Applications :: Only First Slide Show Up In PowerPoint Presentation
Oct 5, 2010Quick rundown. I create slides, but the first slide only shows up for a split second and disappears and the other slides don't appear at all.
View 2 RepliesQuick rundown. I create slides, but the first slide only shows up for a split second and disappears and the other slides don't appear at all.
View 2 RepliesI would like, if possible, to show a slide presentation from iPhoto to the AppleTV. Is that possible? If so, how?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can I avoid having a black border when I make a video from a PowerPoint presentation with screenium.
When I choose the Apple wide screen monitor, the border is on all 4 sides, when I choose my second monitor as the output, the border is top and bottom.
Is there a way for the powerpoint slide show to go truly full screen?
Want PC users to be able to see slide show from PowerPoint. What is the best way to create legible, clear pages from PowerPoint to use on my site?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to give each separate slide in my Keynote presentation a different time when it is self playing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAbout 3 times a year I get to do a PowerPoint presentation, so I know just enough to get into trouble with it on my Mac. If we get to discussing any one slide too long, my Mac goes to sleep. All the PC guys say, "Hit F7" but this does not bring back the Mac, so I restart PowerPoint, and then the projector does not recognize the presentation or various other mishaps and gremlins appear. The Help files with PowerPoint have not been helpful to my searches, nor have the PC guys because they don't have a clue about Macs. How I can become the smooth PowerPoint expert (manuals, books, web sites, etc.).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI gave a presentation the other day which I prepared on Mac Powerpoint. The presentation was delivered at a client's office on a Windows based laptop. I could not get the presentation to open. Is this something I should expect every time I try to open a Mac for Powerpoint presentation on a non-Mac laptop?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've created a movie in iMovie HD (v5 I believe) which I want to insert into a PowerPoint presentation created in PowerPoint 2004. I'm using OSX 10.4.11 and have QuickTime 7.5.5 installed on my G4 PowerBook. I've exported the movie from iMovie as QuickTime --> Expert -->Movie to QuickTime Movie --> MPEG-4 Video Compression. The converted movie plays in QuickTime fine, but when I import it into PowerPoint I get a message on the screen saying "QuickTime and a MPEG-4 video decompressor are needed to see this picture. However the movie plays fine once I run the slideshow. I also tried copying a still frame from QT into Photoshop (Edit --> Copy, then paste into Photoshop) and I get the same message. How can I stop this message from occurring and show the still frame as normal in the presentation, prior to running the movie?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've got to have a presentation done for tomorrow and only have mac's at my house now! However I will be doing the presentation on a PC with powerpoint! When you save as a powerpoint are there certain things which don't convert like changing a 2007 to older versions of MS Office? It could be a bit embarrassing if it doesn't all convert!
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo I have several CME Conference Lectures (slides made in PPT). Unfortunately, I guess these presenters love color, and so all slides are in a blue background with white text or some variation thereof. Personally, I like to have a print out of the slides when I am reading/preparing for my future cases. etc. and so I physically print these slides out. Unfortunately, the unnecessary background color is an unnecessary burden on my printer, and so I was wondering how I can change the the background and text in one shot so I don't have print out the unnecessary color.
I have tried trying to change the background from within powerpoint, but because the text is often in white, this causes the text to "disappear" on a white background. The only way to get the text back is to change the text color on a slide by slide basis. This is fine if the presentations are short, but most of these presentations are 200+ slides.
I was hoping there is some trick either in powerpoint or keynote to be able to change slide themes (such that background and text can change in one shot).
I am new to video editing and am currently looking for a software for Mac to put together a slide + sound show. I am looking for a software that will allow me to play and edit the slide show and music at the same time, i.e. I will have the show and the audio track available for editing on the screen at the same time. The slideshow is a series of jpegs, that will have 3 to 4 timelines running together at the same time, each timeline will be fading in or out or dissovling at the same time so that the transition will create a new image through layering the timelines (am I making sense?).
For the sound, I need to be able to mix multiple tracks and while the show is playing and will be able to increase/decrease the volume of individual tracks at any point of the show. Final cut will suit the video need of my show, but not the audio need (if it does, please let me know), while sound booth will satisfy my audio needs (but I cannot put them on the same screen). I am looking for software that will do the show + sound editing job on the same screen and will not cost as much as FinalCut or Soundbooth. It would be great if there is a good free software.
Im doing a photo slideshow with some video sliced in. It should all have clean transitions that include slight zooming, scaling, panning. Each transition needs to be customized for each shot so the zooming doesn't randomly zoom into an arm or a forehead or something rediculous as of now I presume adobe premiere is what I will be using as it can do all that. I was just curious if ilife09 does it or something else so that I can get it done fast and as streamlined as possible.
the presentation then has to be burned to a DVD.
Does any one know an easy way to set out powerpoint presentation.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been asked to put together a very large PP presentation with hundreds of pictures. Putting all those pictures in the PPP one at a time is daunting. Does anyone know of a way to add them all at once or at least a bunch at a time? What I'd like to do is add all the pics into a single file and then import them into the PPP. Is this just wishful thinking?
All I can find on the subject is that if the pics are already in PP form from other presentations that they can be imported at once. Of course, that isn't the case in this situation.
For a group presentation someone in our group made the whole thing using iwork. Now we need it in powerpoint to present it to the class. She does not have powerpoint on her computer. Everytime she does "export to powerpoint" it does nothing. Are there any programs out there that can convert it, or, if I have access to a computer with both powerpoint and iwork will that help?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis may beyond the scope of this forum, but can anyone tell me how to embed an MP3 file into a PowerPoint presentation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use powerpoint for mac a lot and like to zoom during a presentation by holding the control button and slide two fingers across the trackpad, but that only seems to work if display mirroring is enabled. If it's running the two monitors side by side (presentation view mode), and I try to zoom, it zooms way off center or way off where the mouse cursor is. Does anyone know how to zoom the right way when in presentation mode?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to make a powerpoint presentation in in Mac OS?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have my iMac connected to a projector and i run powerpoints on it. Sometimes i want to navigate the internet and/or my computer while the powerpoint is still showing through the projector.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've been working on a Powerpoint presentation. I saved a lot as I worked. Out of curiosity, I went into "Make a Movie" mode and didn't do much withit because Powerpoint "quit unexpectedly." I relaunched and went to open my ppt file
View 1 Replies View RelatedI a new mac used and have to do a powerpoint presentation, how? Is there a compatible program? I have the pages app but don't see a powerpoint type program. Is there powerpoint app?
MacBook Pro
I have been given a powerpoint presentation (stills and music) that I want to use in a FCE project (16.9, HDV), but am having trouble getting it into FCE.
The powerpoint presentation opens in VLC (which I downloaded) and plays well on my Mac in a 16.9 display ok.
The original file is .wmv but it needs some kind of conversion to make it play in FCE.
I added a video to a keynote presentation and when I convert it to powerpoint the video doesn't play.
MacBook Pro
how do I convert a powerpoint presentation into a video I can upload on Youtube? I do not have Quicktime Pro. Is there another way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn powerpoint mac 2008, how do i apply a theme to a single slide without it changing other slides' themes in the powerpoint?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a 8 core Mac Pro at work and it has developed a nasty crashing habit. I think that I have narrowed the problem down, but I wanted to see if anyone had any advice. The machine crashes whenever I view a PowerPoint (08) or Keynote (09) file in presentation mode. In the current setup I have the presentation on one screen and my notes and information on the other screen. I am running dual 24 inch LED monitors (not mirrored) and when I disconnnect one of them, there is no crashing and the presentations work great. I have two NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 video cards.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI initially made a slide show of 250 old family photos in iPhoto. It looks great and the cross dissolve function is very smooth.
However, I now need to take portions of music rather than entire songs and blend the songs into each other. This requires that do the slide show in iMovie so can use the timeline to edit the music to fit with certain portions of the slideshow.
The problem that I am running into is that the cross dissolve function in iMovie is jumpy and not smooth like it is in iPhoto. Also, some photos have "stuttering" and flashing between the transitions. I have tried adjusting the cross dissolve time and length of photo and can't seem to get it to look right. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? For example, if I want each photo to be on the screen for 3 seconds, how long should I make the transition? If I remove the transitions, this problem is gone. But then the photos just go from 1 to the other after 3 seconds and the effect is a bit jarring. I'm stumped. In addition, the image quality does not seem as good as in iPhoto - but if I use iPhoto I cannot make a title page or time the music.
doing a bit of self advertising for my tiling business and have created this afternoon a wicked little presentation/slide show to use as a bit of an advertising ploy only problem is im not sure how to get it from the keynote to a dvd type package that i can post to people and they can just wack in their pc/dvd player and play it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn an iPhoto event, the photos are arranged in photo name order or date order. What I'd like to do is rearrange the photos in a different order that I specify by drag and drop, and then burn them to a CD (or just a folder I could xfer would be fine) so that when viewed on a PC they come out in that order.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an Apple Program equivalent to Photodex Pro-Show Gold?
My friends have PCs and are able to produce great slide shows with every slide having a different timing to fit in with the music.
I have searched many Apple options and have bought 2 programs but haven't been able to find anything as easy to use and reliable. I spent 2 hours working with one program then when I saved and replayed the show, many of the timings were altered.