Windows On Mac :: Headphone Jack Doesn't Work For Vista Only?
Jun 14, 2009
I'm running vista 64bit. On Mac OS, the headphone jack works fine. However, on Vista, there is a red light shining out of it and when i plug either speakers or my earphones into it, no sound comes out (the Macbook Pro's speakers work fine though). Any ideas? I reinstalled the bootcamp drivers with the install DVD.
The headphone jack in my macbook air doesn't work and hasn't since this morning, i'm sure i havn't dropped it or damaged it in any way since this morning (although i have in the past). The headphone isn't faulty since my friend put his in and mine is working with my iphone
The sound doesn't work! I turned on my laptop and there is no sound. When I press the up and down volume buttons, it's normal, but there is no noise. Also, there ISN'T a red light in my headphone jack.
I seam to be having a problem with my head phone not working when I plug it int he head phone jack on the Mac Pro. Every time I try, it either play out of the internal speaker or directly out to my Karmon Soundstick II speaker. I try going to the preferences change sound output but doesn't seam to work?
I haven't used my headphone jack in a while, so I don't exactly know what's going on but, internal speakers work fine, plug in headphones and it doesn't make a sound. I know my computer knows there's headphones in the jack because in the system preferences, it registered them, but still no sound. Also, no red light, though I will try the reset button inside. I've tried, staying plugged in>removing the battery> restarting>putting the battery back, and nothing. I've tried taking the battery out and back in without the cord and also, nothing.. so.. I'm stuck. All I wanted to do was listen to the funny people in my guild Ventrilo server.
I've followed the Bootcamp procedure correctly, but when I load my Vista Ultimate disk all I get is a blank screen. I've left it for a while, but even after half an hour still nothing.
What could the problem be, any tips?
It is a MacBook and 32 bit Vista if that if of use.
Just got a new MacBook Pro 13". Running bootcamp with Windows 7. The headphone jack does not work - no volume at all. Has anyone seen this issue and how did you solve the problem?
i just got my macbook pro unibody, and first time i insert headphone in the jack the little piece of the head phone gets stuck in the jack. what should i do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently installed windows vista (home edition) via bootcamp on my macbook pro.
Everything is running perfectly apart from the sound. I think it might an issue with the computers sound card. When I plug my headphones into the audio output jack, no sound comes through... it still plays out of the speakers. The sound is audible, but just barely.
What may be causing this? Are there any specific drivers I need to install?
I recently installed an LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray and HD DVD drive into the second bay of my Mac Pro. This in itself was an absolute pain, as I had to enable AHCI for Windows Vista by using a modified mbr because I was using one of the ODD_SATA ports on the motherboard which Windows doesnt' "see" cause it runs in legacy mode. Everything there went completely fine, as now I am running in AHCI mode and I can see the LG drive and I can play CD's and regular DVD's via that drive in Windows Vista. However, the problem now is that when I insert a Blu-Ray or an HD DVD, Windows doesn't even recognize that there is media in the drive. It says there is no disc inside. When I boot in OS X, I can clearly see both the HD DVD and Blu_ray (although I can't play it or do anything with it).
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and while I think it's cool that I can use iPhone headphones with it I miss using my old school analog headset with a boom. I use skype for calls and find that people have a hard time hearing me with iPhone headphones. Is anyone aware of a splitter for that jack so that I can connect a headphone line and a mic line? I've seen lots of solutions that have a built in mic but I was hoping that there's simply a splitter out there somewhere.
For the life of me i can't get the headphone jack on my mac pro working is there a setting somewhere I am missing?tried several headphones, none work they work on other machine etc
Just wondering does anybody else have a problem with the bad connection from the headphone jack on their Mac? It won't hold in any jack i plug into it and plays audio through the internal speakers unless the connection is pushed right in. It's not exactly the worst thing that could go wrong with your Mac but very annoying all the same!
My 13" 4 year old macbook's headphone jack hasn't been working for the last week. I had been using a messed up cord (the adaptor part was bent) to plug it into speakers, and eventually it misplaced or bent something in the headphone jack. This is the important part, the headphone jack still works. If i put in headphones and push the headphone connector thing (sorry I don't know the word) forward (towards the screen) it recognizes and works. This leads me to believe the headphone jack has been knocked out of place or there is something bent in there. Is there any potential fix because I have a lot of plane flights coming up and don't want to be stuck with just the music on my iPod.
i just recently bought a macbook (switching from windows for the first time and loving it!(so far)). and now i've just written a kickass song on my computer, to find out my headphone jack has flaked out! so i'm stuck listning to my new song on the built in laptop speakers . when i plug it into exterior speakers, or headphones, via the headphone jack, there seems to be no signal coming through. i cannot remember any instance where the plug may have been hit or broken, seeing as it's only been sitting on my desk.
I have a macbook osx and until recently I could listen to music and sound files okay using my headphones. But although the internal speakers are working fine, I cannot use my headphone or external speakers. I tried clicking on system preference and clicking on headphone output, but still didn't succeed in getting the headphone jack work. I am sure the problem is simple, since the internal speakers are working fine.
i have tried apple earbuds and sony earbuds and neither will fit into the jack. they seem to be too thick for the plug, it looks like there is a gray plastic lining around the hole but i dont know if that needs to be removed.
So last monday I was recording my guitar (via the audio line ofc, not mic) on my macbook. I plugged the cable in the wrong hole from my speaker. I turned the volume all the way up. Then I noticed I plugged it into the wrong port on my speaker, without remembering it was on maximum volume. Then I played a note on my guitar, and my macbook imediately shat down, by the fact it wasn't plugged into the wall. There is no damage for the internal sound. But when I plug in my headset/mic, there is barely no sound, unless I use a booster, but then I get uncompleted, bad, distorted sound!
I was able to get Windows Vista 64 running on my 17" MBP, it is pretty slick. I set aside 32 GB for Windows, ran the install, loaded all the appropriate Boot Camp drivers and everything is working perfectly in Windows. I boot back to OS X to attempt to configure Parallels...
So I fired up Parallels and follow the guided instructions. However, when I get to step 2 Im not sure what I should be doing. I already have Windows on its own partition, but Parallels is asking me for a CD/DVD image. Im a little leery of putting the Win disc back in, I dont want Parallels to always want to boot from the disc. how do I tell Parallels to load Windows as a Virtual Machine off of the Boot Camp partition?
The partition Boot Camp created now appears on my Desktop in OS X as Untitled, I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to change that. If I eject that volume will I still be able to Boot to Windows? Will Parallel still work?
I just bought a new MacBook pro 1 week old. I partioned my hard drive and installed a clean copy of Windows Vista Ultimate on one side. I then downloaded skype, but my internal microphone will not work. I tried everything. Can someone help me out with this issue.
I've got an iMac 2.8GHz 24", a set of Grado RS 1s, a HeadRoom Ultra Micro amp w/ an Astrodyne power supply ... the connection is to the headphone jack in the iMac; will there be a difference in sound if I add the HeadRoom Ultra Micro DAC? I can't imagine better sound than my current set up, but I keep hearing that a DAC is the way to go.
I plug my laptop into external speakers for better sound. Now for some reason they are not working. Its not the speakers because I tried some headphones also and got no sound as well. I just downloaded itunes 10, but the speakers were working fine yesterday so I don't think that is it.
i just got a macbook pro from my fiances sister as she broke the headphones off inside of it and just decided to buy another ive tried everything to get it out...crazy glue and every object imaginable tweazers you name it ive probably tried my question is can i use a hot needle to poke through the backside of the audio out on the logic board? and if that wont work i want to completely disable the audio out jack and just use the speakers....(PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT TAKING IT TO APPLE CARE THEY WANT $700 TO REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD AND IM NOT DOING THAT...MAINLY JUST IDEAS ON HOW TO DISABLE THE AUDIO OUT....TRIED SYSTEM PREFS BY THE WAY....
I have a stereo hooked up to my iMac and everything sounds great. What I'm wondering is this. Is there a way to have sound come out of BOTH the internal speakers and the headphone/audio out jack?
Has anyone used the MBA with Ultimate Ears headphones? If so what was the fit with the jack like? Any problems like needing an extension due to to a dodgy fit?