Windows On Mac :: Can Use 7 Without The Drivers - How To Find Driver
Feb 18, 2010
I have a windows 7 disk here ready to install. But my Snow Leopard disks are at Uni. Can I use Win7 at all without this disk? I can use it on sunday when I get back. Is there anywhere I can download my device specific drivers?
Got XP on my MBP which has an 8600M GT, i know the supplied Bootcamp Drivers for the GPU are terrible, so i want on laptopvideo2go, and downloaded the latest driver, but im not sure it installed right, so how do i check?
Also is the latest Driver the best version? I Know sometimes a previous version gives better performance, which is why im asking
I can't find the answers I know its been asked before.
Its the 2010 MBP 13"
I have Windows 7 Professional 64bit running through parallels 5 and it seems to be missing alot of drivers (wireless most importantly, but also audio etc). Where can I get these, is it the same as bootcamp drivers( are they on one of the disks that come with macs?).
I just downloaded, burnt and installed the new windows 7 RC, x64, on my alu 24" iMac. Maybe I should have just taken the 32 bit version as it has only 2 gigs of ram, but I don't feel like wasting more time and another dvd on getting the 32 bit one. The problem is, everything went smoothly, partitioning, installing etc., but when I insert the OSX installer (1) dvd (10.5.4), it says that the 64bit version is not supported by boot camp. Apparently others have had this issue, but no one seems to care to write down there workaround anywhere. I read that using the vista 64 driver set works (also read it doesn't), so I downloaded it from the official Apple site. When I try to open it, it asks me if I want to allow the programme to make changes to my pc, I click yes, and nothing happens.
I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.
But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.
Anyone know where I can get drivers for Win XP SP3 for the new 27" iMac.
I install XP with SP3 and after I install the SL disk nothing gets recognized ethernet chipset display sound nothing works after the restart.
Even if someone could point me to the ethernet driver that would be a start since I could just run Windows Update and maybe that would find the rest of the crap.
I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.
Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.
So i am trying to change my apple boot camp drivers to nvidia's, but i think i must have downloaded the wrong ones, or done something wrong. I tried to install Geforce/Ion driver release 192.62, (from nvidia's site, i selected gefore 8 series) and when i ran the setup it said: 'nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your hardware' . My questions are:
� Which drivers should i download? a link would be great. � Are there any pre-requisites i must do, such as install version 170 first?
I am using an iMac 24" with 4gb ram, 500gb 5400 rpm HDD, and 8800 GS 512mb.
The reason I am trying this, is because when i play some online games, i often get bad lag spikes, but that chat is still running. Someone recommended me to 'update my drivers'.
I have a Macbook plastic, 2.4 GHz intel core 2 Duo with 2 GB of ram.My Mac is currently running on OS X, i used to have a 40 gig partition Windows XP, a couple of friends of mine where talking about how much they liked Windows 7 and finally i had had enough blue screens to say, sure ill switch, why not?... assuming it would not take longer then lets say a day at most, i set off on my quest.
FWI, im running an older model Macbook that was bought refurbished (not sure if that has anything to do with my problem). anyway i removed my previous partition, then using Boot Camp Assistant i repartitioned a 40 gig section for Windows 7. Then ran the installer. I have a copy of Windows 7 ultimate 86x. The Windows boot screen turned up, i had to reformat the partition so that i could install, no problems there. after all said and done the installation worked perfectly, up to a point... First problem that appeared was the lack of sound. i fixed that by downloading Realtek's High Def sound drivers.
Then it was the rest of the drivers for the macbook. heres where i run into my problem, i have the Mac OSX install discs 1 and 2. inserting the first disc the option of the auto run of the setup popped up i clicked run. and instead of the same old install drivers option all i have is the option to install the software that lets macbook airs share cd/dvd drives... needless to say i got frustrated and to put it lightly pissed off...
unsure of wtf was going on i looked it up online and really couldnt find anyone with the same problem, i found a web page saying that i should have the windows auto update itself and that should fix the problem. it did not. i dont know what the hell is going on. and im about this close to reinstalling windows xp and telling windows 7 to go **** itself...
I've installed a legit copy of Windows XP, SP2. Nothing works, not my webcam, not my internet, not even the full resolution. The first time around that I did this, I had the DVD that came with my iMac, I installed the Windows drivers stuff off of it, and everything worked perfectly.
Can anyone point me in the direction of either a replacement for that DVD (.iso image or something?) or simply the required drivers that will let my iMac 8,1 connect to the web?
I boot camped my Macbook Unibody 13" (bought early 2009) with windows 7. However the bootcamp version was 2.0. I now cannot get drivers from the 3.0 bootcamp update.
I converted to Lion because Mobile Me was ending. I thought I had found all my issues - Quicken, Quickbooks and my ancient Christmas Card list on Appleworks. Nope - 1 more! I don't want to spend any more on this transition! Is there any way to print to my printer with a generic driver if neither Apple nor HP list it as supported in Lion
I was reinstalling a printer driver and my power cut off while it was the computer wont start and i get this message below... I read to use the install dvd but my CD drive is broke and wont take cds. I did manage to hook it up to my dads computer with target disk mode so i can access files. his computer is a windows though. i do have a copy of the Leopard install cd saved as a DMG on his computer and a 8gb flash to boot it but i cant format the flash drive to be mac extended journaled GUID from his computer.IS there a program to do this???I dont know what needs to be fixed or where i can get this acpi driver? can anyone help because i dont have any money to get this fix and i need my mac for college which im starting soon.This is the error message
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x004384FF): "unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI". "@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.12.14/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp:1407 (That is the first line. It goes on to say...)
Debugger called: <panic> Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) (then there are 7 lines that start with 0x2f5d3 followed by)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS version: Not yet set
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386
made the mistake of trashing "system", then disk icon disappeared from desk top.Shut down, then restarted which brought up the grey screen with cryptic "panic" kernal(s). Basically..."Unable to find driver for this platform "Power Mac 7.3" This is all happening on a PPC g5 dual proc. 10.4.11.
After initial problems loading the driver of the CD I was advised the do a software update on my iMac and to download the latest driver from the Epson site in the U.S. Having done all of that and successfully loaded the software the iMac still cannot find the printer driver when trying to add a printer.Â
I have previously loaded everything and have printed via usb but have not been unable to print wirelessly. Has anyone any clue as to what I might try?
No updated driver from apple. The all in one wireless lexmark (X6570) printer is a few years old. I had a working driver with snow leopard which carried over to lion,but I deleted it trying to go wireless (mistake).
I can't find the yosemite driver for my new epson r3000 printer. I am using 10.10.1. The Epson website says to find the driver by going to the App store and looking for updates. I did that and didn't find any. In "Printers and Scanners" in System Preferences I notice that the computer is aware that I am connected to the printer (via USB) but a message at the bottom of the window says that "Software for this printer isn't available from Apple. Contact the printer's manufacturer..."
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), printer driver
Got an iMac G5 manufactured in 07' (PPC) from a relative and I am trying to erase the HD and restore.I'm putting the disc in it gives me a kernel panic screen- Grey install disc 10.4.10 Not sure what the heck is goin on here. New to mac's this is what code is shown at top of kernel panic screen- cpu 0 caller(0x002E59BC) Unable to find driver platform PowerMac 12, 1
I click 'software update' then it began to download data and after that, the computer asked me to reset it, I did reset, but I cannot get into the system. It says 'unable to find driver for this platform', what does that means? My computer is MacBook Pro 314.
I am using a MBP 17" (2010 model). The trackpad functions very well under Mac OS/X.However, under Windows Vista 64-bit, it does not behave as if it were under Mac OS. For example, even I did not click on the trackpad, it did it by itself. Is it a driver problem or setting problem? I know that under bootcamp, we can change the trackpad settings. If it is the latter case, could anybody please let me know the configurations/settings that allow the trackpad to behave exactly the same it does under Mac OS/X?