Windows On Mac :: Partition Size For Installing Vista?
Aug 6, 2009
I just bought a 4GB macbook pro and need to install Windows Vista Business for school because I am an engineering Student starting this fall and my school requires it. how much space to partition for windows. I will be using Windows for school related purposes including Microsoft office and engineering programs such as Matlab but everything else i.e. my photos, music, etc. will be be on the Mac OS. How much space would you recommend I partition for Windows?
Does anyone know how can i install Vista home premium on my imac? ive been using boot camp to do all the steps but im stuck at where i should choose NTFS format partition had disk. Seems like mine is FAT32.
This is what ive done; 1.Open up bootcamp assistant 2.Partition, divide equally(116GB each) 3.Insert Vista disk and start installation 4.Install Vista and insert CD key 5.custom installation 6.Now this is where i stuck
I have 4 options, and i should choose the last one which says bootcamp 116gb, but i cant click it since it says the disk need to have NTFS format. How can i set so that i partiton it to NTFS?
I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?
Anyone install Windows 7 via bootcamp on the 2010 Air? [URL]. Be interested in hearing your comments, on disc space used, boot times into windows, memory usage, and any other things worth mentioning, does bootcamp allow you to choose the partition size?
I heard from multiple Youtube videos and walkthroughs that said that Windows took 4gb, so I made a 24gb partition. After installation, I go to "Computer" (c: drive), and it says 9gbs free of 24gbs.
I'm using a MBP 2.53 w/ 9600, and installed Windows 7 RC 64bit. What happened? How can I see what's taking up all that space?
I was wondering if you can install a version of Windows Vista without the service pack one built into it. I am planning on getting the old Windows Vista Home Basic without the sp1 because it is cheaper to buy. Can I install that on the mac using bootcamp and then upgrade to sp1 after the installation?
I am going to be getting the new iMac 27" Quad when it becomes available and I was curious as to whether or not I could migrate my Windows Vista OEM partition. I would hate to have to keep buying another copy of Windows every year everytime I upgrade my computer. Also, I would like to migrate my pro apps that I own such as Logic, FCE, Aperture without having to reinstall them, as Logic, for instance is HUGE! When I look at the Logic apps GET INFO for instance it says that the file is only 769mb in size when in reality the program is over 40GB in size. When you migrate that type of app does it search your old computer and bring all the necessary files, in this case, jam packs, etc that make up the 40gb or so in Logic?
i am about to install windows vista via bootcamp on my new imac and i was just reading on apples install guide to only install windows 32bit... but the version i bought is 64bit cause in a previous thread i asked what u should install and someone said 64bit... is it ok to install it? what should i do... if i anyone can answer this quickly it would mean alot i want to install it asap!
I just installed vista home premium on my imac using bootcamp, so far everything is okay except my speakers. They seem really tinny and very weird, the audio software that boot camp installed is something called Realtek HD, does this have something to do with it? My speakers are fine on mac osx, why not on the windows partition? it's seriously unbearable, anyone else come across this? I can't seem to change or tweak anything from any of the preferences in the sound options or anything either. I'm using the built it speakers on the latest 24 inch imac.
I recently purchased a 2010 Mac Pro 2.8 quad and installed vista 64 via boot camp. It just doesn't seem to recognize any wireless connection as if the airport card isn't even installed. I checked device manager and it shows that the network controller does not have any drivers installed. I have never had any issues connecting wireless with the 2010 mac mini or previous macs.
I currently have Vista Business installed in Bootcamp. Will I have problems if I try to install Windows 7 over the top of it, or should I delete Vista and the partition and start over clean?
I want to install windows vista on my macbook pro 4,1, I bought it second hand and the seller didn't have the 2 install discs. I need these after installation of windows to install the drivers, but as I don't have them is there another way of installing them?
I want to know if it is possible to install windows XP or Vista over Windows 7 that has been installed via Bootcamp. I am currently using OS X Lion 10.7.3.
I did the Bootcamp thing, partitioned the drive and installed Vista. Everything went well and Vista works just fine. But everytime I boot into windows, I get partition errors before it boots.
For example it says:
"Warning: Unrecognized partition table for Drive 80. Please rebuild it using a Microsoft-compatible FDISK tool (err=4)"
It will come up 3 times, and then boot into Vista. Both OSX and Vista are working fine, but something is definately wrong though since I am getting this error.
im having trouble installing bootcamp and drivers on vista for my macbook. i installed vista without problems but when i put my leopard disc in it doesnt not run the bootcamp installer instead it goes into a macbook air installer and asks for me to connect to a macbook air. what is wrong? i have done it before so i dont know why i cant do it now. should i do everything all over again?
I just got my new Mac Pro set up and am going to install Vista via Bootcamp. I'm just wondering what size partition people use. I'm thinking 60 GB on a 320 GB drive. I would only use it sparingly. Mostly for a select few programs that I may still need to use on a PC.
I have successfully installed Windows Vista Home Premium on my MBA through Boot Camp. I have tried to install the MBA drives from the OS X install disk repeatedly, but without success. The "setup.exe" seems to be working fine, but after restart, Windows does not seem to recognize the Mac drives. Updating the drives manually did not improve the situation. Does anyone know how to install the drives correctly?
I tried to install Windows Vista (64bit) using Boot Camp. I get to the window where you select the disk partition you want to install Windows on, and there aren't any options. How can I get the newly created partition (the one I made with Boot Camp Setup Assistant before restarting) to show up on that list? Or, where do I find the "driver" that it requests instead?
I'm considering getting the new MacBook Air, and using it mainly as a Windows notebook. So I'm trying to figure out if I can get away with the lower-end 64GB configuration. What's the minimum size I need to give the Mac OSX partition, just so I can boot into it occasionally for bootcamp updates and other such housekeeping tasks?
I'm prepping to install Vista over XP (my friend says I'm downgrading, which I probably am). As I noted in an earlier post, I need to give more space to my Windows partition. Does this sequence look OK to you guys?
1. Boot from Mac OS X Install DVD. Check "Macintosh HD" and "NO NAME" for errors; fix if needed.
2. Defragment "Macintosh HD" and "NO NAME".
3. Use GParted or iPartition (on LiveCDs) to see how much space is left between the two partitions.
4. Boot in to Mac OS X on "Macintosh HD". Use diskutil to shrink "Macintosh HD".
5. Boot from GParted LiveCD. Use GParted to move and expand "NO NAME", remembering the buffer between partitions as determined in step 3.
6. Boot from Mac OS X Install DVD. Check "Macintosh HD" and "NO NAME" for errors; fix if needed.
7. Install Vista and pray I don't run out of space...
I recently used boot camp to install windows on my intel iMac. It all worked great, but now I'd like to give it more hard drive space on it's partition. Is there any way to change the partition size without having to erase the partition and start over?
For my MacBook Pro with 320Gb hdd, I chose to do the bootcamp partition for 32Gb and not divide half for it, however, when I now realized that my disk space for bootcamp has used up more than 17Gb, and now it doesn't even have enough disk space for a single game. I do not want to sacrifice half of the disk space for windows, how am I going to deal with this problem as it only allows me to choose between 32Gb and divide equally? Any better solution beside repartitioning again
I am a relatively new "Mac convert" -- approx 3 months. I have a MacBook Pro 13", 2.53GHz, 4GB RAM, 250GB Internal HD, two 500GB external drives and I am running OS X 10.6.2. Bootcamp is ver 3.0.1.
I am preparing to install Windows 7 so I can utilize a few of my old Windows program. The Windows programs will, most probably, be limited to Micorsoft Office Outlook, ActiveSync, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premier Elements. What would be a recommended, or optimal, Windows partition size to accommodate the mentioned programs and still give me some "spare" space if I decide to add a couple of more Windows programs to the list.
I recently upgraded to a new Intel X-25 80G SSD on my 2007 MBP. While looking at what to move onto the new smaller SSD I noted that VM Ware had my virtual machine partitioned to 20 G. The settings in VM Ware however wouldn't let me shrink it to a smaller size. It said that 20 G was a minimum. I'm only actually using about 10G and would like to free up some more space on the smaller SSD. Does anyone know how I might do this if it is even possible?
Just installed windows 7 via bootcamp and did the updates and it seems like i need more HD space if i want to install some games etc (made a 32gig partition) Is there a way to increase my windows partition without having to reinstall from scratch.
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?