Applications :: Document Management Solution To Run On Server
Aug 18, 2009
I am fairly new to the mac and running a small office. Right now we are trying to choose a document management solution to run on a server. The two that I am looking at Knowledgetree and sharepoint have limited mac support and just dont cut it. Is there a mac/iwork centric management solution out there? Or have you guys found one that works well with the mac.
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Feb 26, 2007
At my last job, I used a pc program called Docuworks (bundled with our Xerox machine) that allowed you to modify scanned documents (combine pages/documents, highlight passages, add comments, print to PDF, etc.). Is there anything like this available for personal use on a Mac?
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May 18, 2012
I work in a school and to be quite blunt people are taking the michael with printing and it is costing the school a fortune in ink and toners. This is something that I really want to control. I have tried setting up print quoats but this just doesn't seem to want to work.I was wondering if there are any dedicated pieces of software on the market that would allow me to control printing accros the school?
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Feb 2, 2012
If our users can simply remove the Remote Management Profile and have access to everything anyway, what is the point of remote management? I need to be able to lock this profile down so that it cannot be removed without a password, but I see no way to do this. Is this a giant bug in the software or am I missing something?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1, Lion Server 10.7.2
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Dec 14, 2007
I recently set up OS X Server 10.4 (Tiger) on an old G4 for my home office use and so far it's been running beautifully. As I was learning how to get it up and running, I created a blog to document the process. If you're starting off on a similar endeavor, it might be helpful. If anything, it'll give you an idea of what setting up OS X Server entails. The link to the OS X Server 10.4 tutorial: [URL]. I also put together a tutorial on setting up the AMP package (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on OS X client and server: [URL]
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May 17, 2012
I need to add index.cfm to my default document tree. I finally found where to change it in Lion Server. When I try to edit the file, it wont let me. Any way to edit the file?
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Jul 5, 2008
I use two computers and i find it annoying having to read my subscripted rss-feeds twice. I use IMAP for my mail so I dont have to read it twice. Is there a similar solution for RSS? I want to use with the RSS (just as I do with my mail).
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Feb 11, 2009
Im trying to make a copy of a DVD. Ive used Mac the Ripper to rip the entire DVD. I have it in a Video_TS folder waiting to be burnt. I was going to use the app "Burn" to burn it, but the Video_TS is currently too large to be brunt to a DVD. I need to compress it first. I know apps like Popcorn and Toast can do this, but I dont have the money to pay for any software right now, and I am looking for a free solution.
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Jan 12, 2010
I confess, Windows 7 is a good OS, even though 90% of its "features" you could find hidden in either WinXP or Vista, but the usability feature for me that fits in this 10% "new features" category was definitely Aero Snap and up to date there was no 1:1 Mac solution.Now I was extatic to download that handy Cinch tool fro And yes, in my opinion it looks even more elegant and feels more natural on Mac OS X than Windows but that is my highly biased opinion.
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Oct 2, 2008
Just set up my new Mac Pro with two 30" LCDs. Are there any apps that would help snapping windows to quarters, thirds, or halves of the screen? -- or perhaps saving a workspace-worth of apps? Or is there some secret OSX functionality towards this?
I've googled and found such apps for Ubuntu and Windows, but nothin for our Leopard!
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May 28, 2009
i have an unsual request. a developer mate of mine is forced to work on macs with his new job. he's only used windows before.
one of the windows features he heavily relies on is the "tile" view. this means that all windows are changed in shape (vertically/horizontally) to fill the screen. they can all be used (IT IS NOT EXPOSE).
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Jan 6, 2010
I bought a relative a kindle and now have the job of loading it up etc, I have 2 questions really as i have not worked with pdf's much.
1) what is a good application or method of changing pdf meta-data etc
2) Is there a good PDF (and maybe other e-book formats) management software or even sync software for mac?
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm wondering if there is any good apps out there for managing an entire project, across multiple files, sort of a bulletin board, just a single file, that contains a sort of desktop for that entire project, you could drag things into it, files, pictures, notes of somekind, anyone know of anything like this?
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Feb 17, 2010
I need a program to manage video files, similar to iTunes. I would love to use iTunes for it, as it's perfect, but unfortunately iTunes doesn't have a "video clip" section. I have tons of movies, tv shows, and music videos, all in iTunes organized perfectly. I also have a bunch of random video clips (commercials, random stuff) that I don't want to put into any of the "placeholders" iTunes has for videos, because none of the placeholders are applicable to them. Is there any program that supports tagging, searching, etc for videos, similar to iTunes? Currently I have them all in folders, and it's getting out of control.
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm recently reintroduced to Macs after living in PC land for 20 years. Haven't found a capability to have an email signature that only posts to "new" mails, or "forwards" in chain. Outlook has the capability to not add signature in replies - is there something similar in Mac?
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Aug 30, 2010
I'm looking for software on osx to manage my e-books. Since I have so many e-books now, it's starting to be a bit chaotic and I would like to have 1 place to manage them all: epb, pdf, kindle etc...
It's also necessary that it can look for synopsis, cover and extra info in the internet, just like plex for movies.
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Oct 9, 2007
Can anyone recommend good time management software?
I've tried iGTD which is just too complex for me. On the other hand, I've tried Lifeshaker, and that's too simple.
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Nov 2, 2007
I am running a small hotel/pension in the french Alps. I am about to change from PC to Mac and need some advice.
I need software that can help us keep track of our bookings, the seasonal rates, our contacts, inventory, notes for employe, calendar etc.
I hope that you can help me, because sofar I have only been able to find software for PC.
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May 5, 2008
I am trying to find an app that will allow me to keep all my video files in a neat library from where I could easily play them instead of having to go to various folders on the HDD. I have a lot of movies and shows I recorded onto my Mac from satellite and have not been able to find a good program to keep them in a library.
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Jan 29, 2004
Is there a project managemente application that runs natively on Mac OS X? I'm thinking about something that supports Microsoft Project 2000 and the likes.
I'm somewhat surprised that Microsoft hasn't ported Project 2000 yet. Any one has heard any plans regarding this by Microsoft?
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Feb 11, 2009
I would love any input from those with some experience. My problem is common I think. I have an itunes library that says 120gb. I have an itunes folder that says 140gb. I have a bunch of exclamation points, some of which the files are there, some not.
I don't want to spend 40 hours fixing it!
I have been looking for an app that:
1) finds the dead tracks (really dead and files missing) and removes them
2) finds the files in my folder that aren't linked and add them to library....I know I may have deleted those at some point but honestly with this much data missing I can start that process over. Would rather have the stuff in...that out, of the library
3) find dupes and help me get rid of them. i have used Dupe eliminator and this works OK...would like one app to use to do all these things.
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Oct 5, 2009
I'm looking for IT Asset Management Software that will track both Macs + PCs. We are currently using SchoolDude's ITAM for this. Here is my wish list:
Mac + PC
Client that runs on the machine and reports any changes to hardware and software packages Web-based interface for searching, making notes, etc.
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Dec 1, 2009
I am helping a local non-profit manage their volunteers (not donors) with things like scheduling them, sending out mailers, etc. . .there are many, many on the PC and a bunch that are web-based. I can't find any Mac based software (I have googled like crazy).
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Feb 5, 2010
I have Foxfire 3.5.7 and I want to make sure that it is being color managed and showing things on the web in sRGB. I did a google search and frequently come up with the steps of:
1. type 'about:config' in the address line
2. then change 'gfx.color_management_enabled' to 'true'
The problem is that I don't have that preference. The closest thing I have is below. And for the value it isn't 'true' or false' but it links to a color profile. Why don't I have that preference from #2? Is my browser color managed currently though?
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/Recommended/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm
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Mar 23, 2010
I've amassed a relatively large collection of videos (sporting events, concerts, TV shows, etc.)--all in different formats and most of them not iTunes/iPhoto-compatible as is. My question is: is there a nice, clean app that allows me to manage all of my videos (and perhaps tag them with keywords) just like iPhoto does for photos? I know that I could go through and convert all of them, but like I said, I have a large collection, so that'd be more trouble than it's worth.
I've checked out yFlicks, but it appears to not be 10.6-compatible right now.
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May 1, 2010
I work for a theatre company. We want a software package that enables us to manage our production process over distances/online: playwright in one place, director in another, designer somewhere else, etc. These are small project teams, so we don't need anything vast, but the package does need to be able to respond to different project structures and styles and feel intuitive.
I've looked at Things and Project X online, but can't seem to get a definitive view about about how easily (if at all) they enable people to collaborate online (that is not on a local network).
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Oct 21, 2010
I've been interested in a Safari application/extension for improved Bookmarks management. Features I'm interested in are alphabetization, eliminating duplicates, and improved organization. Has anyone found such an item?
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Jan 28, 2009
I handle the administrative / web / marketing for a car tuning business called Evans Tuning (get a better idea here [URL]). Currently, we have the entire office running off of Macs (iMac for the main that is backed up via Time Machine, 1 new MacBook, and 1 New MacBook Pro).
Our setup works well for now, even the tuner here uses a BlackBook to tune cars with. We use Bento for CRM and filing orders and appointments. We use Quickbooks 2007 for Mac for financials. Our calendar is managed via iCal on our website and we even use the subscriptions feature to keep our office staff up to date with the current schedule.
Now on to our current dilemma. Bento is a great program because it is simplistic in the fact that we were able to get the database up and running rather quickly and its easy to expand with whenever new fields are needed to hold more information. Unfortunately, only the main iMac in the office is running Bento and it can only be accessed by that computer. I am looking for a solution that offers the same great ease of use coupled with network-ability (not sure if thats a word), but I want to be able to have multiple users manage the database at one time. This will greatly increase productivity as one user can access for billing information, while another takes an order, or even another sets up a new appointment.
Is there something out there that I have missed? I looked into Filemaker Pro but it seems rather difficult to setup, and isn't very user-friendly looking. It probably also doesn't help that I couldn't find a good tutorial on how to set it up or use it.
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a lot of video files (TV & Movie) and store on a 1.5 TB drive. I have a 2 TB drive that I use for Time Machine backups and it currently backs up my iTunes library.
I'm now hitting some storage problems. My Time Machine drive is running out of space as my iTunes folder keeps growing.
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Oct 15, 2009
I recently set up Apple Mail with a new account, this new account is an IMAP account for school. The school has a bunch of public folders set up and I really don't want those public e-mails to be contributing to my "new mail" count or downloading to my computer AT ALL.
I searched the Mail help menu and it says that you can control which folders you can subscribe to by going into the "Get Account Info..." menu. However, when I got to the "Subscriptions" tab, none of the folders load. It's just an empty list.
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