Windows On Mac :: Best Solution For VMing
Nov 18, 2010
I have been wondering what the benefits of VMWare Fusion are over VirtualBox. I can't seem to get too much by searching. I upgraded my Mid-2010 13" MBP to 8GB of RAM and a 7200 RPM HDD. I am a CS student so I would like the ability to run Windows and Linux guests simultaneously. Is there something in Fusion that makes it better? I can get a Fusion license on the cheap, but I would like whatever is really the better performer for doing things like testing software, etc...
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm looking for a way I can run multiple versions of IE (preferably side by side) inside OS X (So, using Wine). I previously tried ies4osx but when I launched them it would always load up IE5. Now that project is gone to make way for WineBottler, but I haven;t had any success using it. I've tried installing MultipleIEs, and then running the shortcuts on my desktop with Wine but I've only managed to open IE3 which crashed after a few minutes.
I'm thinking an easy solution would be, if there are some standalone .exe files for each version of IE to date, which have all the support files (dll's, etc.) bundled in, I could then use WineBottler to make a .app for them and then I can launch them and use them like any other native Mac OS .app, no worries. Only problem is, I can't fine such standalone versions of IE anywhere, MultipleIEs install all the support files in a folder and presumably required some of the system32 files too... So can somebody let me know if there are such standalone executables for IE versions 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7 & 8 ? Otherwise any other working solution would be fantastic.
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Aug 2, 2009
I've decided to buy a Mac Mini to use as a work machine and then depending on it's performance, I will either replace it with an iMac and my girlfriend will use the Mac Mini as her work machine or just buy another Mac Mini for her. However, at the moment, in addition to me using the Mac Mini, I am currently using a Windows machine and my girlfriends work machne is a Windows machine. Is there a storage solution that could serve both Windows and OSX through the network? How about some kind of file server like Linux or Windows? What would you recommend?
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Jan 12, 2010
I confess, Windows 7 is a good OS, even though 90% of its "features" you could find hidden in either WinXP or Vista, but the usability feature for me that fits in this 10% "new features" category was definitely Aero Snap and up to date there was no 1:1 Mac solution.Now I was extatic to download that handy Cinch tool fro And yes, in my opinion it looks even more elegant and feels more natural on Mac OS X than Windows but that is my highly biased opinion.
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Jun 14, 2009
How do you keep all of your data safe? Do you rely solely on Time Machine or do use other 3rd party services like Mozy or JungleDisk?
I am looking for a total backup solution for both OS X and my Windows Boot Camp partition. For me, Time Machine is not enough. I want a way to protect against total hard drive failure, so if my hard drive fails I can boot from an external drive (for both Windows and Mac). What's would be my best backup solution?
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Jul 1, 2008
What's the best (Software)Firewall solution for OS X. At the moment I work with a mixed environment ( ipfw, Apple Application Firewall and Little Snitch ). It seems to be secure, but this is an absolute overhead. I noticed, that my internet performance slowed down. For the moment I'm not able to spend money on a hardware solution. I'm searching for a complete Firewall software that controls incoming as well as outgoing connections ( Apple seems not to be interested in distributing a complete and easy waterproof solution ). Unfortunately ipfw offers no application control. I'm not a security expert, thus I need an easy configurable firewall.
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Jun 20, 2010
Okay, I have a unibody MacBook with 10.5.8 OS X. I have disk warrior, and it is telling me to boot from the CD/DVD it is on. It says to hold C until the boot up screen shows up. I hold down C, but all I see is a white screen that flashes. I tried holding alt/option and selecting the CD with the arrow keys and pressing enter, but it just takes me to my Mac OS X HD. Is there another way to boot from a CD?
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Apr 12, 2009
I have been fiddling around for while on this, I cannot seem to find a simple solution. A movie file, a matching subtitle, but no simple way to stick them together and transcode for playback on other device (likely PS3). This is frustration. Any Mac devs out there should see this as an opportunity to fix a problem.
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Oct 21, 2010
got my MBP about a month back. It's getting a little grimey now though and I want to know what the best way to clean it is. I was recommended to buy this [URL] when I visited my nearest Apple retailer, but was wondering if there was anything better out there?
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Nov 5, 2010
I currently have a MBP. I have my Lacie ext drive connected to my AEBS, so I can access my media wirelessly.
This drive is partitioned, so half for my media (mainly movies) and other half for time machine backups. I have had numerous issues, so have just been thinking of making a few changes. My idea is to buy a larger external drive, either 1 or 2TB, and use that solely for my media. I will then use my current drive for time machine backups only. I thought I would be able to connect two ext hard drives to the AEBS, but this is not the case as it only has one USB. As a solution I am now thinking of buying a NAS drive instead for my media.
Will I be able to use a Lacie NAS drive with my AEBS? Are there any other NAS options I should consider? My budget is preferably around ?150, but I may be able to stretch to about ?200 Over 802.11n, what are the data transfer rates like when compared to ext drive connected via AEBS? I am also intending of getting an Apple TV in a month or so. By the time this happens I hope that after jailbreaking it I will be able to access movies stored on this drive via Apple TV. So whatever drive I get now, should work seamlessly with this
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Nov 12, 2010
I am looking for a simple VPN solution. I have a macbook at work (always on) that I would like to use as the server and another macbook that travels with me that I would like to connect from. I searched and couldn't find anything, if I missed it please point me in the right direction. I know nothing about VPN's
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Feb 23, 2008
I'd love to be able to add a Blu-ray drive (internal) to my Mac Pro, now that the Format War is over. But I don't want to just buy some BD-ROM drive and pray that it will work in my machine.
Does anyone have any clues about when Apple will announce a BD-ROM drive, available as a purchase-time option or an optional later-on add-on from Apple, which Mac Pro users can buy and install?
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Jul 16, 2009
I'm new to macs. I forgot my root password which I needed to uninstall a program so I put in my OSX cd and went to the reset password tool. I reset the password for my user account as well as the root account. I gave them the same password and hit save. Then I rebooted and it asked me to login with my user account. The administrator account isn't there. I tried the new password (and I definitely typed it correctly) but it doesn't work. Now I can't login. What's going on?
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Nov 7, 2008
Does anyone have any experience with the USB video card solution available for mac? I have seen several of them but have read much of people actually using them. I have an iMac in my office with a 22" monitor connected to it. I have another 22" monitor I can connect and would love the extra screen space. I know the best solution would a mac pro but the iMac is fairly new and does fine. I run Windows in a VM on the second monitor and there is no noticeable speed issue with anything I do (CS3 apps take longer to open on it than my MBP but once open they work perfectly).
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Nov 29, 2010
is there is a solution for the cracking sound? well of course I could ask for a replacement but besides the cracking i dont have any problems with the ultimate 13": no screen issue, no wobbling, i even got the 9CDF screen, so maybe the next one would be with one of these issues?? I got a friend who has a screwdriver which fits my MBA but im not a technic-kind of guy, so i don't know if i should try to tighten the buttomplate to get rid of the cracking?
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having a think about my current backup solution as i've recently got into photography and dont want to loose any of my images. I have a 24" imac with a 640GB Hard drive. I do a Bootable Carbon Copy Clone of this drive after i import any new photos or make any drastic changes to any of my library's to a 320GB WD Passport and take it to my parents. Then connected to a airport extreme i have 2 WD Mybook hard drives. Drive A is 1TB and holds all my master RAW images that are on my imac's HD. It also holds things like personal movies and any other documents that are on the imac. The only thing that it holds that are not backed up anywhere are Movies or TV shows.
Also connected to the AE is a 640GB WD Mybook (Drive B) this is purely for time machine backups. The only issue i can see so far is that the WD passport drive is only 320GB so once my imac drive fills up past the 320GB mark i wont be able to do a CCC backup. I'm currently using about 230GB on my imac so have a little time before i need to upgrade that drive. Now, the imac is in our dining room and my wife does NOT want drives hanging off the imac cluttering the place up, hence the reason why there connected to the AEBS and hidden away in a cupboard... Can anyone suggest any improvements that need to be made to my setup?
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Jan 12, 2011
I have an 11.6 ultimate config... but I still find the 128gb SSD tight, with a large bootcamp partition. Also I feel like storing media on the SSD is kinda wasteful of the SSD's speed. So I've done this temporary solution. I figured other people would be interested. I tried 2 items, as I wanted to add storage via usb without having it stick out and stuff.measure.
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Jun 3, 2005
I don't know what to say, I thought I didn't have this problem, as it hadn't started but now that just about a year has passed since I bought my Powerbook it is starting to develop black dots.The aluminum on the palm rests is corroding, also called pitting. It is a reaction of the body chemicals with the aluminum and can get pretty bad.
I've attached a picture so people can see what I am talking about.
Although mine isn't as bad as the picture, it is getting there and Apple will do nothing about it since it is purely cosmetical. I guess I'm just pissed right now, I know I can use clear PDA screen protectors and the such and I do right now, but I cannot say which one are uglier the dots or the screen protector thingies. I'm thinking about taking them off again, I don't know. Fixing this, what I'd need to do when it becomes really bad, would cost about $200.
I don't know what to say, I guess it is just a computer but it still is bugging the hell outta me.
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Jul 5, 2008
I use two computers and i find it annoying having to read my subscripted rss-feeds twice. I use IMAP for my mail so I dont have to read it twice. Is there a similar solution for RSS? I want to use with the RSS (just as I do with my mail).
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Aug 18, 2008
I have a mini and a 23 cinema. Basically I want more real estate and want to run a second cinema. Can a power mac g5 handle it? I've seen him go for like 500 dollars on ebay. I use the computer for research and office.
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Feb 11, 2009
Im trying to make a copy of a DVD. Ive used Mac the Ripper to rip the entire DVD. I have it in a Video_TS folder waiting to be burnt. I was going to use the app "Burn" to burn it, but the Video_TS is currently too large to be brunt to a DVD. I need to compress it first. I know apps like Popcorn and Toast can do this, but I dont have the money to pay for any software right now, and I am looking for a free solution.
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Apr 22, 2009
First I had a beta of this one called Expander. Then I got this other joint called MacPAR deLuxe. But I find that both have trouble extracting some files, so I wanted to ask what you guys think is the very best winrar solution on mac.
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Oct 25, 2009
Since I bought my Macbook Pro 13" 2.53 I replaced my HDD to 500GB 7200, but since then I can hear clicks from time to time and my macbook lags at the same time if I am watching a movie or anything. I found a solution been explained by some PPL but its like no one trust the solution yet, now I tried it on my Snow Leopard, and I can say my problem is solved.
1- Find the attachment and unzip it somewhere on your HDD (I placed mine in Applications Folder)
2- Open your Terminal (You will find it at Applications>Utilities
3- locate your folder at the terminal by CD command
4- Once your at the folder where you placed the file write this command: hdapm disk0 max
It has to come back with successully message to you.
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Apr 6, 2012
Lost contacts, many hours spent trying to restore. A waste of tiem for everyone involved. What is the soulution?
Mac OS X (10.7.3), Icloud
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Jul 2, 2008
I've search the new and there seems to be no solution to customizing new tabs in Safari.Every time I open a new tab I have to either press the home button to get Google or type in a url.Quite irritating. And yes I'm aware that there is still a Google search field on the top right I can use even in a blank tab but that's not the point. I prefer to have options available to me.Any workaround or 3rd party utility/plugin available?
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Aug 28, 2010
I love my year old MBP. However on campus I've noticed that when using it in class and outside or in a restaurant, the glare is awful. I wish I had gotten the AG screen, but I do not want to sell mine and buy another. What is the best screen shield that I can put on my notebook?
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Feb 22, 2009
I only have TWO documents left over from my PC days and I cannot open them. I originally created them by using Microsoft Works, their Excel spreadsheet. I have tried everything, that I know of and cannot open them. What solution is there? I tried Open Office and that did not work.
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Jun 6, 2009
Having a Time machine backup is all good and such - but it's all in one location, so if something like a fire were to strike at home.. Well, both copies would be gone. So I'm looking for a solution to backup my large iPhoto library - I've searched on this forum and on Google and didn't really come up with a solution.. Anyone have any ideas? I'm aware the inital backup will take forever, but it'll be much quicker afterwards..
Price isn't an issue - but rather, if I need to retrive my data, I don't want to be paying out of the nose..
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Jul 18, 2009
As in thread, I noticed in CoconutBattery and in iStatNano widget that my battery is losing capacity, yesterday I had 96% now I see 94%, I've got my MacBook since May and it has 59 cycles yet.
I think that it shouldn't lose capacity now, ok, later but now is to fast, do you think so? Is there any solution to increase this capacity? I've got MB Unibody 2GHz, Late 2008, but I bought it in May 2009 "as new"..
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Aug 18, 2009
I am fairly new to the mac and running a small office. Right now we are trying to choose a document management solution to run on a server. The two that I am looking at Knowledgetree and sharepoint have limited mac support and just dont cut it. Is there a mac/iwork centric management solution out there? Or have you guys found one that works well with the mac.
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