I'm trying to download the installer file for Safari 4 -- I need both the Windows XP and Vista versions. However, I'm on my Mac right now and Apple.com won't allow me to download Windows versions, just the Mac version. Anyone have direct links to the downloads? (Or can point me in the right direction to finding them?
I am losing my mind taking apart my old dead emac to get the hard drive out. I put this off too long but I need something off of it TODAY no matter what. It has been taken apart (well the case is off)....I know it's in the middle somewhere but I cannot find a damn service manual online.
whenever i try to download something, it'll go onto the successful download page, but won't actually pop up saying 'run/save/ or whatever. i use Safari, only way i can download things is to alt+click direct links
So I was wondering if there was a place where I could purchase and then directly download mac games, specifically Civilization IV. The only place I know of to purchase these games is the apple store, which is about 40 minutes away from me and I really don't feel like driving out there.
I'm running 10.6, and I would like to make my computer such that a friend (not on my local network) can directly download a large file from my computer. I would like to set this up in such a way that my friend will only be able to access a single directory (the Shared folder, for instance). Essentially, I want her to be able to download a file from my computer without giving her access to anything else, and without having to give out any sensitive information. I attempted to search, but as I'm not facile with the terminology, I didn't find an answer.
i am using dreamweaver 8 and am making a website. On the website i have a page where people can view/download pdf directions. I have it set up so you can view the PDF directions in the browser but i want to add another button where they can directly download the PDF straight off of the site without having to right click anything or open anything.. To make it short i want to be able for the user to click text that says "Click Here" and for a PDF to automatically download to their computer.
this issue is driving me crazy for the las few month i love using google chrome on my mac , but every time i need to download a file i click on it but the chrome wont open/download it , i have to switch every time to my safari and copy the link there in order to download the file .
I've installed win 7 twice now, and I'm finding that when I first get it going everything works as I would expect it to. However when I load back into it my direct x 9 drivers don't seem to work. I'm not sure how to fix this. By the way have tried downloading drivers again but it doesn't work.
Firstly, everything on my Mac is updated and in good order. Other websites work fine.
What happens is that when I'm viewing my Facebook news feed and start scrolling down the page (it then automatically loads new posts) my news feed "jumps". In other words, in doesnt keep in order and it jumbles me up back to stuff I've read.
In other words, somehow, loading the new posts causes my Safari to forget where I am on the page and take me somewhere else. Has anyone else experienced this?
I was running Bootcamp with Windows Vista smoothly until I decided to install Parallels 4.0 on my Mac 10.5.8. After installing Parallels, it loaded my Bootcamp installation which sort of freaked me out and so I closed Parallels without doing too much. When I booted Vista today, I tried running games that requried Direct X or enhanced graphics and they are not working! These games used to work fine before I had installed Parallels! I even tried fixing the Bootcamp installation by repairing the drivers through the installation cd that came with Leopard, but I still get the same problem!
Since going with the Mac Pro about two years ago, I've enjoyed lots of PC games. I've installed a larger Nvidia graphics card and have enjoyed its improved performance over the stock card. I also have a copy of Windows Vista 64 bit sitting on my shelf. However I ask myself?why? Why do gamers even need Vista or Windows 7 for that matter? Most games are still written for Direct X 9.0c and Windows XP. I'm sure that will change over time, but very few games are coded for Direct X 10 with the advent of Vista.
Does anyone have the link to a free download for winzip mac (assuming one exists)? If the freeware version does exist, is it a good app? Meaning, if I want to send a file that is 30MB, what will is zip it to: 2, 5, 10. Or is there a totally better product out there, (one that I can send to friends with PC's and macs)?
I've been having problems with downloading programmes in general. When I hit a download link, the page refreshes, but no download window appears, and nothing happens. I did have a look this morning & there was a suggestion about something I think was called speeddownloader which I looked for but couldn't see it. I am new to MAC's. This problem happens on both safari & Firefox so you can imagine my frustration! My system is 1 t.b. 21.5 inch screen 4gb memory Mac OS X Version 10.6.4.
I reinstalled my Mac and I lost iWork '08. I have the serial written down but I don't know where the heck my disc is to install it. This is my 2nd time reinstalling my mac in a few days and the 1st time I did I googled it and found a link to download it. Now when I search google it's not there anymore and I don't know what my exact keywords that I used to find the links were. I have iWork 09 as well but I need '08 to convert my keynotes to be compatible with the '05 version (school uses that.). It's quite stupid that Keynote 09 can only save to be compatible with 08 but not 06 or 05.
I bought the program Aperture 2. I have the serial number and the support ID, but I can't find the link to download or install. I have a macbook air 11 OS X version 10.9
no matter what browser i use, safari, firefox, i can't download anything! whenever i click download it just takes me to a new site with nothing on it and the name of the download in the url
like for example
is where i will say download that widget then it takes me here
and no download starts or anything. its like my computer is going dumb. like it doesn't download it, just like opens the link with a blank page. why is it not downloading it. this happens for ANYTHING from ANY site on ANY web browser.
I would like to direct my Documents, Pictures, and "Other" to 3 folders in my downloads folder upon downloading them, either with Safari, with Finder, Folder Actions, Automator, or with any other free tool that does not take up too much CPU load.
When I'm on Facebook or any other site that people post links: I click on the link, a new Safari window opens, and after 15-20 seconds I get a "failed to open page" prompt that states:
"Safari can't open the page (link) because the server where this page is located isn't responding".
And yet, if I copy and paste the link to a new window it opens just fine.
Why can't a link within another site open? Safari 5.1.3 Mac OS 10.7.3
I have been trying to browz with my Safari with no success while I have no problem with firefox. the masage i get is safari can not connect the server. What can I do to correct it? My mail has a similar problem. I cant even up date my software for the same reason.
I tried to link to some websites (example: battle.net) that I was able to link to but failed. It said it cannot open the page because it cannot link to the server. All my other websites are fine.
do you have a link for virtual pc or vmware for my mac os x 10.3.. i almost do everything but i have no one link i find. because i want to install windows xp on my mac.. pls guide me
I decided to try safari 3 again after I got Leopard, I like it except for one thing, some links will open in a new window that in other browsers would open in a new tab. is there any way to make Safari do this by default without having to command click on the links?
When I click on a link on any web page, a "bubble" travels across the screen and "enters" the history icon. I then have to open History to find the link and then click on it. It then moves to a tab under the bookmarks bar and I have to click on that in order to open the link. This problem started suddenly today, several weeks after I upgraded to OS X Lion. Everything was fine before. My Safari is version 5.1.3.
Visited link colors in Safari, most notably visited Google links when I return to the search page, don't change colors as they used to do. Actually, I think it's been that way for a long time (years) now but I am just now coming back around to being interested in why and if there is a way to get back to the days where new links were BLUE and visited links were GREEN (or whatever color you wanted).Is this still possible with the new Safari and if so, how do you go about setting this visted link color preference?