I have a Mac Powerbook 1.67GHz laptop (Pre-intel chip) and am having trouble reading a disk which contains files I burned from a PC...if I put the disk in the PC the information is there so I know the burn happened correctly; I just can't read/retrieve the info when I put the disk into my mac laptop; is it possible that my drive is incompatible with this format?
I have this memorex lightscribe external burner. before I open it i want to make sure it is MAC compatible. I want to burn CD and eventually dvdsDoes not mention Mac anywhere on the box. I have a 24" mac desktop
I have an iso i downloaded from my Univ, of Windows Xp and when i try to burn the iso with burn i keep getting a "medium write error". Is there something wrong with my cd? i used a memorex cd. Should i try using a DVD-r? Or could there be something wrong with my super drive, I purchased my mac 10 months ago.
I have a PowerBook G4 with a Matshita DVD-R UJ-825 drive. When I insert a Memorex ultraspeed CD-RW (24x, 700 mb, 80 ming), the computer spits it out after a few seconds. Any way to resolve this? I haven't tried using other types of CD-RWs and have used Memorex CD-Rs in the past with no problems.
I have an external Transcend HD, which has been working perfectly fine for around 5 months now. It is NTFS, and I use NTFS-3g and Macfuse. Been running fine. Was able to read and write. Suddenly I am only able to read though. I go into the "Get Info" pane and the option to choose whether I want to read and write, or read only is gone, and all that it says is "You can read only". getting this back to read and write is really appreciated. I really need this disk.
At the past month I get this error message (in picture), the external disk is WD 500GB disk. The finder became unresponsive and I need to do one of 2 things: or just to unplug the power cord from the disk and in this way force eject it or just force restart my iMac.
I am trying to upgrade my Dad's mac mini to Snow Leopard and have encountered a problem. When I insert the Leopard disk I cannot get it to read the disk, the box comes up as if I have inserted a blank DVD. I have also tried inserting ilfe09 disk and have the same problem. The drive does appear to be making an odd bleaping. I have tried resetting the PRAM and cannot get it to bleap?
I am trying to copy about 12000 songs from my internal HD to an external so I can wipe my drive clean and start again. The problem is that I keep getting this "disk cannot be read from or written to" every few hundred songs. The songs have come from all over, and there is no common thread to how I acquired any of them. I've actually got this error when trying to copy several different file types to an external HD and I've no earthly idea why. I'm sure the drive is riddled with irreparable errors which is why I want to wipe it, but I need to get a lot of these files over before I do so. Can anyone recommend some kind of utility that will identify and/or repair these corrupt files so I don't have to stop and start the transfer every 30 seconds?
I put a cd in the slot drive to burn to my itunes. At first it seemed to behave as normal, it sucked the disk in, made noise, all that good stuff. Well I went to itunes to find the disk and it didn't show. It didn't show up in finder either. I decided to eject and try again, but the disk wouldn't eject. Since then there's been no noises from the drive. It seems like the drive just died, like it's not even trying to start up or work. The cd is literally a week old, and has been in my car cd player since I bought it, so I know the disk is clean. Also, I used the drive a week or two ago to burn several disks and had no problems with it. All my software is up to date and it reads the drive as being there, it just doesn't work.Â
I've spent a few hours troubleshooting this. Like I said, the computer doesn't even seem to realize there's a disk in the drive. I've tried restarting while holding down the mouse (well, trackpad actually), repairing permissions, blowing in compressed air, tried ejecting with terminal, gravity, resetting the SMC, and probably a couple other things I'm forgetting.Â
I am working on a macbook that got recently got upgraded from 10.4.6 to 10.5.8, and I want to upgrade it using my 10.6.3 retail disk but can't. It just spits the disk out after 10-20 seconds. The 10.6.3 retail disk has no scratches or abnormalities. It can read other DVD's fine. I have also reset the PRAM.
I scratched my 10.5 disk and it wont read in the macbook pro I need it for but it reads in my mac pro fine. Is there a way I can make a duplicate of it to have as a backup and to use to install on the macbook pro? Also it would make sense to backup my 10.6 disk too.
I have a problem on my IMac 27" (early 2010) when I want so listen to some CD. The Superdive doesn't read the disc (is clean of course) and it ejects after a few tried. On the other hand, no problems with DVD. So I don't know if is a software problem.
I have my iMac since August. I use it a lot, and I've noticed that the hard disk makes read and write noise a lot of times, even using Safari, for example. It looks like fragmented. What can I do?
I have a Western Digital external hard drive used by Time Machine. Worked perfectly for a few months. Now every day, I get a message that a backup failed because the disk appears to be read only. I launch Disk Utility, and run Verify Disk It finds nothing wrong. I ask Time Machine to back up again, and it does and continues hourly for the rest of the day. The next day, the same thing happens all over again with the read only problem.
This happens frequently lately: "Latest backup failed. Files couldn't be copied on backup-disk because it seems to be Read Only. After I "verify" the disk in Disk Utility, it works for a while, then the same problem. What can I do?
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
I am willing to save on my hard disk the content of a SD card that contains mts files that I can access via AVCHD, BDMV, STREAM.
When I copy the whole SD card to save on my hard disk, I get an error message saying that the copy cannot proceed because one of the file contains information that cannot be read.
I was told on this group, that changing the structure of the AVCHD folder should not be changed. Can I delete the file that contains a bug ? or will I screw up the AVCHD folder ?Â
The drive in my G5 tower will read/write commercial or blank CDs and will read/write blank DVDs, however, it will not read most commercial DVDs. When I insert them it tries to read it then after a few seconds it just spits them back out. Occasionally commercial DVDs will read and mount fine, but this seems to be rare.
I just switched from Snow leopard to Lion and i don't like the way that Lion has the mail preview set up as a 3 column vertical format. I thought in Snow Leopard you could change the set-up so it's either horizontal or vertical, but I can't seem to find that option in Lion. I want to have the list of my email messages in the top, horizontal window and the preview of the selected message in a horizontal window below. Am I missing this option to change the view format from vertical to horizontal somewhere?
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
My mac mini cant read DVD movies but can read Burned CD and Installers. I tried the DVD's with my macbook but works just fine. tried burning some files and it works as well. what do i need to do to fix my problem? do i need to update something or download some programs?
I know this is lame, but I searched and can't find a solution. When I click on a day in ical it says it is a Read-only calendar. I repaired permissions, but it still says read only. The strange part is, in the Get Info screen, it says Read-Write for all the users.