Software :: Using Firefox And Automatic Logins?

Jul 1, 2009

With any other browser automatic logins can be set for forums, homepage, etc. I have not been able to do this with Firefox...I have gone through every Preference page. The only setting I can find is under Security which has a checkbox for 'Remember passwords for site'. I have checked this but it don't seem to work.


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OS X :: Sharing Files With Logins?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a mac pro running 10.6, and i'm trying to set up sharing only acconts.

I followed the apple KB article, and created a network sharing only account with a password, and selected a folder to be shared... here's the problem, no one can log into that account!

For example, account tilted Media is listed as a sharing only account, and has read access to "Array 1", however if i try to AFP in, SSH, or SFTP in, nothing will accept that username and password! (however I can do all of those with the actual admin account)

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Software :: Using Multiple Logins For Mail?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to Apple Mail, and I was wonderingwhether it's possible to have multiple logins for Mail on a single Mac. Here is my situation:

I have a small company with 5 employees who need to access their website e-mail using IMAP on a single iMac. We've been using the Horde web client which is horrendously slow and ugly. I would like for each employee to be able to use Mail to login to their e-mail account and then logout once done. This way employees won't be able to read each other's e-mails. I don't want to have different OS X root level login ID's because then my employees won't have access to all the files on the main admin ID.

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Applications :: Using Isightcapture For Invalid Logins?

May 10, 2008

i'm trying to setup isight to take pictures whenever there is an invalid login.

i've searched around and there seemed to be a pretty decent guide from a year ago but the authsight program link is dead.

i've looked into other programs like ialertu but i'm looking for a program that will take a picture(s) at invalid logins and email them to me. ialertu just attracts attention with the alarm noise and i've had trouble with receiving the picture in my email.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Way To Create User Logins

Feb 18, 2012

Is there a way to create user logins or some other grouping for a set of applications to use (memory) resources optimally -- for example only mail and Safari and Word in one grouping and another for Safari and an audio recording application, etc.?

MacBook Pro 15" & 13" ghz / iPhone 4G, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 4 GIG RAM

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OS X Server V10.4 :: How To Disable Simultaneous SSH Logins

Mar 20, 2012

For class evaluation purposes, I would like that one user could only establish one SSH connection o a OS X 10.4 server.

It linux I could mess with the /etc/security/limits.conf, but it does not seem available in OS X.

Also, in sysctl I could not see any suitable variable to set.

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Hardware :: Using Isight To Catch Unauth Logins?

Nov 3, 2009

im new here and just bought a new macbook! so im new to mac as well.

i work for 24 hours, and i leave my macbook at my roommate has people over all the time, and i know they try and use my macbook to play music. but they always deny it.

is there a program or way i can use the isight to take a pic, and see what password they are trying to type when they try and login?

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OS X Server :: Temporarily Store Network Logins

Nov 20, 2007

is there a way of making the last few accounts that have logged in to be stored on the client computer temporarily, just incase the server ever went down? There is such a setting in Windows Server 2003, I'm just wondering if Apple has anything that does that.

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OS X :: Resetting Safari 4 Doesn't Always Clear All Forum Logins?

Jun 18, 2009

Like the login here or other forums. I am still signed in. It clears some, but not all. Why is that?

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Software :: SSHD Refuses Incoming Logins - How To Configure

Sep 10, 2010

I haven't tried logging in from somewhere else for quite a while and, wouldn't you know, it doesn't work now. Every attempt provokes a line like the following in the system log: Code: Sep 10 05:45:29 XXXXXX sandboxd[35039]: sshd(35037) deny mach-per-user-lookup Does anyone know what's going on?

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OS9/OS8/System 7 :: Setting Up Different Language Logins - English And Japanese

Apr 22, 2012

Can I set up a log-in account for me in English and another login account for my wife in Japanese language?

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MacBook Pro :: Lost All Of User Stuff (logins - Email Accounts - Layout Preferences)

Dec 21, 2010

I was just doing a superduper backup which failed halfway through because i didnt realise my wd passport drive that was plugged in was auto backing stuff up and there must have been a conflict. Now, I dont know what to do. Email accounts.gone. Any registered apps, still there but reg details gone, any and all system preferences (like trackpad setup just came to mind) gone. Dock and all the items in it and crap I made to ,make it look fancy. gone. Stuff that loads at the stuff...gone.

I know this must have to do with my user directory but wtf? I know my timemachine backup is fine as i did one before all the problems, but is my superduperbackup screwed? I cant stress how screwed I am, I got reports due right before xmas and im like at square 1 now.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Browser - Google Chrome / Firefox 3.5 / Firefox 4 Beta / Opera Or Just Safari

Nov 6, 2010

i know safari is default cuz its apple and all.. but what do you guys have as a separate option:

Google Chrome
Firefox 3.5
Firefox 4 Beta
Just safari

just curious.. wanting to put a browser but not too sure. (on my desktop PC, i have firefox 4), but i would like to know

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Applications :: Firefox Add On Mozilla's Website Can Work When Using Firefox

Dec 29, 2009

the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work

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MacBook Pro :: Uninstall Firefox 11 And Re-install Firefox 3.6?

Apr 23, 2012

I don't like Firefox 11 one bit and am yearning for 3.6.  I read online to drag firefox 11 to trash and that, of course did nothing to actually uninstall.  I then dowloaded 3.6 and 'installed' that, restarted but still firefox 11 lives on in my computer.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Using Automatic Sync?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a Gaming Desktop with Windows 7 and a (new i7) MacBook Pro that works great. I'm tired of updating my pictures, music, and other folders manually between my desktop and macbook pro. I want both of them to automatically update and sync with each other through LAN (not internet).

For example, let's say I go out with my macbook pro and I save this awesome picture in my 'Pictures' folder in OSX. Once I get home, I open 'some program I'm asking for' to check my Pictures folder on OSX and "My Pictures" folder on Windows. What this program will do is check both folders and copy whatever picture is missing... so basically the folders will be replicated and updated automatically.

Does this exist? It would really help because I'm sick of manually updating my files between my desktop and laptop. I know there are other methods but I find this the best for me.

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OS X :: How To Set Automatic Logout

Jun 28, 2009

I'm a new iMac user i recently purchased one. But i am having a small problem with it everytime i leave for about five minutes it logs me out i dont understand why it does this. This time it made me very mad i was typing a word document and i left just for five minutes when i came back it was logged out and i lost my word domument.

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OS X :: Allow Automatic Incoming Connections Or Not?

Sep 12, 2010

i've got a service/application in my security (firewall) panel set for "Allow incoming connections" and "Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections" checked on.Yet it asks me for permission to "allow or deny" for incoming connections every time i start up my Mac.

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OS X :: Setup Automatic Ftp Backup

Oct 4, 2010

I have a Dlink dns-323 NAS that is also functioning as an ftp server. I have no problems writing to it from windows based machines (imagine that). My dad has a macbook pro and all of his business invoices etc. are on there and I want to setup an automated ftp backup that will run once a week. The program I am trying to work with is called Bonkey. It's fairly straightforward to setup but everytime I try to run the backup it acts like it is copying all the files but then it gives an error "unable to create directory".

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OS X :: Automatic Mounting Of SMB Servers

Feb 13, 2009

I have a 24/7 SMB server (RAID6) that I use for media serving via gigabit. How can I auto mount this server without doing a CMD+K everytime from finder? I want them to automatically mount upon login under OSX and show up under "Devices" right under the hard drives. Right now the way it works is, I mount it manually (6 partitions) and it shows up on my desktop. However it does not show up under devices. What I can do is individually drag and drop these mounted drives to the devices area so other applications can easily see it.

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Mac :: Automatic Updates On Windows?

May 8, 2009

When it says it has to re-start the computer, does that mean restarting VMware, or actually restarting the Mac?

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Mac :: Windows 7 Automatic Shut Down?

Jul 20, 2009

Ive set myself up a 50GB partition to play some games.I havent played PC games for years, turns out they got big, and 50GB is barely enough.... but thats not my problemI purchased UT3.... and started the 8GB (!!!!!) download.I dont have the fastest internet speed... and the download would take around 4 or 5 hours.... fine I thought, ill leave it on over night.Changed my power saving settings to, "turn off screen after 10 minutes... but NEVER sleep computer"

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Applications :: Automatic Name Changes In Adium?

Nov 21, 2009

For some reason, whenever I connect with Adium it has my name as "David" even though in my preferences I have it as something else (Trinimini). David was just some random name I picked when I made my email and I don't want my username to be it. However, it seems as though I am constantly having to switch my name to Trinimini whenever I log in, even though my preferences says that my display name is Trinimini. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Disable Automatic Log Off

Feb 28, 2010

Recently, I have had this problem when my system logs off automatically. Usually in the middle of using VLC (most probably moving the window from one place to another), it just logs off. No error or anything else is shown. I could relogin and start my work normally.

Have restarted my computer after the second incident but the problem still persisted.

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ICloud :: No Automatic Syncing Via It

Feb 4, 2012

So I have set both my MacBookPro and my iPhone to sync my AddressBook via iCloud. The sync does seem to happen fine when I reboot my iPhone.But it does not seem to happen automatically whenever I change my Address Book on my MacBookPro.and I thought that is the whole point of this feature, isn't it?It seems to work fine when I click the Sync button in iTunes ... 

Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Turn Off The Automatic Log On OFF?

Apr 24, 2012

how to turn off the Automatic Log On OFF.  I just today bought my first Macbook Pro and it's really frustrating that if I walk away for a few minutes I need to re Log On.


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OS X V10.4 :: Disabling Automatic Login?

Jun 3, 2012

I sometimes have other people using my mac and it automatically logs in to my account. I do not have "disable automatic log in" chcked and have read/heard it is a god idea to have it checked. I have a few questions about disabling automatic log in though. SInce I am "admin" on my Mac, does that mean if i disable automatic log in do I need to set up a new password or will my "admin" one be just fine and/or used?If I check the "require password to wake this computer or screen saver" will that password also be my "admin"?

Macintosh, Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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OS X :: Strange Random Automatic Restarts

Feb 20, 2010

Process: AgentDaemon [4926]
Path: /Applications/Network Magic/Network
Identifier: AgentDaemon
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2010-02-20 05:50:01.697 +0700
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
Report Version: 6
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 11
Thread 0: Dispatch queue:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x9744ceee objc_msgSend + 46
1 AgentDaemon 0x0002ad0b -[SMBConfig getSectionDict:] + 223
2 AgentDaemon 0x0002af47 -[SMBConfig getSectionValueForKey:key:traceErrorIfNotFound:] + 37
3 AgentDaemon 0x00006e6d -[Agent initWithData:mountHelper:stateDict:] + 938
4 AgentDaemon 0x00003ad1 main + 1286
5 AgentDaemon 0x000027aa _start + 216
6 AgentDaemon 0x000026d1 start + 41..............

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OS X :: Mac Mini - Automatic Vs Manual Sleep

Sep 29, 2010

I'm having a strange problem with sleeping my Mac Mini. If i let the computer automatically sleep then the 2 external drives spin up and down continuously. If i sleep manually ( > Sleep) then no such problems occur. The drives spin down, and stay down. Any ideas as to why this happens and how to make automatic sleep replicate manual sleep? why are they not identical?

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Applications :: Automatic Listing Of Most Used Files?

Oct 5, 2010

To more easily deal with the increasing number of regular document files I have, I'm wondering if the standard 'Finder', or any other software that is available, can be set up to load the most frequently used, say top 50, files into a folder where it would automatically update. This would preferably be an icon in the dock, if not a main folder in Finder.

I know the system can order folders and files according to 'last modified', but that still leaves me to search all folders. One way to do it, I guess, would be to destroy all folders then it may order them as I want, but it seems a bit drastic. To find older files, I guess I would just have to rely on 'spotlight' or search.

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