Software :: Making Fast Desktop Load Time?

Mar 14, 2009

When i hit my desktop (after log in) it takes at least 2 minutes to become fully functional. It seems like its struggling. I hit the finder icon in my dock, or the firefox icon, and they just bounce... and bounce... and bounce.....

Then, the system sort of sorts itself out. It works fine. From then on my system is screamingly fast.

What the hell is the problem? Ive repaired disk permissions, and only have two log in items!

Running Unibody Macbook pro 2.53GHZ, 4GB Ram.

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OS X :: Making IWork Extremely Fast To Load?

Jun 7, 2009

I am currently in the process of making the switch from MS Office to iWork as I got sick of all the bugs that Microsoft refuses to address. Anyway, iWork is great, I only use pages, and it is more than sufficient for my work. Only problem is, it takes forever to load?! After a cold reboot, it can take up to 20secs, even after that, if I quit out of it, open another program and go back to pages, it takes around 10secs to open. Is this the same for everyone? I would have thought...

1. Being a mac application
2. Being quite light compared to MS Word
3. Running it on a 4 month old mac book
4. Only running 1 & 2 other applications at the same time

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OS X :: Making Youtube Really Fast?

Jul 26, 2010

Anyone else having trouble with youtube? Clips keep stopping for a little while with a spinning ball then continue. This started a monthago.

I am running the latest OSX version on a current Mac Mini with 4Gb RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Making Bootcamp Fast?

Jul 23, 2010

I have a MBP 13" 2.66ghz, 4GB Ram, 320GB HDD. I used bootcamp and setup the drives 150~ for each partition. I installed Windows 7 64bit for some reason when its loading I sit at the Welcome screen for a unusually long time. Several older laptops can bootup (timing past the black windows logo) almost twice as fast. One of the older laptops I am talking about is 2.0ghz core 2 duo. My Macbook air 2.2ghz loaded 2x as fast I know the SSD in the device should make it the same speed as my MBP, but why is the MBP so slow?

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MacBook Air :: Making Fast XP On VMWare Fusion 2 On MBA?

Sep 16, 2008

Had been running my boot-camp Windows XP on my MBA using VMWare Fusion. A new version just got released, and I quickly upgraded.

After the upgrade, VM boot up takes for ever. Even after that, the performance is too poor. I tried uninstalling and re-installing VMWare tools, but the install doesn't complete.

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MacBook Pro :: Making System Memory Fast?

Aug 9, 2009

Im downloading 2 torrents with Vuze, safari is playing youtube vids but somethings eating up my memory....


Wired: 560 mb
Active: 1.2 gb
Inactive: 1.99 gb
Free: 12 MB

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Windows On Mac :: XP On IMac - Making Fast Performance

Apr 19, 2010

iMac, late 2006 Generation

XP info:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service pack 3

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
T7400 @ 2.16GHz
2.16GHz, 2.98 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension

Leopard info:
Version 10.5.8, same hardware.

I've installed XP via Boot Camp. The internal drive in the mac is 230gb (total), and I allocated 60gb to XP. I formatted the partition to NTFS (not quick), and completed the rest of the setup. I then inserted the Leopard DVD and installed the boot camp drivers. Then I downloaded all available updates for XP, and the only other thing I've installed is Mozilla Firefox. I've also made changes to the system using an optimization guide (link below), and the performance seems to be the same before and after.

[URL] - I've only done as far as number 20.

The performance is very sluggish. It shows most while scrolling. It's not smooth and jitters a lot. On previous installations of XP on this computer, I've run audio software (Pro Tools/Cubase) and the performance is terrible. It can't handle even the simplest of tasks.

On the Mac OSX side of the machine, however, performance is fine. Everything runs smoothly.

As far as I know, the specs of the computer are pretty good. I can't understand why performance wouldn't be up to scratch

So, I'm just wondering if anybody has any ideas on what's going on? Is this normal, or am I missing something? It seems like Windows isn't using the full power of the hardware.

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IMac :: Making Loud Whir When Fast Switching Enabled

May 16, 2009

I was watching WWDC 2003(panther intro) this morning, and I only just learned about Fast Account Switching from it. So, right after watching, I went to system preferences and enabled fast switching. However, right after I did this, my iMac made an unusually loud whir, which I assumed was the hard drive loading some files, although I have never heard it do this before. After about a minute of hearing this, I assumed that something was wrong, and I quit all applications other than system preferences, and when it didn't stop, I disabled Fast Switch. The iMac quickly quieted down. After thinking about it, I realized that I only had 1GB of RAM in the machine, which may cause the system to use virtual memory. Would having 2GB or even 4GB make this not happen, or would I need more than that? I never have noticed the iMac lagging in other areas, but would RAM help in general tasks too?

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IMac :: How To Load Pages Fast

Nov 9, 2010

I have a 2009 24" imac, and in the past week sufring on the web is almost unbearable no matter what browser I'm using, theres nothing wrong with my connection as ive an iphone and an ipad and they both work fine.
On certain websites it will not even load the page properly on others it takes forever (including this on). Ive unistalled flash and its still the same.

i read somewhere this could be to do with the router but I have no idea what do if it is.

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OS X :: Browsers Won't Load Pages / How To Use Fast Internet

Dec 1, 2010

Today, I've been having a lot of problems re: browsers loading pages. Sometimes, it'll load them partially/mostly, but images won't load. Other times, Safari/Chrome/Firefox will redirect me to Google. Still other times, the browser will say it can't reach the server.

I've tried restarting, repair permissions, and emptying the cache, and restarting the browsers many, many times. Usually one/some combination of these things will fix the problem temporarily, but it keeps coming back. Additionally, no matter how many times I repair permissions, problems crop up in System/Library/Java and System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework .

I've just redownloaded the Java Update 3 for 10.6, and I'm installing it now. I don't know if that'll fix it, but I'll update if it does. I'm running 10.6.5. The only thing I've noticed that changed before this problem started happening was my update to Safari 5.0.3. I have an aluminum iMac.

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OS X :: Desktop Changes Whenever I Go Out Of Fast-User Switching?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm using a 2.33 GHz MacBook Pro running the latest version of SL. I periodically like to step away from my desk, so I'll click on my name in my Mac's menu bar to initialize 'fast user-switching', so that no one could use my computer without entering a password (similar to "lock" in Windows XP+). When I log back in however, I find that the desktop background that I had set was automatically changed to the default SL background. Could any of ya'll provide an explanation as to why this happens?

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OS X :: Making Changes To Desktop

Jul 26, 2010

I am a fairly recent Macbook Pro owner and I have recently had problems making changes to my desktop. I cannot drag and drop photos anymore, save files to the desktop or move files to the trash. When I try to move files from the desktop to the trashcan a popup comes up that says "Type your password to allow Finder to make changes." when I put my password in nothing happens. I know I must have changed something in my settings but I cannot figure it out.

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IMac :: Making Fast IMac 2.66 HD?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a 20 inch 2.66 aluminum iMac that came with a 320GB HDD. Lately the HD seems to grind for a long time when I launch any programs. The whole computer seems to just be waiting on the HD to catch up. I have 4GB of ram and it never uses all of it but I can hear the drive reading/writing while I wait for apps to load. Most notably safari, cs4, etc. but it does happen on many other programs. I thought that the issue was that it had been going on a year without a reformat, I waited until snow leopard came out and completely wiped the drive and installed 10.6 on it. However the slowness came back and I have since formatted again only to have the same problems. Has anyone else experienced these slow HD's? I have run Drive Genius on it and there is no bad blocks/SMART is verified.

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OS X :: IMac Can't Load Too Many Images On Desktop?

Nov 7, 2010

I was using adobe final cut and I exported an flv movie and it put every single frame from the movie all on my desktop. Now the minute it loads it jams finder and I get a beachball that will never end.

I need Ti delete all these images but can get to that point before it freezes. I'm totally stuck, any ideas?? I have a proposal to finish tonight and I'm losing my mind.

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MacBook Pro :: Starts But Won't Load Desktop

Sep 4, 2014

My macbook pro starts but won't load the desktop, takes a lot of time. It gives the unexpected shutdown message upon restart and won't load the desktop. only the wallpaper and apple logo is visible and the cursor shows loading symbol.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), JAVA

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Mac Pro :: Backups...time Machine Slow - How To Make Fast

Oct 31, 2009

I am finding time machine too slow and i am looking at super duper or carbon copy cloner has anyone used either of these programs ,are they better than time machine

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MacBook :: Does Not Load Desktop / Anything After Initial Startup

Mar 3, 2009

I have a white macbook. Today, I downloaded "handbrake" off their site. I didn't realized that it would use almost all of my processing power, so I tried to convert a DVD to mp4 while doing other things. that didn't work so i restarted the computer and did it again, this time having that be the sole program running. it worked beautifully. Then, when I tried to get the mp4 file to iTunes, my computer froze and so i restarted it, and tried again. My computer froze again, so i restarted it again. This time, my computer did not load the desktop or anything after the initial startup By initial startup i mean first the ping, grey screen with apple and loading gear, and then the loading bar on the next page. it does all this, and if im correct, it is now supposed to show me my dock/desktop and everything, which it does not, it is simply a blue screen which occasionally flashes.

I've tried restarting the PRAM, running a hardware test, and repairing the permissions. After repairing the permisions, the blue screen does not flash but rather has a loading gear which does not stop spinning.

What should i do? i have an appointment at the Genius bar, but im sure they are going to make me buy some stuff that wont actually work. Is there anyway to fix this without losing my memory?

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MacBook Pro :: Booting Time Not That Fast After Installing The New Intel 160GB Ssd?

Nov 5, 2010

I just replaced my HDD with the new intel 160GB SSD. Everything is amazingly fast except for the booting process.

After I shut down the computer(which is extremely fast, about 3 seconds), I start my MBP, yet what's been puzzling me is that the time between pressing the button and appearing of the Apple logo last at least 15 seconds, after that, everything is just normal (fast, fast!!).

I wonder if this is normal,

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Hardware :: Slow Ethernet And Very Fast Wifi? / Using Time Capsule

Dec 1, 2009

I'm facing a very misterious issue with my internet connection, using a Time Capsule; If I use a network cable to connect to the Time Capsule, the connection to the internet is very slow (Maxes at 2mbit, never more). If use a wifi connection to connect to the same Time Capsule, internet is flawlessly fast, reaching well over 80Mbit.

I checked and the ip is always the same, the downloads are the same, at the same time. Even trying with 2 computers (a Macbook and an iMac) (one over wifi, one on ethernet cable) the one using wifi can download stuff way faster. If I switch connections the one using wifi is always faster.

I use DHCP for both ethernet and wifi on the same local network, all the machines can see each other, it's just the internet connection that becomes so slow when using ethernet. The local network as as fast as a gigabit connection allows. The Time Capsule has the latest firmware installed, and has no problems at all besides this internet issue.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is It Better To Load Several Apps At The Same Time, Or One At A Time?

May 6, 2012

I have replaced the "Login Items" functionality with an Automator app that runs when I log in. It asks if I want to load all my startup items now, or just cancel it. I have several startup items, including some utility apps, but also bigger apps like Safari and iTunes. 

I currently do this by "Get Specified Finder Items" providing a list of the apps, and then "Open Finder Items," opening all of them at once so they are all loading up simultaneously. I then wait for a while until my CPU has calmed down and everything is ready to go (which is the reason for moving them to an Automator workflow in the first place; I can cancel loading if I don't want to wait). 

Would it be better to open one, wait for it to load, open the next, etc.? Would this have any effect on performance as far as either the time it takes to load up or the efficiency of the computer as it operates with all of these things loaded? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3,1; Hi-Res Disp; 4GB RAM; 500GB HD

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apps Frozen On Desktop Screen While New Ones Load?

Apr 25, 2012

Suddenly on start up from sleep mode I have  prior windows of my email client and my browser (Entourage and Chrome) frozen. I have both of these set as start up items and new versions will open and are operative but the old windows for both remain like a screen shot. Along the menu bar is a 'ghost' image-a menu bar in faded gray and slightly blurred- behind the exiting one that is operable. I have repaired permissions, re set will not go away or move. I am on mcp OS 10.7.3. Have not installed anything newm in last few days.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Is 2.0GHz Fast Enough, Or Even 2.26GHz Fast Enough For VMFusion

Mar 19, 2009

Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Dual Monitors Desktop Images Load To Left

Jun 27, 2012

Ever since I upgraded to Lion from 10.6.7 a couple of weeks ago and then up to 10.7.4, one desktop picture appears off to the left and a little high. The other picture is a no-show. I have an 2010 27 iMac with a Dell 30" u3011 as a 2nd display, using an Apple Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter. The Dell's on the left set up vertically with the menu bar. The iMac on the right is horizontal. On startup, the iMac's desktop image aligns to the Dell's left side, runs across the top half of the Dell and ends a little onto the iMac.

The image gets cropped at the top. The Dell's image doesn't appear at all. I'm guessing it is offstage to the left? Where the iMac's image does not reach is a light gray, something a bit darker the Solid Gray Light. Everything functions fine: mouse, Finder, apps, but, still, what gives?? No monitor issues before Lion. The only fix I've found is temporary until the next restart or startup.I change the screen resolution and then change it back. Occasionally, this fix has survived a couple shut downs or restarts.

What I've also tried: Resetting the PRAM and the unplugging everything for 2 minutes trick. No good. I was using personal .png images. I shifted back to the default galaxy shot. I tried putting the menu bar on the iMac. I tried the other user account which is barebones and seldom used. nope. Several times, I deleted Problem recurred right away. I typed killall Dock in Terminal. This worked to restore the desktop images right away, but the problem recurred on startup.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), dual monitors

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Intel Mac :: Desktop & Screen Saver Unresponsive After Trying To Load Image

Jul 4, 2012

I was changing my desktop screen saver.  Now it says it is "Loading Images..." and won't stop.  It is locked and I can't do anything.Everytime I click on my "System Preferences" -- the Desktop & Screen Saver comes up - has my old picture and states it is still loading images.

This has been going on for awhile and I can't seem to get it stop.  The Colouful wheel goes around.  

iMac, Screen Saver unresponsive

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OS X :: Keynote - Making Two Actions Run At The Same Time

May 28, 2009

I have two objects in keynote that do about 14 moves each (spin and move) but I can not get them to go at the same time. The next one will only start when the first one ends. I can't move the second object to the top of the build order because when I do that it ruins all the spin/move steps. Want I kinda need is the ability to run step 13 with step one (whilst leaving the build order in the same rank)..unless somebody has got another way to do this?

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OS X :: Making Time Machine Backup?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm going to be replacing the hard drive in my MacBook at around the same time that I'll be upgrading to Snow Leopard. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to do this would be.

Would it be possible to back up my computer in its current (Leopard) state and then restore that backup onto the new hard drive after I install Snow Leopard?

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OS X :: Making Me Log In Every Time When I Boot My System

Feb 15, 2010

I have been over so many settings in system preferences its making my head spin. Every time I boot my macbook that is running snow leopard it makes me log in. This is a very recent thing and I honestly didn't do anything to make it happen. When the problem first started happening it would also have the spinning thing on the bottom of the screen for about 5 seconds at the blue screen when shutting down. It doesn't do that as of lately though. If anyone knows how to stop it from making me log in every time I boot let me know. I will be checking back so if anyone wants to use ichat to log onto my computer to check settings let me know.

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OS X Mavericks :: When Switching Users / Desktop Background Resizes And Dock Doesn't Load

Jun 2, 2014

when I switch users on my mid 2007 iMac (with Mavericks 10.9.3), the background pictures resizes and the dock doesnt load. I've noted also that switching applications via command+tab doesn't show the icons of the applications, and when accessing "Notifications", it doesnt draw correctly on the screen (the area of the notifications center appears on the right of the screen, but an extension of the notifications is also drawn under hte desktops icons).

iMac 2.0

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OS X :: Making Reinstalled Backup From Time Machine?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a late 2008 aluminum unibody MacBook. I recently bought a 500 gb harddrive to replace the stock 160 gb and reinstalled OS X.

I'm at the step that asks you to choose to setup as new or from a backup. I want to backup from my Time Capsule's latest backup using time machine. However, after entering my acct and password to access my time capsule, it's been stuck at the "Checking Time Machine backup..." popup with the spinning beachball. It's been like this for the past hour and half.

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Software :: Making Time Plans Of IWork 08 Or Office 08

Jun 27, 2008

I have both iWork 08 and Office for Mac 08 installed on my machine and I would like to make a professional looking timeplan for a project. This will later go on either a pdf or on Office 2004 on XP which is my software at work.

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