Windows On Mac :: Backup Tool - Want To Cover Entire Machine

Jun 16, 2010

I have an external HDD connected to my computer for windows but I don't really know of any easy backup tools like Time Machine or Carbon Copy. I have a few select programs on it but I want to cover my entire comp. Are there any equivalents of these for Windows that just backup your entire machine for easy restore? If so which ones do you guys think are the best?

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OS X :: Data Transfer - Using Time Machine As Backup Tool

Mar 13, 2009

I'm getting a new macbook. Currently I use time machine as a backup tool and was wondering if I should use it to transfer all my data to the new mac. One benefit of a new harddrive is the fresh install without all the junk that has built up over the years right? So wouldn't time machine just be transferring all the junk and stuff I want to the new mac? or is time machine smarter than this.

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Windows On Mac :: What Is The Best Backup Tool

Jun 22, 2010

I just bought a new HD for my MBP. However I would like a backup of the data on the boot camp partition before it gets replaced (on fri.). Does anyone know of a good tool to back up Windows? I have windows 7. It is barely bootable (there is only 13 mb left free) so if it can be a native Mac app it would be better. I have heard of WinClone, anyone had any luck with that?

Also is there any easy way to enlarge the boot camp partition when before of after it has been restored on the new HD?

Specs are: original mbp 15", osx 10.6.3 and Windows 7 boot camped.

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Windows On Mac :: Creating Bootable Backup Of Entire Drive?

Jan 3, 2011

Currently I am running Windows 7 Ultimate (400GB) and OSX 10.6(100GB). I mainly use windows 7 (don't ask why). Anyways I am wondering how I can create a bootable backup of my entire drive (both partitions) form my windows side. Also the software should be able to handle incremental backups, so that the backup don't forever and ruin the backup drive. I have tried a few different pieces of "cloning" software but they don't seem to handle the GPT partition (the efi partition?) very well. I don't know much about partitions. My goal is to create a fast (incremental) bootable backup so if I plug my backup drive in and hold option down four (2 windows and 2 osx) bootable partitions should appear. If that is not possible switching the hard dives is also an option.

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Windows On Mac :: Backup Strategy For Entire Disk Image?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm just curious as to what everyone's backup strategy for Windows is? I've been exploring the options of the Windows XP Backup utility, but I also like being able to have a entire disk image with Winclone. However there's no way to back up incrementally with Winclone. I'm sort of mum on both options, or would like to know if there's a better option? So what have the other Boot Camp participants been doing for a Windows backup?

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OS X :: How To Backup To Time Machine From Windows Partition

Dec 28, 2010

I use Quicken on my iMac via a partition using VM Fusion. I back my 4 Mac computers up to the Time Machine, but how do I back up the partitioned Quicken data?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup And Windows Partition

Jun 20, 2009

I plan to use VMWare Fusion to use Office 2007. Will I be able to have Time Machine back up my files? I'm not really sure how Fusion works--do files created in Windows stay in the Windows partition? If this is the case, then it might be tough I suppose...

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Windows On Mac :: Best Way To Backup Parallels Virtual Machine

Nov 2, 2009

There is an option in Parallels 4.0 to use Time Machine to backup VM. Is this the best way? I have a 1 TB USB drive that is solely for Time Machine, so within reason

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Applications :: Best Tool To Backup To Amazon S3?

Sep 23, 2009

I've currently got an Amazon S3 account. I'm interested in having something run automagically which will back up my iPhotos and a bunch of other folders to it.

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Windows On Mac :: Restoring Time Machine Backup From External HDD?

Nov 14, 2009

Okay I've had it with VMware Fusion 3, tried Parallels. The graphics capabilities are poor for my standard of work (we use 3DS Max and Maya for intensive modelling during studies). I know my graphics card is quite outdated (ATI X1600) but a lot of the graphics-intensive apps on the Mac side run very smooth.

So I'm going down the Boot Camp route since graphics-wise, it'll use the actual X1600 instead of some virtual one. It's telling me that I need to reformat into Mac OS Journaled or something, and some basic research tells me the only way to achieve this is a fresh install.

My question is, if I perform a Time machine backup onto my external drive, will it restore the applications/settings/files completely how they were, after I reinstall OS X?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup / Get My Files Back With Windows?

Mar 20, 2010

My macbook pro was stolen a few days ago. I plan on getting a replacement in the near future, but I don't think the current macbook pros are worth it at their prices... I don't know when an update is coming (like everyone else). I may have jumped the gun and bought a windows laptop if all my files weren't saved via time machine.

Is there anyway to get my stuff off time machine and onto windows short of buying a second mac and restoring to and then transfering off to windows laptop?

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Windows On Mac :: Will Time Machine Backup Image Of XP Via BootCamp?

Jul 27, 2010

I want to load XP via Bootcamp OR virtual on my personal macbook pro. However I need my XP image for work and want to do my own backup instead of waiting for my slow desktop support to fix my image. So, if I run Time Machine, will it notice all of my changes every night (backup) that I make on my bootcamp image XP.

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OS X :: Use Time Machine To Backup To A Windows Computer (sever 2008)?

Aug 1, 2010

Is there a way to use timamachine to backup to a windows computer (sever 2008)?

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Software :: Time Machine Unable To Perform Backup / Backup Is Too Large For Backup Volume

Oct 26, 2008

I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.

Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free)
Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)

The Time Machine error is: Quote:

"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?

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Hardware :: How To Setup Time Machine To Backup Remote Windows Drive

Dec 30, 2009

I just got my new iMac 21.5, works great. I'm a Mac newbie. I have a remote Windows machine I'd like to use as a network drive. I also have a NAS (Netgear SC101T) which I basically don't use anymore, thus I'll use the PC. I have two wireless routers so that function is of no value to me. So IMHO I don't need a Time Capsule.

I'd like to configure Time Machine to use the Windows networked drive as the "Time Capsule". Is this possible? If so, how do I do that? And how does that impact the Restore functionality if I'm not using the $300+ Time Capsule? Will it still restore a dead machine if it comes down to it?

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Mac Pro :: Backup Entire Drive / Reinstall Applications

Jun 19, 2014

I have a hard drive with bad blocks. I backup the data and various other part of the drive to the cloud. However, I want to make a backup of the entire disk but want to be able to access all the data individually as I want to transfer the data onto a new HD and the applications/fonts etc onto an SSD. Also, is it advisable to literally copy the contents of the Applications folder across to the new SSD drive or should they really be re-installed one by one (yikes!)?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup On Network Drive / Automatically Connect To Windows Share?

Jun 15, 2010

I've found plenty of articles on how to get Time Machine to backup TO a network drive, however I have the opposite problem; I have a Windows machine on my network, with some shared folders, and I'd like to back-up their contents using Time Machine on my Mac since it has plenty of space, without having to copy their contents somewhere first if possible.

However, Time Machine only lets you choose what to exclude, it doesn't let you specify special sources to backup. I was thinking a symbolic link from /Volumes, but I've no idea where to point it to. A second relevant question as well would be; how do I get OS X to automatically connect to a Windows share when it's available? The Windows machine isn't always on when I start up my Mac, but I don't want to have to manually connect all the time

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OS X :: Need To Reinstall - Backup Files On BootCamp Partition / How To Wipe Entire Hdd

Jan 13, 2010

upgraded my from Leopard to Snow Leopard when it first came out, but for whatever reason my system has been running somewhat sluggishly since I upgraded (My Macbook Pro is more than capable of running either)

I want to do a clean install of Snow Leopard.

Could I just copy all of my music files, documents etc to my BootCamp partition, then reformat and install Snow Leopard on the other partition? Or does it wipe the entire drive?

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Backup Entire System Including Word And Excel Documents

Jun 3, 2014

I want to back up my entire system including word and excell docs . how do I do this on Icloud ?

iMac, iOS 7.1

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OS X :: Time Machine Won't Use Entire Memory

Jul 7, 2009

I received my WD My Book Studio 750gb hard drive yesterday. I updated the firmware, and connected it to my MacBook. Everything seemed to go fine with the first backup, but I have a question regarding the space Time Machine is showing as available. The hdd is 750gb, and shows 698gb available, which I understand. However, Time Machine only shows like 500gb as usable, so why doesn't Time Machine use the entire 698gb? I did do the erase via the utilities, thinking maybe it came with some stuff preinstalled. Does Time Machine keep some of the space on the hdd held back for something? Or do I need to do something else to the drive to make it all available? Not really a big deal, as I only have about 59gb filled on my MacBook anyways, just kind of wondering.

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OS X :: Time Machine Slowing Down Entire System?

May 5, 2009

It has taken a while to pinpoint why my system has been so flaky lately. I've been having issues where my entire system would slow down and if I try to reboot, it would just hang requiring a force shutdown. Further, at times even clicking on the dock would hang the dock and issuing a killall Dock command would not restore it. I even performed an erase and install on my system and started from scratch only to find that the issue persists. After some investigative work I've found that the issue is related to time machine. The only time the system experiences this behavior is when time machine is performing a backup. It sits at "Preparing..." indefinitely. I am backing up to an AirPort disk along with two other computers, which don't experience any issues. I have also tried deleting the sparsebundle and starting with a fresh backup, however the problem reappears in a few days.

This repeats forever. Stopping the backup will not work. The only solution to get my system back is a force shutdown. This issue is very frustrating. I'm hoping someone knows what is wrong or can lead me in the right direction.

P.S. I've disabled Time Machine for now and the system is running flawless.

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OS X :: Migrate Entire Time Machine Capsule To New Mac?

Apr 28, 2010

I've got my external hard drive set up with Time Machine on my 13" MBP w/ Snow Leopard and I need to upgrade the laptop already for my school courses (awesome ). When I get my new MBP, is it possible to plug in the hard drive with my previous backups and migrate everything to the new Mac? Will it appear as if my computer has just grown in size overnight, or do I need to manually transfer everything over?

The hard drive is USB, I read somewhere about transferring all the files via Firewire but not USB, I'm guessing that's because of the backwards control you have with Firewire. (Not to mention slightly faster data rate).

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Time Machine Does Not Appear To Be Backing Up Entire Computer

May 20, 2012

Time Machine does not appear to be backing up my entire computer even though it says it has.  No current files are stored on my Passport.  I can't find options to direct the back up.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.1.x)

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Always Backs Up Entire Hard Drive?

May 13, 2012

Every time I back up to my external drive Time Machine automatically backs up the whole hard drive which is very time consuming. This happens every time I back up. It's supposed to only add new files, not do the whole thing. Haven't changed user name or any of the things mentioned in other discussions that will cause this. Does some setting need to be changed?

MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Doesn't Time Machine See Entire Hard Drive

May 27, 2012

I have a 500 GB external drive that uses FireWire.  Recently Time Machine started deleting several backups to make room for new ones.  It now says the oldest backup is May 4th, 2012.  I thought this sounded like a problem.  When I looked into the details, my iMac now thinks my hard drive has 400GB instead of 500GB. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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ITunes :: Delete Incorrect Cover Art And Replace It With The Correct Cover Art?

May 20, 2012

How do you delete incorrect cover art and replace it with the correct cover art?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Install Using Microsoft Tool

Mar 29, 2009

Does the 2009 Mac Pro suffer from the same 'select cd rom type' that my mid 2007 mac book pro does?

Anyone just burnt the standard ISO and it's fine? Do I need to rebuild it using the microsoft tool?

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OS X :: Is There An Application Like The Snipping Tool On Windows 7

Dec 2, 2009

i'm looking for some application that does like a print screen like the Snipping Tool on Windows 7. I'm using Snow Leopard.

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Applications :: IPhoto - Time Machine Backs Up Entire Upgraded Library

Jan 26, 2009

Watch out in Time Machine after you install and upgrade your iPhoto '09 library. My Time Machine just did a fresh backup of it....all 40GB of it! Basically it gave me the same Node require deep traversal on just the iPhoto I'm guessing it had something to do with the upgrade.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Free VM Converter Tool

Sep 20, 2009

I want to migrate my Parallels VM to VirtualBox. However, VB doesn't read Parallels VMs. I wanted to use the VMware converter, but the EULA says that it is only for use in migrating VMs for use in VMware software.

So, besides VMware converter, are there any other free tools that will let me convert my Parallels machine for use in VirtualBox? I am running Mac OS X 10.5.8.

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