Software :: Airport Doesn't Work With Comcast
Jun 27, 2006
I just moved houses and stayed using the same internet provider (comcast high speed internet cable modem). I went to the new house and plugged in my macbook pro and it got on to the internet no problem using DHCP and an ethernet connection. Now I went to set up my airport extreme, and I set it using DHCP and tried to connect, and it just sits there when it tries to access a page. I was using in my old house an airport extreme linked to another using WDS so I could extend the range and it worked no problem. I tried on both of them just using DHCP and it doesn't seem to work. I tried doing a hard reset on one and setting it up using the assistant, and still no luck. I even programmed in the values that I get when I use my ethernet connection as a manual setting in the airport, and still no good.
am stumped as I figured DCHP should just work with the airport.. I do not use any domains/other routers yet, and I don't see what the problem should be. I am even getting the same issue when I did this with a linksys router. Is there something I can do to get this to work on the MacBook Pro/a preference to trash?
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Jun 15, 2012
The latest upgrade of AIrport Utility doesn't support my Airport extreme, but the old version 5.6.1 says it doesn't work in Lion. How was I managing my Airport before th 6 update? What do I do now? Will I have to get a new Airport?
I have DSL service. I have an iPod Touch and an iPad 1 that I'm trying to connect. I just upgraded both iDevices to iOS5. I've been having trouble keeping an internet connection live for them, but now I can't even get the wi-fi to connect.
AirPort Extreme, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 7, 2009
I have an ibook G4 and an airport express and comcast internet. My ibook is currently wired to the comcast modem and i want to use the airport express to have wireless access to the internet and email.
reset the modem pushing the little button.
I went to the airport utility and followed the instructions until I got to the step where it asked for the "account name, password and optional service name provided by the internet service provider." I did not know what those were, as comcast only gave me an account number, no name or password. I did a chat with comcast and after an hour of trying to explain to her on chat what the airport express was asking for, all she could tell me was that I should just leave those fields blank. So I continued with the wizard that way and it went all the way through the set up and sure enough, my wireless networks menu shows that I am connected to my new network. But even though the airport express is connected to the comcast modem, I cannot get internet or send or receive email through it. So the airport express is working with my computer - I do have a wireless network - but the airport express is not connecting to comcast - that is all I can figure.
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Aug 30, 2009
This is an odd one, My imac can't seem to recognize my airport card.The airport utility can't recognize any device. The network diagnostics recognize the internet with the green lights but the airport lights are red... My browsers are connecting to the internet and I am receiving email. The airport icon in the menu is blank and when I open the menu it says "Airport:Not configured"
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Apr 21, 2012
Airport won't connect after recent upgrade to snow leopard.
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Oct 2, 2007
I've been using the AEBS with my PowerBook for the last two and a half years with no problems. I was able to set it up to work with my Verizon DSL internet service pretty easily and never gave it a second thought. Until now.
I recently moved, and of course I had to switch ISPs. Now I've got Comast cable internet. The technician came out and hooked everything up. My internet works just fine - so long as I have the ethernet cable plugged into the computer.
I've tried to set it up to work with the Airport but it's not working. I'm clearly doing something wrong (this is what I get for not paying more attention to how these things work).
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Jan 19, 2009
I connected my imac to aiport express and the airport express to my wireless network and to my printer.
The light on the airport express device is green and the computer suggests I am connected to it.
When trying to print, though, i get a message that the printer is off-line, and in addition, the wireless network sometimes drops altogether.
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May 9, 2009
Trying to connect a new Airport Extreme Base Station to my iMac. Was hoping I could do so without connecting the AEBS to the imac via ethernet--is that possible? Why i try to do so, AEBS setup asks for my DHCP settings,etc.. If I connect AEBS to the computer via ethernet, will that work and will I be able to establish a network? Sure isn't going the way the "easy instructions" claim.
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Jun 21, 2009
I finally convinced a friend to get a Mac and bragged about how easy everything works. He got a new iMac (loves it!) and signed up for Comcast High Speed Internet. Now there is a new MacBook in the house so I explained that all he would need is the AirPort Express in order to share the internet wirelessly for both Mac's. I went to set it up and I screwed everything up, after hours of work I not only couldn't get the Express working, I had to leave him without even ethernet internet. That's really all the info about his setup I have at the moment. So I came home to examine my own setup which is very similar: we both have the same Comcast modem (Arris TM502G) except I have an AEBS and he has a Express.
So I came home to examine my setup, it has been a while since I set mine up but its been flawless wirelessly (I never used the ethernet before). So, I plugged a ethernet cable in to the AEBS and connected my MBP. Works great. So I want to try to cut out the AEBS and just connect via ethernet from my MBP to the cable modem, that's where I start getting IP address problems. When an ethernet cable is connected to the AEBS my IP address is and works fine. When I cut out the AEBS and try to run ethernet directly from my modem to my computer my IP Address changes to and I get an error message saying that "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect" and sure enough, I can't. Network Diagnostics tells me to configure via DHCP and restart the modem, still no luck. As I was searching tonight I came upon some discussion about Comcast limiting MAC addresses or something?
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Aug 29, 2009
I've got an Airport Express that, when connected to the existing wireless network, continues to blink an amber light (No IP address, right?).
I've had the Airport Express create its own network, and I can stream music through to it just fine. When I have it join the network my laptop uses, the light just keeps blinking yellow, and I have to hard reset it to be able to get to its configuration again. iTunes never sees it.
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Apr 9, 2012
My Comcast home page has stopped opening in Safari. I get a "Request Timed Out" message. Is there a solution?
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Feb 12, 2012
I have previously time machine backups for two macbook pros on same drive. However, I connect the drive to the airport extreme and although I see the drives and the backups, I can not access the files over Airport Extreme.
Info:MAC Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jun 23, 2012
I experience this problem for 2 days now. The wi fi says it is connected and all the bars are full but id doesn't load a single page! Â
The internet i've got is vergin so normally is very fast.Downstairs where we have a desktop computer connected to the D-link is working as normal.Â
When I open the network diagnostics in mac it shows : wi fi is green , wi-fi settings is green, network settings is failed(red), ISP failed(red), Internet failed (red), server failed red.Â
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Apr 2, 2012
my laptop (macbook pro) doesn't turn on, because the battery doesn't work (may be because of moisture), and the 7 battery lights on the left side are off, and when I plug the charger in, the light on the magnetic socket turns on so dim ..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MC 700
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Apr 16, 2012
I have macbook pro And my mail has stopped working now. It worked fine a week ago . It doesn't check for new mails , even when I click on get new mail , there is no new mail. I tried to sign out and sign in again but that didn't work . I read few articles on the internet but they all said use the Mac OS X DVD and reinstall but I didn't get any DVD , all I got with my computer was a Manual.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 8, 2009
I told myself not to do it. Don't update the Safari software to 4.0, you know how they always mess up these things. And yet, per accident I did. Of course Safari 4.0 doesn't work. Every time I open it, it shuts down. iChat also doesn't work anymore, and even the Dashboard shuts down every now and then. In addition, the computer feels incredibly slow. I can't download rapidshare links on iGetter anymore and everything just feels wrong. Countless threads have been opened on this matter with a variety of different problems for different people. Yet I have not read a proper solution. I have seen all kinds of technical solutions being offered but I'm not a computer wiz and I do not know the terms they use. I just want to go back to Safari 3.2 or at least the one before the 4.0 But I read that deleting Safari 4 and reinstalling 3.2 won't work because of a certain webkit that got installed with it, making it impossible to go back.
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Jun 9, 2012
while writing a mail message, spellings are not auto corrected like in I phone
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 10, 2008 will not download my work emails while I am at work, although it works fine when I am at home. The settings are exactly the same as for Thunderbird on my desktop, which works fine.
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Apr 3, 2012
i have apple mac book pro and its keybord's light turn off and light buttons(f5 and f6) doesn't work.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 10, 2010
The Airport Express (AE) doesn't works as expected.
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Aug 24, 2008
The case: I want to plug in the Ethernet LAN cable from my DSL cable modem to my Airport Express so that it provides me with W-LAN for my notebook (Sony VAIO, soon to be MacBook Pro owner). The problem: The Airport Express doesn't recognize the Ethernet Internet - it just tells me that there is nothing plugged into its WAN port. (But the cable is!) If I plug the same cable directly into my notbook WAN port, it works fine so I guess there's no defect in the cable ... Settings are PPPoE (needed to connect to my Internet). Any other information needed? Just let me know. If anybody out there has a hint for me, let me know. I wonder if this is a Windows thing? On the other hand - as the Airport Express doesn't recognize that the Ethernet cable is plugged in - it doesn't matter if MAC or Windows cause this is even a step before the computer itself comes in play.
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Dec 7, 2009
I just got an airport extreme (brand new). I have an external HDD (lacie rugged) that I use for time machine backups. I normally connect it with firewire 800 but of course AEBS doesn't have fw800 so I used the usb, It will not show up under disks under airport utilities. It works if unplug it and plug it into the usb on my mbp and does fine. So its not a usb issue or not a format issue. I turned on share disks over WAN, but still nothing.
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Jun 23, 2010
Since the latest update of OSX, I'm encountering trouble with my WiFi connection. My old sony laptop has no problem connecting, so I'm guessing the problem must be with the iMac, and not with the network. When I boot the mac, everything is OK, I get connected. But after a while (less then half an hour) it looses connection to internet. In the airport icon appears a " ! ". To get my mac back on the network, I have to reboot it. It's not a signal problem, my mac always finds the network, but it doesn't connect. My password is asked, I'm sure I entered it wright, but it's asked over and over, no connection possible. I tried changing DHCP to a fix IP, deleting the network and reconnect as if it's a new one, and little stuff like that, nothing helps. Only way is to reboot.
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Sep 18, 2009
Is it possible to extend my wifi network with my Airport express, knowing that my airport express is not connected by ethernet ?
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Mar 10, 2009
Just installed one of the original airport cards in this machine, and though all indications are that it is working correctly, it doesn't see the USR wireless router sitting 10 feet from it. No networks show up in the dropdown list, and manually adding does nothing. Encryption is a simple MAC filter (this card has already been added), and SSID is broadcast. Did I get a bad card? System profiler seems to think it's fine.
It's an original airport card.
Computer's a G3 400 Mhz iMac.
A G3 300 Mhz iBook with original airport card is having no troubles.
Firmware of Airport card is 9.52
Firware of router is up to date.
OSX 10.3.9
All help greatly appreciated; this is my moms little computer, and we're trying to rearrange and loose some wires.
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May 1, 2010
I just bought 3 airports: 2 new double band Airports extreme and 1 "N" airport express.
I have one of the Airport Extreme #1 connected to the DSL router and have configured the network, both 5 and 2.4 I have the Airpot Extreme #2 to expand the signal of the network (I realized that the Airpot Extreme as a bridge it only can replicate one of the networks 5 or 2.4. Is replicatiog the 2.4 network).
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Mar 9, 2012
So, basically, ever since Lion, my external harddrive has had trouble being found while using the USB slot in the Airport Extreme. Anyway, so the HDD can be seen in the Airport Utility under Disks but I actually cannot access it through Finder. I have ticked the boxes to show External Harddrives in Finder and all that, so I am pretty connfused. All I use it for is watching movies off and TV shwos so I can save space on my MacBook Pro. So yeah, no Time Machine stuff which I usally see about this topic Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 24, 2010
I attached external hard drive to Airport Extreme, set up home network and mounted the hard drive. My MacBook Pro can see the drive and all contents, including iTunes library. Our home PC which is running Windows XP also recognizes the drive and can see iTunes library in My Computer. Here is the problem. When I try to chose which iTunes library to open (Shift+click) in Windows XP, the library on my external HD is not visible so I cant open it! I see the cover art and music folder, just not the actual library. What am I missing here? I can see it in My Computer, why not in iTunes?! I need to link my external library to XP. Connecting external directly to PC will not work because I have a Time Capsule there.
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Dec 25, 2009
I have just acquired a second-hand iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.3.9) and I can't connect to my BT HomeHub using the AirPort. I can connect using a cable and the previous owner had no problems with the AirPort. My PC is connected to the BT HomeHub fine.
The AirPort is on and I can see the correct BTHH network in the list. When I try to connect I get the error message "There was an error joining the AirPort network 'BTHomeHub etc." I know this is a common error message but I've been through lots of forums and haven't found any advice that has worked. I tried stuff like cleaning up the keychains and adding '$' to my password.
It could be a problem with my password, because I've tried the Admin password on the back of the hub, the Wireless key BT gave me on the 'Wireless Settings' card, and the password I use for wireless internet on my PC. Does anyone know which one ought to work?
When I go into the AirPort menu and click on Internet Connect, 'AirPort Power' is 'on', there is no signal, and it says 'Base Station ID: Not available'. Do I need to reset my Base Station?
If anyone can help I will be soooo grateful. Thanks.
**I'm a Mac newbie and I'm not a techie, so if you can help me, please be prepared to explain in detail**
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Sep 19, 2009
I have finally retired my 13 inch macbook i've had for over 3 years. I bought one of the unibody 13" macbook pros and did a clean snow leopard installation, then upgraded to 10.6.1. Since then my mac experience has gone from bright sunny days to death and doom.
My airport is the major issue, it keeps dropping signal and doesn't pick up my netgear router. it works for 5-10 minutes then just looses it by itself. i try and see if there is an update or something for it but it crashes the airport and i have to switch the airport off and then on again. This is along with all my favorite snow leopard/13" mbp issues which include but not limited to the laptop freezes, hangups, and just failing to come out of sleep mode!!! most of these issues requires me to force restart the machine. I'm now back to my old laptop seeing that I'm struggling to connect wirelessly.
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