Windows On Mac :: Red Alert 3 Unable To Connect To Internet / Parallels Not Connecting To Network
May 20, 2009
I installed parallels in my macbook and I have the game Red Alert 3 installed in windows in the parallels. I can see that i'm connected to the network in windows and the mac and i can access the internet in both. We have 3 computers in the network, two are PC's and one is the macbook. When the PC creates a game in the same network, the other PC can see the game and join it. But the mac, which is connected to the same network, can't see the game and cannot join. How can I fix this network problem?
I have installed Win XP on my Parallels 5.0.9310 (Mac OS 10.6.2) but am not able to get Windows to connect to Internet. I have tried updated the Devices settings in Parallels as per the instructions in their manual.
Anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions on how to get this to work??
I have the new 15 MBP and just installed windows vista 32bit on bootcamp 3.0. I cant get connect with my internet wireless or ethernet. It states that I need a network adapter NIC. Where can I go to download it? also the sound problem as well, no sound in windows. What steps to take???
I've searched everywhere and have one nagging issue. After I uninstalled Parallels I keep getting two Parallels Virtual Network Connections under Network in System Preferences. It happens every time I restart, I have to redeleate them. Has anyone had this problem after uninstalling Parallels?
My friend bought a new netgear router today. He plugged it in and was ready to get on the internet. The problem is, he can't get on the internet. He is able to connect to the router though. We also tried unplugging the router from the modem and plugging the ethernet straight into his Macbook Pro. From there the internet works perfectly. It is like the modem and the router are not connecting.
Airport sucks. A lot. It works just fine in WEP or unprotected networks, but WPA-PSK it doesn't do a damn thing. It shows it as connected with a full signal, but Safari, iChat, etc... won't connect to the internet. For some reason Azureus works, but it's going at an amazing 146 bytes/sec and then back down to 0. What's going on here guys? This is my first Mac and I am sorely disappointed in Airport.
I had Parallels installed, but I ended up back with Bootcamp. After I uninstalled it I noticed under iStat Pro Widget there were two parallels network connections. I went to the System Prefs - Networks and deleted them, but every single time I restart my computer they pop back up! I tried locking the settings after I deleted and applied them but I can't figure it out! Please someone help me! I do NOT want to have to format my whole HDD!
I have installed windows XP in my MACBOOK. Everything went well except internet connections. I am unable to connect with my wireless network. But able to connect when logged in mac OS. Do i need to install any drives for this.
Internet runs just fine on Mac OS but when I restart XP through bootcamp it won't connect to the internet. ??? Didn't have any problems installing XP and the drivers from the Max OS disk either.
I've searched this everywhere online and cant find a clear answer on how to fix. Very annoying.
New 27" imac with all the updates.
Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix?
I am running MAC OS X version 10.5.6, on an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac.Last week I installed Parallels 3 (and updated online to build 5608), and Windows XP SP3 Everything was working fine, however, over the last few days the network connection on Parallels has stopped working. It is still working fine on OS X.The message I get under network conections is:Local area or no connectivity....Parallels network adapter.I tried to repair the connection, but the IP address could not be renewed.
I am having problems connecting to the internet using Internet Explorer in Parallels. I can connect to the internet with no problem using Fire Fox in Parallels but I get a message that IE cannot connect to the internet when I try using IE. I specifically need IE as the website that I am working with says only IE can be used and not Firefox, Safari, etc. That is the only reason I am using Parallels instead of Mac side. Site specifically states it needs IE 6 or higher so I can't use the Mac side. Any ideas why Firefox will connect and not Internet Explorer?
recently my mbp has not been connecting with my network to the internet. everything else connects just fine. my mbp connects just fine to other networks. but when I try to connect it to my network it fails. it says something about having a self assigned ip address. any remedies on how to fix this?
OK, I am a newbie, as the name implies. I purchased a MacBook Pro with supposedly Leopard? Mac Os X (somewhere on the machine it said Tiger - does it matter?), with Parallels installed by the friendlies at MacMall. I start Windows and cannot connect to the Verizon wireless express card which is working just fine. The Parallel's User Manual is a joke... how do I make this thing work?
I recently installed Windows vista using going through parallels because my bootcamp failed a while ago. This partition also acts as my bootcamp. Well The internet on parallels works fine because it is using osx network, but when i boot into bootcamp the network drivers seem to be missing. I cant figure it out, but it says the ethernet and network drivers are not there. I cant find the drivers on the internet anywhere and when i use the vista disk i have it still does not want to install them.
I recently bought a used apple ibook with the Mac OS 9.2 operating system on it. So far it seems to be working pretty well. It has an ethernet port, and I have AT&T Uverse at home. So I decided I wanted to get on the internet, so I plugged the ethernet cord into the port, and called AT&T to help me through the "internet setup assistant" So we went through the whole process, then I went onto Sherlock 2 and tried to access the internet, and the error message: "A network error has occurred. Check your internet connections and settings, then try again." which is exactly what it says when it is not hooked into the internet at all.
The guy at AT&T basically said that they were not familiar with the operating system that I am on, and transferred me to tech support that wanted to charge me $175 to help me get connected to the internet. It seemed to me that AT&T just didn't know what they were doing at all, and they could get a replica screen to mine so they didn't know what to tell me. The asked me if there was any way to test the internet connection and I didn't know b/c I am accustomed to windows vista. Does anyone know if I am supposed to do anything else or how to test the connection?
I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
I've just ordered a Mac for work, which I'll be adding to a PC-based network all running under Windows Small Business Server. I know I can add the Mac ok, but I just wondered what will happen when I then add Parallels. If the Mac is properly set up and attached to a domain, will the "Virtual Windows" machine by definition be part of the same network and work ok, or is it better to think of the virtual machine as a completely new entity in the network?
Perhaps it'll all become blindingly obvious when I start, but I just wondered if there was anything I need to know so I go into this with my admittedly non-techie eyes open!
i am having alot of trouble with parallels, the internet is not working in it, i am using airport to a d-link router, i used to use bootcamp, but opted not to because well this will sound stupid, because i don't have an apple keyboard, and when i boot with bootcamp and xp installed it always goes to windows, my mac mini doesn't recognize my option key i guess
anyway, i have xp running in parallels, no internet works, i have web sharing turned on in sharing, also have windows sharing on. anyway I can't seem to get on the internet in windows, and as weird as this is, i NEED to download some music for my dad but the company he's buying from will only do it if he has xp and windows media player. they could send him the cd's, but it will cost him 15$ more or something ridiculous, my dad said he would buy me some ipod games off itunes if i do this for him. SO THAT BEING SAID: once you guys help me get onto the internet, how will i get them to his mac? email could be tideous, can i burn a cd in parallels?
before you tell me to go use bootcamp (which i could because i do have access to an apple keyboard thats on my moms and dads comp) BUT i tried after my attempt failed with parallels, and it said it couldn't partition for some reason!?! I went to DU and repaired it and its smart verified ect and it said it was repaired but it still won't, it says i need to repair it.
After I uninstalled Parallels I keep getting two Parallels Virtual Network Connections under Network in System Preferences. It happens every time I restart, I have to redelete them. Has anyone had this problem after uninstalling Parallels? Look at sig for the specs I'm running.
I'm running Parallels with a Ubuntu VM to test my new NAS computer, but I can't seem to view the Ubuntu services with other computers on my network. Is there a setting or something that I can change that enables Parallels to share services across the network? Right now I'm limited to seeing services from Ubuntu with OS X on my MacBook running the VM.
I'm an iBook G4 user. I've had my computer for about 4 years and never had any problems, but in the past two weeks, I've been experiencing a lot of difficulty with my internet.
The problem's got to be with airport, because I'm connected right now with an ethernet cable and am having no issues.
Using my airport, I can still usually connect to the internet-- in fact, when I first connect to a wireless network, I have strong signal strength-- but I lose my internet connection after just a few minutes.
When I click on "Open internet connect," I can often reconnect to the network, but then I get the error message "out of range of network" and am booted off again.
This has happened to me on two separate internet networks-- both in my home and at the library-- so I think the problem is with my computer, not the signal.
There's not any physical object blocking the signal as far as I can see, and I've been able to use this wireless network in the past without any problems. (It's my partner's network and is and password protected, so it's not like I'm stealing it from someone next door or something.)
I'm running Mac OS X.
I've looked at getting airport express, but I don't want to pay money for something that may or may not fix the problem.
I have a MacPro and I installed Parallels on it to run Windows XP. Everything seems to work perfect but I was wondering if I can use my Windows printer (Canon MF3240) with Mac. I tried adding a printer through the System Preferences but when I go to the Windows Printers parts Mac doesn't have any drivers for this printer? Is there something I am doing wrong or is there any other way I can use the printer?
Does anyone know whether the free virtual machine images Microsoft offers developers to test older versions of Internet Explorer will run in Parallels or Fusion?
I had Parallels installed, but I ended up back with Bootcamp. After I uninstalled it I noticed under iStat Pro Widget there were two parallels network connections. I went to the System Prefs - Networks and deleted them, but every single time I restart my computer they pop back up! I tried locking the settings after I deleted and applied them but I can't figure it out! I do not want to have to format my whole HDD! Here is a screen shot so you know what I'm talking about:
After the re install i was unable to get my wireless internet to work. It worked 100% before i had the crash, all other pc's still work wirelessly. Here is a little rundown of my situation.
1. I can connect to my network with a full strength singnal. 2. I can't connect to the internet through the network. 3. I had it working before i had to reinstall my os 4. My dads powerbook, my windows pc, my ipod touch, all work wirelessly still through the network.
I tried to copy setting from the powerbook but it has tiger and im running leopard it does not have the same options. I connect using PPPOE but when using the assistant it will either,
1. keep telling me to reboot the modem (nothing found) or 2. cant find pppoe host (Im with sympatico - canada DSL)
one of the coffee shops that i frequent has wifi, and recently i haven't been able to get online. it says i am connected to the network will full strength, but am not connected to the internet. i even bought my ipod touch tonight to check, and it worked just fine. everyone around me is surfing as usual... why am i experiencing this? it's been this way for a few weeks now. did they somehow block me from connecting?
Been searching and can't find the answer here. I setup Bootcamp last week and had internet connection and everything working fine. I've setup Parallels now as well and I am connecting to the Bootcamp partition with this via OS X.
So, everything is working well, I can view my local websites on Leopard via Parallels, the only thing that has stopped working is my wireless internet connection in windows.
My only guess is the Bootcamp is now connecting to everything via my OS X connections, but not sure. Does anyone know how to set the wireless internet up again?
I am new to the mac world, I've always had a windows before. Well, I just installed XP on my macbook, and was wondering if the "Parallels Internet Security powered by Kaspersky" is secure enough for my pc. I don't want to be getting viruses on my pc, so I was wondering if that security is strong enough, or if you would recommend getting a different internet security?