Is there an Apple Program equivalent to Photodex Pro-Show Gold?
My friends have PCs and are able to produce great slide shows with every slide having a different timing to fit in with the music.
I have searched many Apple options and have bought 2 programs but haven't been able to find anything as easy to use and reliable. I spent 2 hours working with one program then when I saved and replayed the show, many of the timings were altered.
doing a bit of self advertising for my tiling business and have created this afternoon a wicked little presentation/slide show to use as a bit of an advertising ploy only problem is im not sure how to get it from the keynote to a dvd type package that i can post to people and they can just wack in their pc/dvd player and play it?
In an iPhoto event, the photos are arranged in photo name order or date order. What I'd like to do is rearrange the photos in a different order that I specify by drag and drop, and then burn them to a CD (or just a folder I could xfer would be fine) so that when viewed on a PC they come out in that order.
Is the a product or method available to burn a keynote presentation slideshow with sound, onto a CD / VDV without loosing any Image quality, sound quality, Transition quality? I'n frustrated trying to find an answer!
How can I avoid having a black border when I make a video from a PowerPoint presentation with screenium. When I choose the Apple wide screen monitor, the border is on all 4 sides, when I choose my second monitor as the output, the border is top and bottom.
Is there a way for the powerpoint slide show to go truly full screen?
I am new to video editing and am currently looking for a software for Mac to put together a slide + sound show. I am looking for a software that will allow me to play and edit the slide show and music at the same time, i.e. I will have the show and the audio track available for editing on the screen at the same time. The slideshow is a series of jpegs, that will have 3 to 4 timelines running together at the same time, each timeline will be fading in or out or dissovling at the same time so that the transition will create a new image through layering the timelines (am I making sense?).
For the sound, I need to be able to mix multiple tracks and while the show is playing and will be able to increase/decrease the volume of individual tracks at any point of the show. Final cut will suit the video need of my show, but not the audio need (if it does, please let me know), while sound booth will satisfy my audio needs (but I cannot put them on the same screen). I am looking for software that will do the show + sound editing job on the same screen and will not cost as much as FinalCut or Soundbooth. It would be great if there is a good free software.
I once knew how to do this, but lost my directions (from a friend) in make a slide show using iDVD. Where could I download the steps for making a DVD that I could play on my DVD player and view on my TV monitor.?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Im doing a photo slideshow with some video sliced in. It should all have clean transitions that include slight zooming, scaling, panning. Each transition needs to be customized for each shot so the zooming doesn't randomly zoom into an arm or a forehead or something rediculous as of now I presume adobe premiere is what I will be using as it can do all that. I was just curious if ilife09 does it or something else so that I can get it done fast and as streamlined as possible.
I would like to create a slide show video in iMovie to upload to youtube using a piece of music (non copyright natch, *cough*). As I only have a few images to use I'd like to be able to just simply repeat the images until the track stops.Being not terribly Mac/technically minded I'm having problems. The silde show should work around the complete piece of music but I can't seem to do it.
I initially made a slide show of 250 old family photos in iPhoto. It looks great and the cross dissolve function is very smooth.
However, I now need to take portions of music rather than entire songs and blend the songs into each other. This requires that do the slide show in iMovie so can use the timeline to edit the music to fit with certain portions of the slideshow.
The problem that I am running into is that the cross dissolve function in iMovie is jumpy and not smooth like it is in iPhoto. Also, some photos have "stuttering" and flashing between the transitions. I have tried adjusting the cross dissolve time and length of photo and can't seem to get it to look right. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? For example, if I want each photo to be on the screen for 3 seconds, how long should I make the transition? If I remove the transitions, this problem is gone. But then the photos just go from 1 to the other after 3 seconds and the effect is a bit jarring. I'm stumped. In addition, the image quality does not seem as good as in iPhoto - but if I use iPhoto I cannot make a title page or time the music.
i did a search and couldn't find anything so sorry if i've overlooked it. what's the best/a decent freeware app for creating pdf's in OSX? you can probably tell from this post that i'm a pdf n00b !!
I am looking for a free RSS feed creator so i can make an RSS feed. I already got FeedForAll, but it is a 30 day trial and i don't want to pay 30 bucks for the full program.
Does anybody know where i can download a completely free .XML creator?
Snow Leopard's abandonment of Creator Code metadata, used to open a file with its creating application, has some users are worried that Apple has killed off a core Mac-centric feature. Instead, Apple has invented a superior alternative for the old Creator Code in order to support a variety of new features. Here's why, and what the new Uniform Type Identifiers offer. What is a Creator Code?
Back in the early 80s, Apple developed a variety of unique conventions to make the Macintosh intuitively easy to use, almost to a magical extent. One example pertains to invisible file metadata that helped the system identify documents using Type and Creator Codes. Each file was tagged with both a Type and a Creator, allowing the system to distinguish between applications that could open a file and the default application that should open the file. The Finder could also use this invisibly associated file metadata to present custom file icons for different files of the same type but created by different applications, such as two JPEGs, one saved by Graphic Converter and the other by Photoshop..............
Some apps, like tweetie for example have a global show/hide shortcut. I want to set it for some of my other apps that do not have this feature built in, is there an app for that?
I have been asked by a friend to suggest a slide scanner that they can use with their Mac. They have over 500 slides that they want to digitise, so they would like something that is easy to use and can approximate the quality of 12MP camera. They have considered going to a photo store to do this, but they feel that given they have time it would be just as well to do it themselves, and possibly cheaper.
Do you know of a program that will allow my Mac (Snow Leopard) to play the music included with most Windows PPS slide shows. Keynote (a Mac program) displays the slide shows perfectly but I can never get the Music.
I am looking for a slide and negative scanner. All of the ones that I have found in the under $1000 price range say they are compatible with some variety of Windows.
Which is great for them.
But what about Mac? I don't want to spend the money just to find that I can't use the thing.