Windows On Mac :: 64bit Freezes During DVD Installation Boot?

Apr 26, 2009

I have downloaded the RC version of Windows7 64bits. I burned a DVD with 1x speed but when I tried to boot via DVD (pressing option key) it shows 2 option for DVD, Windows and EFI. I tried both and none worked. The Windows version starts and a DOS menu appears with 2 options which doesn't show what it is and then it freezes. The EFI option freezes imediately on the boot screen.

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Windows On Mac :: Cannot Start Win7 Installation (64bit)

Nov 2, 2009

I just downloaded Windows 7 (64-bit) from my school's software hub and burned it to a bootable disc. I partitioned my drive, and was able to boot from the installation CD. Now, for some reason, my copy of Windows 7 must be different from EVERYBODY else's, because when I start, it asks for the language, and then I click begin install. Here's where the problem comes. I immediately get a dialogue box that says I am missing a required device driver in order to continue the installation. Please insert the CD, USB, etc. with the required drivers. (Of course, it doesn't tell me what they are.) Now, here is where I would put in my Snow Leopard disk, if it weren't for the fact that the disk refuses to eject. So, I can't even begin the installation at all. Is there somewhere I can go on the disk to find these drivers and put them on a USB flash drive? Or any other work around for this?

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Windows On Mac :: Triple Boot Installation - Stuck At Windows Installation

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation
triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu

I have done the following:
1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)

2. Installed rEFIt
I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)

3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.

4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.

5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)

So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".

6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.

Problems occur right here:
Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"

Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?

I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.

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Windows On Mac :: MP Boot Camp - 3.0 64bit Drivers?

Oct 23, 2009

Does anyone know if or where these are uploaded? My Snow Leopard disk refuses to install 64bit ones because i am on a 2006 Mac Pro. I've previously been running the Boot Camp 2.0 64bit drivers from the 2008 Mac Pro and they've worked just fine in vista.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Drivers - Professional 64Bit

Apr 22, 2010

So I just finished installing Windows 7 Professional 64bit via boot camp, but I had an issue when I put in the 10.6 disc to get the Drivers for everything. I'm running the 2.4Ghz Aluminum MacBook (not the pro). When I try to run the disc, it says that x64 is not supported on this machine. Am I boned? Or are there other options, because I really don't want to buy 32bit, because my school provides 64bit for free. I'm just looking for the drivers for the iSight, trackpad functions, and the keyboard functions (volume, iTunes, etc).

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Windows On Mac :: 64bit Boot Camp Heating Up - Increase Fan Speed?

Jun 26, 2010

I rarely run Boot Camp but whenever I'm using Boot Camp on my 13" MBP [Summer 2009 model] it really heats up a lot. I generally use IE8 or Google Chrome, & the Zune software. Not much besides that to be honest, occasionally I used MediaMonkey as well.

Anyway, point is for some reason - regardless of programs running - the notebook appears to be getting extremely hot.

I want to increase the fan speed while in Boot Camp so it doesn't run so hot. Any ideas/recommendations as to do doing this?

In OS X [10.6] it works perfectly fine so definitely something related to Windows drivers but increasing the fan speed should remedy, no?

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Windows On Mac :: Installation Of Boot Camp With XP SP1

Dec 28, 2008

like a number of ppl, I only had a legit XP Pro SP1 and not an SP2 version as required for a seamless Boot Camp install. (Actually I do have a legit SP2 CD but the activation key has been mislaid!... damn). I was looking at going down the somewhat convoluted "slipstream" path to generate a working SP2 build utilising the SP1 key I had but what I have found is that the BootDir registry hack that had been used in the past for SP3 compatibility, also works for SP1 installs. Basically the problem is that the Apple supplied Windows drivers requires the Installer from an SP2 build and the SP2 update fails on a Boot Camp partition without the BootDir hack. So my suggested install method is as follows... ymmv. (Note this has been done with two identical MacBook Pro's with the latest Leopard build). Create the BootCamp partition as per the standard instructions and using your XP Pro SP1 CD going through the usual Windows install dialogs to the point where it want's to restart. I have found that when the Windows tries to shutdown to perform a restart that it hangs. Just hold down the power button on the Mac to force a shutdown leaving a minute or so just in case Windows is being slow. Boot back to Windows (via standard Boot Camp Option button) and perform the registry hack as published elsewhere for SP3 updates. Basically it is adding a key 'BootDir' with a value of 'C:' to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSetup

Note that you need to be able to right click on the mouse in regedit to create this key and at this point without the Apple drivers installed I don't think trackpad supports this so I have used a generic two button USB mouse. Once this registry entry is added you can install the SP2 update (as downloaded from Microsoft - WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe). Once again I have found that Windows still hangs after the SP2 install restart until the Apple updates are applied... so nail the power button again after a pause or two. Once you are back to Windows again you can now install the Apple drivers found on the Disk 1 of you Leopard CD although I would recommend downloading the latest v2.1 from Apple if not. (Note there is a minor update to v2.1.1 available through the Apple Software Installation program). I am not sure if you could go direct to SP3 using this method but I have tended to stick with SP2 as SP3 tends to slow bootup/shutdown. Most Mac users would use FireFox/Safari in preference to IE so you have already improved the security of XP

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Boot Up The Installation.

Aug 7, 2009

I am in desperate need of some help. I own a MacBook running OS X Leopard, I love the mac but I prefer the Windows for its compatibility.

I have a Windows XP Pro disk (But it is a copy) and I partitioned a space on my hard drive. I inserted the disk and it rebooted. Now here is the problem.

When Leopard boots up with the welcome tune, it stays at a grey screen. Only after a while the apple sign starts and it doesn't do anything from there. I left it on for a whole night and still, nothing.

I tried holding down the Option key when it booted up, now this is the only way I can start up on my Leopard OS. Then I tried booting it up from the Windows disk. The screen went black and it came up with this message:

"No bootable devise, please insert the disk and press any key..."

Am I doing something wrong? If I am please answer with a detailed response because I do need detailed steps to know what I am doing.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Boot From The Installation Disk

Nov 15, 2009

My problem is that when I try to boot to the XP installation disk, I get the very fast, flashing, gray apple, followed by a question mark folder, followed by the ghostbuster symbol, without the ghost.

The disc keeps spinning, but the windows installation screen never appears.

I'm new to installing windows with boot camp.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

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Windows On Mac :: Installation Won't Start Through Boot Camp

Jul 6, 2010

I am currently on a macbook that I bought in the summer of 2008, and I just decided I wanted to be able to run Windows on my laptop. I found my WindowsXP installation disk, a factory disk, and opened up boot camp to install Windows. I was following instructions from another thread on another computer I have at home. I got through partitioning my disk and got the windowsXP installation ready to begin when I realized I couldn't find my MacOSX disk, and thus wouldn't be able to install the Windows drivers after installing Windows (I was running Mac OS X 10.5.8), so I stopped the installation there and un-partitioned my harddrive. I then ordered Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3, and I just received the CD today. I installed Snow Leopard, then did the same thing that I did before with boot camp and partitioned my drive. However, this time when I got to the part where I put in my Windows disk, the computer reboots and starts, but the Windows installation won't begin. It just sits at a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left corner. I've tried giving it over 30 minutes to start but it just won't go. Logically I would assume there's a problem with the disk, but I used this same disk less than a week ago and got halfway through the installation without any problems. Why won't my WindowsXP installer disk boot up?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Keeps Crashing After Drivers Installation?

Mar 7, 2009

I just updated my (2006 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz 15") MacBookPro to Leopard 10.5.6 I installed Windows XP SP3 through bootcamp, and everything was fine, but after i was done installing the BootCamp drivers from the Leopard disk and I restarted the computer,and booted back into windows, it would load to windows show my desktop for about 5 seconds then reboot itself (no error messages). So I mounted the windows partition again, same thing, over and over, I must have done it 20 times.I even tried doing the bootcamp 2.1 update and it didn't work. So i restored windows to the previous working settings and the bootcamp drivers were gone. So Windows works now but i am not abled to use the wifi or any multi touch or anything. I have also deleted the Windows partition and reinstalled it from the beginning and the same thing happened after installing the bootcamp drivers.

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Windows On Mac :: Installation Copies Files But Wont Boot?

Sep 27, 2009

I am having some issues with my unibody macbook 13" running Mac OS X 10.6.1 and installing XP professional SP2 via bootcamp. I have it as a VM in vmware, and it runs fine there, but I need to install XP with bootcamp, because I need to run some graphics intensive software that is windows only. It seems that my mac has been against this movement since I even thought of it.

First, the boot camp assistant says there are unmovable files in the way, and that I cannot partition my harddrive. I end up clearing 120 GB of data off my 200gb harddrive, and still, the unmovable files are in the way. One copy of iDefrag and many hours later, I can finally partition it. I create a 12GB partition for windows.

I insert my windows disk, click continue, and the computer restarts and loads the windows installer. Things start to seem fishy when I realize the drivers take ages to load up. Eventually it loaded, and that's when I noticed the bootcamp partition was FAT32. I reformat it to NTFS and continue. It copies the files(or so it says...) and restarts. when It goes to boot from the windows partition, it says hal.dll is missing.

Reading this, I grab a copy of that file off of my virtual machine, and open the boot camp partition in Finder, yet it is completely empty. Now I am quite confused.

Since it seemed to me that I hit a dead end, I trashed the entire partition, and started all over. Boot camp assistant, 12gb partition, insert disk, restart, etc. This time, however, I left the format as it was(FAT32). I install windows again, the files copy(or so it says... again...) and it restarts. When it goes to boot the windows partition, it says Disk Error, press any key to restart, but the computer is completely locked up.

Now i am out of ideas, yet I need to get windows installed ASAP, I need it for my mechanical drawing class.

So, has anybody ran into this before? and does anybody have any insight as to how I could get this working?

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Mac :: After Windows Installation Blue Screen Appears With Cursor On Screen But It Freezes Completely

Jan 18, 2010

After windows is installed a Blue screen appears with cursor on screen but it freezes completely.I can fix this by restarting my mac , then once windows restarts i insert the Mac OS disc , select the disc within my computer but the following message appears "Package requires new version of installer"

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Installation - Gray Screen - Cd Spinning

Dec 26, 2010

I have a 1st generation macbook pro running snow leopard 10.6. I've been trying to install windows xp, vista, or 7 using bootcamp but for some odd reason i cannot boot into the cd. I put the cd in and made sure the macbook is reading it (which it is because the icon shows up on the desktop) before i hit "start installation". the laptop would restart but it doesnt boot into the cd, it just goes right into the gray screen and stays there while i hear the cd spinning. I've installed windows xp using this method but that was about 4 years ago, for some reason the hard drive died on me so i have to do this whole process over again. I dont recall having this problem either.

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Windows On Mac :: OE M XP Installation On Boot Camp -- Non System Disc Error?

Sep 6, 2008

I'm having problems with a Boot Camp partition and XP Professional SP2.

I setup a 20GB partition on my drive (I'm using a MacBook Pro, 3GB, 120GB hard drive). It's the only partition other than the one I use for OS X.

I didn't have full-install SP2 discs, only an upgrade. So I went to Fry's and bought a legal, new OEM disc and license for XP Professional SP2, full-install. I ran the installer and all went well...until I rebooted. At that point, Windows wouldn't load giving me a non-system disc error.

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 Boot Camp Installation - 14 Gigs Normal?

Jul 11, 2009

I made my bootcamp partition small at 16 gb (apparently far too small) since I was just going to use it for a couple of programs. I went to install a game and it looks like windows 7 on it's own is taking up 14 gigs. Is this normal?

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Windows On Mac :: Can't See Icon In System Tray At End Of Boot Camp Installation

Oct 26, 2009

Followed this guide [URL] and everything went smoothely, except when I came to step 24 I dont see the icon in the system tray. Also tried to run the program in the boot camp folder, but nothing happens. No big deal I think, but would be nice to have everything work properly.

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Applications :: Single Windows 7 Installation For Boot Camp And Parallels?

Jan 26, 2010

I just recently purchased a 13" MBP Unibody and I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 (64-Bit) on it. If I install Windows with Boot Camp, and then install Parallels, do I need to make another Windows partition, or will it use the partition created in Boot Camp? Should I install Windows using Boot Camp first and then Parallels, or the other way around?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Installation - No Bootable Device Found?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to install windows xp professional sp3 from an iso I torrented. I burned it to a disc, but my computer can't find the disc during the start of installation ("No bootable device, press any key").

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Windows On Mac :: Big Boot Camp Options - Dynamic Update For Preparing Installation

Apr 7, 2009

I did a problem free install of Win-doze xp pro sp.2 via Boot Camp and all was well, everything went off without a hitch... However I only partitioned 35 GB for Win-doze which after some thought I realized that having installed windoze for the sole purpose of playing games (which require alot of space) Anyway, I played a few games like "Crysis" and "The Last Remnant" both worked fantastically but I didn't want to get too far in them just to have to re-do the boot camp later and lose the data, so I went ahead and uninstalled the windoze partition and proceeded to go through the motions again, However this time around I set aside a 200GB partition. For some reason everything seemed to take MUCH longer, or instance it sat on the "restarting computer..." screen for 5-10 minutes, finally restarted then windoze loaded and went to the collecting information;Dynamic update;preparing installation;installing windoze

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp 7 Installation Error - File Missing Or Corrupt 0x80070570

Aug 24, 2009

I am trying to install Win 7 through Boot Camp, everytime it gets to installing at 1% I get an error message. Windows cannot installed required files. Files missing or Corrupt 0x80070570. What I've tried:

- Using 32 Bit instead of 64 Bit Windows
- Burning both at low speeds (Disk Utilities and IMGBurn)
- Tried installing XP then doing an upgrade to Win 7, but only have XP Upgrade and eject key doesn't work during installation when prompted for older version verification.

Anyone experinced or heard of this before?

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Windows On Mac :: Vista 64bit For Games But What If The Games Are Not 64bit?

Mar 7, 2009

I was told to run Vista 64bit for games, but I was wondering about this� Since many applications don�t even have a 64bit version out and I don�t think games are 64bit, will they all run under vista 64bit? I have a feeling this might be a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure before I go out and buy Vista 64.

Also do you think windows 7 is better for games? Will it even run games that have not been written for it? Or would I just be better sticking with vista 64 until everyone has caught up and made their apps compatible with the new windows 7? I mean will antivirus programs, ripping apps, etc work under windows 7 without a hitch, or should I wait and just use vista64 for now?

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Mac Pro :: Vista 64bit - Boot Camp

Jul 10, 2008

Can vista 64 bit use all 8 cores of the mac pro when running under boot camp? And can you set how many cores vista uses if running under vm ware? Looking at getting one end of the year but need performance on windows still.

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OS X :: IMac 2.4 Ati 2600 Will Never Boot Into 64bit

Aug 28, 2009

I am an utter newbie here, and I just got an late 2007 iMac the one with 2.4ghz Dual Core and the ati2600 320gb HD Model for a great price.

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Windows On Mac :: Windows 7 64bit - Unibody MPB 15" - Media Key Invisible

Apr 24, 2009

Here's a new one for me. My 3 media keys don't work for any applications such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Open Pandora. Everything else works though?!? I reinstalled the keyboard driver and there has been no change. It's like those keys are disabled. Pressing fn will let them use their typical F function, so they work, it's just being blocked by the BootCamp manager or something.

Something else - they keys are invisible to the OS. I can't use a 3rd party hotkey manager to just reassign them.

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Windows On Mac :: Sound In Windows Vista (64bit) Not Working Right Under BootCamp 3.0?

Sep 24, 2009

Last night I installed Windows Vista to run a game on here, but I got several issues. I already installed the drivers from the Snow Leopard DVD, but the problems still persist.

The issues are:

1. Sound is very very low and uneven. I have the volume all the way maxed, but the loudest it can go is less than half than the potential volume in Snow Leopard.

2. Headphones don't work. I've tried like 3 pairs of headphones and none of them work. When I plug them in, the sound still comes from the left speaker (I can barely hear the right speaker) on the laptop and not on the headphones. Also, the headphone jack is emitting a red light out of it.

3. The lights on the keyboard won't shut off. I used the F5 key to turn off the keyboard backlighting, and while it goes very dim they won't shut off.

I already tried the suggestions on this thread but none of those fixes work. I need help! Especially with the sound! Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.

I'm running a MacBook Pro 13" from June 2009, 2.26GHz Intel, 4GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce 9400M. I instlled a 64bit version of Windows Vista (OEM).

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Windows On Mac :: Does Windows 7 Require Snow Leopard To Be Booted 64bit?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm new to using Windows on a Mac but need to do it now for some video rendering applications that have transcoding, filtering, effects (like VirtualDub) that are only available on a PC.

I have a 17"MBP (3 months old), 2.8Ghz Duo, 4Gb RAM. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, was excited about 64-bit though I'm not an expert, I just heard it would be faster.

I didn't realize SL doesn't boot 64-bit anyhow, that you need to hold "6" & "4" at startup to get it to boot in 64bit mode. This surprised me because I figure many people assumed SL was 64bit! Just getting it to boot properly was a hassle. The 6 & 4 trick didn't work for me.

I had to edit the preference file which wouldn't save at first either because of permissions (I had to drag it to my desktop, edit it, save it, then drag it back to the folder and enter in my administrator password).

Only then did I realize my brand new eSATA Express Card didn't work in 64-bit mode. Upsetting because I just bought the hot new Sonnet Tempo card for $200 that claims to work with Snow Leopard. So until it works I'll be running 32bit mode on my Mac.

But if I want to run Windows 7, does this mean I can only run the 32bit version?

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IMac :: SDD - Win7 - 64bit And Boot Camp

Aug 10, 2010

Just about to buy a Imac 27 i7 with the SDD and 2TB, where I also will run Windows 7 (64bit). Is it ok to make to partitions on the SDD for MAC OS and Win7? Never had a SDD HD before, so just want to be sure to partitions works as always here.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't It Boot Snow Leopard In 64bit Mode

Mar 24, 2012

I tried to boot my mid 2009 macbook pro running snow leopard into 64 bit mode by holding down the 6 and the 4 key on the keyboard after shutting it down and then powering it back up again, it won't start up, it's stuck at the apple symbol with the rolling cursor

MacBook Pro

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Vista - 32bit Or 64bit?

Apr 27, 2009

I'd appreciate it if anyone could offer me some advice on whether to go with the 32bit or 64bit version of Vista on a 4-core 'Nehalem' Mac Pro. I've read that some drivers will fail to work under this version of the operating system - is this the case for the hardware in the Mac Pro (particularly the HD 4870)?

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