OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is It Better To Load Several Apps At The Same Time, Or One At A Time?
May 6, 2012
I have replaced the "Login Items" functionality with an Automator app that runs when I log in. It asks if I want to load all my startup items now, or just cancel it. I have several startup items, including some utility apps, but also bigger apps like Safari and iTunes.Â
I currently do this by "Get Specified Finder Items" providing a list of the apps, and then "Open Finder Items," opening all of them at once so they are all loading up simultaneously. I then wait for a while until my CPU has calmed down and everything is ready to go (which is the reason for moving them to an Automator workflow in the first place; I can cancel loading if I don't want to wait).Â
Would it be better to open one, wait for it to load, open the next, etc.? Would this have any effect on performance as far as either the time it takes to load up or the efficiency of the computer as it operates with all of these things loaded?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3,1; Hi-Res Disp; 4GB RAM; 500GB HD
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Apr 7, 2012
Just downloaded the Java update and now my entire mac is taking a significant amount of time to load applications, internet and everything. For instance I was doing some video editing and I couldn't even watch the playback.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 23, 2010
Maybe I expect too much, or need to learn about some networking or other tweaks to help things along, but I feel like my Mac Pro has disappointing performance.
I've got an Early 2008 Mac Pro, dual quad core Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz processors, 12 GB of memory, 1.6 GHz bus, gigabit ethernet to a 25Mbps/25Mbps fiber (Fios) connection, have run namebench to find the fastest name servers possible, and I still feel like my Mac Pro is slow. Just popped in a 500GB Momentus XT Hybrid Drive to replace the 78Mbs 320GB drive that came stock to help things along. Helped speed boot times and common app load times a lot, but after things are loaded, not much is notably faster.
OK, so I let Firefox get out of hand sometimes and I have 100+ open tabs, 4 open browsers (and sometimes 2 or 3 versions of Firefox running different profiles) -- Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari -- ssh tunnels and sessions galore, Evernote, Time Machine, and VMware running some video monitoring software (Dog Poop Cam -- gonna catch whomever is letting their dog crap in my yard).
Even shutting software hogs down and then trying to play Team Fortress 2, granted at 1920x1200 pushing to limits of the ATI Radeon HD 2600, things are still feeling slow. TF2 in Windows seems much faster and more responsive on the same hardware -- maybe that's just the fault of Steam or Apple's lack of up-to-date drivers, but frustrating nonetheless.
Load average is usually 0.5 to 1.0, sometimes reaching 2.0 (full load would be 8.0), memory usage is at 50-60%, and disk activity is reasonable. What is wrong? What can I tweak to improve things? Are my expectations simply too high?
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Mar 27, 2012
For quite a while, any Java based applications on my Mac have been taking a long time to launch. When I start them, the icon just bounces on the dock for about 2 minutes and then once it stops I force quit it, start it again and it loads fine. I have the same problem with both Minecraft and Angry IP Scanner so I'm near certain that it is not application specific. All other applications load almost instantly and there is plenty of memory available (8GB installed) for them to launch. Just for reference: all of the updates available on Software Update are installed as well.
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB DDR3 RAM
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Apr 5, 2012
If you can restore applications from a Time Machine backup? I know it can restore files and folders or the entire system, but, this MacBook was just updated to Lion and only needs the applications restored, not the system.
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Sep 20, 2009
Starting yesterday, I cannot load Time & Date (either from System Prefs or from the menu bar). I get the beachball and I have to Force Quit System Prefs.
I tried Repairing Permissions and rebooting but it didn't help.I tried deleting .plist entries (as per a related thread on the Internet) and rebooting and that didn't work either.I tried logging off and logging in with another account and the problem is still there.I hope I can get some help because it's driving me nuts. I travel a lot and need to change my time zone. If you need a crash report from me, please tell me how to get it from Console bc I don't know where to look for it!
P.S. I am using old OSX 10.4.11
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Apr 25, 2012
Suddenly on start up from sleep mode I have prior windows of my email client and my browser (Entourage and Chrome) frozen. I have both of these set as start up items and new versions will open and are operative but the old windows for both remain like a screen shot. Along the menu bar is a 'ghost' image-a menu bar in faded gray and slightly blurred- behind the exiting one that is operable. I have repaired permissions, re set pram...it will not go away or move. I am on mcp OS 10.7.3. Have not installed anything newm in last few days.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 4, 2014
I just switched from hdd to ssd and i want to resume my Timechine backups, but it says that I have incorrect date and time set in my mac.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?
Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5
One Time Capsule at home
One Time Capsule in vacation homeÂ
MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home.Â
During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home).Â
It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?
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Jul 2, 2012
I have an iMac running the latest version of Lion (10.7.4) and which I have upgraded to a one terabyte hard drive and full memory capability. I back up to a My Book 2 terabyte external hard drive using Time Machine. My iMac is often very sticky, though I've done most of the diagnostics I know of and preferences etc. are seemingly all OK and fcuk -fs gives a positive result! The Mac is often hard to wake from sleep and in particular seems to spend a lot of time backing up very-very slowly, with the result that it frustratingly seems to be backing up most of the time with the consequent effects on using other programs. Also the whole thing seems to grind to a halt after a hard days work with quite a few applications open. I'm wondering what can be causing this and what I can do to overcome this very frustrating and debilitating problem?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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May 23, 2012
I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?
Info:MacBook Air
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May 20, 2012
I have updated to 10.7.4, and now Time Machine does not work on my Time Capsule. I have erased all backups using the Airport Utility. When I try to run Time Machine, the disk is mounted, files are calculated, backup starts, then stops, and no backup is done. Also, no error messages.Â
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Jun 25, 2012
have a MacBook Pro 15" 10.7.4 which isn't working with TimeMachine any more When starting a backup, Time Machine tells me to backup 112kB (for example) .... an running and running, and after a short time "2kB from 112kB" ... and runnig and running and then "5kb from 112kB" and so on. The progress status is updating very slowly.Â
The weired thing is: the ".inProgress" file on the external hard drive (tried FireWire and USB connection) is growing to 85GB (the total used space on the hard drive) while Time machine status tells me it has saved some kB. And every backup is running in that way. Instead of backing up only the difference, all files where backuped - although the status is displaying a few 100kB - which should be the right size to backup.Â
- Repaired permissions > Same error
- Tried installing combo update > Same error
- Tried another external hard drive > Same error
- Tried cloning system to different hd > Same error
- excluded the Users home folder > Same error
- Interal hard drive speed > Over 70MB/s > OK
- External hard drive speed > Over 70 MB/s > OKÂ
So had to be something with the System itself.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am not really good with computers at all, but my brother give me a mac book some time ago..
It is a Mac 0S X Version 10.3.9
memory 256 MB Built-in.. roughly 10 years old now..
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Jan 31, 2010
system date and time wont load?
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Jun 21, 2012
Some of the basic application like textedit take much time to load (10 secs). Instead in Windows such application opens instantly.I am having 4GB RAM in iMac and I can see around 40% free(unused)
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 19, 2009
I searched and my key words produced but one result with no resolution so, can it be done?
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Sep 3, 2009
just finished installing 10.6. I have noticed that when I click on my stacks, icons for files in the stack take a couple seconds to load. This seemed to happen for the longest amount of time the first time I pulled up the stack after the 10.6 update. Even after a few times they will occasionally take a bit to load. Does anyone know a reason for this to be happening?
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Nov 9, 2009
why but lately all the .wmv videos I have watched have taken an extremely long time to fully load. Before the whole file would load and I would be able to seek throughout the video to any part which I liked. Now however, the video instantaneously pops up but I have to wait for it to load before I am able to seek but I can basically watch the whole video before it fully loads (as if it was streaming).
In the attached picture, the Quicktime seek bar looks like this as I open it.
I have the free version of flip4mac, quicktime and OSX 10.5.8.
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Jan 15, 2010
I own a MacBook Pro (bought new in June-July 2009) and are having problems with my WiFi. I mostly use FireFox on both my mac and windows computer. I use a linksys router and have AT&T DSL. A lot of times web pages take really long times to load or do't even load at all. Web pages on my windows computer load almost fine.
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm running 10.5.8 on my MBA. Lately I noticed when I start terminal, the program seems to launch right away. However the terminal window stays blank for a long time before the command prompt shows up. during this time usage of Safari becomes very slow too so feels like it's hugging on to some resource.
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Feb 23, 2009
well heres my problem, i will be surfing the internet like a speed demon.. pages loading in an insanly short period of time (much fast than mozilla)
but every.. 1 in 10 i would say, pages just get stuck whilst loading (just infront of the http:// area) and i would need to go back a page and re click the link..
its not a major problem it just gets on my nerves sometimes whilst surfing.
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a MBP, the model before the new unibody anyways the last few days the tool bar above that has the wifi battery status and so forth takes a long time to load while booting what gives ? Anyways this just started a few days ago, do not know if I had installed something to slow it down.
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Jul 23, 2009
currently using a mid 09 13" Macbook Pro with 4gb of ram. Currently i have a Western Digital 1TB My Book External Hard Drive connected to the usb port. But everytime i try to access the ext hdd, there will be the dreaded beach ball ands takes around 3-5mins before the files can be displayed on finder. I never had this problem when it is plugged into my windows PC. My ext hard disk is currently formated in NTFS, im accessing the files through my mac using NTFS-3G. Could this be a reason?
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Aug 9, 2009
Within the last few days my iMac (Mac OS X 10.5.8) has started acting up. It is running very slowly. I have over 100GB of space left. 4GB of Ram. I have been so worried that I have tried everything, including a virus scan (which I knew would be useless) and turns out I have no virus'. I have repaired the permissions on my HD. I have also rebooted it a bunch of times, did a software update. Things like my hot corners won't work. My dock doesn't pop up when I run my mouse over it. Right click is VERY SLOW. It's gotten so bad that when the screensaver on my iMac turns on the motion of the mouse doesn't do anything. I have to actually push a button on the keyboard for the screensaver to go away.
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Feb 1, 2010
I've been using Safari 4 for a while now and I am starting to notice that with multiple tabs and sometimes when I go to certain pages it tends to take a while to load - which is really annoying. I tried Google Chrome but it doesn't have a bookmarks manager which is just stupid. I hear that Firefox takes a while to start up.
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Mar 14, 2009
When i hit my desktop (after log in) it takes at least 2 minutes to become fully functional. It seems like its struggling. I hit the finder icon in my dock, or the firefox icon, and they just bounce... and bounce... and bounce.....
Then, the system sort of sorts itself out. It works fine. From then on my system is screamingly fast.
What the hell is the problem? Ive repaired disk permissions, and only have two log in items!
Running Unibody Macbook pro 2.53GHZ, 4GB Ram.
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Feb 24, 2012
During the past week or so, I've had difficulty accessing YouTube videos. At first, they would not load at all; now, in the past couple of days, they have been loading after a couple of minutes of leaving the page open. I have installed the lastest version of the flash play and emptied my cache on Safari.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 10, 2014
I needed to check on my network. When I opened Airport Utility, the only thing that loads is the internet icon, showing green. Neither my TC, or an older airport extreme on my network, are identified. Clicking on the drop down shows "no new wifi or airport devices found" .Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.4)
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