processor Intel Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.93 GHz), it doesn't work at all...

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Hardware :: Can Use Laptop - Windows XP Pro - As An Additional Monitor With My MBP

Apr 6, 2009

Wirelessly? Ethernet? USB? Which is easiest to set up? And will speed be an issue?

I have the 17" MBP but need more screen real estate. My mom gave me a $300 dell laptop, so I was hoping to be able to make this work and not have t spring for an additional monitor.

I've tried SynergyKM and can't seem to make it work.

Hardware is not my forte, so please keep it simple.

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Windows On Mac :: Monitor / Keyboard Deactivated While Gaming

Jun 15, 2009

I'm running a Mac Pro with 4GB RAM, 512MB of Video RAM, 2 dual core 2.66GHz processors (or more, not completely sure but I know it's at least 2.66GHz). I recently installed Windows 7 using bootcamp, and so far it has disappointed me by actually being good.... something I'm not used to when dealing with windows. Anyway, the OS runs fine for almost everything with the exception of video games. I've only installed one game on it (Oblivion) but for whatever reason at seemingly random time intervals (only when playing the game) the monitor turns off and can't be turned on without a restart, and the keyboard and mouse can no longer input. I can hear the sound playing fine (in fact on multiple occasions I heard myself being killed), but no video and no input.

I have to restart the computer by forcing a shutdown (holding the power button) in order to get input back. I'm not sure if this issue is strictly windows, as it sometimes happens whenever I play EVE when booted into Mac. I'm fairly confident that it's not my graphics card, because if it were, why would mouse and keyboard functions be disabled? I've tried playing around with the games settings (highest possible settings, disabling HDR/Bloom, low settings, ini tweaks, etc) but it makes no difference on the result. Every time, without fail, the monitor turns off, keyboard and mouse stop working, and I am forced to restart. Again, I'm not sure this is strictly a Windows 7 issue as it has happened before when gaming on my Mac. But on the Mac it's a very rare occurrence, it's happening consistently on the Windows partition.

System Specs:
Mac OS X 10.5.7
Windows 7 Build 7100
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
ATI Radeon X1900 XT

All drivers up to date on both operating systems.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Make External Monitor Primary

Jun 26, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to make my external monitor primary in Boot Camp for my Windows XP SP 3 partition. The "Use this device as the primary monitor." button is blanked out, meaning I'm unable to click it. This was the same with my last laptop (Dell Inspiron 6400) but I solved that problem by closing the lid. With my MacBook, when I close the lid the screen does not transfer everything to the larger monitor but simply leaves the screen on.

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OS X :: Mac Mini - Doesn't Work On Windows Monitor

Jul 23, 2009

I got a Mac Mini today and started setting it up. I was getting ready to plug it into my monitor, which I used on my old Windows Machine, and I realized that the Mac Mini would not plug into my monitor. I did try using the adapter that came with my Mac Mini, but it didn't work. My Monitor has a VGA port, yet the adapter wouldn't. I do not want to buy an Apple monitor because they are too expensive for me.

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PowerPC :: How To Use Old Mac (ibook) As External Monitor For Windows

Nov 14, 2009

I was wondering if I could use my old ibook g3 as a monitor for a windows computer.

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Open Or Drag Windows Onto Second Monitor

Jun 22, 2014

downloaded Mavericks and now i can't open or drag windows onto second monitor! I can access the tool bar, change the wallpaper, etc. in second monitor, but i not able to display anything!

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OS X :: Running Windows On An Apple Laptop?

Feb 20, 2010

I am considering switching to a Mac Book Pro and have been told that it is capable of running windows operating systems. Does anyone have any experience with this and how well it works? The main reason for running Windows are two specific programs not available for Macs plus my company uses Microsoft Outlook for email. The model that I am looking to buy is the 15" 2.53 GHz, 4GB Memory with NVDIA 9400M graphics.

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Mac Pro :: Owners Running Windows On Parallels

Oct 8, 2010

If I could I would get rid of everything related to Microsoft but unfortunately I need to use Windows applications for my work. Specifically, Autocad Civil 3D, Revit Architecture and a bunch of structural engineering programs. I have tried running these applications on Parallels on Mac systems such as MacBook Pro Mid 2009 (2.93 C2D, 4gb ram) but was not satisfied with the performance. Autocad was lagging even when working in 2D. I don't even have to talk about Revit... I never had the opportunity to test this on more powerful systems and this is where I need your advice. Is it possible for the Mac Pro to run these applications on Parallels seamlessly? That is, as if you were running Windows on a PC? What is more important CPU, RAM, GPU? To catch up with a few possible comments, a) I don't want to run Windows via bootcamp, b) I am aware that Autacad is coming to Mac OS but I need the extra features of Civil 3D and Revit.

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OS X :: Print Screen On Mac Running Windows?

Jan 25, 2007

How do you do a print screen on a mac running Windows?

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Windows On Mac :: Running OS X Simultaneously - Advantages?

Feb 10, 2009

I'm repeating a thread here but I'm wondering what's the advantages of having Windows on a Mac?(I'm assuming you all are running OS X simultaneously)

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